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COPY-RIGHT.-An important protection to literary property from foreign piracies is about to be extended by the new Customs Act, passed last seзation in the United Kingdom and West Indies on the 1st of April next, and in North America and the Mauritius on the 5th of July. In order, however, to carry this law into effect, it is necessary that the Commissioners of the Customs be immediing. Authors, owners of copyrights, and publishers should bear in mind, that, unless they comply with this regulation of the act, they will be excluded from the benefit of it. As this condition may not be generally known in the literary world, and every publicity ought to be given to it, we print here the clauses of the act :

printed or reprinted in any other country, shall be
and the same are absolutely prohibited to be im-
ported into the United Kingdom.

SOUTHEY.-A most painful and affecting para-sion (5 & 6 Victoria, c. 47), which comes into opergraph appears in the Leeds Intelligencer, to which. but for that previous circulation, we should have hesitated to give publicity; embodying an extract from a letter written by Mrs. Southey (so long a favorite with the literary public as Caroline Bowles) to Mrs. Sigourney, the American authoress, in an-ately furnished with lists of copyrights still subsistswer to one from the latter lady, wherein she had desired to be remembered to the Laureate. The misery which it describes is to sad and sacred for the common gaze; and it is not without a feeling of awe that we contribute to draw aside the dark veil which has fallen between the world and him who was for so many years before it in the character of one of its teachers. "You desire (says Mrs. 24,"And be it enacted, that from and after the Southey) to be remembered to him who sang of said 1st day of April, 1843, all books wherein the 'Thalaba, the wild and wondrous tale.' Alas! my copyright shall be subsisting, first composed, or friend, the dull, cold ear of death is not more in-written, or printed in the United Kingdom, and sensible than his, my dearest husband's, to all com munication from the world without. Scarcely can I keep hold of the last poor comfort of believing that he still knows me. This almost complete un- 25. "Provided always, and be it enacted, that no consciousness has not been of more than six months' such book shail be prohibited to be imported, unless standing, though more than two years have elapsed the proprietor of such copyright, or his agent, shall since he has written even his name. After the give notice in writing to the Commissioners of Cusdeath of his first wife, Edith,'-of his first love-toms that such copyright subsists, and in such notice who was for several years insane, his health was shall state when such copyright shall expire, and terribly shaken. Yet for the greater part of a year the said Commissioners of Customs shall cause to that he spent with me in Hampshire, my former be made, and to be publicly exposed at the several home, it seemed perfectly re-established, and he ports of the United Kingdom from time to time, used to say, It had surely pleased God that the printed lists of the works respecting whieh such nolast years of his life should be happy.' But the tice shall have been duly given, and of which such Almighty's will was otherwise. The little cloud copyright shall not have expired." soon appeared which was in no long time to overshadow all. In the blackness of its shadow we still live, and shall pass from under it only to the portals of the grave. The last three years have done upon me the work of twenty. The one sole business of my life is that which, I verily believe, keeps the life in me-the guardianship of my dear, helpless, unconscious husband."-Athenæum.

It is needless to perplex the authorities at the custom houses with the titles of any books but such as are actually pirated, or are likely to be pirated abroad. The lists should be arranged alphabetically under the name of the author, to facilitate reference.-Ibid.

MOUNT ETNA.-Extract of a letter from Palermo, Jan. 5-"The eruptions of Ætna have diminished, AN AVALANCHE -The French papers give the and the period of their termination seems approachdetails of a calamity which has occurred, in the ing. Since my last the explosions have not been department of the Isere-the destruction of the vil-considerable. The torrent of lava has made little lage of Valsenestre by an avalanche. The snow- progress, and the damage which the burning mass fall buried 26 houses, containing 82 inhabitants-occasions is now insignificant, but it always affords 72 of whom were, however, subsequently restored opportunities for scientific research and interesting to the light of day, by means of ropes and ladders observation. The mountain has become inacceslet down the chimneys of the houses, from wells sible, in consequence of the great fall of snow, dug through the snow which covered them. which covers it to the very brink of the crater. Amongst the ten persons who perished, nine were Snow occupies all the other mountains, aud entirecrushed to death, or smothered by the snow which ly covers many other places, the valleys excepted, enveloped them on every side. The tenth, the in which nothing can be more beautiful than the mother of the forest-keeper, died in the arms of her appearance of the vegetation, so remarkable for its son, who was extricated from his critical position extent and richness."-Ib. twenty-four hours afterwards. The following particulars are interesting. The fatal descent took place between the hours of three and four in the morning, when the villagers were buried in slumber, and the stealthy tread of the mountain-spirit is well expressed in the fact that but few of the sleepers in the buried houses, or in the cottages which it spared, were awakened by his coming. It was not till day-break that the latter were aware of the calamity which had befallen their neighbors. and the former, (those of them whose homes the casuality had covered but not crushed,) fancied the dawn was long in appearing, and concluded at last, in each case, that the common occurrence among the mountains of a night of snow having blocked up their doors and windows, had made temporary prisoners of them, and awaited the succour of their immediate neighbors without alarm.-Ib.

