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comes the Queen has already assumed her position and placed herself in the midst. Mediam, for in medio. Comp. 348. The Queen disposes her person with dignity (composuit) on a separate couch in the midst that is, in the place of honor, having the Carthaginian princes, such as Bitias (sée 738), on one side, and her Trojan guests on the other. Vergil supposes the guests to recline at the banquet, though this practice does not seem to have been in

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Bacchanalian reclined on a couch. (From a vase-painting.)

troduced until long after the heroic age. -699. Iam conveniunt, are already assembling; i. e., when the counterfeit Ascanius arrives.- -700. Strato ostro, on the spread purple, or on purple couches; the aulaea purpurea. Comp. 697.- -701. Manibus; dative after dant.- -701, 702, Canistris expediant, they bring in, or present in baskets, or, with Servius, serve from baskets. Tonsis villis, with, or of, soft naps. 703. The inner apartments (intus), where the servants are preparing the food, are separated from the courts or banqueting rooms by narrow passages, called fauces. An ordinary diningroom, or triclinium, would not, of course, be used on the present occasion. With Famulae, supply sunt. H. 368, 3; A. 206, c; G. 200; M. 479. Quibus limits est understood, of which struere and adolere are the subjects: Whose care it is, etc. Ordine longo, in a long row, or in long rows, referring not to the order in which the servants stood, but to the arrangement of the dishes of food, or provisions (penum). To prevent confusion at such an entertainment, all the courses must be properly set out in the inner room by the servants (famulae), so that the waiters (ministri and ministrae) might promptly perform their duty of carrying the dishes into the banqueting hall, and changing the courses. -704. Struere, to arrange; i. e., before they are carried to the guests. Flammis adolere; to worship the household gods with incense. Comp. E. VIII, 65; Ge. IV, 379. The altar of the penates is in

the penetralia (intus), and the servants stationed there are required to burn incense before them, as a necessary accompaniment of the rites of hospitality. -706. Qui. H. 439, 2; A. 187, b, B. 268, c; G. 282; M. 214, b. Onerent, ponant. Sec on 287.- -707. Nec non et, and also. The usage of nec non in juxtaposition to connect two single ideas is peculiar to poets and later prose writers. M. 460, obs. 1. Per limina laeta, through the festive halls. -708. Toris pictis; the embroidered coverings (aulaeis) mentioned above, 697. Iussi, invited.- -711. Comp. 648, 649.- 712. Pesti, to baneful passion. Comp. IV, 90. -713. Mentem. See on 228. Nequit. H. 296; A. 144, 7; B. 109, II; G. 185; M. 159.714. Puero donisque. Comp. 659, 660.715. Complexu colloque; in the embrace and on the neck. Pendeo is followed by ab, ex, or in, with the ablative, or by the ablative alone. Comp. II, 546; VII, 184; XI, 577-716. Magnum-amorem; that is, all the endearments that his supposed father wished to bestow.- -718. Inscia Dido, etc. The force of the appositive Dido can be preserved in translation by joining miserae with it: Unhappy Dido, not knowing what a powerful divinity is resting upon her.- -720. Sychaeum. See 343.- -721. Praevertere, to prepossess. The god causes her to forget her first love, and reawakens her dormant passions (resides animos), which he occupies with a living object (vivo amore), before her mind shall fall back into habitual thoughts of Sychaeus. 723. Quies; subject of fuit understood; when the feasting was first suspended; referring to the change of courses (mensae). For the tense to be supplied, see on 216.- -724. Vina coronant, they wreathe the wine-cups. Comp. III, 525; Ge. II, 528. The Romans, in Vergil's time, were accustomed to put a wreath round the drinking cup as well as round the mixing bowl or crater. In the Homeric language, to crown the wine is to fill the goblet to the brim.—725. Fit strepitus tectis, the noise (of festivity) arises in the halls. -726. Laquearibus aureis. The concave spaces or panels formed in the ceilings by the beams intersecting each other were called laquearia or lacunaria, and were decorated with gold. Aureis; a dissyllable, as in 698.

-728. Hic; frequently an adverb of time. Gravem gemmis auroque, heavy with gems and gold; i. e., a massive goblet of gold studded with gems. Observe the liveliness of the perfect; now the Queen has already called for, etc.

