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When a harbour is formed by a cluster of islands, it is easily fortified, if the channel between the islands is not too wide for the cannon from one or both shores; but if it be too wide, the shipping that rides there must be defended from the batteries on the shore. When the harbour lies in an inlet, or river, some miles above its mouth, a fort built at each point of the entrance, when the passage lies strait, and can be commanded from side to side, and two others between them and the har

bour, but not directly opposite, unless the breadth of the channel requires it, will be a proper security for the shipping in such a harbour; and if the channel or river is winding, the forts should be built where they can command a reach at least, or be so placed at the bends, as to command two adjacent reaches. See Robertson's Treat. of Marine

Fort. part ii.

Durable Fortification, is that built with design to remain a standing shelter for ages. Such are the usual fortifications of cities, frontier places, &c. Temporary Fortification, is that erected on some emergent occasion, and only for a little time.

Such are field-works, cast up for the seizing and maintaining a post, or passage; those about camps, &c. as circumvallations, contravallations, redoubts, trenches, batteries, &c.

There are many modes of fortification that have been much esteemed and used; a small specimen of a comparative view of the principal of these is represented in plate 73, viz. those of count Pagan, and Mess. Vauban, Coehorn, Belidor, and Blondel; the explanation of which is as follows:

[blocks in formation]

R Detached redoubt. S An arrow.

P Small traverses.

5. Blondel's System.

I Retired battery. m Lunettes.

n Ravelin, with retired bastion. o Orillons.

Another, or new method of fortification, has lately been proposed by M. Montalambert, called Fortification Perpendiculaire, because the faces of the works are made by a series of lines running in a zig-zag, perpendicular to one another.

vertical section of a work, serving to shew those Profile of Fortification, is a representation of a dimensions which cannot be represented in plans, and are necessary in the building of a fortification. This profile is constructed in the following manner: provide a scale of equal parts, adapted to the perpendicular height of the work, e. gr. let a, b, Pl. 72. fig. 3, be a scale of twenty toises; and let those parts of the fortification which are above AB represent the level of the ground plane, so that the surface of the ground, or below it, may be above or below this line in the profile. From the feet, for the interior, talus or slope of the rampoint A, in the line AB, take AC-4 toises three part; at C erect a perpendicular CD of three toises eighteen feet for the height of the rampart; through the point D draw an indefinite line DN parallel to AB, in which take DE=5 toises for the breadth of the terre-plein of the rampart: at the point E erect the perpendicular EF=2 feet for the height of the banquette, and draw FH parallel to DN, making FG and GH, each equal to three feet. Draw the line EG, which will represent the talus of the banquette, and GH will be the upper part of it: on the point H erect the perpendicular HI-4 feet for the height of the parapet above the banquette. From I draw the indefinite line IK, parallel to DN, in which take IL-1 foot, and draw HL, which will be the interior side of the parapet: take LK toises for the thickness of the parapet, and from the point K let fall the indefinite line KP, perpendicular to the line AB, and produce it below AB: in this line take KM=2 feet, and draw the line LM for the upper part of the parapet which is a talus, that the soldier on the banquette may be able to discover the covert way and the glacis. On the point N, where DN intersects KP, as a center, with a radius of one foot, describe a small semi-circle, which represents the cordon: take NP-6 toises, and from the point P draw an indefinite line P n parallel to AB, which will represent the bottom of the ditch, the depth of which is supposed to be equal to the height of the rampart. Take NO=5 feet for the thickness of the revetement of the cordon, and from the point O draw the indefinite line O Q parallel to NP; this will be the interior side of the revetement of the point P, where the line Pn meets the line NP; take PR=7 feet, or about the fifth part of its height NP, for the talus of the revetement, and draw the line NR, which represents the scarp or exterior side of the revetement; take RS=1 foot for the jutting of the foundation, and draw ST perpendicular to Pn, making it equal to two or three toises for the depth of the foundation, draw TQ parallel to Pn, and let it intersect OQ in Q; and let Y & be drawn parallel to NM, and at the distance of three feet, for the revetement of the parapet. In order to represent the

may have

profile of the counterfort or buttress, when there is any, take OV=9 feet, and draw VX parallel to OQ; VX, Qo, will represent this profile, by means of which the revetement OR is strengthened. That the terre-plein of the rampart a proper declivity, for carrying away the water which falls upon it, let DW be equal to 14 foot, and draw WE, which will represent the upper part of the rampart, and the line AW represents the slope of its interior side. Suppose the breadth of the ditch to be twenty toises, and lay this down from P to n; and on the point n erect the perpendicular fim, terininated by the line AB at m, which will be the limit of the counterscarp. At the distance of three feet from this line, and parallel to it, draw zy, which will give the thickness of the revetement of the counterscarp; nu=3 feet will be the talus of this revetement, and the line um the exterior side of it. The foundation may be made to terminate at the distance of about six inches from the point u. Let mc-5 toises be the breadth of the covertway, and at the point c erect a perpendicular cd =2 feet for the height of the banquette. Draw df parallel to AB, and equal to one toise, in which take de and ef, each equal to three feet.