ANTARCTIC CIRCLE.-The Falmouth Packet announces that intelligence has been received from Captain Sir J. Ross, who has penetrated the Antarctic circle to 71° 40', surveyed the coast discovered by him along its western boundary, and proceeded to do the same along the eastern line - The Times (Friday) mentions that Lieutenant M Murdo, of the Terror, has arrived in town from this expedition, which he left at the Falkland Islands all well, and in the highest spirits. He reports that Capt. Ross had triumphantly accomplished every object for which the expedition was undertaken, and that the government at home, sensible of this, had left it entirely to Capt. Ross's discretion, as to his returning home at once or remaining out for a longer period, for the purpose of exploring other objects of interest in this hitherto imperfectly known

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"They hear it, and they heed it not, their ears

portion of our globe; that Captain Ross has made | music for their money. How the deep sense of the choice of the former, and that we may therefore calamity, and its frightful effects at hundreds of expect the expedition home early in May. Lieu-hearths, strikes upon the hearts of the assembled tenant M'Murdo also states that in consequence of crowd! How serious, how solemn are their faces! the excellent discipline observed on board the Ere-Not a smile plays upon them as for the musicbus and Terror, and the great care and attention paid to the health of their respective crews, the expedition had lost but four men since leaving England; namely, one blown overboard in a gale at the Cape, another from some constitutional disease, and the other two from natural causes. Lieutenant M Murdo is also the bearer of several specimens of Our worthy and intelligent contemporary, The grapes and seeds, collected at the Falkland Islands Boulogne Gazette, has given a terrible picture-terand various other places in the southern hemi-rible in its true simplicity—of the horrors of the sphere.-Ibid. wreck :

PHILANTHROPY AND FIDDLING.-We are a charitable peopie, but when we give a shilling to a charitable purpose, we like to have our shilling's-worth in return. We call ourselves sympathizing Christians, but our Christianity cannot be dispensed gratis. This small social infirmity was, a few days since, strikingly illustrated at the Hall of Commerce in


A thrill of horror-a sense of grief-has struck and weighed upon the whole nation by the late frightful disaster at sea. Five hundred souls, it is said' have perished in the ocean; leaving breaking hearts to bewail them; leaving the widowed and the fatherless to agony and hopeless want. misery of poverty may, however, be somewhat alleviated. For this purpose SIR JOHN PIRIE took the chair at a meeting of merchants held at the Hall of Commerce; and then pertinently said, to "cheering,' voices;


"Those who were safe on land were anxious to testify their sympathy, in the only way in which sympathy was of any avail, by putting their hands in their pockets."

They were, however, to have something in return for what they took out of their pockets. This, SIR JOHN had duly understood from the good Samaritans of the city; for he said (and again the merchants "cheered")

"By several philanthropic persons in the city of London, who were in the habit of superintending meetings suddenly got up with the view of serving the unfortunate, it had been stated that a concert in the splendid room in which the meeting was now assembled, would be the most agreeable means of gathering together the charitable of both sexes, and receiving their contributions in the price of tickets of admission."

Are with their hearts, and they are far away-" listening to the howling wind on desolate Lornelhearing the roaring sea with a grave on every billow!

