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possession of some of these powers,
from the fact, that the apostles did not
raise any dead to life during their mis-
sion, refuted, ib.-why the disciples.
could not at all times exert these
powers, 248-nature of that reproof
given by Christ to his disciples, on
account of their want of faith, 249-
the duration of these powers in the
church, intended to be temporary, 250,
526, 527, 630-the power to work
miracles was not considered, in apos-
tolical times, a sufficient indication of
Christian character, 250, 621-the na-
ture of that faith by which the apostles
wrought miracles, 302-in what re-
spects these powers were confined to
the apostles and evangelists, 302, 664
-the benevolence of God, manifested
in the variety of supernatural gifts be-
stowed on the first Christians, 362-
were not absolutely confined, in the
days of Christ, to the twelve, and the
seventy disciples, 490-the nature of
these powers, 526, 527-the non-neces-
sity for their permanency, ib.- -were
probably gradually withdrawn, ib.—
the miraculous powers of the seventy
were increased on the day of pentecost,
620-the gift which Paul wished to
impart to the church at Rome, not
miraculous, 664-not much importance
was attached to these powers by this
apostle, who labours to repress the
great admiration of them, manifested
by the Christians of his time, 664
Mite, described, 509-the lowest offering
which was permitted to be made, ib.
Modior, explained, 76
Moyihaλos, explained, 480, 481
Money-changers, the nature of their occu-
pation, described, 299, 366
Monks, the austerity they practised
nurtured vices of the mind, whilst
it castigated those of the body,

Mapai, explained, 358
Mapaiva, explained, 75
Morality, the antiquity and universality
of the golden rule, noticed, 113-
Christ not a teacher of a new morality,
but explained more perfectly its true
principles, ib.-his object in intro-

ducing this rule into his moral code,
114-the restrictive character of the
morality taught by the philosophers of
Greece and Rome, noticed, ib.—that
inculcated by St. Paul, synonymous
with that taught by our Lord, ib.—the
powerful motives by which Christian
morals are enforced when compared
with those of heathenism, 370
Mortification, nature of that prescribed in
the New Testament, 116-monkish
austerity nurtured the vices of the
mind, whilst it castigated those of the
flesh, 116

Moses, the idea that Moses was raised
from the dead to attend our Lord on
his transfiguration, noticed, 243-the
rabbinical writings referred to, respect-
ing the tradition that Moses and Elias
would appear in the days of the Mes-
siah, 244-the probable origin of these
traditions being found in the Jewish
records, ib.-why Moses and Elias ap-
peared on the mount, 246-what Moses
did not, and what he did, command in
reference to the question of divorce,
269-is figuratively represented as sit-
ting in the Sanhedrim, and inferior
councils, to deliver oracles, 324
Mountain, to remove a, a proverbial
phrase, for performing things the most
difficult and apparently impossible,
250, 303-a Jewish saying on this
subject, noticed, 303

Mourning, holy, described as referring to
the distress which the recollection of
our offences against God produces in a
contrite heart, or to the afflictions of
good men in regard to the moral end,
contemplated by the providence of
God, 69, 578-in what respect such
are blessed, 69-mourning among the
Jews, how expressed, 169
Mustard-tree, description of the, by Sir
Thomas Browne, Scheuchzer, Linnæus,
and Scott, noticed, 201-why men-
tioned by our Lord, ib.-the phrase,

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Nain, the city of, where situated, 597-
the miracle of raising from the dead
the son of a widow of this place, con-
sidered, 597, 598

Name, of God, often put for God himself,
100-all prayer, in order to be ac-
ceptable to God, must be offered in the
name of Christ, 98

Nase, the, or president of the Sanhedrim,
noticed, 289, 567

Nazarene, a term of reproach applied to
the Saviour, 42-not actually predicted
by any prophet that he shall be called
a Nazarene, ib.

