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face. If a man were to walk only sixty miles a day, he would be almost ten thousand years, before he could survey every part of it.

And you have not noticed what the earth produces, Father; nor the millions of millions of creatures that live upon it.

True, Frank; nor the inexhaustible mines, which are to be found in its internal parts.— We have reason to believe, that the globe, with the exception of some caverns, of no importance in the estimate, is a solid body. And yet it is upheld every instant by its adorable Cre


We should think him a strong man, Father, who should take St. Paul's into the air on one of his fingers!

We should, indeed, Frank. What is he then, who "measureth the mighty waters in the hollow of his hand. Who weigheth the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance; who taketh up the isles, as a very little thing; who hangeth the earth upon nothing."

And yet, Father, this is not the only world which God has formed; for he has made a great many.

True, Frank; we have reason to believe, that the worlds which he has created are without number. We know, also, that some are so large, that the one in which we live, is as nothing to them.

As nothing to them, Father!

Yes, as nothing to them. The planet Jupiter is the largest in our system. It moves round the sun at the rate of twenty-nine thousand miles an hour. It occupies twelve of our years in performing his revolutions about the sun. The diameter of our earth is eight thousand miles; but that of Jupiter is eightynine thousand miles; that is, full fourteen hundred times larger that our earth.

Then there is the sun himself, Father.

Indeed, this is an immense body; more than five hundred times larger than all the planetary worlds together; and considerably more than a million times larger than our globe.

To what a vast distance the influence of our sun reaches! You showed me lately the planet Herschel, which you said was eighteen hundred millions of miles from the sun, and yet he distributes color, and light, and heat, and fertility to it, and to the six moons which revolve around it.

How surprising! But I was most astonished and pleased, Father, with the ring of Saturn, which you showed me the other evening.

It is a grand and beautiful object; it is more than nine hundred times larger than our world.

And did you not say that one of his rings was 200,000 miles in diameter, or across it?

Yes; but it is difficult to conceive fully of an object which is so vast.

But is not the moon, Father, about two hundred and forty thousand miles distant from the earth? You said so one evening, I recollect. Yes; what then?

Well, then, Father, the ring of Saturn would fill up nearly all that space.

It would; that is a striking thought, Frank, and a fine illustration: and so we can form a very just idea of the size of the ring of Sat


But you said that the stars were suns, Fa


There is every reason to believe that they are, and that they have all worlds, very many worlds, rolling around them: with the naked eye, on a fine evening, we can see at least a thousand stars.

Then there must be a thousand systems of worlds, Father!


How wonderful! What must he be,, who formed them! His power must be without any bounds.

Yes, he is "The Father Almighty!" You can now repeat this sentiment with new feelings, Frank. Yet you have still but a very low idea of the greatness of his power. Where the eye cannot see a star, there are often thousands to be seen by a good telescope. milky way is bright with their glory.


Are there none beyond the milky way, and beyond what we can see with the telescope, Father?

You have asked me a hard question, Frank. Perhaps what we know of creation is as nothing compared with that which we do not know. I am rather of opinion that there is no space in which there are not worlds which God has made, and beings to declare his praise. It is not to be supposed that a little creature, like man, "who dwells in a tenement of clay," can even see any thing like the limits of his boundless empire, whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain !

In the Psalm you read this morning, it is said that God spake, and the world came into being what! Father, did God make our globe with a word?

Yes; he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast! And not only did he thus make our world, but all worlds: "by the word of the Lord, were the heavens made; and all the hosts of them, by the breath of his mouth." But there is no end of the di

vine glory!

I cannot think, Father, how the world is held up in the air, and hangs upon nothing; or how it rolls along of itself round the sun. One should think so large a body would never move at all.

The subject cannot be fully explained. It

is a perpetual display of the almighty power of God. It is He who has made worlds without number; it is He who guides them through the heavens; and it is this blessed Being, who every instant sustains the countless multitude of creatures which inhabit them. Surely,

none by searching can find out God! Mercury, I believe, Father, travels faster than any other planet in his course.

'He does; he revolves at the rate of 105,000 miles in an hour. How far does he travel in

a minute?

Let me see; I must divide 105,000, by 60 ; because there are sixty minutes in an hour.Then he must fly along at the rate of 1750 miles in a minute!

He must; and you may well say, fly along; for this rapidity has been reckoned two hundred times swifter than the motion of a cannon ball. A cannon ball too, is of no size, compared with the planetary worlds.

What inconceivable power, Father, it must be that moves them! Would it not be delightful to be so near to Saturn, as to have a full view of his beautiful rings.

The sight must be very sublime; it is indeed impossible fully to conceive of its grandeur. And who can estimate the power which is every moment in active operation through the wide universe?

I do think you are right, Father, in your

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