"Waves like mountains soon rose above the sides,

and poured, in all their vengeance, tons and tons of water along the deck, streaming down the cuddy stairs and overflowing the steerage. All rushed on deck in their flannels and nightclothes to seek refuge on the poop. There, indeed, was a distressing scenemothers and children clasping each other in mute hope, husband encouraging the wife, the eaptain sustaining all by promises he felt delusive. Our readers may imagine the scene; but we cannot refrain from particularly noticing the admirable conduct of Miss Turton, who was 18 on the day of her death. She had been the life and soul of the voyage, had endeared all to her by her constant good humor, suavity, and mildness. On that poop she thought not of herself; there she was going from sad group to sad group, sustaining the courage of all, and holding out prospects of succor and safety; ministering, like a pure spirit, consolation, hope, and dependence on that Providence who orders all for the best."

Is this a thing to be "set to music?" Can its desolating effects harmonize with a cavatina by Mrs. SHAW-With Willie brewed a peck o' maut, by Mr. WILSON or with even The Sea, by Mr. H. PHILLIPS. With an inexpressible loathing, we ask again,-is this a horror to be piped and fiddled to?

And now we see astonishment in the face of the excellent and well-meaning Lord DUDLEY STUART, who at length finding words, asks, "What! would you afford no relief to the wretched creatures, deprived at one blow of their earthly protectors? Is there nothing sacred in such sorrow ?" And we answer-Yes, so sacred that we would not have it ingering of singers and musicians. associated with the trills and roulades, and dexterous

We ask of the Samaritans of the City,-Have ye no churches? In such a cause, is it not better that the

And so Charity, "heaven-descended maid," is voice of sympathy should be heard from the pulpit only to be charmed into the light of day, as the than the orchestra? Have ye no priests, that ye snake-charmers of the East draw serpents from their must seek ministers of charity from the opera, the holes, by piping and drumming! The sympathetic play-house, and the concert room? If it be so nestrings of the human heart are to vibrate to cat-gut.cessary to make benevolence attractive, are there no The "melodious tear" of benevolence is to be ac-bishops to cast a gracious lustre from their cloud of companied by Mr. BLAGROVE on the cornet-a-piston! aid of the widow and the fatherless? There are lawn upon the cause-to lift up their silver voices in Yes; we will imagine "the splendid room," of the Hall of Commerce crowded by "the charitable of many persons inconstant church-goers, who neverboth sexes," thus "agreeably gathered together" by theless "lacker their Sunday face in a pew to hear hopes of music vocal and instrsmental. We will a bishop preach: not, we fear, so much for the mat. ter dropping from episcopacy, as from mere curiosimagine that Lord DUDLEY STUARTity; in the like way as the estimable Mr. SHUNDY reproaches himself for his gift of the macaroon to the ass-not so much for pure charity, as to see how the animal "would eat a macaroon.' Any way there would have been no want of crowded congregations-no lack of gold and silver in the plates of the churchwardens.

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("Praise be to him, and to his slumbers peace," has succeeded, as he assuredly will succeed, in obtaining gratuitously the very highest professional assistance. Every artist of any eminence clamors to aid the almost sacred purpose, and (what charity can stay at home, reading such a concert bill?) the "splendid room" is crowded! Sympathy, in full But no, we are to have music for our alms: we dress, elbows it in a throng! What a delightful are to make holy offerings at the shrine of charity spectacle! How cheering to the philanthropist! amidst the smirks and smiles of a concert-room, to How ennobling to the best feelings of our nature to the accompaniment of horns and obeos, tenors and behold such a multitude gathered together to aid the constraltos! Our heart-strings are to be well-rosinwretched widow and the orphan upon this slighed, and then-and only then-our purse strings will consideration, that they shall have the very best

give way.-Charivari.


