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τὴν ἄλλην οὐσίαν πλὴν ὧν ἐμεμίσθωτο ουτοσί, because the obligation to divide, under the will, stands in a certain opposition to the act of division, which the executors performed with the same amount of care and interest as if they had divided the property among themselves; so that the distinction, between véμw in the one case and véμopa in the other, is much the same as that between the active νέμει and the middle διεστοιχίζετο in the passage from Eschylus. Afterwards we have (947, l. 13): éveíμaтo ovтos πρоs Tòv ådeλpóv, of one of the parties immediately interested.

ПIPOIEMAI, "I part with or spend my money," &c. (Thucyd. 11. 43; Lys. 162, 35; Demosth. Dionysod. 1297, 14; Esch. c. Ctesiph. 78), is so regularly used in this sense, that Demosthenes employs the periphrastic form of the pluperfect passive in the same signification without any accusative of the object, pro Phormione, p. 946, 8: εἵλετο μᾶλλον αὐτὸν τὸν Πασίωνα χρήστην ἔχειν τούτων τῶν χρημάτων ἢ τοὺς ἄλλους χρήστας οἷς προειμένος ἦν, “ he preferred to have Pasion himself as his debtor for these sums rather than the other debtors to whom he had lent them."

ПIPOZIEMAI, "I admit to myself," not only bears the sense "I approve," as in Plat. Phæd. p. 97 B: TOUTOV Tоν тρóжоν оνdаμÑ πрoσieμɑι, “I do not at all admit or approve of this method;" but is even used in the third person to signify "it approves itself to me,” as in Aristoph. Equit. 359: tà μèv åλλa μ’' "peoas Xéywv, ἓν δ ̓ οὐ προσίεταί με, “ in the rest of what you said you pleased me, but one point does not approve itself to my judgment or taste."

ПРоΣТРЕÏOMAI, “I turn myself towards," has the special meaning "I go as a suppliant," especially for purification from homicide; whence the name Tроoтрóπαιos. Thus Esch. Eumen. 196: καὶ προστραπέσθαι τούσδ ̓ ἐπέστελλον δόμους, “I bad him apply for purification at this temple." Whence it seems probable that προστετραμμένος πρὸς ἄλλοισιν οἴκοις (Eumen. 229), “ having applied for and received supplication at another temple," is the true reading instead of πρоσтетρiμμévos (New Cratylus, § 218).

ПIPOΣTРIBOMAI, "I cause to be rubbed in" ΠΡΟΣΤΡΙΒΟΜΑΙ, or "I rub in diligently," is applied idiomatically to express any act which produces an indelible or very lasting impression; thus we have Dem. c. Aristog. I. p. 786, 5 : σκοπῶν τίνι συμφορὰν ἢ βλασφημίαν

ἢ κακόν τι προστριψάμενος ἀργύριον εἰσπράξεται, " considering on whom he can inflict some prejudice or slander or mischief, and so extort money for himself;" Id. c. Androt. 617, 4: πλoútov tira δόξαν προσετρίψατο τοῖς κεκτημένοις, " such things attach to their possessors an outward show of opulence;" Aristoph. Equit. 5: πληγὰς ἀεὶ προστρίβεται τοῖς οἰκέταις, “ he is always getting the servants a beating." It is used in this application as a passive verb; see Æsch. Prom. 329.

ZIENAOMAI, "I pour forth libations with a special object," i. e. "I make a treaty."

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ΣTEAAOMAI, means not only "I cause myself to go,' prepare myself for a journey," as in Soph. Phil. 464: dn, Tékvov, σTÉλλEσ0€; “are ye going to start at once?" sometimes with the infinitive, as Herod. 111. 124: ẻσtéλλeto àπiévai, “he prepared III. ἐστέλλετο himself to depart;" but also "I cause another to come," as in Soph. Cd. Tyr. 433 : σχολῇ γ ̓ ἂν οἴκους τοὺς ἐμοὺς ἐστειλάμην, "I should hardly have sent for you to my house," in which sense we have the active, Soph. Antig. 165: vμâs coteiλ' ixéodai, “I summoned you to come here."

