The Holy City: Historical, Topographical, and Antiquarian Notices of Jerusalem, Volume 2 |
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Page 37
... quĉ est a latere occiden- talı ( Orientali ? ) castelli , parumque ad Aquilonem inclinans , ab eoque distat centum gressus , et a glorioso Christi Sepulchro ducentos circiter , et ab eo communiter piscina S. Sepulchri dici . tur ...
... quĉ est a latere occiden- talı ( Orientali ? ) castelli , parumque ad Aquilonem inclinans , ab eoque distat centum gressus , et a glorioso Christi Sepulchro ducentos circiter , et ab eo communiter piscina S. Sepulchri dici . tur ...
Page 61
... quĉ prius multum remota erat a civitate , sicut quislibet a Monte Oliveti videre potest ubi ultimi occidentales muri civitatis prius fuerunt , et quantum postea ad- auctus est . " Recueil de Voyages , Tome Iv . p . 840 . 6 " Ista ...
... quĉ prius multum remota erat a civitate , sicut quislibet a Monte Oliveti videre potest ubi ultimi occidentales muri civitatis prius fuerunt , et quantum postea ad- auctus est . " Recueil de Voyages , Tome Iv . p . 840 . 6 " Ista ...
Page 63
... distincta , quĉ etiam urbem per medium dividit . Ho- rum alter qui ab Occidente est Syon appellatur ; ... Alter vero qui ab Oriente est , mons Moria dicitur , " & c . Bib . Res . 1. p . 383 and 393 CH . 1. ] 63 THEORY TESTED .
... distincta , quĉ etiam urbem per medium dividit . Ho- rum alter qui ab Occidente est Syon appellatur ; ... Alter vero qui ab Oriente est , mons Moria dicitur , " & c . Bib . Res . 1. p . 383 and 393 CH . 1. ] 63 THEORY TESTED .
Page 113
... quĉ illius temporis esse creduntur ; quibus et auc- tor et impensarum quantitas , et quo tempore opus inceptum , quoque con- summatum fuerit , evidenter declama- tur . " Will . Tyr . Lib . 1. cap . ii . p . 630. Compare Lib . VIII . cap ...
... quĉ illius temporis esse creduntur ; quibus et auc- tor et impensarum quantitas , et quo tempore opus inceptum , quoque con- summatum fuerit , evidenter declama- tur . " Will . Tyr . Lib . 1. cap . ii . p . 630. Compare Lib . VIII . cap ...
Page 127
... quĉ Siloĉ ducunt , rubra saxa monstrantes , Zachariĉ sanguine putant esse polluta . Non condemnamus errorem , qui de odio Judĉorum , et fidei pietate descendit . " Comment in Matt . xxiv . Opera , Tom . rv . pp . 112 , 113. ed . Bened ...
... quĉ Siloĉ ducunt , rubra saxa monstrantes , Zachariĉ sanguine putant esse polluta . Non condemnamus errorem , qui de odio Judĉorum , et fidei pietate descendit . " Comment in Matt . xxiv . Opera , Tom . rv . pp . 112 , 113. ed . Bened ...
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Common terms and phrases
Acra altar ancient angle Antonia appears apse aqueduct arches architecture Arculfus Author Basilica Bethphage Bezetha Bishop building Calvary cave century chamber Chapel chre Christian Church cloister columns Constantine Copts Cross Crown 8vo Crusaders cubits Damascus Gate described Dome door Dr Robinson East eastern Ecclesia Edition El-Aksa entrance erected Eusebius feet Fergusson Golgotha Greek ground Hadrian Haram Helena History Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem Jewish Jews Josephus Kings loculus Lord marble Mejr-ed-din mentioned monument Mosk Moslems Mount Sion North notice Ophel passage Patriarch pilgrims Pool Pool of Siloam Post 8vo present probably quĉ Quaresmius remarkable rock Rotunda ruins sacred Sakhrah says second wall shew shewn side Siloam South stone Street supposed Temple Theol tion tomb tower tradition triforium Tyropœon valley vaults West western William of Tyre Woodcuts writers δὲ ἐν καὶ τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῦ
Popular passages
Page 615 - Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases, classified and arranged so as to facilitate the Expression of Ideas, and assist in Literary Composition. By PM ROGET, | MD 18th Edition, crown 8vo.
Page 619 - Encyclopaedia of Plants; comprising the Specific Character, Description, Culture, History, &c. of all the Plants found in Great Britain. With upwards of 12,000 Woodcuts. 8vo.
Page 615 - A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Compiled by HG LIDDELL, DD Dean of Christ Church, and R. SCOTT, DD Dean of Rochester.
Page 442 - Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and reared up for himself the pillar, which is in the king's dale: for he said, I have no son to keep my name in remembrance: and he called the pillar after his own name: and it is called Absalom's monument unto this day.
Page 40 - And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun...
Page 464 - So there was gathered much people together, who stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the midst of the land, saying, "Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much water?