The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Volume 1C. and J. Rivington, 1815 - Great Britain |
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Page viii
... different return , will be best conveyed in his own words . The following is an extract of a letter to a friend , which he dictated on this subject from a sick bed : " MY Σπολάιτος γι ' won Bath , 15th Feb. 1797 . V111 ADVERTISEMENT.A.
... different return , will be best conveyed in his own words . The following is an extract of a letter to a friend , which he dictated on this subject from a sick bed : " MY Σπολάιτος γι ' won Bath , 15th Feb. 1797 . V111 ADVERTISEMENT.A.
Page xxvi
... word for another , by which the sense was either perverted or obscured , are now recti- fied . Two or three small insertions have also been made from a quarto copy corrected by by Mr. Burke himself . From the same source something xxvi ...
... word for another , by which the sense was either perverted or obscured , are now recti- fied . Two or three small insertions have also been made from a quarto copy corrected by by Mr. Burke himself . From the same source something xxvi ...
Page 16
... this part of his argument a little weakened , but we do not think ourselves entitled to alter his Lordship's words , but that we are bound to follow him exactly . of one another . War , says Machiavel , ought 16 A VINDICATION OF.
... this part of his argument a little weakened , but we do not think ourselves entitled to alter his Lordship's words , but that we are bound to follow him exactly . of one another . War , says Machiavel , ought 16 A VINDICATION OF.
Page 28
... word mention the hor- rid effects of bigotry and avarice , in the conquest of Spanish America ; a conquest on a low estima- tion effected by the murder of ten millions of the species . I shall draw to a conclusion of this part , by ...
... word mention the hor- rid effects of bigotry and avarice , in the conquest of Spanish America ; a conquest on a low estima- tion effected by the murder of ten millions of the species . I shall draw to a conclusion of this part , by ...
Page 32
... words , the reci- procation of tyranny , and slavery , is requisite to support these societies , the interest , the ambition , the malice , or the revenge , nay even the whim and caprice of one ruling man among them , is enough to arm ...
... words , the reci- procation of tyranny , and slavery , is requisite to support these societies , the interest , the ambition , the malice , or the revenge , nay even the whim and caprice of one ruling man among them , is enough to arm ...
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admiration affected agreeable Albunea animals appearance arises artificial society Athens attended body Bohemia Caligula cause of beauty cerning Colchis colours common concerning consequences considerable considered cracy danger darkness degree delight designed destruction enquiry equal faculty feel Goths greater havock horrour human idea images imagination imitation infinite infinity judge judgment Julius Cæsar kind labour laws least less liberty light lively colours Lord Lordship Macedon mankind manner means millions mind misery nation nature necessary ness never object observed operate pain painting passions persons philosopher Phlegethon pleasing poetry political society positive pleasure principles probabilior produce proportion publick purpose qualities reason religion republick rience SECT Semiramis sense sensible shew sions slavery smooth sophism sort species strength SUBLIME AND BEAUTIFUL suffer sufficient suppose sure sweet taste terrible terrour things tion truth tyranny virtue Volsci whilst whole words