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lus (I. 3. 37) uses contemnere in the same way: Nondum caeruleas pinus contemserat undas. Carinae. Gr. 705. III. A. & S. 324. 3. -135. Lumina... aurae; sc. sunt (communia).-137. Segetes. Gr. 374. 1. A. & S. 234. I. Debita due; i. e. which men have a right to expect as a return for their labor. -138. Itum est. Gr. 301. 3. A. & S. 184. 2.-139. Recondiderat; sc. illa Stygiis Stygian; i. e. infernal.


= terra.

The Styx, one of the rivers of the lower world, is often put for the lower world itself. -140. Irritamenta Gr. 363. A. & S. 204 and R. 3. — 141. Ferro. Gr. 417. A. &. S. 256, R. 1. -142. Prodierat. Gr. 295. 3; 338. 1. A. & S. 182, R. 3; 196, I. 13. Utroque = auro et ferro; i.e. nummis et armis. Gr. 414. 4 A. & S. 247. 3. -144. Vivitur. See on itum est, v. 138. Ex rapto by rapine. 580. A. & S. 162. 22; 247, R. 3.

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- 145. Quoque, Gr. 602, III A. & S. 279. 3 (d). —146. Exitio. Gr. 386. A. & S. 224 Vir = maritus. 147. Aconita; a poisonous plant, found in Pontus and sometimes in Italy. It is called lurida from its effect on the color of its victims. Cf. Virg. G. II. 128. -148. He consults the astrologers to find out how soon his father will die. Patrios. Gr. 398. 2. A. & S. 211, R. 4 (a). On ante diem cf. Virg. A. IV. 697. 150. Ultima. See on v. 127. Gr. 443. 2. A. & S. 205, R. 15 (6). Coelestum. Gr. 158. 3. A. & S. 114, Ex. 3. Astraea; the goddess of justice, who was driven from the earth by the impiety of the iron age, and became the constellation Virgo in the zodiac. Cf. on Virg. E. IV. 6.151. Foret. Gr. 297. III. 2; 311. 5; 489. A. & S. 154, R. 3; 198. 8; 262, R. 5. Terris. See on auro, v. 115. -152. Affectasse. Gr. 234; 551. I. A. & S. 162. 7. (a); 272. Ferunt. Gr. 367. 2. 2). A. & S. 209, R. 2. (2)., Gigantas. Gr. 98. A. &. S. 85. Ex. 2. The Giants were the sons of Earth, who, at the instigation of their mother, attacked the Gods in their own abode, to avenge the overthrow of the Titans.-153. Congestos. Gr. 579. A. & S. 274. 3. (6). —155. Fulmine. Gr. 431. A. & S. 257. Ossae. Gr. 385. 4. A. & S. 224, R. 2. Olympus, Ossa, and Pelion are mountains of Thessaly. Cf. on Virg. G. I. 281, 282.-156. Sua mole; i. e. the mountains which they themselves had heaped up. Jacerent. Gr. 518. II. A. & S. 263, R. 2. —158. Animasse. See on affec tasse, v. 152.-159. Ne-manerent = lest no remnant of that race of hers should survive. Gr. 491. A. & S. 262, R. 5. — 160. Sed et illa propago = But that race also. -161. Superum. Gr. 45. 5. 4); 441. 3. A. & S. 53; 205, R. 7. — 162. Sciresnatos Scires eos (referring to propago) e sanguine natos esse. Gr. 486.4: 551. I. A. & S. 260, R. 2; 272.

THE TRANSFORMATION OF LYCAON. [vv. 163-243.] This fable is introduced in illustration of the impious and blood

thirsty character of the race sprung from the blood of the Giants.163. Pater Saturnius = Jupiter, the son of Saturn. See on v. 113. Arce; sc. coeli.—164. Facto... recenti since the deed was recent. Gr. 431. A. & S. 257. R. 7 (a). The order of translation is, Et referens (= calling to mind) foeda convivia Lycaoniae (Gr. 398. 2. A. & S. 211, R. 4) mensae nondum vulgata, facto recenti, concipit animo iras ingentes et dignas Jove, etc. Gr. 419. IV. A. & S. 244— 167. Tenuit―retinuit.—169. Lactea; used as a noun in apposition with nomen. For its gender, see Gr. 35. III. 2. A. & S. 34 3 & 4; for the construction, Gr. 363. A. & S. 204, R. 8 (c), where a similar expression is explained. Candore. Gr. 414


