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She heard the dogs barking loudly behind her, and her heart beat very fast with fear. She ran into a grove where the trees grew high and thick, but the dogs followed close on her track, and she soon saw that they were gaining on her.

Now, it happened that Seth Clark was at work cutting timber near his log-hut, on the edge of the grove. He heard the barking of the dogs, and, looking up, he saw the beautiful fawn running toward him. The next moment the three dogs came in sight.

Seizing a stout stick, Seth beat them off. As soon as they were out of sight, he turned, and saw the fawn standing by the timber, her dark eyes sparkling, and her neck outstretched as if to make sure that her enemies were gone.

The fawn seemed to know that Seth was her friend, and that, but for him, she would have been torn in pieces. She let him come up to her and pat her head, and then watched him curiously as he brought water to her in a pail. She took both water and food from his hands, and did not seem to be at all afraid.

See what kindness will do even for a wild animal! For the rest of the day the fawn stayed with her new friend, and seemed happy to be near him. But the next morning she was gone. Perhaps she went to seek her brothers and sisters in the woods.

Some one asked Seth Clark why he did not shoot her. "What!" cried he, "shoot a poor dumb animal that had run to me for help? No; I would rather have gone without my dinner for a week than have harmed that poor little fawn, after she had asked me by her looks to protect her."

Write words meaning the opposite of the words in the following list:

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Write three sentences, each one containing at least one word chosen from among the words you have written.

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One day I chanced to pass through a small village just as the boys of the school were playing their noonday game of ball.

I watched them with pleasure, for they were very skillful at their game. Soon I heard loud shouts of "Look out! Take care! Mind where you're going!" whenever a boy went near a certain spot which was within a few yards of one of the bases.

I asked one of the party what these cries meant. His answer was, "Oh, that is our sparrow, sir!" On further inquiry, I found that, some days before, the boys had discovered a ground-sparrow's nest in the grass close to their ball-ground.


One of the boys had suggested that the school should take the bird and her nest under their especial care. The plan was agreed to at once, and it had become their daily business to see that all was right with the sparrow, and to guard her nest during the game.

The boys told me, with great glee, that four birds were just hatched, and, pointing to the spot, one shouted, "Look, sir-there she is, feeding them now!" It was indeed true.

In spite of the noisy game, the crowd of boys, and the ball flying close overhead or rolling near, the mother-bird was hopping toward her nest with some morsel for her little ones.

Afterward I again saw her going to and from the nest without showing the least sign of fear. It was plain she understood the good-will of the boys, and trusted it for herself and her young


Copy the sentences below, and in place of the dashes write words chosen from the following list:

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