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deeply feels the fufferings of their countrymen in the Maffachusetts, under the operation of the late unjuft, cruel, and oppreffive Acts of the British Parliament; that they most thoroughly approve the wifdom and fortitude with which their oppofition to those measures has been conducted; and they truft that the united efforts of America in their behalf will carry conviction to the British nation of the unwife, unjust, and ruinous policy of the prefent Administration. But if the late Acts of Parliament fhall be attempted to be carried into execution by force, in fuch case all America ought to support the inhabitants of the Massachusetts Bay in their oppofition. The Congrefs also published a Declaration of Rights, to which they conceived themselves entitled by the immutable laws of nature, the principles of the English Constitution, and their feveral charters or compacts. After a fpecification of these rights, and an enumeration of the recent violations of them, they mention, that, in hopes of being reftored to that ftate in which both countries formerly found happiness and profperity, they have for the prefent only refolved to pursue the following peaceable measures, viz. to enter into a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement; and to prepare an addrefs to the people of Great Britain, a memorial to the inhabitants of British America, and a loyal and humble petition to his Majefty. All


thefe different addreffes and declarations were drawn up with great ability, prudence, and moderation. They call upon the people of Great Britain to witness their loyalty and attachment to the common interefts of the empire; they appeal to their own acknowledgment of this truth, manifested by the reimbursement of large fums of money which they had advanced during the late war, with zeal far beyond their proportional ability. They then proceed to state and examine the meafures of Government, and the Acts of the British Parliament, which they confider as hoftile to America. They adduce ftrong arguments to fhew that the final fuccefs of the minifterial plans would in the end be as fatal to the liberties of Britain as to thofe of America. "Place us," fay they, " in the fame fituation that we were in at the clofe of the laft war, and our former harmony will be reftored." In the memorial to the inhabitants of British America, they deeply deplore the neceffity which preffed them to an immediate interruption of commerce, and apologize by faying, "We are driven by the hands of violence into unexperienced and unexpected public convulfions, and are contending for freedom so often contended for by our anceftors." Towards the close they have these words: "We think ourselves bound in duty to obferve to you, that the schemes agitated against these Colo nies have been fo conducted as to render it prudent


that you fhould extend your views to the most unhappy events, and be in all refpects prepared for every contingency.

But the Congrefs feemed to referve their chief ftrength for the addrefs to the KING, which is penned with extraordinary force and animation, in many parts rifing to a very high ftrain of eloquence. They exprefs their "confidence, that as his Majefty enjoys the fignal diftinction of reigning over freemen, the language of freemen cannot be difpleasing" adding, "Your royal indignation, we hope, will rather fall on those designing and dangerous men, who, daringly interpofing themselves. between your royal perfon and your faithful fubjects, have at length compelled us by the force of accumulated injuries to disturb your Majefty's repofe by our complaints." They affure his Majesty, that for the support of civil government, and the adminiftration of juftice, fuch provifion has been, and will be made by the Colonial Legislatures as may be judged fuitable to their respective circumftances. They affirm, that for their defence, protection, and security in time of peace, their Militias, if properly regulated, would be fully fufficient; and in cafe of war, his faithful Colonists will be ready and willing, as they have ever been when conftitutionally required, to demonftrate their loyalty, by exerting their moft ftrenuous efforts in granting fupplies and raifing forces. They fay,


"We afk but for peace, liberty, and fafety. We with not a diminution of the prerogative, nor do we folicit the grant of any new right in our favor. In the magnanimity and juftice of your Majefty and Parliament we confide for a redress of our grievances, trufting that when the caufes of our apprehenfions are removed, our future conduct will prove us not unworthy of the regard we have been accustomed in our happier days to enjoy. And appealing to that Being who fearches thoroughly the hearts of his creatures, we folemnly profefs that our counfels have been influenced by no other motive than a dread of impending deftruction. We implore therefore your Majefty, as the loving father of all your people, connected by the fame bands of law, loyalty, faith, and blood, not to fuffer the transcendent relation formed by thefe ties to be further violated in uncertain expectation of effects, which, if attained, never can compensate for the calamities through which they must be gained. So may your Majcfty enjoy every temporal felicity throughout a long and glorious reign, and your defcendants inherit your prosperity and dominions till time fhall be no more."-It is difficult to conceive how this addrefs could be read without exciting, in the breasts even of the most obdurate, strong emotions of compunction and remorse; but there are those who have hearts and understandings upon which no impreffion can be VOL. II.



made by any effort of human reafon, and who can refolutely "turn a deaf ear fo the voice of the Charmer, charm he never fo wifely.”

In a fubfequent addrefs to the Roman Cathofie inhabitants of Canada, the Congress with perfpicuity and energy ftate to the Canadians the rights enjoyed under that Conftitution from which by the late act they are debarred. "Thete rights," fay they, "defend the poor from the rich, the weak from the powerful, the industrious from the rapacious, the peaceable from the violent, the tenants from the lords, and all from their fuperiors. They invite and folicit them to confult their own glory and welfare, and to unite with them in one focial compact. Your province," fay they, "is the only link wanting to complete the bright and ftrong chain of union. Nature has joined your country to ours, join alfo your political interefts by an acceffion to the general confederation." But the fpirit of liberty was too faint and feeble in Canada, and the aristocracy and priesthood too powerful to admit of any confiderable effect from this addrefs. The Congress, having finifhed their deliberations, diffolved themfelves after an uninterrupted feffion of fifty-two days. Such was the noble and enthusiastic deteftation of this Affembly to tyranny and flavery, that in one of their debates refpecting the probability and danger of a rupture with Great Britain, a leading Member rofe up and

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