2. A. & S. 247. 1.-170. Hac; sc. via. Superis. See second ref. on v. 161. On the case, Gr. 387. A. & S. 226. Tonantis = the Thunderer; i. e. Jupiter. -171. Dextra laevaque; sc. manu. — 172. Celebrantur are thronged; as the vestibules of the houses of the Roman patricians by the crowds of their clients. The dii nobiles here are the higher of the two classes of Roman gods, the dii majorum gentium and the dii minorum gentium. The latter are the plebs of v. 173.-173. Locis. Gr. 429. A. & S. 250. 1. So loco, v. 178. A fronte = in the front.-174. Penates=domos; literally, household gods. - 175. Detur. Gr. 503. III. A. & S. 261. 2. —176. Timeam. Gr. 486. 1. A. & S. 260, R. 4. Dixisse. Gr. 542. 2. A. & S. 268, R. 2. Palatia; the palace of Augustus on the Palatine hill.-177. Recessu. Gr. 422. I. 2). A. & S. 254, R. 3. —178. A. & S. 245. II. 1.—180. 182. Magis anxius; sc.


Ipse Jupiter. Sceptro. Gr. 419. II. Cum. Gr. 187. 2. A. & S. 241, R. 1. quam nunc. -183. Tempestate. Gr. 426. A. & S. 253. The order of translation is, qua quisque anguipedum parabat injicere centum brachia captivo coelo. Captivo is used "by anticipation," and= which they hoped to seize. For the case of coelo see Gr. 386. A. & S. 224-185. Erat. Gr. 516. I. A. & S. 263. 2 (4).-186. Corpore; a collective noun; as, in English, a body of men.-187. Mihi. Gr. 388. I. A. & S. 225. III. Nereus; a sea-god, here put for the sea itself. He was the son of Oceanus and Terra, and had fifty daughters called Nereides. Orbem. Gr. 371. 4. 2). A. & S. 233.— 188. Perdendum est. Gr. 229. A. & S. 162. 15. So recidendum est, v. 191. Flumina infera the Styx. See on v. 139 and cf. Virg. A. VI. 323, 324. —189. Luco. See on recessu, v. 177.—190. Tentata. Gr. 551. I. A. & S. 272 and 270, R. 3. —191. Ense. Gr. 414. 4. A. & S. 247. 3. Trahatur should be infected. Gr. 491. A. & S. 262, R. 5.—192. Mihi. Gr. 387. A. & S. 226. Semidei literally, half-gods; "heroes," intermediate between gods and men. Nymphae ; female deities of low rank and of several classes, the Nereids (see on v. 187), the Naiads, Dryads, Oreads, etc. —193.