Draw the line ce for the talus of the banquette, and ef will be the upper part of it: from the point f erect a perpendicular fl=4 feet for the height of the parapet of the covert-way above the banquette. Produce fl till it cuts AB in r; take r g20 toises for the breadth of the glacis; and draw lg, which will represent the glacis, or the declivity of the rampart of the covert-way: in this line take lh= 1 foot, and draw hf, which will be the interior side of the parapet of the covert-way; after which let there be a palisade constructed on the banquette, and the profile is finished.

Other profiles are given in Plate 73, fig. 2.

FORTIFIER. s. (from fortify.) 1. One who erects works of defence (Carew). 2. One who supports or secures (Sidney).

To FORTIFY. v. a. (fortifier, French.) 1. To strengthen against attacks by walls or works (Shakspeare). 2. To confirm; to encourage (Sidney). 3. To fix; to establish in resolution (Locke).

To FORTIFY. v. n. To raise strong places. 'FORTILAGE. s. (from fort.) A little fort; a blockhouse (Spenser).

FORTIN. s. (French.) A little fort, whose flanked angles are generally 120 fathoms distant from one another.

FORTISSIMO, in music, very loud or


FORTITUDE, a virtue or quality of the mind, generally considered as the same with courage; though in a more accurate view they seem to be distinguishable. Courage may be a virtue or a vice, according to circumstances; fortitude is always a virtue: we speak of desperate courage, but not of desperate fortitude. A contempt or neglect of danger, without regard to consequences, may be called courage; and this some brutes have as well as we: in them it is the effect of natural instinct chiefly; in man it depends partly on habit, partly on strength of nerves, and partly on want of consideration. But fortitude is the virtue of a rational and considerate mind, and is founded in

a sense of honour and a regard to duty. There may be courage in fighting a duel, though that folly is more frequently the effect of cowardice: there may be courage in an act of piracy or robbery; but there can be no fortitude in perPetrating a crime. Fortitude implies a love of equity and of public good; for, as Plato and Cicero observe, courage exerted for a selfish purpose, or without a regard to justice, ought to be called audacity rather than fortitude. This virtue takes different names, according as it acts in opposition to different sorts of evil; but some of those names are applied with considerable latitude. With respect to danger in general, fortitude may be termed intrepidity; with respect to the dangers of war, valour; with respect to pain of body or distress of mind, patience; with respect to labour, activity; with respect to injury, forbearance; with respect to our condition in general, magnanimity. The motives to fortitude are many and powerful. This virtue tends greatly to the happiness of the individual, by giving composure and presence of mind, and keeping the other passions in due subordination.

FO'RTLET. s. (from fort.) A little fort. FORTNIGHT. s. (contracted from fourteen night.) The space of two weeks (Bacon). FORTRESS. s. (forteresse, French.) A strong hold; a fortified place (Locke).

FORTROSE, a borough in Ross-shire, situate on the Frith of Murray, nearly opposite Fort George, and nine miles W. of Inver


FORTUITOUS. a. (fortuit, French, fortuitus, Latin.) Accidental; casual (Ray). FORTUITOUSLY. ad. Accidentally; casually; by chance (Rogers).

FORTUITOUSNESS. s. (from fortuitous.) Accident; chance; bit.

FORTUNA, daughter of Oceanus, according to Homer, or one of the Parcæ according to Pindar, was the goddess of fortune, and from her hand were derived riches and poverty, pleasures and misfortunes, blessings and pains. She was worshipped in different parts of Greece. Bupalus was the first who made a statue of Fortune for the people of Smyrna, and he represented her with the polar star upon her head, and the horn of plenty in her hand. The Romans paid particular attention to the goddess of Fortune, and had no less than eight different temples erected to her honour in their city Tullus Hostilius was the first who built her a temple. Her most famous temple in Italy was at Antium. She was worshipped among the Romans under different names, such as Female Fortune, Virile Fortune, Equestrian, Peaceful, Virgin, &c. The goddess is generally represented blind-folded, and holds a wheel in her hand as an emblem of her inconstancy. Sometimes she appears with wings.

FORTUNATE. a. (fortunatus, Latin.) Lucky; happy; successful (Dryden).

FORTUNATE ISLANDS, in ancient geogra phy, certain islands concerning the situation of which authors are not agreed. They were famous for the golden apples of the Hesperides.

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Profile of the Body of the Place & the Ravelin with Revetement.

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Brofile of the Body of the Place Ravelin with demi Revetement.

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The common opinion is, that they are the Canary islands.

FORTUNATELY. ad. (from fortunate.) Happily; successfully (Prior). FORTUNATENESS. s. (from fortunate.) Happiness; good luck; success (Sidney). FORTUNE. s. (fortuna, Latin.) 1. The power supposed to distribute the lots of life according to her own humour (Shakspeare). 2. The good or ill that befalls man (Bentley). 3. The chance of life; means of living (Swift). 4. Success, good or bad; event (Temple). 5. Estate; possessions (Shakspeare). 6. The portion of a man or woman (Otway). 7. Futurity; future events (Cowley).

