The perfume and suppliance of a minute ; Oph. No more but so? Think it no more: For nature, crescent, does not grow alone Grows wide withal. Perhaps, he loves you now; May give his saying deed; which is no further, a minute;] i. e. What was supplied to us for "an amusement to fill up a vacant mo The perfume and suppliance of aminute; or, as M. Mason supposes, ment, and render it agreeable." STEEVENS. In thews,] i. e. In sinews, muscular strength. * And now no soil, nor cautel, doth besmirch The virtue of his will:] Cautel is craft; the virtue of his will means, his virtuous intentions.-M. MASON. unmaster'd-] i. e. Licentious. affection would lead you. JOHNSON. keep you in the rear, &c.] That is, do not advance so far as your a - chariest-] i. e. Most cautious. The canker galls the infants of the spring, Oph. I shall the effect of this good lesson keep, Laer. O fear me not. I stay too long; -But here my father comes. Enter POLONIUS. A double blessing is a double grace; Occasion smiles upon a second leave. Pol. Yet here, Laertes! aboard, aboard, for shame; The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail,d And you are staid for: There, my blessing with you; [Laying his hand on LAERTES' Head. And these few precepts in thy memory recks not his own read.] That is, heeds not his own lessons. -POPE. • Enter Polonius.] Polonius is a man bred in courts, exercised in business, stored with observation, confident in his knowledge, proud of his eloquence, and declining into dotage. His mode of oratory is truly represented as designed to ridicule the practice of those times, of prefaces that made no introduction, and of method that embarrassed rather than explained. This part of his character is accidental, the rest is natural. Such a man is positive and confident, because he knows his mind was once strong, and knows not that it is become weak. Such a man excels in general principles, but fails in the particular application, He is knowing in retrospect, and ignorant in foresight. While he depends upon his memory, and can draw from his repositories ositories of knowledge, he ütters weighty sentences, and gives useful counsel; but as the mind in its enfeebled state cannot be kept long busy and intent, the old man is subject to sudden dereliction of his faculties, he loses the order of his ideas, and entangles himself in his own thoughts, till he recovers the leading principle, and falls again into his former train. This idea of dotage encroaching upon wisdom, will solve all the phænomena of the character of Polonius. JOHNSUN. a -the shoulder of your sail,] This is a common sea phrase. STEEVEND character.] i. e. Write, strongly imprint. Beware Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, For the apparel oft proclaims the man; What I have said to you. Oph. 'Tis in my memory lock'd, And you yourself shall keep the key of it. Laer. Farewell. [Exit LAERTES. Pol. What is't, Ophelia, he hath said to you? Oph. So please you, something touching the lord Hamlet. Pol. Marry, well bethought: 'Tis told me, he hath very oft of late ↑ But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new-hatch'd, unfledg'd comrade.] The literal sense is, Do not make thy palm callous by shaking every man by the hand. The figurative meaning may be, Do not t by promiscuous conversation make thy mind insensible to the differ ence B 1 k of characters. JOHNSON. censure,] i. e. Opinion. h chief] For chiefly. husbandry.] i. e. Of thrift; economical prudence. season this in thee!] Infix it in such a manner as that it never may wear out. JOHNSON. -tend.] i.e. Are waiting. Given private time to you: and you yourself And that in way of caution,) I must tell you, Oph. He hath, my lord, of late, made many tenders Of his affection to me. Pol. Affection? puh! you speak like a green girl, Oph. I do not know, my lord, what I should think. Oph. My lord, he hath impórtun'd me with love, Pol. Ay, fashion you may call it; go to, go to. With almost all the holy vows of heaven. Pol. Ay, springes to catch woodcocks. I do know, When the blood burns, how prodigal the soul Lends the tongue vows: these blazes, daughter, Giving more light than heat, extinct in both, Even in their promise, as it is a making,You must not take for fire. From this time, Be somewhat scanter of your maiden presence; Set your entreatments at a higher rate, Than a command to parley. For lord Hamlet, Believe so much in him, That he is young; And with a larger tether may he walk, m Unsifted-] Unsifted for untried. Untried signifies either not tempted, or not refined; unsifted signifies the latter only, though the sense requires the former. WARBURTON. n 0 - Tender-] i. e. Regard with affection. -fashion you may call it;] She uses fashion for manner, and he for a transient practice.-JOHNSON. P १ springes to catch woodcocks.] This saying was proverbial. STEEVENS entreatments-] i. e. Entertainment, conversation. Than may be given you: In few, Ophelia, SCENE IV. The Platform. [Exeunt. Enter HAMLET, HORATIO, and MARCELLUS. Ham. The air bites shrewdly; it is very cold. Hor. It is a nipping and an eagert air. Ham. What hour now? Hor. Mar. No, it is struck. I think, it lacks of twelve. Hor. Indeed? I heard it not; it then draws near the season, Wherein the spirit held his wont to walk. [A Flourish of Trumpets, and Ordnance shot off, within. What does this mean, my lord? Ham. The king doth wake to-night, and takes his rouse, Keeps wassel," and the swaggering up-spring* reels ; The kettle-drum and trumpet thus bray out The triumph of his pledge. Hor. Ham. Ay, marry, is't: Do not believe his vows: Is it a custom? meant a buwd or pimp. MALONE. -bonds,] i. e. Engagements of love. Theobald reads bawds, but with for they are brokers,] A broker in old English out any authority. t X eager-] i. e. Sharp, aigre, Fr. wassel,] i. e. Festivity, intemperance. the swaggering up-spring-] The blustering upstart.-JOHNSON. { |