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SECTION VI. Paraphrase this passage:—

"Yet did the King, almost forsaken quite
By all his men, maintain a noble fight,
As if ashamed to outlive the sad

Discomfiture which his own rashness made.
Nor did his faltering hand e'en then forget
To play a soldier's part; appearing yet
Worthy the fear of his assailing foe,

While death attended every furious blow."

Parse the words in italic.


The following questions are for Candidates who have been taught Latin Grammar.

1. Decline, in all cases, singular and plural, the words::

mensa, sanguis, paries, cornu.

2. Give the English equivalents of in, ob, sub, sine, de, ab, trans, præ, post.

Show from the etymology and meaning of the following words, how any of these prepositions enter into them-subjection, oppose, illusion, dejected, sinecure, aversion, transcribe, preposterous, indefensible, independent, transubstantiation, insupportable.

3. Decline, in all cases, singular and plural, ille, ego, atrox, æqualis.

4. Give the indicative perfect tense, the imperative mood, and the subjunctive present tense, of the following verbs :-audire, regere, gaudēre, edere.

5. Write out the passive imperfect indicative, the passive perfect subjunctive, and the passive infinitive of moneo and servio.

6. Turn into Latin, "A young man generally hopes to live a long time."

Turn into English

Multi alios laudant, ut ab illis laudentur.

Negari non potest quin turpius sit fallere quam falli.


You are not to answer more than four questions in Geography and four in History.


SECTION I. 1. Describe the boundaries of the Baltic Sea, the chief towns on its shores, and the chief islands.

2. The counties on the eastern coast of England, the rivers which discharge themselves into the sea on the east coast, the counties from which those rivers come.

3. Draw a small map of the county in which you have lived, and write out an account of its boundaries.

SECTION II. 1. What is the general shape of South America, what is the position of the chief mountain range, and in what direction do its rivers flow?

2. Describe the shape of Italy, the direction of its highlands, and of its chief rivers; its principal towns, and its boundaries both by sea and land.

3. The islands of the Mediterranean; anything you know about them; how they are governed; their chief productions.

SECTION III. 1. Explain all the lines that are seen traced on a map of the world.

2. Give a short description of the solar system, with a figure.

3. How can you explain to a child that the earth is not flat?

SECTION IV. 1. What are our colonial possessions in America? Give some account of one of them, with a little sketch map.

2. Describe the shape of the Red Sea, its boundaries, and mention any recent facts connected with it that you remember.

3. Where are these places :-Colombo, Toronto, Gozo, Sebastopol, Metz, Cairo, Brisbane, Borneo, Zanzibar, Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, New Westminster, Vera Cruz, Baltimore? Give an account of three of them.

SECTION V. 1. Mention some of the West Indian Islands. To whom do they belong? Give as full an account as you can of any of them.



2. Mention all the islands which are on the coast of Great Britain, with particulars about any one of them. 3. The chief mountain ranges of the world: the direction of the ranges according to the points of the compass; the countries through which they run.


SECTION I. 1. The successive races which have inhabited Great Britain since the Romans.

2. The dates of the great changes in the ruling families in Great Britain.

SECTION II. 1. A short account of the Norman Conquest.

2. The chief possessions of England on the Continent in the time of the Plantagenets.

SECTION III. 1. Relate events which show that in olden time France and Scotland were often united against England.

2. What were the great events connected with the ascendency of the Stuart family ?

SECTION IV. Write a short account of two of the following persons :—

Edward the Confessor, Archbishop Anselm, John of Gaunt, Wiclif, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Cardinal Wolsey, Sir William Wallace, John Knox, John Hampden, Charlotte Countess of Derby, Rachel Lady Russell, Admiral Drake, Lord Nelson, Mrs. Fry, Gainsborough, Hogarth, Sir Isaac Newton.

Assign dates to each one, and say for what he or she was remarkable.

SECTION V. 1. What is the meaning of the "National Debt"? Who make laws in our country? Who administer them? What is a "Secretary of State," a "County Court Judge," a "Police Magistrate"?

2. Mention the great sources of England's commercial prosperity.

3. What has been the progress of colonization by English settlers?


Ex-Pupil Teachers should answer Sections I.-V. (inclusive) and Section VI., Question 1. Other Candidates should answer as many questions as they can in VI. and VII.

SECTION I. Into how many classes was your school divided? And what classes did you chiefly teach ? What were the subjects, and the order in which they were taken ? Give an example of one week's work of your school.

SECTION II. Give a sketch of a lesson which you have heard given by the Teacher of your school, and draw up a series of questions which you might have put to your class to see whether they had attended to the lesson.

SECTION III. Describe the course through which you had to pass in preparing for your examination as pupil teacher in the third year of your apprenticeship.

SECTION IV. Write out the notes of some lesson on Geography which you have given during your apprenticeship.

SECTION V. How were faults of unpunctuality, sullenness, quarrelling, and falsehood punished in the school from which you come? Relate any instances of special difficulty in discipline which have occurred within your knowledge.

SECTION VI. Write a letter describing the life of a pupil teacher.

2. Write a short essay on cruelty to animals.

3. Write a letter assigning the reasons why you wish to be a teacher, and the advantage you hope to gain by entering a Training College.

SECTION VII. 1. Give an account of your course of life previous to the Examination.

2. Write an account of any school which you have seen in active operation.

3. Write a letter giving some account of the war between France and Germany.

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N.B.-The Tonic Sol-fa questions are printed in Italic. Candidates must keep ENTIRELY to one set of questions or the other.

1. Express the following in musical symbols :-G clef; signature for three sharps; common time signature; minim rest; quaver rest; C quaver; B quaver; bar; A minim; C minim; bar; B dotted minim; C crotchet; bar; D crotchet; B crotchet; F crotchet; G crotchet; A minim; two crotchet rests; double bar.

1. Draw a modulator, and explain of what steps it consists.

2. Bar the passage here given, in two different kinds of time, putting the proper time signature to each.

2. How do you distinguish strong and weak accents in the Tonic Sol-fa notation? Give examples.

3. Transpose the passage of music here given to the key of F, putting the proper signature.

3. What is a two pulse measure? What a three pulse? How are they written? Give examples.

4. Explain the difference between time and accent. What are the kinds of common and triple time most frequently used ? Give the signatures, and explain


4. Explain the mental effects of the different intervals in the scale. How do you divide them into two classes?

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