Faunique Satyrique = Fauns and Satyrs, rural deities, having the ears, legs, and feet of goats, and the rest of the body human. Silvani. Silvanus (from silva) was the god of the woods. The name is here plural, instead of the usual singular form. The last syllable of Faunique is lengthened by the arsis. See on v. 114. The line is spondaie. See on v. 117.-194. Dignamur honore. Gr. 520; 419. V. 2. A. & S. 244, R. 1.—195. Sinamus. Gr. 486. III.; 551. II. 1. A. & S. 260. II.; 273. 4.-196. Fore. Gr. 297. III.; 551. I. A. & S. 154, R. 3; 272, and R. 6. —197. Mihi. Gr. 384. II. A. & S. 223.1 198. Struxerit. Gr. 517. I. A. & S. 263. 5. Feritate. Gr. 429. A. & S. 250. I.—199. Ausum = him who had dared. Gr. 221. 2; 272. 3. A. & S. 142. 2; 162. 17. —200. Deposcunt; sc. ad supplicium. Gr. 254 5. A. & S. 163, E. 1. Saevit= saeviit = saevivit. Gr. 234. I. A. & S. 162. 7 (d). So mollit, v. 229.-201. Sanguine Caesareo. Some commentators refer this to the assassination of Julius Caesar; others, to some conspiracy against Augustus. On Caesareo, see Gr. 398. 2. A. & S. 211, R. 4. — 204. Tibi Gr. 391. 1. A. & S. 222, R. 1. So Jovi, v. 205. Tuorum. Gr. 441. 1. A. & S. 205, R. 7. N. 1. — 205. Qui. Gr. 453. A. & S. 206 (17).—210. Admissum = crime. Sit. Gr. 525. A. & S. 265. So sit, v. 214–212. Quam. Gr. 551. II. A. & S. 271, R. 4. Olympo. Gr. 422. 2. A. & S. 255, R. 3 (6). — 214. Longa mora est ... enumerare it is tedious to tell. Noxae of crime. Gr. 396. III. 2. 3) (3). A. & S. 212, R. 3 and (b). — 216. Maenala, Cyllene, Lycaei; mountains in Arcadia. Transieram. Gr. 234 A. & S. 162. 7 (6). Latebris. Gr. 414. 2. A. & S. 247. I. — - 217. Pineta. Gr. 317. 2. A. & S. 100. 7.-218. Arcados; adjective with tyranni. Gr. 68. 2. A. & S. 68. 1. The use of the word here is an instance of prolepsis (anticipation), since Arcadia took its name from Arcas, the grandson of Lycaon. — 219. Traherent. Gr. 518. I. A. & S. 263. 5, R. 2. On Ingredior, see Gr. 467. III. 259. 1 (a). — 220. Venisse. Gr. 551. I. 3. A. & S. 221. Irridet derides; here transitive. Gr. 371. 3. (2). 222. Deus hic ... an sit mortalis whether he is a god or a mortal. Gr. 526. II. 2. A. & S. 265, R. 2. test.-224. Nocte. Gr. 426. A. & S. 253, and N. 1.-225. Illi Gr. 385. A. & S. 223, R. 2. - 226. Eo. Gr. 419. IV. A. & S. 244 Molossa. The Molossi were a people of Epirus.-228. Atque ita quo facto, or postea. —229. Mollit. See on v. 200. -230. Quos. . mensis. Gr. 386. 1. A. & S. 224. N. 1. Simul =simul ac. Vindice flamma: = = with avenging flame; i. e. lightning. Penates. The household gods were responsible for what was done in the house. - 233. Exululat - howls forth. Ex is intensive here. Ab ipso; i. e. from his own ferocious nature. Hence


A. & S. 272. N. 1. —

A. & S. 232



also solitae, in next line. -235. Vertitur he turns (himself). The word is used reflexively, like the middle voice in Greek. Sanguine. Gr. 414. 2. A. & S. 247. 1 (2). - 236. Abeunt

= mutan

tur.-238. Est. (sc. e) he has.-239. Idem = iidem. — 241. Non.. una = not one alone. Perire. Gr. 552. 3. A. & S. 244, R. 2 (b) and 270, R. 1 (b).-240. Erinnys, The Furies were Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. They were employed by the gods to punish the impious, both on the earth and in the lower world. — 242. Jurasse. See on v. 152. Gr. 551. I. A. & S. 272, N. 1. Putes. Gr. 486. I. A. & S. 260. II. Dent. Gr. 487. A. & S. 260, R. 6. Ocius. Gr. 444. I. A. & S. 122, R. 3. · 243. Sententia;

SC. mea.

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THE DELUGE AND THE STORY OF DEUCALION AND PYRRHA. [vv. 244-415.]—244. Probant. Gr. 461. 1. A. & S, 209, R. 11. Frementi; sc. ei. Gr. 386. 1. A. & S. 224, N. 1.—245. Partes - implent = fulfil their part by assent; an allusion to the Roman senate. - 246. Dolori. Gr. 390. I. A. & S. 227.-247. Sit futura. Gr. 481. III. I.; 525. A. & S. 260, R. 7 (2); 265. Mortalibus. Gr. 399. 5. 3). A. & S. 250. 2 (1).-249. Feris, Gr. 384. II. A. & S. 223. Paret. See on sit, v. 247. —250. Sibi... curae. See on dolori, v. 246. Fore depends on the verbum dicendi implied in vetat. Gr. 530. II. 1. A. & S. 270, R. 2 (¿). —251, Trepidare vetat. Gr. 551. II. 1. A. & S. 273, 2 (a). — 252. Populo. Gr. 391. A. & S. 222, R. 1. Origine mira = of miraculous origin.-253. Erat... sparsurus. Gr. 228. A. & S. 162, 14.254. Sacer sacred; because it is the home of the gods. -255. Conciperet. Gr. 492. 4. 1). A. & S. 262, R. 7. Axis; for heaven itself. -256. Esse. The clause, affore, etc., is the subject of esse. Gr. 551. I. 3. A. & S. 239, R. 4; 272, N. 1. Esse in fatis that it is fated; i. e. the Fates had decreed. The three Fates, or Parcae, were the supreme arbiters of the destinies, not only of men, but of the gods themselves. Even Jupiter must submit to them. Their names were Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. —258. Ardeat. Gr. 501. I. A. & S. 264. 6 and N. 1. Laboret shall perish. 259. Cyclopum. The Cyclopes were the workmen of Vulcan, (see on v. 5,) and made the thunderbolts of Jupiter. Cf. Virgil, A. III. 569 foll. and Horace, C. I. 4. 7.-261. Perdere is in apposition with poena. Gr. 553. II. A. & S. 204, R. 9; 273, N. 9, where this use of the infin. should be added. —262. Aeoliis... antris = in the caves of Aeolus. The Aeolian (now Lipari) islands, near Sicily, were the abode of the winds, over whom Aeolus was king. CL Virg. A. I. 52 foll. Aquilonem the north wind; which, in Italy, generally brings dry weather. Cf. v. 328.263. Inductas; sc. the south wind; which brings rain. — 265.


