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Worcester, and Peterborough, while the crypt was confined to the presbytery, for the crypts never extended under the central towers.

The statutes of Lanfranc were addressed to the entire Benedictine order in England, but he evidently had the arrangements of his own church and monastery in view throughout as a model. Amongst the duties of the "circa" or monastic watchman, he is directed to go round to all the altars in the crypts, and also to those which are beneath on either side of the choir, lest any brother might be sleeping there or otherwise reposing himself unduly. Here not only the crypt and its altars are mentioned, but also the altars at M and H, (fig. 3.) which Gervase has explained to have other altars in an upper floor above them. And as I have just shewn that the choir occupied the tower space, these altars are well described in the statute as being on each side of the choir.

Edmer has told us (Chap. I. Art. 20.) that Lanfranc placed the coffins of Bregwin and the other Saxon archbishops upon a vault in the north part of the church, where there was also an altar. This was plainly the vault in the north transept, which was afterwards removed to clear the altar of the martyrdom. This also was the chapel that formed the favourite resort of the Teutonic monk Lambert. (Art. 25.) Also the "lofty place outside the choir" where the relics of St. Wilfrid reposed behind an altar, and whence the interior of the choir and

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mos, quos ante nocturna dicere solet, tunc enim, accensa candela in absconsa, unus eorum in dormitorio debet circumire lectos omnium, et omnia sedilia in necessariis sollicite considerans, ne forte aliquis frater dormiens ibi remanserit, dehinc revertatur in monasterium et circumeat omnia altaria in criptis, et quæ ex utraque parte chori subtus sunt, cæteraque monasterii loca, ubi suspicio poterit esse diligenter observans, ne aliquis frater ibi dormiat, vel jaceat, vel inordinate sedeat." Statuta Lanfranci, cap. 4; Reyner, p. 235, or Wilkins' Concilia, tom. i.

persons officiating therein could be seen, (Art. 21,) was either this north vault or the south vault opposite. This throws some light upon the use of these vaults, namely, for the construction of chapels of peculiar sanctity and privacy, as well as to increase the accommodation for shrines and altars. But after the enlargement of the church, it was thought necessary to adopt a more secure method of depositing these relics, (Art. 19. 25,) and they were entombed in the places indicated by the figures in plan No. 3. And our author's history of this removal is confirmed by the fact, that all the Saxon archbishops are buried in Ernulf's part of the church, with the exception of Fleolgild, Chelnoth, Adhelm, Wolfelm, and Egelnoth. As the pavement of the upper part of the church where these bodies were deposited rests upon the vault of the crypt, and not on the ground, interment was impossible; coffins could only be sunk very slightly at least, if at all, into the spandrels of the vaults. Each must have had a raised tomb sufficiently high to cover them, and this seems to have been of stone, at least in the cases of Dunstan, Odo, Wilfrid, and Theobald. All these tombs have unfortunately disappeared.



It must be remembered, that we have the somewhat intricate task before us of developing three states of the eastern portion of our building. The first as it was left complete by Lanfranc; the second as it was altered and enlarged by Anselm and his priors, in which second state it was attacked by the fire of 1174; the third, as it came out of the hands of the two Williams, after the repairs consequent on the said fire, and in which it remains substantially to this day. In the last chapter I have endeavoured to explain its first state, and now I shall proceed to separate the third state from the second.

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