1 Vol. What says my Lord? Bru. Why, this, Volumnius: The ghost of Caesar hath appear'd to me I know, my hour is come. Vol. Not so, my Lord. Bru. Nay, I am sure it is, Volumnius. It is more worthy, to leap in ourselves, Than tarry till they push us. Good Volumnius, ther; Even for that our love of old, I pray thee, Hold thou my sword-hilts, whilst I run on it. Vol. That's not an office for a friend, my Lord. [Alarum still. Cli. Fly, fly, my Lord; there is no tarrying here. Bru. Farewell to you; - and you, - and you, Volumnius Strato, thou hast been all this while asleep; Night hangs upon wine eyes; my bones would rest, That have but labour'd to attain this hour. [Alarnes. Cry within; Fly, fly, fly. Cli. Fly, my Lord, fig. T Bru. Hence; I will follow thee. [Exeunt CLITUS, DARDANIUS, and Vo LUMNIUS. I pr'ythee, Strato, stay thou by thy lord: my Lord. Bru. Farewell, good Strato. - Caesar, now be still; I kill'd not thee with half so good a will. [He runs on his sword, and dies. Alarum. Retreat. Enter OCTAVIUS, ANTONY, MESSALA, LUCILIUS, and their Army. Oct. What man is that? Mes. My master's man. - Strato, where is thy master? Stra. Free from the bondage you are in, Mes sala; The conquerors can but make a fire of him: Luc. So Brutus should be found. thee, Brutus, 1 I thank That thou hast prov'd Lucilius' saying true, them. Fellow, wilt thou bestow thy time with me? Mes. How died my master, Strato? Stra, I held the sword, and he did run on it. 1 Mes. Octavius, then take him to follow thee, An'. This was the noblest Roman of them all: Oct. According to his virtue let us use him, [Exeunt. 1 PERSONS REPRESENTED, M. Antony, Eros, Scarus, Dercetas, Demetrius, Philo, Mecaenas, Agrippa, Thyreus, Gallus, Menas, } Triumvirs. 1 Friends of Antony. Friends to Caesar. Menecrates, Friends of Pompey. Varrius, Taurus, Lieutenant-General to Caesar. tendants on Cleopatra. A Soothsayer. A Clown. Charmian, } Attendants on Cleopatra. Iras, Officers, Soldiers, Messengers, and other Attendants. SCENE, dispersed; in several parts of the Roman Empire. |