ADVERTISEMENT. Lord Chamberlain's Office, April 26. In order to administer strict and impartial justice to the numerous candidates for the vacant POET LAUREATSHIP, many of whom are of illustrious birth, and high character, NOTICE is hereby given, That the same form will be attended to in receiving the names of the said Candidates, which is invariably observed in registering the Court Dancers. The list to be finally closed on Friday evening next. Each Candidate is expected to deliver in a PROBATIONARY BIRTH-DAY ODE, with his name, and also personally to appear on a future day, to recite the same before such literary judges as the Lord Chamberlain, in his wisdom, may appoint, LAUREAT ELECTION. [The following Account, though modestly styled a Hasty Sketch, according to the known delicacy of the Editorial Style, is in fact A Report, evidently penned by the hand of Master.] HASTY SKETCH of Wednesday's Business at the LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE. IN In consequence of the late general notice, given by public advertisement, of an open election for the vacant office of Poet Laureat to Their Majesties, on the terms of Probationary Compositions, a considerable number of the most eminent characters in the fashionable world assembled at the Lord Chamberlain's Office, Stable Yard, St. James's, on Wednesday last, between the hours of twelve and two, when Mr. Ramus was immediately despatched to Lord Salisbury's, acquainting his Lordship therewith, and soliciting his attendance to receive the several candidates, and admit their respective tenders. His Lordship arriving in a short time after, the following Noblemen and Gentlemen were immediately presented to his Lordship by John Calvert, jun. Esq. in quality of Secretary to the office. James Eley, Esq. and Mr. Samuel Betty, attended also as first and second Clerk. The following list of candidates was made out forthwith, and duly entered on the roll, as a preliminary record to the subsequent proceedings. The Right Rev. Dr. William Markham, Lord Archbishop of York, t The Right Hon. Edward, Lord Thurlow, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. The Most Noble James, Marquis of Graham. The Right Hon. Harvey Redmond, Visc. Mountmorres, of the kingdom of Ireland. The Right Hon. Constantine, Lord Mulgrave, ditto. The Right Hon. Henry Dundas. Sir Gregory Page Turner, ditto. The Rev. Joseph Warton, D. D. Pepper Arden, Esq. Attorney General to His Majesty. Michael Angelo Taylor, Esq. M. P. Major John Scott, ditto. Nath. William Wraxall, Esq. ditto. Mons. Le Mesurier, Membre du Parlement d'Angleterre. The several candidates having taken their places at a table provided for the occasion, the Lord Chamberlain, in the politest manner, signified his wish that each candidate would forthwith recite some sample of his poetry as he came provided with for the occasion; at the same time most modestly confessing his own inexperience in all such matters, and entreating their acquiescence therefore in his appointment of his friend, Mr. Delpini, of the Haymarket Theatre, as an active and able assessor on so important an occasion. Accordingly, Mr. Delpini being immediately introduced, the several candidates proceeded to recite their compositions, according to their rank and prece dence in the above list-both his Lordship and his assessor attended throughout the whole of the readings with the profoundest respect, and taking no refreshment whatsoever, except some China oranges and biscuit, which were also handed about to the company by Mr. John Secker, Clerk of the Household, and Mr. William Wise, Groom of the Buttery. At half after five, the readings being completed, his Lordship and Mr. Delpini retired to an adjoining chamber; Mrs. Elizabeth Dyer, Keeper of the Butter and Egg Office, and Mr. John Hook, Deliverer of Greens, being admitted to the candidates with several other refreshments suitable to the fatigue of the day. Two Yeomen of the Mouth and a Tun-broacher attended likewise; and indeed every exertion was made to conduct the little occasional repast that followed with the utmost decency and convenience; the whole being at the expense of the Crown, notwithstanding every effort to the contrary on the part of Mr. Gilbert. At length the awful moment arrived, when the detur digniori was finally to be pronounced on the busy labours of the daynever did Lord Salisbury appear to greater |