Nazareth, a city of ill repute among the
Jews, and why, 42, 542-why called
our Lord's own country, 206-why the
inhabitants of this place were offended
at our Lord's teaching, 206, 207, 580
—their unbelieving character, stated,
207-how their unbelief operated, so
that Christ did "no mighty work" in
that city, ib.—the visit of our Saviour
to the synagogue of Nazareth, noticed,
577-579-why more miracles were per-
formed at Capernaum and other places
than at Nazareth, 580-the murderous
intentions of the inhabitants toward our
Lord, ib.-who leaves them for ever,
581-Dr. Edward Clarke, quoted, on
the situation of Nazareth, ib.
Nazarite, a, described, 538, 541
Neighbour, the question, Who is my neigh-
bour? answered, 89, 321, 624, 626
-how far this expression was limited
by the Jews, 90, 321, 624-the duty to
our neighbour, defined, 321, 322, 623
Neologism, the agreement in the testimonies

of the first three evangelists defended,
against the insinuations of German Neo-
logists, 16-19-the erroneous principles
advocated by them and applied to the
temptation of Christ, refuted, 56, 57-

their great object to explain away every
thing that is supernatural in the scrip-
tures, noticed, 418, 419-their credu-
lity in believing any absurdity calcu-
lated to refute the supernaturalism of
the Bible, mentioned, 439

Net, the gospel compared to a, 204—the
significancy of this figure, noticed, ib.
Newcome, Archbishop, quoted, on the
enrolment of the Roman empire at the
birth of Christ, 555

Nicodemus, an instance of a rich man
entering the kingdom of heaven, 278-
no intimation that a greater abundance
of spiritual gifts were conferred upon
him, 285-assists Joseph of Arimathea
to embalm the body of our Lord, 433
-his affection for the Saviour, noticed,
434-did not anticipate the resurrection
of Christ, 433

Night, the division of the, into watches,
noticed, 213, 557

NIKηons, explained, 695

Ninety and nine, nothing mysterious in
this number intended, 260
Nineveh, the repentance of the men of,
contrasted with the obduracy of the
Jews, 187

Noah, the seven precepts of, noticed, 329

-a parallel struck between the state of
the Jews before the siege of Jerusalem,
and the antediluvians, 353

Nob, a village near Jerusalem, noticed,

Noukos, described, 320, 623, 637
Norris, quoted, on God humbling the
proud, 458

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Oaths, not absolutely forbidden by Christ,
86-the nature of those oaths which
he did prohibit, noticed, 86-false
swearing a common crime among the
Jews, ib.-animadversions on the prac-
tice of adjuring by the creature, 86, 87,
330-all oaths equally binding in the
sight of God, 86-the too frequent use
of oaths, an evil, 87-the sin of trifling
with an oath, declared, ib.-the vicious
casuistry of the papal church in the
matter of oaths, mentioned, ib.-pro-
mises ratified by oaths, often made by

kings and great men in their revels,
209-the wilful and perverting sophis-
try of the Pharisees on this subject,
noticed, 330-the Jewish mode of
placing a person under an oath, 405-
judicial oaths, not forbidden by our
Saviour, to which he himself submitted,
ib.-the Hebrew form of assent or
affirmation, noticed, 405, 417-the na-
ture of that oath which Almighty God
sware unto Abraham, 552
Obedience, to the commandments of God,
closely connected with the doctrine of
the atonement, and the work of the
Holy Spirit, 274, 275—the utter insuf-
ficiency of future obedience to effect
our justification in the sight of God,

Offences, meaning of the term, 163-na-

ture of those which come from the
world, 256, 257-connexion between
the offences of the hand, the foot, and
the eye, with those that "must needs
be," 257-offences of the hand, foot,
or eye, considered as sins of honour,
pleasure, and interest, ib.—the danger
of hindering the servants of Christ in
the discharge of their duty, noticed,
ib. the renunciation of honour, inter-
est, and pleasure, preferable to being
the cause of offences against the truth
and cause of Christ, ib.-the danger
great, on account of the servants of
Christ being the special objects of the
Father's regard, 259-and the Saviour's
love, 260-offences between brethren,
considered, 261-the mode of treating
the offending brother, not merely ad-
vised, but commanded, by our Lord,
ib.-meaning of the term offended,"
often used by the inspired writers,

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Officers, in the synagogue, their names
and places, described, 65

Oikias, "houses," used by metonymy for
property, 328-the word OIKOS often
used to denote the city of Jerusalem,
337-and occasionally the country of
Judea, 338

OLкodeσπоτns, explained, 306
OIKOVOμos, explained, 649

Oil, anointing, a composition made by
Moses, under divine direction, 21-

vegetable oil used medicinally, noticed,
472, 625

Ointment, the nature and value of that
with which Mary anointed our Lord,
375, 513

Olives, Mount of, described, 340-where
situated, and why so called, 294
Ouoλoyew, explained, 119, 158
Ove, explained, 436
Owvia, explained, 572
Opaua, explained, 245
Opyn, explained, 685

Origen, quoted, on the strait gate, 116-
on the distribution of miraculous
powers in the church, 119-on the
term, "idle word," 185-his testimony
to the authenticity and genuineness of
St. Luke's Gospel, 531

Original depravity, the natural corruption
of the heart of man, stated, 222-dis-
played in evil imaginations, desires,
purposes, and in opposition to the
truth, ib.

