Pacata Hibernia: Or, A History of the Wars in Ireland During the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Especially Within the Province of Munster Under the Government of Sir George Carew, and Compiled by His Direction and Appointment, Volume 2Downey, 1896 - Ireland |
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aforesaid army artillery Bearehaven brother Burke camp Captain Harvy Captain Roger Harvy Carberry Carew Carew Castle Carty castle Castlehaven charge commanded Connaught Cork Cormock Council demi-cannon Dermond divers Don John Don Juan Donboy Donnell O'Sulevan doth Earl of Clanricarde Earl of Thomond enemy England English favour fight forces George Cary hath haue haven horse Hugh Roe hundred hurt Irish Juan de Aguila Kerry King of Spain Kinsale Knight of Kerry land letter Lixnaw lodged Lord Deputy Lord President Lord President's Lordship MacCarty Majesty Majesty's marched munitions and victuals Munster night O'Connor O'Donnell O'Donnell's O'Driscall O'Neill O'Sulevan Beare O'Sullivan ordnance Owen Pedro President and Councell prisoner province Queen reason rebellion rebels received regiment Rincorran sent Shane Shane O'Neill ships shot siege siege of Kinsale Sir Charles Wilmot Sir George slain soldiers Spaniards Spanish Tirrell town trenches Tyrconnall Tyrone Ulster unto wherein whereof
Popular passages
Page 304 - & anathematizatas, ego pariter damno rejicio & anathematize. Hanc veram Catholicam Fidem extra quam nemo salvus esse potest, quam in presenti sponte profiteor, & veraciter teneo
Page 256 - she might have written her own laws, or have tied the illdisposed and rebellious hands till I had surely planted such a government as would have overgrown and killed any weeds that should have risen under it ; yet, since the necessity of the State doth so urge a diminution of this great
Page 8 - ever more service of worth •were performed in shorter space than you have done we are deceived. Among many eye-witnesses we have received the fruit thereof, and bid you faithfully credit, that what so wit, courage, or care may do, we truly find they have
Page 260 - them, in the distribution of such lands as they have formerly possessed, or the State here can make little use of for Her Majesty. If they continue as they ought to do, and yield the Queen as much commodity as she may otherwise expect, she hath made a good purchase of
Page 258 - it fit any otherwise to declare your Lordships' pleasure therein. And whereas it pleased your Lordships in your last letters to command us to deal moderately in the great matter of religion, I had before the receipt of your Lordships' letters presumed to advise such as dealt in it, for a time to hold a more restrained hand therein, and we
Page 259 - or discipline; nor that the truth of the Gospel can with too great vehemence or industry be set forward in all places, and by all ordinary means most proper unto itself, that was first set forth and spread in meekness
Page 290 - You shall in all things that bee moved, treated, and debated in any Councell, faithfully and truely declare your mind and opinion according to your heart and conscience : In no wise forbearing so to doe for any respect of Favour, Meade, Dreade, Displeasure, or corruption. Yee shall faithfully and uprightly to the best of your power, cause Justice to bee duely and indifferently
Page 259 - were both thinking ourselves what course to take in the revocation of what was already done, with least encouragement to them and others, since the fear that this course begun in Dublin would fall upon the rest,
Page 146 - becomes of our delays or insufficiencies, be ye of heroical minds, for of such consequence is the keeping of that castle that every one there shall surpass in deserts any of us here, and for noble, valiant soldiers shall pass immortal throughout all ages to come. For the better encouraging, let these words be read in their hearing. Out of
Page 258 - moderately in the great matter of religion, I had before the receipt of your Lordships' letters presumed to advise such as dealt in it, for a time to hold a more restrained hand therein, and we