THE SOLAR ECLIPSE.-Whilst watching the progress of the eclipse, in July last, with the aid of an excellent old refracting telescope, made by Dollond, with an object glass of 24 inches, I observed a projection on the surface of the moon, and I exclaimed "I see something on the moon's edge, like a mountain, or like a lofty island when seen at sea" [such as Teneriffe]. This announcement excited intense interest. The Rev. H. H. Jones next saw it, and then Mr. Lamport. Our several descriptions corresponded so exactly, that there can be no mistake as to the fact of the appearance; and we repeated our observations for a considerable time. From that time (July 8) to the present, Mr. Jones and myself have been anxiously looking out for the reports of others on this eclipse, hoping that some scientific astronomers would have noticed and described this interesting appearance. It appears from the reports of those accomplished astronomers, Messrs. Baily and Airy, that both these gentlemen saw in the totality several of those appearances which are assumed to have been referable to the sun's light. I would submit, that one of those prominences seen by myself, cannot be referred to the sun, but was evidently, in some way or other, connected with the body of the moon, as seen on the edge of its disc. I will not presume to account for this very novel appearance; I only give the fact. That there was no optical illusion, which, had I only seen it, might have been suspected, is fully established by the concurrent testimony of three persons, two of whom, including Mr. Jones, have long been accustomed to astronomical observations with good telescopes. The mountain, island, protuberance, or saw-tooth prominence, was not of the same depth of tint as the rest of the eclipse: it was considerably more feeble, but maintained a similar form and tint throughout our observation of it. The time when the prominence was first noticed was about a quarter to six, and was distinctly visible till near the termination of the eclipse. In all other respects the discs both of the sun and moon were perfectly defined; and my friend, Mr. Jones, watched most distinctly the moment of disjunction. Manchester. I am, etc. WM. JONES, M.D. -Athenæum.

coins in the Island of Gothland: that many Roman antiquities have been dug up near Utrecht: and that two small marble columns have lately been discovered in the ruins of Tusculum, with an inscription in old Latin, relating to a donation, at the consecration of a temple, from one of the family to which the celebrated Camillus belonged.-Ibid.

BLOOD.-M. Dumas, reported on a memoir of M. Donné, relative to the constitution of the blood, and to the effects of the injection of milk into the vessels. He first recalled the former researches of the author on the constitution of milk, which is an aqueous liquid, holding in solution sugar of milk and caseous matter, and in suspension globules of fatty matter; and his experiments on the constitution of blood, which he considered to be composed of,-1st, red globules, which are commonly known; 2d, white globules, more voluminous, and endowed with very distinct properties; 3d, chylous globulines, easily distinguishable. These latter in the blood are scarcely one three hundredth of a millimeter in diameter, and much resemble those of the chyle. most granular, or fringed; water completes their The second globules are purely white, spherical, alacid contracts them: they are found more or less disaggregation; ammonia dissolves them; acetic abundant in the blood of all vertebrate animals. The red globules, according to M. Donné, differ slightly in their properties one from the other, as ment. From these results the author conceives that though they presented different states of developthe globulines of chyle are the origin of the several blood-globules; and, convinced of the analogy which exists between milk and chyle, he has tried injections of the veins with milk, persuaded that thus the globules of milk would be converted into globules of blood. The commission state, that, with the exception of the horse, to which injections of milk have been often fatal, most animals bear them without inconvenience. Once injected into the veins, the milk mingles with the blood, circulates with it, and it is very easy to recognise in the capillary vessels of a frog's tongue the passing of the globules of milk mixed with those of blood. In the case of a dog, the blood procured by a puncture presents, with the same plainness, this indisputable mixture of the milk and blood globules. At the end of a few days all the globules disappear, and the blood resumes its SPLENDID METEOR.-A little after eight in the ordinary appearance. But, M. Dumas added, beevening of Sunday the 5th, a meteor passed over a fore disappearing, the globules of milk are seen asconsiderable part of the north of the county of Not-sociated, two and two, three and three, and surroundtingham. Its course was from the N. W. It greatly ed with a nebulosity which may be taken for some resembled a large body of fire of a blood red color, mucous matter condensed around them, and which assuming various shapes. Its apparent height was may easily proceed from some modification of the trifling, but its velocity could not be less than 50 !iquid in contact with them. This aggregation of or 60 miles a minute. In its course it was seen by the globules, at first isolated in the blood, and senumbers at a distance from each other, yet those parated by so many other globules in suspension, is who observed it, although so many miles asunder, certainly a very remarkable fact. Must it be admit fancied it fell within a short distance.-Ibid. ted, with the author, that these aggregates reunite in the spleen, pass there into the state of the white globules, and that these produce in their turn the red globules? Can this complete assimilation between globules of chyle and milk be accepted? These are questions which the commission reserve. They are satisfied of the correctness of the facts announced of the physiological theory to him.-Ibid. by the author; they leave, however, the responsibility

THERMOGRAPHY.-Dr. Knorr, professor at the University of Kasan, has lately made a discovery which may lead to important results in the study of the nature of caloric and thermo-electricity. He has discovered a method of copying by means of heat on silver, copper and steel plates, not prepared as in the daguerreotype and other existing systems. Some of these thermographs were taken in from 8 to 15 seconds; others, by another process, in from 5 to 10 minutes.-Ib.

