How each College sounds With the cry of the hounds! From the dark tomb then break away! Ah! see they rush to Friar Bacon's tower, VII. Radcliffe and Wolsey, hand in hand, Sweet gentle shades, there take their stand With Pomfret's learned dame ; And Bodley join'd by Clarendon Just arbiters of fame! VIII. That fringed cloud sure this way bends; Minerva's self; and in her rear All in Dian's livery seen. Hunting thus is learning's prop, Then may hunting never drop! And thus an hundred Birth-days more Shall Heav'n to George afford from its capacious shore. NUMBER VIII. ODE, BY THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. I. INDITE, my Muse!-indite! subpæna'd is thy lyre! The praises to record, which rules of Court require ! 'Tis thou, O Clio! Muse divine, Must plead my cause! - Great HATFIELD'S CECIL bids me sing The tallest, fittest man, to walk before the King! II. Of Sal'sbury's Earls, the first (so tells th' historic page) 'T was Nature's will to make most wonderfully sage; But then, as if too liberal to his mind, She made him crook'd before, and crook'd behind *. 'Tis not, thank Heav'n, my Cecil, so with thee; Thou last of Cecils, but unlike the first; Thy body bears no mark'd deformity; The Gods decreed, and judgment was revers'd! For veins of Science are like veins of gold; Pure, for a time, they run; Alas! in nothing but a heap of mould! * Rapin observes, that Robert Cecil, the first Earl of Salisbury, was of a great genius; and though crooked before and behind, Nature supplied that defect with noble endowments of mind. III. Shall I by eloquence control, Or challenge send to mighty ROLLE, Whene'er on Peers he vents his gall? Uplift my hands to pull his nose, True to these terms, I preach'd in politics for Pitt, What though my father be a porpus, I tender bail for Bootle's warm support And O! should Mrs. Arden bless me with a child, The little Pepper would some caudle lack: The best of caudle's made of best of sack! Let thy decree But favour me, My bills and briefs, rebutters and detainers, To Archy I'll resign Without a fee or fine, Attachments, replications, and retainers! To Juries, Bench, Exchequer, Seals, To Chanc'ry Court, and Lords, I'll bid adieu; No more demurrers nor appeals; My writs of error shall be judg'd by you. V. And if perchance great Doctor Arnold should retire, Fatigu'd with all the troubles of St. James's Choir, My Odes two merits shall unite; BEARCROFT *, my friend, His aid will lend, And set to music all I write; Let me then, Chamberlain without a flaw, The praises of the King In legal lays to sing, Until they rend the air, And prove my equal fame in poesy and lazo! * This Gentleman is a great performer upon the Piano Forte, as well as the Speaking Trumpet and Jew's Harp. NUMBER IX. ODE, BY NATHANIEL WILLIAM WRAXALL, Esa. M. P. I. MURRAIN seize the House of Commons! Hoarse catarrh their windpipes shake! Descend from globes to statesmen's aid! Come, and once more unlock this vasty world- II. Begin the song, from where the Rhine, Upon a marish flat and dank States, Six and One, |