-729. Pateram. See pages 8 and 75. Quam is the object of implere, supplied after soliti. -730. A Belo; supply orti, or we may understand it of the order of time; "after Belus." -731. Nam, elliptical as in 65. Hospitibus dare iura, that you give laws for guests, or, the laws of hospitality. Jupiter is gévios, the patron of guests. "All strangers are from Jove." Od. 14, 57.- -733. Velis; H. 484, I; A. 266; B. 309, a; G. 253; M. 351, a. Huius (diei). H. 406, II; A. 219; B. 235; G. 375; M. 291. -736. Laticum libavit honorem, poured the libation of liquors; a small portion of the wine was poured upon the table as a drink-offering to the gods. -737. Libato. For the participle alone in the ablative absolute, see H. 431, 4, n. 2; A. 255, b; B. 264, R.; G. 438, R. 2; M. 429. It is not necessary to supply any noun. Summo ore, to her lips; the top of the mouth; as prima ora. Ge. III, 399.- -738. Increpitans, challenging; calling upon him to drink the pledge. Impiger, not backward. Hausit, drained; not received, as some translate it.. 739. Se proluit, filled himself, drenched himself. So vappa prolutus, Hor. Sat. 1, 5, 16. Auro, meton. for the golden goblet. H. 637, 111; A. p. 299, metonymy; B. 371, b.-740. Proceres. Supply bibunt. Cithara; an ablative of manner. He sings, accompanying himself with the harp. Cithara is often used for any stringed instrument, whether pópulys, dúpa, or Bápßirov. See page 147. Crinitus. Apollo, the god of the lyre, wore long, flowing hair, and hence his votaries are so represented. See IX, 638.741, Docuit refers not to the music, but to the natural science taught him by Atlas. Atlas. Vergil adopts here the idea that Atlas was a real person

age, and an astronomer, and in IV, 247, that he was symbolized in Mount Atlas. -742. Hic refers to Iopas.- -743. Unde. Supply sint. Ignes, lightnings; as in 90.745. Tantum, so much; so early; making the day so short in winter.746. Vel quae mora, etc., or what delay opposes the backward nights; referring to the summer nights, which are backward in coming, being hindered, as it were, by the lingering day. Comp. Ge. II, 478482. This is the old interpretation. Ladewig, however, regards the clause as merely an antithetical way of expressing the foregoing idea, referring noctibus to the winter nights, lingering and retarded in their progress to the dawn. -748. Nec non et; as in 707.- -750. Observe the reversed arrangement of the words in this line. Other examples are XII, 29; E. VII, 4; Ge. IV, 342.- -751. Filius Aurorae; Memnon. See on 489.- –752. Quan tas, of what stature; for heroes were conceived to tower above common men. -753. Immo age, nay, come (these disconnected details do but irritate our curiosity), recount to us from their first beginning the wiles of the Greeks. Origine does not refer to the beginning of the siege of Troy, but to the final stratagem which led immediately to the sack of Troy; for it is with this stratagem of the "wooden horse" that Aeneas begins his narrative in the Second Book.-755. Septima aestas septimus annus. See introductory note to Third Book.


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Aeneas recounts to Dido the capture and sack of Troy.

1-249. After a brief introduction, Aeneas enters upon his narrative, which begins with the story of the wooden horse. The Greeks, now in the tenth year of the siege, disheartened by their ill success, resort to stratagem. On the night which precedes the burning of the city, they pretend to have given over the siege, and to have taken ship for their homes; leaving upon the plain, before the walls of Troy, an immense fabric of wood, made to resemble a horse, and of such size that it can be carried into the city only by enlarging the gate, or breaking down a portion of the wall.

Within this fabric are concealed many of the Grecian chiefs, while the army, under the command of Agamemnon, instead of continuing the voyage, is lurking behind the island of Tenedos, a few miles from Troy.

The Trojan multitude issues from the gates, and, gathering round the strange image, hesitate whether to convey it into the city, or to destroy it.

