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respect only-namely, its quality. Here you have the highest quality of inspiration to be found in literature. This perfection in quality is secured, retained and attested by the revelation of certain great truths touching the realm of the spiritual, which for clearness, force and amplitude of reiteration and illustration are not to be found elsewhere in the world's universal literature.

The secret of a good inspiration is in the living touch of a living truth. What is it that inspires ? A thought! An idea! A truth! A doctrine! A principle! A fact impresses us by its stubborn truthfulness. An event startles us by its sudden irresistible power to rearrange the relationships of life. A thought awakens us by its suggestive power to create a new ideal. A truth arrests us by its tendency to arouse and revolutionize the very soul itself. Inspiration is the touch of a vital truth. Where there is inspiration there is life. Life is truth in operation.

The great truths of the Bible have to do with the spiritual realm. The great truths of the Bible are deeper than geology, higher than astronomy, longer than history, vaster than nature, larger than literature and so colossal in their proportions as to be easily discernible in spite of all real or imaginary literary mistakes or scientific misconceptions. The Bible is an ageless book. It deals with themes which are "from everlasting to everlasting." A book may inspire for an age and then pass awayit was written for an age which was passing; but

the Bible is ageless. Its truths are eternal. How may we know and recognize the great truths of the Bible? I answer, they are the ageless truths-God, Spirit, Love, Immortality and Righteousness. These are the mountain ranges of Scripture.

We may also recognize the great truths of the Bible because of their power to grip the soul. These great truths of the Bible have power to move and mould the heart of man-they revolutionize. Inspiration always denotes a movement. The Bible throbs, and therefore thrills. It breathes with sympathy, it throbs with energy, it pulsates with power, it vibrates with heavenly harmony, it sparkles with beauty, it thunders with eloquence, it flashes with light divine, its veins run crimson with the warm blood of the Son of God, it is sweet with the perfume of the Lily of the Valley and the Rose of Sharon.

Wonderful book! Wonderful in unity and variety. Wonderful in doctrine and prophecy. Wonderful in the simplicity of its biography, and in the gigantic sweeps of its history. Wonderful in the blending of the human and the divine in its authorship. Wonderful in mystery and majesty. Wonderful in construction and preservation. Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law." Let this be thy prayer.

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The Bible is aglow with the highest type of inspiration known to literary adepts or spiritual experts. It has power to move. The Bible has the inspiration of the rushing river-it moves. The

Bible has the inspiration of the lightning express-it moves. The Bible has the inspiration of yonder sweeping constellation of heavenly lights-the dear old book moves-and wherever it moves among men it moulds men mightily for God. It has the inspiration of genius! It has the inspiration of success! It has the inspiration of inspiration! The old man said he knew that the Bible was inspired "'cause it inspired" him. I pity the man who is not inspired by the book which has inspired the greatest minds in two thousand years. How can a book which is adorned with the splendid proportions and irresistible features of the unmatched Galilean fail to inspire? He is the living incarnation of the central ideas of the world's literary masterpiece. The Bible is the master book and the mother of books. The Bible has produced the civilization which crowns it and crowns the civilization which it has produced.

The Bible is the best read book; the most thoroughly studied book. Jesus Christ is its greatest hero; His incarnation its greatest fact; His resurrection its greatest event; His return to earth its most glorious promise; sin its saddest fact; salvation its gladdest fact; sanctification its most glorious prophecy. Its history and prophecy, like a mighty chain, stretches from the dawn of creation to the last glad hour, when the fires of eternity shall flash in and light up this old time-worn earth. Like a mighty pyramid, its base as broad as history's first foundation stones, while its apex, robed in the flam

ing garments of prophecy, pierces the very splendours of God's throne.

All books are measured by The Book. All men are measured by The Perfect Man. All law finds its root in the Law of Moses.

"Book of the ages! I love thy pages!

Bathed with the tears of those who sorrow,
Bleached with the sweat of those who labour,
Scorched by the fires of persecution,

Worn by the fingers of meditation,

Cut and cursed by those who abhor thee,
Kissed and caressed by those who adore thee,
Book of ages! I love thy pages !"




The Scientific Basis For Prayer

N the geography of the soul there are three places of power-" the Mount of Prayer-the

Desert of Meditation—the Island of Vision." The Mount of Prayer stands forth most gloriously. It has a recognized position on the continent of history. There have been cities without walls, without books, without colleges, without hospitals, without markets, but there has never been a city without a house of prayer. A nation of atheists has never existed. The poet, the philosopher and the historian are united in their recognition of the fact of prayer in human experience. Tennyson sings:

"More things are wrought by prayer

Than this world dreams of. Wherefore let thy voice
Rise like a fountain for me night and day;
For what are men better than sheep or goats,
That nourish a blind life within their brain,
If, knowing God, they lift not hands of prayer
Both for themselves and those who call them friend?
For so the whole round earth is every way
Bound by gold chains about the feet of God."

"Bound by gold chains "-what a perfect poetic description of a great scientific fact! Every law is a law of gravitation and the law of gravitation which holds the earth in its grip is served by millions and

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