TIKTOMAI, “I produce from myself," is sometimes used to denote the mother, or the immediate source of production, as distinguished from TíxTw, which denotes the exciting cause of birth; the most remarkable passage is that in Soph. Trach. 331: ôv téketO θάνατος, ἔτεκε δ' αἰόλος δράκων, where both the nouns are masculine, and where it is only by a great refinement that we can understand how death was the mother, and the hydra the immediate agent, of the poison which destroyed Hercules. In the fragment of Æschylus, Danaides, 38, ὄμβρος ἀπ ̓ οὐρανοῦ πεσὼν ἔκυσε γαῖαν, ἡ δὲ τίκτεται βροτοῖς, κ.τ.λ., it is easy to see that the earth is represented as producing grass and corn from its own bosom. And in the Choëph. 419, тŵv тEKOμévwv refers to Clytæmnestra as distinguished from Agamemnon; and ó TEKOV is the father in Choëph. 690; Soph. Ed. Col. 1108; Eurip. Electr. 335. On the other hand ʼn Tekoûσa is the mother in Sept. c. Theb. 908; and TÍKT is constantly used of the mother, sometimes with ex TIVOS of the father.


ΤΙΝΟΜΑΙ ΟΙ ΤΙΝΥΜΑΙ, “I exact vengeance ” (cf. τιμωροίμαι = τιμὴν ἀείρομαι), is the causative middle of τίω, “I pay.

It takes an accusative of the wrong avenged, and of the person punished, as well as the accusative of Síkn, "the satisfaction or penalty." Thus Hom. Odyss. XXIV. 326: λoßηv τivúμevos kai κακὰ ἔργα; Οd. xv. 236: ἐτίσατο ἔργον ἀεικὲς ἀντίθεον Νηλῆα; Eurip. Orest. 323: αἵματος τινύμεναι δίκην.

ТPEПOMAI is used both as the reflexive middle, "I turn myself or take to flight," Herod. VIII. 91: Tv Bapßápwv és βαρβάρων þvyǹv тρаπομévwv; and as the causative middle, "I turn another to flight, I rout him," Eurip. Heracl. 842: éтpeɣáμeoľ' 'Apyeîov ἐς φυγὴν δόρυ.

THIOAEINOMAI, "I cause to be left for myself, I retain or preserve,” Herod. iv. 121: οἱ Σκύθαι ὅσα σφι ἐς φορβὴν ἱκανὰ ἦν τοσαῦτα ὑπολιπόμενοι, τὰ ἄλλα τῇσι ἁμάξῃσι προέπεμψαν. Dem. de Coron. 301, 23: VπeλEITETо (some read vπéλEITE) yàp αὐτῶν ἕκαστος ἑαυτῷ ἅμα μὲν ῥαστώνην, κ. τ. λ.

OPAZOMAI, "I speak or confer with myself, I consider or devise, I provide beforehand," whence, even in the form of a perfect passive, we have Soph. Αntig. 364: νόσων φυγὰς συμπέφρασται.

ΧΕΙΡΟΥΜΑΙ, "I subdue for myself,” like δουλοῦμαι; as in Herod. 1. 211 : έχειρώσαντο τοὺς ἐναντίους.

XEOMAI, "I pour out for myself," i.e. libations, is used like Ovoμai, evxoμai, &c., to express the special interest of the worshipper. We find both voices in Soph. Ed. Col. 478, 9: xoàs xéαolai στάντα πρὸς πρώτην ἕω—ἢ τοῖσδε κρώσσοις οἷς λέγεις χέω τάδε; In the former the act of worship is distinctly implied, in the latter the reference is to the effusion itself and its instrument: cf. oπévdw, σπένδομαι.

§ VI. B. Secondary Predicates. (a) Adverbs.

435 (a) The name of the adverb (148) implies that it is intimately connected with some verb, which contains a primary predication; and it may be said, that all secondary predications are adverbial words and sentences (383). In stating, however, that the adverb, in accordance with its name, is a secondary predicate intimately connected with some verb, we must bear in mind that the verb, on which the adverb depends, may be itself in some form, which subordinates it to another verb, or the adverb may be

attached to some predicable word. Thus we may say not only ev παρασκευάζεται, but εὖ παρεσκευασμένος, where the verb contains a primary predicate, but the participle is in itself adverbial; and we may not only say τῶν ὁμοίων σωμάτων οἱ αὐτοὶ πόνοι οὐχ ὁμοίως ἅπτονται ἄρχοντός τε ἀνδρὸς καὶ ἰδιώτου (Xen. Cyr. I. 6, § 25), where the adverb óμoíws is intimately connected with the verb äπтоνтαι, but we may use the same adverb as qualifying an adjective only; thus (Herod. 1. 52): Tò §UOTÒV Tŷoi Xóyxnoi óμoíws χρύσεον. To this distinction Cicero refers in the following passage (de Fin. IV. 27, § 75): “ut in fidibus pluribus, si nulla earum ita contenta numeris sit, ut concentum servare possit, omnes æque incontentæ sint: sic peccata, quia discrepant, æque discrepant; paria sunt igitur. Hic ambiguo ludimur: æque enim contingit omnibus fidibus, ut incontentæ sint: illud non continuo, ut æque incontentæ." For in the former case the adverb belongs to the verb containing the primary predicate; thus, αἱ χορδαὶ ὁμοίως πnμμeλovσ; in the latter it belongs to the predicated adjective, αἱ χορδαί εἰσιν ὁμοίως ἀσύμφωνοι.