At this moment the cunning Sinon, who has purposely suffered himself to be made prisoner, is brought before King Priam, and by his artful story gains the confidence of the King, and leads him and his people to believe that the wooden horse, once placed within the citadel, will become, like the Palladium, the safeguard of Troy. The device of Sinon and the Greeks is aided by Minerva, who sends two serpents to slay the priest Laocoon for attempting to destroy the image consecrated to her. This prodigy confirms the Trojans in the purpose already formed, and by means of ropes and rollers they convey the wooden horse through the city up to the citadel.

1. Conticuere, they were silent; a completed action; tenebant, an action continuing. Intenti may be rendered adverbially intently, earnestly. 3. Renovare; supply me. 4. Ut interrogative how, as in I, 466. The question depends on renovare dolorem, which here implies the notion of narrating. -5. Quaeque, and (the things) which; the antecedent, ea understood, is in the same construction as dolorem.-- -6. Fando, while uttering; a gerund in the ablative expressing the relation of while and equivalent to a present participle. This usage also occurs occasionally in prose. See Madvig, 416, obs. 1. 7. Myrmidonum, Dolopum; join with quis as a partitive. The Myrmidons and Dolopians were Thessalian soldiers, followers of Achilles, and, after his death, of his son Pyrrhus or Neoptolemus. They are specified here as being the most bloodthirsty enemies of Troy. Before miles supply quis. 8. Temperet, could refrain. See on nesciat, I, 565. After temperare the dative sibi is understood. See Z. 414. Caelo; for de caelo.-9. Praecipitat. Supply se, as in IX, 670; XI, 617; is swiftly descending. On the journey of night through the heavens, see on V, 721. Suadent. Comp. IV, 81. 10. Amor; supply est tibi; if such a desire possesses you. The infinitives cognoscere and audire depend on the predicate amor est which has the governing power of cupis or vis; or, the infinitive may be regarded as equivalent to the genitive of the gerund. See Z. 598, 2d paragraph; H. 563; A. 270, a; B. 315, c, G. 532, R. 4; M. 419.- 11. Supremum laborem, the final disaster.12. Meminisse-refugit, though my mind shudders to recall it, and has (hitherto) shrunk from it with grief. Some, however, understand the perfect here as an aorist denoting an habitual action. For exam

ples of the perfect joined with the present, see X, 726, 804.- -14. Labentibus; the present denoting an action which has been going on and is still continuing; H. 467, III, 2; A. 276, a. So many years (having passed and still) passing away. -15. Instar; in apposition with equum, and governing the genitive. It may be trans

See M.

fated as large as.
280, obs. 6. Divina palladis
arte. Homer says, in Od.
VIII, 493, "they made the
horse with Minerva "
and, II. XV, 71, "through
the counsel of Minerva they
took Troy.
The actual

builder of the horse was
Epeos. See below, 264.-
16. Intexunt, they construct.
Abiete, an ablative of
means, is scanned here as
a trisyllable, ab-ye-te. See
on I, 73. Comp. parietibus,
442. 17. Votum. Sup-
ply esse. The Greeks in-
dicated by some inscription
on the image that it was a
votive offering or votum to
Minerva, and was intended
to secure through her favor
a safe return to their coun-
try. -18. Huc is equiva-
lent to in equum. Lateri
explains huc, and refers
more definitely to the in-
terior of the horse. Both
terms limit includunt.
Translate as if it were
written hujus in latus, in
his body. Cic. Phil. 2, 13,
32: me in equum Troian-
um includis. The accusa-
tive with in, or the dative,
is not unfrequently used
after includere, condere,
and abdere, as in such
verbs the notions both of
motion and rest are min-
gled. Virum corpora; for
viros.- 20. Milite, with
soldiery; used collective-
ly. -21. In conspectu, in

Minerva. (From an antique vase.)

sight; i. e., of Troy.- -22. Opum. For the genitive, see on I, 14. Comp. V, 73. -23. Nunc tantum sinus, at present there is only a bay; it is no longer an opulent seaport. Male fida, unsafe. So male pinguis, Ge. I, 105; male amicum, below, 735; male sana, IV, 8.

24. Huc may be

joined with condunt, according to the usage mentioned in 18, or with provecti.25. Abiisse. Supply the subject eos. Mycenas; put for the whole of Greece; as in I, 284.- -26. Teucria; for Troia. Luotu; the abla

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