CURIOSITIES.-A society has recently been formed at Worgl, in the Tyrol, for excavating a spot where the old Roman town of Masciacum is supposed to have stood. The continental papers mention the discovery of a great quantity of old Roman silver

TARTAR ON THE TEETH.-M. La Baume ascertained that washing the teeth with vinegar and a brush will, in a few days, remove the tartar; thus obviating the necessity for filing or scraping them, which so often injures the enamel. He recommends the use of powdered charcoal and tincture of rhatany afterwards, which effectually (in his opinion) prevents its formation.-Medical Times.


LADY CALLCOTT.-At Kensington Gravel-pits, the wife of Sir Augustus Callcott, R. A.

Lady Callcott was the daughter of Rear-Admiral George Dundas. Few women had seen so much of the world, or travelled so much, and none, perhaps, have turned the results of their activity to more benevolent account. A great part of her early life was spent either at sea or in travel, and to the last no subject was more animating to her than a ship, and no hero excited her enthusiasm to so high a degree as Nelson.

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After eleven long years of suffering, the death of this lady took place at Kensington Gravelpits, in the house which the family of the Callcotts has made celebrated for nearly a century. For many years Lady Callcort can hardly be said to have left her chamber, which her taste, her of the most interesting of rooms. kindly and enlarged associations, had made one In it was accumulated an immense variety of all kinds of beantiful and sympathetic objects calculated to render less irksome her painful confinement-a confinement the more painful to a temperament so active and excitable. Her spirit yearned to be about and stirring, whilst illness kept her body a close prisoner. Prints, choice and rare as works of art or associated with loved objects, covered the walls, unless otherwise occupied by paintings or sculptures, memorials of Wilkie and Chantrey, and others. Books and portfolios filled a large space of the room. Curiosities of natural history abounded on

close to a window against which vines had been trained as natural blinds, and living arabesques were made among the branches by the mice and birds, as they came, half tamed, to take the meals which Lady Callcott daily placed for them ;-a sort of pensioner bird, too feeble to sing or hop, was a constant companion and an object of her kind solicitude, and a noble hound was a privileged visitor at all times. None will feel Lady Callcott's loss more than the little children, who were always encouraged as loved and welcome guests, and for whom her kindness had always prepared some little present of a doll. Not a small part of this lady's last years was spent in providing amusement and instruction for them, and successfully, too, as proved by the many editions of "Little Arthur's History of England," and a delightfully simple and natural tale- The Little Brackenburners." Her last work was a "Scripture Herbal," recently published.

