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Dec. 11.

Vol. 629, p. 68.

the said gold and silver to the mint in Dublin, there to be molten and made into monies without being sold or aliened or put to any other use.

So monies will be increased and kept within the kingdom which shall prove great employments and increase of trade in Ireland, by other means never to be effected.

Amongst other means for importation of treasure into Ireland, the trade of fishing is chiefly to be maintained; and no sorts of fish are in so great request and use in Spain as the Newland fish commonly called by the names of Bascalean or poor John. And for the fishing at Newfoundland, the west parts of Ireland lie the nearest and most convenient of any countries of Europe; insomuch as, if every port in the west did set out a ship yearly to Newfoundland, the return would bring much gold and silver from Spain. And this will be a matter feasable and soon to be proved.

I shall be ready to attend you about these motives and other services.

From my house by west of Poules* near unto the bishop's house towards Ludgate. 7th Dec. 1611.

Pp. 2. Signed. Add. Endd.

91. PROPOSITIONS of SIR OLIVER LAMBERT, Knight, concerning the Plantation in Ireland, and the Commissioners' Answers.

1. Proposition. Whether the British undertakers in Ulster shall plant their whole proportion of land with British freeholders and tenants, or whether it is meant that the ten families set down in the printed book, being only settled upon each thousand acres, that then they may take undertenants, servants, labourers, and cottages of the Irish as they allege they may.

Answer of the Commissioners.--Touching the cottages and undertenants it is provided in the first printed book, Article 7, and in the last printed book in the Exchequer, Art. 9: that they shall not be mere Irish, or any other who will not take the oath of supremacy. And for the servants of the family, it is likewise provided that they should be conformable in religion without difference of the nation.

2. Whether the Londoners shall plant the county of Colrayne and the Barony of Loughinsolin with Britons, or whether they shall retain the natives, as their agents presume they shall. They have received their rents now at Allhallowtide out of all the county of Colraine, but that of Inishelin was taken up for the King's use at Easter last which they demand back.

* St. Pauls.


The answer. The Londoners are to plant their lands as other undertakers, excepting the special privileges expressed in the Articles.

3. As long as the British undertakers may receive their rent from the natives, they will [not] endeavour or seek to remove them because of the present profit they yield. And, therefore, it is wished that the King would take up the rent from the Irish as long as they shall continue upon the undertakers lands, from which they should void at May next to their proportion assigned, or under the bishops or servitors.

The answer.-Seeing the Deputy hath licensed the natives. to stay upon the land till May, the undertakers are to have the rent till then, the rather that they may not demand from the King freedoms from paying any rent one year longer than is granted unto them.

4. Whether the patents passed in England shall not be sent into Ireland, exemplified under the Great Seal, to be inrolled in the Office of the Rolls.

The answer. This was provided for before, and the Lo. Chancellor is to be moved to give order to the clerks of the Chancery for performance hereof.

5. Whether the lands of the British undertakers taken in England shall not be sent into Ireland to be kept altogether in one chest in the castle, or elsewhere within that kingdom, for they being otherwise scattered, they may be lost and come to nothing, whereas the King's sworn officers would preserve them and call upon the forfeitures if any be.

The answer.--It was promised to the undertakers, before they entered into bonds, that their bonds should not be turned into the Exchequer, and by the last Article of the last printed book it is provided that upon certificate from the Lo. Deputy and Council that the true meaning of the conditions had been performed, the same should be re-delivered; and upon certificate of the forfeiture, the same to be extended upon their lands and bodies here, and in default thereof, upon their lands and bodies there, and they to remain in the hands of a sworn officer there; which order we think good not to alter.

6. Whether the college, free schools, and corporations shall plant with British only, the two first not being able to attend the same and unapt to perform the plantation in that kind.

The answer. The college, free schools, and corporations may plant with British, if they may conveniently be had, otherwise they are left to their liberty to make choice of their tenants best for their profit; but the corporations are to plant with British.

7. Whether the British undertakers or their sufficient deputies be required to repair to Ireland about the beginning of March next furnished with money and other means to effect the plantation they have undertaken.


The answer. We hold it fit that the undertakers be commanded to be in Ireland about the beginning of April furnished for performing the printed Articles according to the conditions of their patents and their bonds, and to this purpose proclamation presently to be made in England, Scotland, and Ireland.

8. To understand what course their Lps. would have taken for effecting of the corporate towns and corporations, the natives being indisposed and unapt thereunto, only some merchants, and they commonly strangers to them, wander up and down among their Creaghes, bargaining for some poor commodities of yarn. On the other side, for any Englishmen or Scotishmen of trades or occupations, I doubt whether they can be brought to any of their places in any due time; wherfore it is wished that some principal gentlemen should be made chiefs and superintendents of each corporation to draw people thither by choice, and to maintain good order among them, as they shall be directed, until the same shall increase to a sufficient number, and then to be incorporated and the commands of the towns to be left with the mayor.