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QoTEP, even as," signifying not equality,
but resemblance, 91, 292
Ova, explained, 169

Ovv, explained, 113

Outer darkness, import of the phrase, 125
Ogos, described, 424


Maydevσwow, explained, 313
Palestine, climate of, noticed, 120, 121–
Buckingham's Travels in Palestine,
quoted, 191, 192-the fertility of the
soil, 192, 655-the heat of the sun in
this country, mentioned, 284-refer-
ence to a custom of the east, for mas-
ters to entrust capital with their ser-
vants, 362—the heat produced in Ju-
dea by the blowing of the south wind,
noticed, 652

Παλιγγενεσία, explained, 279
ПavdoкELOV, explained, 556, 625
Parable, defined, 190, 223-Bishop
Lowth's description of a, 190-fre-
quency of this mode of instruction,
especially in the east, ib.-how ex-
pressed in the Hebrew, Greek, and
Latin tongues, ib.-Campbell's distinc-
tion between parable and apologue, no-
ticed, ib.-difference between parable

and allegory, stated, 191-peculiarity
and excellence of the parables of our
Lord, ib.-the reason why the Saviour
spoke in parables, and reserved the ex-
planation for his disciples in private,
192, 193-parable of the sower, illus-
trated, 194-197-parable of the wheat
and tares, considered, 198-200-the
opinion of Grotius, Augustine, Chry.
sostom, and Jerom, on this parable,
stated, 200-object anticipated by our
Lord, in the parable of a grain of mus-
tard-seed, 202-and of the leaven, ib.
-the leading parts of a parable only
significant, the evil of forced and far-
fetched meaning, 204-instances of
this kind of interpretation, 204, 205,
284-parables are to be interpreted by
their general design, and not resolved
into allegory, 284-parable of the la-
bourers in the vineyard, illustrated,
284-286-the design of the parable of
the two sons, considered, 305-the
minor circumstances of a parable, not
to be interpreted too strictly, 306—the
parable of the husbandman, illustrated,
306-308-of the marriage feast, con-
sidered, 309-313-the word "parable"
occasionally used in the sense of a
simple comparison, 351—the parable of
the ten virgins, illustrated, 357-360-
the parables of the Rabbins poor imita-
tions of those of Christ, 361-parable
of the talents, considered, 361–367—
that of the sower, showing the part
which man is to take, and the neces-
sity of divine influence in the propaga-
tion of the gospel, 463, 464—a com-
mon proverb sometimes called a para-
ble, 580-the parable of the rich man,
noticed, 643, 644-important theolo-
gical points contained therein, 645-
the parable of the fig-tree, intended to
represent the state of the Jewish na-
tion, 655, 656

Παραδειγματισαι, explained, 25
Παραδιδωμι, explained, 463
Пapadoois, described, 217

Пapadovval, explained, 172

Пapadoga, explained, 587
Παρακολουθείν, explained, 534
Parents, in the duty of children to, our
Lord includes affording support, as

well as respect, reverence, and obe-
dience, 218-this recognised by the
Jewish canons, ib.-the severity of the
law against those who used reproachful
language toward them, ib. - the
wretched, selfish, and infecting sophis-
try of the Pharisees on this head, ib.
-a description of those parents who
brought their children to Christ, 271
-disobedience to parents carried to a
frightful extent among the ancient
Heathen, 678