She was born in the year 1788, and before she was twenty-one years of age she was travelling in India, the wife of Captain Thomas Graham, R. N. According to the account in her travels, she went to India in 1809, and visited all the three presidencies, making acquaintances at all of them learned for Oriental knowledge and research. She visited the caves of Elephanta, the Island of Salsette, the excavations of Carli in the Mahratta mountains. and Poonah, the Mahratta capital. On her return to Bombay she voyaged along the coast as far as Negombo, afterwards visiting Trincomali on the east side of the island on her way to Madras. From Madras she went to Calcutta, which termin-all the ledges. A little bed was placed in a recess, ated her travels in India, as she only returned to the Coromandel coast to embark for England in the beginning of 1811. She published these travels in 1812, being then twenty-four years of age. Ten years afterwards she sailed with Captain Graham for South America. In the meantime she had resided in Italy, and published two works; one, "Three Months in the Environs of Rome," 1820; a second, "The Memoirs of the Life of Poussin,' in the same year. Captain Graham, who commanded the Doris, died on the voyage to South America, and his remains were carried into Valparaiso, and interred within the fortress. His wife was in Chili during the series of earthquakes, which lasted from the 20th of November, 1823; and scarcely a day passed without receiving violent shocks. It was with difficulty she escaped from her house, which was partly laid in ruins. The first shock of this series left but twenty houses and one church standing in all the large town of Quillota. "The market-place," (quoting from her Diary) was filled with booths and bowers of myrtle and roses, under which feasting and revelry, dancing, fiddling, and masking were going on, and the whole was a scene of gay dissipation, or rather, dissoluteness. The earthquake came-in an instant all was changed. Instead of the sounds of the viol and the song, there arose a cry of Misericordia! Misericordia !' and a beating of the breast, and a prostration of the body; and the thorns were plaited into THE DEATH OF MR. DRUMMOND.-Nothing could crowns, which the sufferers pressed on their heads have stricken sooiety more fearfully than that till the blood streamed down their faces, the roses death, which it is our most painful duty this week being now trampled under foot. Some ran to their to announce. Mr. Drummond, the attempt to asfalling houses, to snatch thence children, forgotten sassinate whom, we last week recorded, expired at in the moments of festivity, but dear in danger. his house in Grosvenor-street on Wednesday mornThe priests wrung their hands over their fallen ing. Assassination could scarcely have selected a altars, and the chiefs of the people fled to the hills. victim who would have been more regretted. Both Such was the night of the nineteenth at Quillota." in his private and public capacity, (that of private During her stay in South America, Mrs. Graham secretary to the Prime Minister,) Mr Drummond became the instructress of Donna Maria. Some had secured the love and esteem of a large circle years afterwards she married Mr. Callcott, the of friends. His bonhommie and warmth of disRoyal Academician, and with him again visited position, as well as his utter freedom from all ofItaly. Among the published fruits of this tour may be ficial hauteur had endeared him, in no slight manmentioned Lady Callcott's account of Giotto's Cha-ner, to all who came within his influence. Hence, pel, at Padua, a privately printed work, with ex- no man could be more universally regretted than he quisite outlines-remembrances drawn by Sir Au- who has just been snatched from the world by the gustus Callcott-and a kind contribution to the scoundrel who has slain him. Little doubt can illustrated edition of the Seven Ages of Shakspeare. exist that M'Naughten took Mr Drummond for Lady Callcott also published a History of Spain," | Sir Robert Peel, as we understand that the Minis

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A few words only can now record her character. Noble, direct, generous, forgiving, quick, sensitive, kind, sympathetic, and religious, all that knew her will hold her memory in affectionate remembrance. Her acquirements and knowledge were extensive. She was an artist both in feeling and in practice, an excellent linguist, and her memory was extremely accurate and tenacious. Her remains were buried at Kensal-green Cemetery.-Athen.


his literary tastes; and, when the close of the war restored him to his country, he seemed to feel that the peaceful leisure of a soldier's life could not be more appropriately filled up than by the cultivation of literature. The characteristic of his mind was rather a happy union and balance of qualities than the possession of any one in excess; and the result was a peculiar composure and gracefulness, pervading equally his outward deportment and his habits of thought. The only work of fiction which he has given to the public, certainly indicates high powers both of pathetic and graphic delineation; but the qualities which first and most naturally attracted attention, were rather his excellent judgment of character, at once just and generous, his fine perception and command of wit and humor, rarely, if ever, allowed to deviate into satire or sarcasm, and the refinement, taste, and precision with which he clothed his ideas, whether in writing or conversation. From the boisterous or extravagant he seemed instinctively to recoil, both in society and in taste.

