Cleo. Ah, dear, if I be so, Have buried them for prey!. Ant. I am satisfied. Caesar sits down in Alexandria; where 1 Have knit again, and fleet, threat'ning most sea like Where hast thou been, my heart? hear, Lady? Dost thou If from the field I shall return once more Cleo. That's my brave lord! Ant. I will be treble sinew'd, hearted, breath'd, And fight maliciously: for when mine hours Let's mock the midnight bell, Cleo. It is my birth day! W I had thought, to have held it poor; but, since vi my lordlan Is Antony again, I will be Cleopatra. Ant. We'll yet do well... Cleo. Call all his noble captains to my lord. I'll force 12 The wine peep through their scars. - Come on, my Queen; st [Exeunt ANTONY, CLEOPATRA, and Atten dan. A Eno. Now he'll out-stare the lightning. To be furious, Is, to be frighted out of fear: and in that mood, Restores his heart: When valour preys on reason, It eats the sword it fights with. I will seek Some way to leave him. : [Exit. E ACT IV. SCENE I. it guiod Caesar's Camp at Alexandria. 1 Enter CAESAR, reading a letter; AGRIPPA, Caes. He calls me boy; and chides, as he had vo power To beat me out of Egypt my messenger combat, Caesar to Antony: Let the old ruffian know, Mecaesar hust he's bunted When one so great begins to rage, Mak ke boot of his distraction: Never anger Made good guard for itself. Σ Cugs. Let our best heads Know, that to-morrow the last of many huttles SCENE II. [Exeunt Alexandria. A Room in the Palace. Enter ANTONY, CLEOPATRA, ENOBARBUS, CHAR Ant. He will not fight with me, Domitius. Ant. Why should he not? Eno. He thinks, being twenty times of better He is twenty men to one. fortune, Ant. To-morrow, soldier, By sea and land I'll fight: or I will live, Call forth my household servants; let's tonight Enter Sorgani Be bounteons at our meal ng tây lư 12 Thou hast been rightly honest ; - so hast thou; you have serv'd ine well, And Kings have been your fellows. Cleo. What means this? Eno. 'Tis one of those odd tricks, which sorrow Out of the mind. shoots Ant. And thou art honest too. I wish, I could be made so many men; So good as you have done. Serv. The Gods forbid! [Aside. Ant. Well, my good fellows, wait on me to night: Scant not my eups; and make as much of me, And suffer'd my command. Cleo. What does he mean? Eno. To make his followers weep. 4 Ant. Tend me to-night;: I look ou you, As one that takes his leave. Mine honest friends, • I turn you not away; but, like a master Eno. What mean you, Sir, To give them this discomfort? Look, they weep; G Ant. Ho, ho, ho! Now the witch take me, if I meant it thus! friends, Yon take me in too dolorous a sense: I spake to you for your comfort: did desire you To barn this night with torches: Know, my hearts, I hope well of to-morrow; and will lead you,.. Where rather I'll expect victorious life, Than death and honour. Let's to supper; come, And drown consideration. [Exeunt. The same. Before the Palace. Ente two Soldiers, to their guard. 1. Sold. Brother, good night: to-morrow is 1 the day.. well. 2. Sold. It will determine one way: fare you Heard you of nothing strange about the streets? 1. Sold. Nothing: What news? 2. Sold. Belike, 'tis but a rumour: Good night to you. 1. Sold. Well, Sir, good night. Enter two other Soldiers. 2. Sold. Soldiers, Have careful watch. ! T 3. Sold. And you: Good night, good night. [The first two płace themselves at their posts. 4. Sold. Here we: [They take their posts.] and if to-morrow |