П, explained, 372

Πασχα, τα, explained, 372
Passover, a description of the, 372-the
time of the year in which this feast was
observed, 378-Lightfoot and Philo,
quoted, on the manner of killing the
paschal lambs, 378 - the question,
whether our Lord ate the passover
before he suffered, considered, 378,
379-a custom of the inhabitants of
Jerusalem connected with the celebra-
tion of this feast, noticed, 380-mode
of its preparation, described, 381-why
the recumbent position was adopted in
partaking of the passover, ib.-manner
of eating the lamb, 382—the descrip-
tion given by Maimonides of this feast,
quoted, 383, 384-some of the custom-
ary additions dispensed with by our
Lord to make way for the eucharist,
384-the place in which he celebrated
the passover, described, 514, 515-
Christ being taken to the passover one
year before he was obliged by the law
to be present, accounted for, 566—the
usual number of persons who attended
this festival, mentioned, 610
Paul, St., the difference between his ser-
mon at Athens and epistles to the
Greek churches, noticed, 111-the
morality taught by our Lord, was en-
forced by this apostle, 114-changing
his name from Saul to Paul, men-
tioned, 657-does not call himself the
slave or servant of Christ, in the
oriental acceptation of the term, or in
the common use of the word slavery,
ib.-the emphatic manner in which he
acknowledges his call to the apostle-
ship, considered, ib.-and the reason
why he kept his apostolic character

prominently before the churches, ib.-
his call to the work of the ministry,
658-why he occasionally followed the
occupation of tent-maker, ib.—applies
the title "Son of God" in its highest
sense to Christ, 659-why he was
favoured with a vision of Christ in his
glory, 660-expresses his great regard
and affection for the church at Rome,
663-why he calls himself the apostle
of the Gentiles, ib.- vindicated from
the charge of employing dexterous
courtesy and artifice, ib.—his peculiar
work as an apostle, 664-the nature of
that spiritual gift which Paul wished to
impart to the Christians of Rome, 664,
665-why he considers himself a debtor
to the Greek and barbarian, 665-his
confidence in the ultimate triumph of
the gospel over every obstacle it met
with in Rome, 666—his visit to Athens,
noticed, 672-his representation of the
idolatry of the pagan world, 671-679
-conduct of those who endeavour to
throw a softer shade over their moral
condition than that stated by the apos-
tle, condemned, 675-Paul sanctions
no distinction between the worship of
a thing represented by an image and
the image itself, ib.-his object in
introducing a description of the corrupt
state of the pagan world, considered,
679-conjectures respecting the mean-
ing of the term "law," as used by the
apostle, noticed, 686-the guilt of the
Jews equally condemnatory with that
of the Gentiles, 690-693-explains the
value of the privileges possessed by the
Jews, 693-shows that the zeal of the
Jews in making proselytes did not at
all extenuate their guilt, 695, 696—a
recapitulation of his argument in the
first two chapters of the epistle to the
Romans, 696, 697-how his quotation
from scripture, respecting the guilty
state of mankind, refers to man univer-
sally, 698, 699-lays down the maxim
that none can be justified by the
deeds of the law, 700-introduces
the provision made by the Most
High for the justification of the
ungodly, 701-meaning of the
phrase, "righteousness of God," as

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Pearce, Bishop, quoted, on Christ stilling
the tempest, 130-on the Jewish me-
thod of computing time, 186-on the
doubts of Herod respecting our Lord,
208-his criticism on the phrase,

Many are called," &c., noticed, 286
-on Matthew quoting from Jeremiah,
a prophecy which is only found in the
writings of Zechariah, 416-on the
thorn which composed the mock
crown of our Lord, 422-on the
address of the angel to Mary, 542
Pearls, their value, 204-blessings of the
gospel, compared to, ib.

Pence, value of a Roman penny, 266,

282, 602, 625-a penny the usual rate
of a day's wages among the Romans,
283. See DENARIUS.

Perea, sometimes designated Judea, and
termed, "the coasts of Judea beyond
Jordan," 267

Perennius, the prefect, put to death by
Commodus, mentioned, 210


Perfection, Christians are to imitate God
in the divine perfection of love, both in
its principle and action, 91-meaning
of the term, perfect," as applied by
our Lord to the young man, 276—the
nature of that perfection inculcated by
Christ upon his disciples, 594, 595. See

ПepioσevμaTOS, EK TOU, explained, 184
Пeginaw, explained, 626
Perjury, as practised by the Jews, con-
demned by Jesus Christ, 87
Persecution, meaning of the term, 73-
reasons why persecution has ever been
the lot of the righteous, 73, 153-the
most violent persecutors found among
superstitious and fanatical men, 73-

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