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In the gazette of Feb. 24, his ma- the battle became general throughout jesty has been pleased to grant his the whole line of the main army. most gracious permission to the The contest was destructive, and following regiments of infantry; the night came on without the enemy viz. the 20th, the 27th (or Innis- having been able to gain ground. killing), the 58th, the 78th, and the On the 27th of January (Feb. 8.), 81st; and to the regiment of Wat- early in the morning, the French teville, to assume, in addition to any renewed the attack, and the action other devices or badges to which was contested with great obstinacy they may be severaily entitled, and on both sides; but, towards the to bear in their colours, and on their evening, the enemy was repulsed on appointments, the word " Maida," all sides, and general Bennigsen reas an honourable and lasting testi. mained in possession of the field of mony of the distinguished gallantry battle. Buona parte commanded in displayed by those corps in the ac- person, and under him marshals tion fought on the 4th of July, 1806, Augereau, d'Avoust, Soult, Ney, on the plains of Maida, in Calabria.. and Bessieres, at the head of the -By order of his royal highness guards, who suffered the most. the commander-in-chief.

Our loss is from six to eight thou. , HARRY CALVERT, adj. gen. sand men, whilst that of the enemy

is estimated at from twelve to fifteen

thousand.. We have also taken Account of a signal Victory gained twelve stand of colours, and about by the Russians over the French.

fifteen hundred prisoners, among

whom there are thirty officers. The Translation of a Letter from General courier who brought the dispatches

de Budberg, his Imperial Majes- having been sent off immediately ty's Minister for foreign affairs, after the battle, the ministers of bis to the - Marquis of Douglus, 3d imperial majesty do not yet know (15th) February, 1807.

all the details of the above-men. General Budberg, minister for tioned day. General Budberg has foreign affairs, hastens to commu. the honour to be, &c. nicate to his excellency the ambas. sador of his Britannic majesty Translation of a Letter from General the following intelligence, which the Baron de Bennigsen to the Em. arrived last night from the army.

peror of Russia. General Benvigsen, after having 66 On the field of Battle, Prusfallen back for the purpose of choo. sian Eylau, Jan. 27, (Feb. 8.) sing a position which he judged better adapted for manæuvring the 6. I am truly happy to have it ia troops under his command, took up my power to inform your imperial a position at Prussian Eylau. Du. majesty, that the army, the command ring four days successively, his rear. of which your majesty has deigi ei guard, commanded by major-gene. to confide to me, has been again ral Barklay de Tolly, had to with. victorious. The battle which has stand several vigorous attacks; and just taken place, has been bloody on the 26th January ( February 7,) and destructive, It began on the at three o'clock in the afteravon, 26th of January (7th Feb.) at three


6 SIRE ;

o'clock in the afternoon, and lasted the Belgica, armed with 12 guns, until six o'clock in the evening of and manned with 32 men: from the 27th of January (8th Feb.) thence proceeding to the westward, The enemy was completely defeat. on the evening of the 25th of July, ed; one thousand prisoners, and four sail of ships were descried pas. twelve stand of colours, which I sing through the Straits of Salayer ; have the honour herewith to trans. immediate chace was given to them : mit to your majesty, fell into the and, by nine, I had the satisfaction hands of the conquerors. This day, of seeing them lying-to between the Buonaparte attacked me with his small Dutch posts of Bonthean Bala. best troops, on my centre, and on comba, at about seven miles distance both wings, but he was repulsed and from the shore. I easily made out beaten on all sides. His guards one of them to be a frigate, and an. repeatedly attacked my centre, other a coryette; but a third had without the smallest success. After so much the appearance of a line of a very brisk fire, they were repulsed battle ship, that both capt. Trou. at a'l points, by the bayonet, and bridge and myself deemed it pru. by charges of the cavalry. Several dent to wait till daylight before we columns of infantry, and picked re. examined them. We accordingly giments of cuirassiers, were destroy. during the night, at two miles ed. I shall not fail to transmit to distance to windward. As the day your majesty, as soon as possible, a broke, I had the pleasure of finding detailed account of the memorable the ship which had forced us on battle of Prussian Eylau. I think cautionary measures, was a large our loss may, perhaps, exceed 6000 two-decked ship, resembling an men; and I certainly do not exagge English Indiaman. rate, when I state the loss of the The enemy (for they proved to enemy at considerably more than be a Dutch squadron) immediately twelve thousand men.

drew out in order of battle on the larboard tack under their top-sails ;

the frigate taking her station in the Capture of a Dutch Squadron.- van, an armed ship astern of her,

Copy of a Letter transmitted by Sir the large ship in the centre, and 1. Troubridge.

the corvette in the rear. Fortu.

nately for us, the frigate, by fore. H. M. S. Greyhound, Java, reaching upon her second astern, cauSir, Sea, 27th July, 1806. sed a small opening in their line. It I have the honour to inform you, was suggested to me by Mr. Mar. that his majesty's ships Greyhound tin, master of his majesty's ship and Harrier, after destroying, on Greyhound, that if we could close the 4th of July, under the fort of with the enemy whilst in that posis Monado, the Dutch company's brig tion, our attack might be made to Christian Elizabeth, armed with advantage ; accordingly,

under eight guns, and having a comple. French colours, we bore up, as if ment of 80 men, stood across the with an intention to speak the frie Molucca sea to the island of 'Tidon ; gate; and when within hail, all fur. when they captured, on the 6th, an. ther disguise being unnecessary, we other of the enemy's cruisers called sbifted our colours, and cominenced


firing, which was instantly returned frigate Pallas, of 36 guns, comman.