To FORTUNE. v. a. (from the noun.) To befall; to fall out; to happen; to come casually to pass (Knolles).

FORTUNED. a. Supplied by fortune (Shakspeare).

FORTUNEBOOK. s. (fortune and book.) A book consulted to know fortune (Crashaw). FORTUNEHUNTER. s. (fortune and hunt.) A man whose employment is to inquire after women with great portions, to enrich himself by marrying them (Spectator).

To FORTUNETELL. v. n. (fortune and tell.) 1. To pretend to the power of revealing futurity (Walton). 2. To reveal futurity (Cleaveland).

FORTUNETELLER. s. (fortune and teller.) One who cheats common people, by pretending to the knowledge of futurity (Duppa).

By stat. 9 Geo. II. c. 5. fortunetellers are punishable with a year's imprisonment, and standing four times in the pillory.

FORTY. a. (Feopeɲziz, Saxon.) Four

times ten.

FORUM, in antiquity, is used in divers acceptations: sometimes for a place of traffic, answering to our market-place; in which sense it has usually some adjective added to it, as forum boarium, the beast market. Some times for any place, where the governor of a province convenes his people, to give judgment, according to course of law. At others, for a public standing place in the city of Rome, where causes were judicially tried, and orations delivered to the people.

FORUM, among casuists, is used for jurisdiction.

To FORWA'NDER. v. a. (for and wan der.) To wander wildly and wearily (Spenser). FORWARD: FO'RWARDS. ad. (Fonpeans, Saxon.) Toward a part or place before; onward; progressively, straight before (Hooker). FORWARD. a. (from the adverb.) 1. Warm; earnest (Galations). 2. Ardent; eager; hot; violent (Prior). 3. Ready; confident; presumptuous (Dryden). 4. Not reserved; not over modest (Shakspeare). 5. Premature; early ripe (Shakspeare). 6. Quick; ready; hasty (Locke). 7. Antecedent; anterior (Shakspeare). 8. Not behindhand; not inferior (Shakspeare).

To FORWARD. v. a. (from the adverb.) 1. To hasten; to quicken; to accelerate in growth

or improvement (Swift). 2. To patronise; to advance.

FORWARDER. s. (from forward.) He who promotes any thing.

FORWARDLY. ad. (from the adjective.) Eagerly; hastily; quickly (Atterbury).

FORWARDNESS. s. (from forward.) 1. Eagerness; ardour; readiness to act (Bacon). 2. Quickness; readiness (Wotton). 3. Earliness; early ripeness. 4. Confidence; assurance; want of modesty.

FOSS-WAY was anciently one of the four great Roman highways of England: so called, according to Camden, because it was ditched on both sides, which was the Roman method of making highways. It began at Totness in Devonshire, and ended at Barton upon Humber: being still visible in several parts, though of more than 1400 years standing.

FOSSA. (fossa, from fodio, to dig.) Fovea. A little depression or sinus.

FOSSA OVALIS. The depression in the right auricle of the human heart, which in the fetus opens into the other auricle, forming the foramen ovale.

FOSSA, in our ancient customs, was a ditch full of water, where women committing felony were drowned; as men were hanged.

FOSSANO, a strong town of Piedmont, with a bishop's see, seated on the Sture. Lat. 44.43 N. Lon. 7. 56 E.

FOSSARII, in antiquity, a kind of officers in the Eastern church, whose business was to

inter the dead.

FOSSE, in fortification, a ditch or moat. It lies between the scarp and counterscarp below the rampart.

FOʻSSIL. a. (fossilis, Lat. fossile, French.) That is dug out of the earth (Woodward). FOSSIL. (fossilis, from fodio, to dig.) Any thing dug out of the earth.

Native fossils, according to Dr. Hill, substances found either buried in the earth, or lying on its surface, of a plain simple structure, and shewing no signs of having contained vessels or circulating juices. These are subdivided by the same author, 1. Into fossils naturally and essentially simple. Of these, some are neither inflammable, nor soluble in water; as simple earths, tales, fibrariæ, gypsum, selenitæ, crystals, and spars: others, though uninflammable, are soluble in water; as all the simple salts and others, on the contrary, are inflammable, but not soluble in water; as sulphur, auripigmentum, zarnich, amber, ambergris, gagates, asphaltum, ampelites, lithanthrax, naphtha, and pisasphalta. 2. The second ge neral subdivision of fossils, comprehends such as are naturally compound, but unmetallic. Of these, some are neither inflammable, nor soluble in water; as compound earths, stones, septariæ, siderochita, semi-pellucid gems, &c. : others are soluble in water, but not inflamma ble; as all the metallic salts and lastly, some are inflammable, but not soluble in water; as marcasites, pyritæ, and phlogonia. 3. The third and last general division of fossils, com prehends all the metallic ores; which are bo

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