(b) These considerations will enable the student to see that grammarians (for instance Matthiä, § 309; Rost, p. 464) are in error when they state that the adverb can take the place of the adjective as a primary predicate. In all cases where this seems to occur the adverb in its proper sense qualifies some verb predicating in itself the existence or nature of the subject. The adverbs used in this way are almost always secondary predicates of time, place, quantity or manner, and the verb is always capable of predicating substance. Thus we have I. vi. 130: ovdè yàp Avkóopyos div v, "for neither did Lycurgus exist a long time." Ibid. 1. 416: ἐπεί νύ τοι αἶσα μίνυνθά περ οὔτι μάλα δήν, “ since it is your fate [to live] a short and not at all a long life." Xen. Anab. 1. 8, § 8: оTE Sè éуúтEρоv èyíyvovтo, "when they came (i.e. were come into a position) nearer." Similarly, Id. Cyr. IV. 1, § 18: xwpis yevóμevoi, having gone apart.” Thucyd. IV. 61 : οὐ γὰρ τοῖς ἔθνεσι, ὅτι δίχα πέφυκε, τοῦ ἑτέρου ἔχθει ἐπίασιν, “ for they do not invade nations, because their origin is different (because they have been born in different places), through hatred of one of our races" (i. e. the Dorian). Eurip. Iph. T. 1014: äλis tò kelvns aiμa, “the blood of her (Clytemnestra) has been shed so as to satisfy all demands" (unless aλis is really a substantive, like the Latin satis). Id. Hec.

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536: σîya mâs eσTw λews, "let all the people exist silently, i.e. be in a state of silence.” II. VII. 424 : διαγνώναι χαλεπῶς ἦν ἄνδρα ếkajtov, “it was hardly possible (it was allowed or possible with difficulty) to distinguish each man." Ibid. IX. 551: Kovρýteσσi Kakŵs nv, "it went badly with the Curetes." Xen. Anab. IV. 3,

§ 24: ἐπεὶ τὰ πέραν ἑώρα καλῶς γιγνόμενα, “ when he saw the matters on the other side of the river going on, turning out, well.” Isocr. Paneg. § 5: ὥστ ̓ ἤδη μάτην εἶναι τὸ μεμνῆσθαι περὶ τούτων, "so that already it is in vain (i.e. it exists in vain, it comes to pass fruitlessly) to remember these things."

(c) We have seen above (259), that adverbs, etymologically considered, are cases of nouns, pronouns or adjectives, which express the time, place, cause, form or manner of an action. The only difference, therefore, between the adverbs and other secondary predicates consists in this, that while the adverbs signify general affections, the case of nouns predicate specially some secondary relation. Thus we may say, specially,

or generally,

ἐπεδήμει τῇ Σπάρτῃ or ἐν Λακεδαίμονι,

ἐπεδήμει ἐκεῖ.

And we may say, with reference to a person's general state, exe Kaλos, bene se habet, "he is well," or we may append a particular reference, ἔχει καλῶς τὸ σῶμα οι τοῦ σώματος, bene se habet quoad corpus, "he is well in his body." In fact, the use of a verb with an adverb, as well as with a case, is a degree less definite than the employment of two cases with the verb. Thus, if we say, πaτáσσel páßop, "he strikes, and a stick is the instrument," we add one particular; if we say, Taтáoσe ioxvp@s, "he strikes, and his manner of striking is violent," we add another particular: but we may say, πατάσσει ἰσχυρῶς ῥάβδῳ, “ he strikes violently with a stick;" and we may add to this an accusative case expressing the object, πατάσσει ἰσχυρῶς ῥάβδῳ τὸν ὄνον: we have then three adjuncts to the primary predication, "he is striking," and besides "the manner is violent, the stick is the instrument, the ass is the object of his striking."

436 The conditional proposition, which is a relative sentence with an indefinite antecedent, is of an adverbial nature. For it is

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