, with a smartness and spirit that ca ded by N. S. Aalbers, a captain in vinced they were fully prepared for the Dutch navy; the Victoria, a the contest. The Harrier, who had two-decked ship, of about 800 tons, kept close astern of the Greyhound, commanded by Klaas Kenkin, sea on secing her engaged, bore round nior captain in the Dutch compa. up, and passing between the frigate ny's service; and the Batavia, a and her second astern, raked them ship of about 500 tons, commanded both; the latter with such effect, by William de Val, a captain in the that they bore up in succession to same service: both the company's return her fire,' thus leaving thc ships are armed for the purpose of frigate separated from them. Being war, and richly laden with the pro. resolved to avail myself of this ad. duce of the Moluccas. vantage, and being anxious to be in The ship which escaped, I learn a position for supporting the Har. from our prisoners, was the republic rier, now engaged in the centre of can corvette William, mounting 20 the enemy's line, I wore close round twenty-four pounders, and manned the frigate's bows, raking her se- with i 10 men. verely while passing ; and when on [The letter concludes with passing the starboard bow, by throwing our the highest encomiums on the officers sails aback, we fell into the desired and ships' companies of the Greyposition. The cannonade from the hound and Harrier.] Greyhound was now admirable, (Signed) E. ELPILINSTONE. while that of the frigate visibly Sir Thomas Troubridge, Bart. Rear. slackened ; and at last, after an Admiral of the White, &c. &c. &c. action of forty minutes, wholly cea. sed. On hailing to know if they List of Killed and Wounded on-board had struck, they answered they had, his Majesty's Ships, in Action with and lieutenant Home took immedi. a Dutch Squadron on the 26th of ate possession of her. On directing July, 1806, off Macassar. her fire on the ships astern, they all Greyhound, 1 killed and 8 followed her example, except the wounded.--Harrier, 3 wounded.corvette, who, from being in the Total, i killed and 11 wounded. rear, had suffered little from the ac- Officers slightly wounded.--Greytion, and now made off towards the hound, James Wood, boatswain ; "shore. Capt. Troubridge immedi. George Majoribanks, master's mate, diately wore in pursuit of her, send. and John Bradford, clerk. ing, at the same time, a boat to take List of Killed and Wounded on. possession of the large ship, whose board the Enemy's Ships, in Action fire he had nearly silenced early in on the 26th of July, 1806, off Mathe action. Perceiving the corvette sailed remarkably well, and that Pallas, 8 killed and 32 wounded she could spread more canvass than (the captain, pilot, and four seamen, the Harrier; her masts and rigging since dead.) - Victoria, 2 killed. being entire, I recalled the latter · Batavia, 2 killed and 7 wounded, from a chace which was likely to be (the lieutenant and one seaman since fruitless.

dead.) - Total, 12 killed, 39 woun. The prizes proved to be the Dutch ded.

A gazette

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surrender, I constructed, on the light dragoons, detachments of the 28th, a battery of six 24. pounders, 20th and 21st light dragoons, the within 1000 yards of the south-east 47th regiment, a company of the bastion of the citadel, which I was 7 1st, and a corps of 700 marines informed was in so weak a state and seamen, were encamped unthat it might be easily breached. der brigadier-general Lumley, to The parapet was soon in ruius, but protect vur rear. the rampart received little injury, " At the appointed hour the and I was soon convinced that my troops marched to the assault. means were unequal to a regular They approached near the breach siege; the only prospect of success before they were discovered, when that presented itself was, to erect a a destructive fire from every gun battery as near as possible to a wall tbat could bear upon it, and from by the, south gate; that joins tho the musquetry of the garrison, works to the sea, and endeavour to opened upon them. Ileavy as it breach it. This was cffected by a was, our loss would have been com. six-gun battery, within 600 yards; paratively trilling, if the breach and though it was exposed to a very had been open; but during the superior fire from the enemy, which might, and under our fire, the cuemy had been incessant during the whole had barricaded it with hides, so as of the siege, a breach was report. to render it nearly impracticable.ed practicable on the 2d instant. The night was extremely dark. Many reasons induced me not to de. The head of the column missed the lay the assault, though I was aware breach ; and when it was approach. that the troops would be exposed ed, it was so shut up, that it was to a very heavy fire in approaching mistaken for the untouched wall. and mounting the breach. Orders In this situation the troops remain. were issued for the attack an hour cd under a heavy fire for a quarter before day-break the ensuing morn. of an hour, when the breach was ing, and a summons was sent to the discerned by captaiu Reuny, of the governor in the evening to surren. 40th light infantry, who pointed it der the town. To this measure no out, and gloriously fell as he mount. answer was returned. The troops ed it. Our gallant soldiers rushed. destined for the assault, consisted of to it, and, difficult as it was of ac- , the rifle corps under major Gar. cess, forced their way into the dener, the light infantry under town. C'annon were placed at the lieut..col. Brownrigg and major head of the principal streets, and Trotter, the grenadiers under ma. their fire for a short time, was de. jors Campbell and Tucker, and structive; but the troops advanced the 38th regiment under lieut..col. in all directions, clearing the streets Vassal and major Nugent. They and batteries with their bayonets, were supported by the 45th region and overturning their cannon.- The ment under major Dalrymple, 40th regiment, with colonel Browne, and the 87th under lieutenant. followed. They also missed the colonel Butler and major Miller, breach, and twice' passed through The whole were commanded by the fire of the batteries, before they colonel Browne. The remainder found it.-The 87th regiment was of my force, consisting of the 17th posted near the north gate, which Vol. XLIX.



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