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trian people. He conceived the idea that if the Jews could regain Palestine and establish a government, even under the suzerainty of the Sultan, it would give them a national standing which would expunge anti-semitism from the other nations of the world, and make it possible for all Jews to live comfortably in any nation they may desire.

Not all the orthodox Jews have joined this movement. Indeed, the leaders of the Chovevi Zion Societies hold aloof.

The call, issued by Dr. Herzl, for the Zionist Congress, held in Basle, Switzerland in 1897 met with severe opposition from the German Rabbis and also a large portion of the Jewish press, as well as the mass of rich reformed Jews. Nevertheless, over 200 delegates, from all over Europe and the Orient and some from the United States, met and carried through the program of the congress with tremendous enthusiasm.

Memorials, approving the object of the congress, came in from all sections, signed by tens of thousands of Jews. The congress elected a central committee and authorized the raising of $50,000,000 capital.

It has certainly marked a wonderful innovation in the attitude of the Jews and a closer gathering of the dry bones of Ezekiel.

And now, after ten years of wonderful growth and progress it remains to be seen what the providential openings in the Ottoman Empire may be that shall give opportunity to realize its object.

Zionism is now the bate among the Jews.

subject of the most acrimonious de

Many of the orthodox criticise it as an attempt to seize the prerogatives of their God.

While others say that God will not work miracles to accomplish that which they can do themselves.

Most of the reformed Jews, now that they can no longer ridicule the movement, decry it, as an egregious blunder that will increase instead of diminishing anti-semitism.

They have no desire to return to Palestine. They are like the man in Kansas, who, in a revival meeting said he did not want to go to heaven, nor did he wish to go to

hell but he said he wanted to stay right there in Kansas. Just so these reformed Jews are content to renounce all the prophesied glory of a Messianic kingdom in the land of their ancestors, preferring the palatial homes and gathered riches which they have acquired in Western Europe and the United States. They coolly advise their persecuted brethren, in Russia, Roumania, Persia and North Africa, to patiently endure their grievous persecutions until anti-semitism shall die out.

But these brethren retort that their prudent advisers would think very differently if they lived in Morocco or Russia, and that even in Western Europe anti-semitism instead of dying out, is rather on the increase.

In the midst of these disputes, the Zionists have seized the reins and eschewing the help of Abraham's God they have accepted agnostics as leaders and are plunging madly into this scheme for the erection of a Godless state.

But the Bible student will surely say, this godless national gathering of Israel is not the fulfilment of the glorious divine restoration, so glowingly described by the prophets.

No, indeed! Let it be carefully noted that while God has repeatedly promised to gather Israel, with such a magnificent display of His miraculous power, that it shall no more be said, "The Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; but the Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north and from all the lands whither he had driven them,” Jer. 16:14; yet has He also said, "Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation that hath no longing, before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you." Zeph. 2:1, 2. Could this prophecy be more literally fulfilled than by this present Zionist movement?

One of the speakers at the first congress said of the Sultan, "If His majesty will now receive us, we will accept Him as our Messiah."

God says, "Ye have sold yourselves for nought and ye shall be redeemed without money." Isa. 52:3.

But Dr. Herzl is reported to have said, "We must buy

our way back to Palestine, salvation is to be by money." What a sign is this that the end of this dispensation is


If it stood alone we might well give heed to it. But when we find it supported by all these other signs, set forth in the Word, how can we refuse to believe it?

Shall we Christians condemn the Jews for not accepting the cumulative evidence that Jesus is the Messiah; and ourselves refuse this other cumulative evidence that His second coming is near?

It is significant that this first Zionist congress assembled just 1,260 years after the capture of Jerusalem by the Mohammedans in A. D. 637. Dan. 12:7.

It is probable that "the times of the Gentiles" are nearing their end, and that the nations are soon to plunge into the mighty whirl of events connected with Israel's godless gathering, "Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:6, 7), that awful time of tribulation, like which there has been none in the past, nor shall be in the future. Mat. 24:21.

But we, brethren, are not of the night. We are to watch and pray always that we may escape all these things that shall come to pass and stand before the Son of Man. Lu. 21:36.

Oh! glorious Hope. No wonder the Spirit and the Bride say come. No wonder the Bridegroom saith, "Surely I come quickly," and shall not we all join with the enraptured apostle,

"Even so come, Lord Jesus"?

"I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day: the night cometh when no man can work."-John 9:4.

All the World-Wide Mission Field demands increased consecration of ourselves, our time, and our substance.

O fellow servants, let us improve the wonderful opportunities of our day to make investments for eternity.

Jesus is Coming Again


therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth


Matthew 24:42.


therefore; for ye know neither the day nor the hour." Matthew 25:13.

and pray; for

"Take Ye Heed,


ye know not when the time is."


ye therefore; for ye know not when the Master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cock crowing, or in the morning, lest, coming suddenly, He

find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto


Mark 13:33-37.

"Blessed is he that WATCHETH, and Reepeth his garments." Rev. 16:15.

"If therefore thou shalt not


I will come on thee as a thief."


Rev. 3:3, 11.


Reader, what shall be our occupation, as disciples of the Lord Jesus, while we watch and wait for His return? It is not enough that we have a personal experience of repentance, faith, forgiveness, adoption and sanctification; it is not enough that we study the Word to search out the deep things of Providence and prophecy. We must join heart and hand in the great practical work of


For this is our Lord's command: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mat. 28:19); and He has said "This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness to all nations, and then shall the end come." (Mat. 24:14.) While the Church remains on earth (see page 86) she is certainly the agent to accomplish this purpose, because Jesus said: "Ye shall be witnesses unto me unto the uttermost part of the earth." (Acts 1:8; Luke 24:47-48.) Let us engage, with all our might, in this world-wide mission work. Let us give of our means, our prayers and our words of encouragement to those who go to preach in the by-ways and hedges and in distant lands (Rom. 10:15), and, if possible, let us go ourselves, thereby insuring ourselves of His fellowship Who said, "and lo, I am with you alway."

Thus shall we best please the Master.

Thus shall we hasten the day of God. (2 Pet. 3:12 margin Mat. 24:14.)

The progress already made inspires us to greater effort. The world is belted with centers of evangelization. From Greenland to Patagonia, from Norway to Good Hope, from Siberia to Tasmania, and throughout the Islands of the sea, multitudes of Gospel messengers are proclaiming the Word of Life. Only a few strongholds of Satan are yet without any witness, and of these Nepaul and Tibet are opening their doors to waiting missionaries, while Central Africa unbars her millennial fastness to advancing heroes

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