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aratrum, plough.

2 AV-, mark, notice.

audio, hear.

ex-audio, hear distinctly.

auris, ear.

3 AV-, dare.

audeō, dare.

audax, daring.

in-ausus, not dared, unattempted.

4 AV-, blow, waft.

avis, bird.

au-gurium, expounding of bird

omens, augury.

au-gurō, predict, foretell.

armentum, cattle for ploughing, au-spicium, examination of birds,


3 AR-, burn, dry.

ārdeō [for arideo], be on fire, burn.

ārdor, burning, heat.

ex-ārdēscō, break out into flames.

ARC-, shut in, keep off.

arceō, keep away.


AVG-, grow.

augeō, increase.

auctor, author.

augustus, increased, noble.
auxilium, increasing, assistance.

AVS- [originally one with
VAS-, VS-], burn.

aurum, gold (burning thing).

ex-erceō, keep from the enclosure, aureus, golden.


ex-ercitus, trained body, army.

arcānus, hidden, secret. arcus, bow.

arx, enclosing thing, citadel.

Aurora, golden one, Aurora.

CAD-, fall

oc-cido, fall down, die.

re-cidīvus, falling back, returning. cēdō [for cecadō], go, fall back.

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bū-cina [for bovi-cina], shepherd's caelum [for cavilum], hollow


CAND-, glow.

candidus, shining, clear. ac-cendo, set fire to, kindle. in-cendo, put fire in, kindle. suc-cendo, kindle beneath.

CAP-, take, hold.

capiō, take. ac-cipio, take to one, receive. ex-cipio, take out, receive. per-cipio, take through, feel. re-cipio, take back, snatch. captīvus, taken, captured.

caput, head.

an-ceps, two-headed, two-edged. prae-ceps, head-foremost, swift. prae-cipue, taken before, especially.

thing, sky.

caelestis, heavenly.

caeruleus, of the sky, dark blue.

CEL-, CER, rise, tower.

celsus, rising, lofty.

collis [for colnis], rising ground, hill.

culmen [for columen], high part, peak.

columna, that which is high, pillar.

CER-, CRE-, part.

cernō, separate, perceive. dē-cernō, decide, contend. certus, separated, determined. sē-crētus, separated, secret.

crimen, means of distinguishing, fault.

in-ceptum, thing begun, begin- certamen, that which decides,


prīn-cipium, beginning.


certatim, in rivalry.

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dives, shining, rich.

dent, rich.

ab-ducō, lead off, steal.

ē-dūcō, lead forth, rear.

ED-, eat.

edendum, to be eaten, food.

dēns [for edens], eating thing,


ditissimus, superl. of dis, resplen- bi-dēns, with two teeth; as noun,

Dīs, deity, Dis.

Diāna [for Dīvāna], shining one,


dies, light, day.

Iūnō [for Divōna], Juno.

Iuppiter [for Diupiter], Jupiter.


EM-, take.

cōmō [for co-imō], take together,


dir-imō [for dis-imō], take apart,


sümō [for sub-imō], take up. ab-sumō, take away, consume.

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