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264. Notum

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Valtum. Gr. 380. A. & S. 234. II. and R. 1. —266. Capillis. Gr. 422. 2. A. & S. 255, R. 3 (b). — 267. Fronte; poetic abl. of place. See on v. 92. Sinusque = and the folds of his robe. -270. Junonis. Juno was the sister and wife of Jupiter, and the queen of heaven. Iris, daughter of Thaumas (whence she is called Thaumantias) and Electra, was the goddess of the rainbow, and the attendant and messenger of Juno. Colores. Gr. 374. 7. A. & S. 234, R. 1(a).-271 Concipit draws up. Nubibus. Gr. 386. 1. A. & S. 224, N. 1.-272. Colonis. Gr. 398. 5. A. & S. 211, R. 5(1).-274. Coelo. See on v. 226.-275. Frater Neptune, brother of Jupiter, and god of the sea. See on v. 113. — 277. Hortamine. Gr. 419. I. A. & S. 245. I.—278. Utendum; sc. mihi. Gr. 30f. 2; 388. I. A. & S. 184. 3; 225. III. and R. 1.— 279. Domos = fountains. The source of the stream was the home of the river-god. Mole literally, the dam or barrier; here, whatever confines or restrains the river. -280. Fluminibus. Gr. 386. 1. A. & S. 224 Totas-habenas = give loose reins.-281. Fontibus. Gr. 398. 5. A. & S. 211, R. 5 (1). — 282.



- 286. Satis =



A. & S.



tur. See on vertitur, v..235. crops. 287. Penetralia; the inmost part of the house, the shrine of the Penates; here temples. Sacris = the images of the gods. —288. Qua. Gr. 190. 1 & 2. A. & S. 137, R. (3). Mansit. Gr. 508. 261, R. 1.-289. Malo. Gr. 385. A. & S. 223, R. 2. Pressae = submerged. -292. Erat. Gr. 462. 2. A. & R. 9. Some editions have erant. Ponto. Gr. 386. 2. A. & S. 226, R. 2. — 293. Hic; sc. homo. Cymba; poetic abl. See on v. 92. -294. Ducit=plies. Ararat. Gr. 234. 162. 7 (a). 296. Summa. Gr. 441. 6. A. & S. 205, R. 17. — 297. Figitur. See on mansit, v. 288.—302. Nereides. See on

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S. 209,

of place. A. & S.

V. 192.303. Ramis. Gr. 386. A. & S. 224. Agitata. See


on congestos, v. 153. 305. Fulminis; a common metaphor in descriptions of the boar. Apro. Gr. 385. A. & S. 223, R. 2. So quibus. v. 311.-307. Terris. Gr. 431. A. & S. 257. Possit. Gr. 486. III. A. & S. 264, R. 3. 311. Pars; sc. hominum. 312. Inopi victu = by want of food. — 313. Aonios (sc. arvos): Aonia, or Boeotia, a district of Greece, N. W. from Attica. Oetaeis =Thessalian; Oeta being a mountain range of Thessaly. Phocis, a district lying west of Boeotia, on the Corinthian gulf. The prose order is, Phocis, terra ferax, dum terra fuit, Aonios ab Octaeis arvis separat.-314. Tempore. Gr. 426. 2.—316. Verticibus. Gr. 428. A. & S. 211, R. 6. — 317. Nomine. Gr. 429. A. & S. 250. 1. Parnasus, or Parnassus, was sacred to Apollo and the Muses. 318. Deucalion; son of Prometheus, and King of Phthia, in Thessaly. 319. Consorte tori; his wife Pyrrha, daughter of

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