The answer. The Deputy may appoint some principal undertaker or undertakers, within or near to whose precinct the land allotted for the corporation lies, to build some houses for the habitation of trades and artificers to be incorporated, and to draw as many persons thither as they conveniently may, to whom the fee farm of their tenements at an easy rent to be held of him in free burgage is to be granted, giving unto the undertaker or undertakers a state of inheritance in the said lands. The like order and grant to be made to a principal servitor or servitors, if the land allotted to a corporation shall lie within or next unto their precinct, with this proviso, that when a competent number of inhabitants be drawn together, they be incorporated, &c. Their chief magistrate is to be annual, and special caution to be taken in the letters patent for the performance hereof within a competent time to be prefixed by the Lo. Deputy and Commis


9. That the 2,000 acres allotted to Art McBroun, during his life, may be passed to him and his wife and the longest liver of them, by which means my Lo. Deputy thinks he shall bring him to remove out of Ŏ'Neilan with goodwill, which will be a great furtherance towards removing the rest of the natives.

The answer. We think it fit to be granted. Letters are already sent to this effect.

10. That the grant made to Sir Oghy O'Hanlon of eighty pounds sterling during his life, in lieu of his estate and interest in the Barony of Orier, be confirmed, which he is paid out of the rents of Orier until Michaelmas next.

Answer. We hold this also reasonable, and the King has given warrant for that purpose.


11. That O'Connor Roe McGuire may have a pension of 2007. ster., which in some manner has been offered him during his life, and 50l. to one of his sons after his decease for the the like term, to which he would not then hearken, but prepares to come over to be a further suitor to the King for recompense of the three baronies and all the lands which are taken from him.

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The answer. We think this proposition reasonable, if it will be accepted by O'Connor Roe; if not, then the Deputy and Council to establish and maintain the Lo. Burleigh in the possession, leaving O'Connor Roe to seek his remedy. For this there is likewise a letter procured from the King.

12. That the concealed lands in either precinct may be bestowed upon servitors and natives.

The answer.- We are of opinion that the concealments to be found within the precincts of the British undertakers or betwixt them, should be passed unto the British undertakers as is contained in your instructions to that effect; for these reasons, viz. 1. Because the survey falls out to be imperfect, and, therefore, would breed a confusion among the undertakers and occasion many suits between them and the servitors and natives. 2. The concealment may fall out in such inconvenient places, that they may take away the use of all the rest of the proportion, if they should be granted to others. 3. It would occasion an intermixing of natives and servitors with the British undertakers contrary to your former project. 4. You promised the undertakers that if any concealment should fall out within their proportions, the same should be passed to them, which gave them great satisfaction and encouragement. The like benefit we hold fit should be granted to servitors and natives, if any concealment fall out to be within their precincts, and upon the like conditions. Lastly, because some lands belonging to the bishops and deans are passed to undertakers by defect of the maps, which are to be restored.

13. That Sir Ralph Bingley may have the reversion of the 1,000 acres assigned to the Earl of Tirconnell's mother and the widow O'Boyle.

The answer. We think it fit to be granted.


14. That two forts may be built in the Barony of Loughinsolin, or one at the least and means for the same.

The answer.-The Londoners must be dealt with for this purpose. This point is resolved upon in the answer to the propositions made by Sir Oliver Lambert for the Londoners to consider, 14th December.

15. The Castle of the Cavan fit to be cared for, and made of some strength, and means to be assigned as well for the same as for the new fort to be erected at Loughinsolin.

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The answer. We think it fittest that the land allotted to the old castle be granted unto some servitors according to


the articles of plantation, who, with the beams and stones thereof, may build in some convenient place there a stone house of strength. And we are of opinion that Lieutenant John Wallop, being an ancient soldier and a good servitor, may be preferred to the same, which we leave to your further consideration.

16. That one of the commanders may be appointed overseer of the plantation in each county, with a daily fee for a time of seven shillings a day.

The answer. We are doubtful to give any resolute advice to this Article, because, on the one part, if the advice of the Lo. Deputy and Commissioners should not be followed, then if any troubles should arise there, the same would be imputed to the neglect of that advice; on the other part, if that advice should be pursued, it might tend to the utter discouragement of the British undertakers, who, having lived under a legal government, will be fearful to have a martial man to be their judge. And such as are not fully satisfied with their portions, and are the landlords of many natives, between whom and the undertakers the controversies are likely to arise.* Therefore we think this point worthy of your debate, to whom we leave the same.

17. That where there are sundry parcels of land passed in patents which appertain to subjects by former grants, we desire to be directed to revoke such grants, and to pass unto those parties what remains, the said proprietors proportions being restored to them, and to reduce their rents accordingly, or that we have authority and money to compound with them.

The answer. This Article is too general and cannot be answered except it be made more particular, saving for the lands of the Dean of Ardmagh, concerning which we think fit the letters patent be repealed and the same restored, and so much concealment as shall fall out in the precinct of that undertaker to be allowed to him in recompense thereof, and the rent to be abated proportionably.

18. That Sir Henry Docwra be dealt withal to surrender his grant of Provostship of the Derry.

The answer. This is already done, and order shall be taken for inrolling and transmitting it with the letters, patent.

19. It were not amiss to be thought on, how the Britons will plant when the natives are removed with all their goods two or three miles from them, which they must do, when they are all driven into a corner, as in Tyrone and Donnagall, fearing they will bring small means to victual themselves with them.

*So in the original.

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