ter has latterly received several threatening letters, which alluded to his assassination; and our only wonder is, that he had the nerve to continue in the exercise of his duties without taking precautions to ensure his safety-a safety which, although it can scarcely be more dear to us as individuals than that of Mr. Drummond was, must be infinitely more importance to us in a national point of view. But, whatever may have been the motive of M' Naughten for this deliberate, dastardly, and un-English murder, we must sincerely hope that no false mercy will be allowed to step in between the crime and the punishment. We doubted the wisdom of that mercy which was extended by her Majesty to the wretch who first lifted his hand against her Royal person. And had that mercy not been extended, we feel convinced the lesson would have prevented the second attempt on that precious and Royal life, and obviated the present murder of Mr. Drummond. With all criminals we have our human sympathies for error, except for the assassin; he alone, by the act itself. places his crime without the pale of pity, for he slurs the very character of that nation to Of his contributions to this magazine it would be which he belongs, by the attempt at a crime which out of place here to speak, further than to say that can be committed only by the coward and liar. they indicated a wide range and versatility of talThe common housebreaker is a respectable characent, embraced both prose and verse, and were uniter, when compared with him. Yet we used to "Cyril Thornton," which apversally popular. hang the one without any remorse, and London used peared in 1827, instantly arrested public attention to make his execution a gala-show. This, the en- and curiosity, even in an age eminently fertile in lightened mercy of modern times has wisely and nobly abolished. But that mercy is misused when great works of fiction. With little plot-for it pursued the desultory ramblings of a military life it steps in to protect the murderer; for, in doing so, it loosens the very bonds by which society is held through various climes-it possessed a wonderful together, and encourages the crime which it should truth and reality, great skill in the observation and repress, by the disproportion of the punishment portraiture of original character, and a peculiar apportioned to it. We have now before us a start- charm of style, blending freshness and vivacity of ling instance of the necessity of punishment. We movement with classic delicacy and grace. The have seen mercy, and we have here-death. Let work soon became naturally and justly popular, no false tenderness step in between the prisoner having reached a second edition shortly after pubpenitent we hope he will be-and his bodily expia-lication: a third edition has recently appeared. tion. Those who were spared failed in the com- The "Annals of the Peninsular Campaign" had He has succeeded. If the merit of clear narration, united with much of mission of their crime. Courvoisier was hung for the murder of his sleeping the same felicity of style; but the size of the work master, why should justice be cheated of the life of excluded that full development and picturesque dethis open-day assassin? But one method can extin- tail which were requisite to give individuality to its guish this unnatural and un-English crime-and pictures. His last work was "Man and Manners that is the ignominy of a death which will leave no in America," of which two German and one French pretext for the far ce of political martyrdom.-Court translations have already appeared; a work eminently characterized by a tone of gentlemanly feelJournal. ing, sagacious observation, just views of national character and institutions, and their reciprocal influence, and by tolerant criticism; and which, so far from having been superseded by recent works of the same class and on the same subject, has only risen by public estimation and comparison.-Blackwood.

THOMAS HAMILTON, ESQ.-There are few things connected with the increase of years in an established periodical like our own, more affecting than to observe how "friend after friend departs," to witness the gradual thinning of the ranks of its contributors by death, and the departure, from the scene, of those whose talents or genius had contributed to its M. CLEMENT BOULANGER.-The French papers early influence and popularity. Many years havenot announce, with comments of regret, the sudden elapsed since we were called on to record the death death of a young painter of great distinction, M. of the upright and intelligent publisher, to whose Clément Boulanger, attached to the Scientific Com. energy and just appreciation of the public taste, its mission which, under the presidency of M. Texier, origin and success are in a great degree to be as-is, just now, engaged in exploring the ruins of Magcribed. On the present occasion another of these melancholy memorials is required of us; the accomplished author of "Cyril Thornton," whose name and talents had been associated with the Magazine from its commencement, is no more. He died at Pisa on the 7th December last.

Mr. Hamilton exhibited a remarkable union of scholarship, high breeding, and amiability of disposition. To the habitual refinement of taste which

nesia, on the Meander. M. Boulanger had studied under M. Ingres; and has fallen a victim, at the early age of 36, to brain fever, occasioned by the intense heats to which the commission has been exposed in directing the excavations on the site of the Temple of Diana. The friezes of this temple, rich in beautiful sculpture, are the principal objects of the commission; and M. Boulanger had assisted at the extraction of several portions (recovered by powerful machinery from a moist soil, much of it under water), when he was visited by the attack.—


an early mastery of the classics had produced, his military profession and intercourse with society had added the ease of the man of the world, while they had left unimpaired his warmth of feeling and kindTHE BARON DE LA MOTTE-FOUQUE, Author of Un ness of heart. Amidst the active services of the Peninsular and American campaigns, he preserved | dine, died recently at Berlin, aged, 66.

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