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The names of authors of

[Titles of Articles are printed in heavier type.
articles are printed in italics.]

[blocks in formation]

ments, 495-personal papers, ib.—-
inspection of State papers closed
to historians, 496-result of Com-
mittees, 497-neglect of Govern-
ments to encourage the study, 498
-proposed collection of materials,
499-the Victorian period, 500—
Public Record Commission reports,
501-503-methods of the Rolls
House, 501-destruction of docu-
ments, 502-method in Germany,
503-indifference of the depart-
ments to historical learning, 504-
proposed system of dealing with
the records, 505-508 - need for
trained archivists, 506, 508-criti-
cisms of the Records Commission,

[blocks in formation]

2 R


Bagdad Railway, 149, 155-157.

Balfour, Rt Hon. A. J., on the mag-
nitude of the work of the Navy,
109 on the advantages of an attack
on the Dardanelles, 520.

Bethmann-Hollweg, Herr von, on
the terms of peace, 264-266.

Biddulph, General Sir R., High Com-
missioner of Cyprus, 403, 421-his
Report, 412, 413.

Billet, A., 'La France et l'Italie,'

Birth-rate, result of voluntary re-
striction, 29.

Blood, Colonel, 'The Course of the
War,' 245, 570.

Boldensele, William of, narrative of
his pilgrimage to Palestine, 341-

Bovenschen, Dr A., 'Untersuchungen

über Johann von Mandeville,' 332.
Bülow, Prince von, 'Imperial Ger-
many,' 267.

Burton, Mr, on an Imperial Parlia-
ment, 139.


Cahill, J. R., Agricultural Credit
and Agricultural Cooperation in
Germany,' 427-429.

Canada, views on Imperial Unity,
452. See Imperial.

Capital, proposal to tax, 174-176.

Caprivi, General von, on cutting off
supplies in war, 106.

Chamberlain, Rt Hon. A., on the
Indian cotton duty, 530.

China, Some Tibetan Abbeys in,
59-the Tibetan Marches, ib.-re-
lations between, 60-population of
the Empire, 61-Jô-ni, 62-70-the
Abbey, 63-office of the Abbot, 64
-the Living Buddhas, 65-mean-
ing of the term 'manifestation,'
66-the Sacred Body of Nâlang, 67
-training of the Living Buddha,
68-70-Labrang, 70-Gumbum, 71

-Abbot Squint-eyes, 72-Halls of
Heaven, 74-procession of pil-
grims, 75-practices of Lamaism,
76-Abbey of Chebson, ib.

Christian Belief and Immortality,
1. See Immortality.

Churchill, Rt Hon. W., evidence at
the Dardanelles Commission, 513-
plan of a naval attack, 516, 519.
Claudel, The Works of Paul, 78—
characteristics of his writings, 79
-influence of his philosophic con-
victions, 80-'Tête d'Or,' 81-'La
Ville,' ib.-'Cinq Grands Odes,'
82, 85-religious views, 82, 89-
conception of poetical technique,
83-mastery of rhythm in his prose,
84-'La Jeune Fille Violaine,' 85
-L'Annonce faite à Marie,' ib.—
'L'Otage,' 87-'Vers d'Exil,' ib.-
'Cette Heure qui est entre le Prin-
temps et l'Eté,' 90-'Corona Be-
nignitatis Anni Dei,' 91-'Trois
Poèmes de Guerre,' 92—' Aux
Morts de la République,' 94.


[blocks in formation]

'Cosmos,' articles by, 280, 282.

Cowell, Prof., interest in wildflowers,

Crabbe, George, allusions to wild-
flowers in his poems, 444-446.

Crewe, Lord, on the Indian cotton
duty, 530.

Cromer, Earl of, Chairman of the
Dardanelles Commission, 511.

Curtis, Mr, 'Problems of the Com-
monwealth,' 141.

Curzon, Lord, on the Indian cotton
duty, 530.

Cyprus under British Rule, 401—
Convention between Great Britain
and Turkey, 401, 402-annexation,
403-area, 404-mountain ranges,
and wildflowers, ib.-temperature,
405-population, ib.-religions, 406
-system of administration, ib.-
Legislative Council, 407-Military
Police, ib. administration of
justice, 408-411-Land, 411-the


[blocks in formation]

Dardanelles Report, The, 511-the
First Report, 512-policy of Lord
Kitchener, 512, 526-position of
the expert members of the Council,
513-methods of Lord Kitchener,
514-views of the Junior Sea Lords,
515-reasons for the demonstration
at the Dardanelles, 516-518-views
of Mr Churchill, 518, 521-views of
members of the Council, 520-
Adm. de Robeck, 522-Sir Ian
Hamilton, ib.-Enver Pasha, 523-
Supplementary Report, 524 - - re-
sponsibility of Mr Asquith, 525-527
-reasons for the failure, 527.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Debt, Our National, 160-result of
wars, 161-163-amount of the un-
funded debt, 163-issue of loans,
164-167-prognostications of na-
tional ruin, 167-annual income,
168-foreign trade, ib.-amount of
the debt charge, 169-methods of
dealing with the problem, 170-
views of Socialists, ib.-State pur-
chase of Railways and Canals, 171
-Coal Mines, 172- Life Insur-
ance, 173-income-tax graduation
scheme, 174-taxation of capital,

Delane, J. T., editor of the 'Times,'
359, 363-responsibility for blun-
ders, 365.

[blocks in formation]

Fawkes, Alfred, 'The Pontificate of
Pius X,' 477.

Fisher, Lord, position on the War
Council, 513-policy in the East,
520, 526.

Fleet, British, work of the, 463.
Fleets, The, of Our Allies, 461-
strategy adopted by the Central
Powers, 462 contrast between
warfare at sea and on land, ib.-
strength of the British Fleet, 463
-the Russian Navy, 463-470-con-
struction of ships, 464-policy of
Admiral von Essen, 465-engage-
ments with the enemy, 466
attacks of German submarines, ib.
-attacks on the Gulf of Riga, 467–
469-the Gulf of Finland, 469-
French Fleet in the Mediterranean,
470-473 disappearance of the
'Goeben!' and 'Breslau,' 472-
Italian Fleet, 473-475-Japanese
Fleet, 475.

Fokker, inferiority to English ma-
chines, 207 note.

France, result of war on the race,
22-24 agricultural policy, 180,
196-199-provision of machinery,
180-supply of fertilisers, 182-
facilities of railway transport, ib.
-work of Credit Societies, 183-
military operations against Ger-
many, 248, 573-575.


France, The Rural Prosperity of,
314-variety of climates, 315
system of land-tenure, ib.-con-
ditions in Provence, 316- the
Pyrenees, 317-Touraine, ib.
Normandy, 318 - total area of
acres, 318-number of agricultural
workers, 318, 323-success due to
advantages of climate and soil,
319-321-history of the develop-
ment, 321-population, 321-323—
Law of Inheritance, 322, 329-re-
sult of the protective tariff, 323-
exodus of the agricultural labourer,
ib.-increase in the number of small
holdings, 324-326 profits of
market-gardeners, 326-of farming,
ib.-number of proprietors, 327-
Caisses Régionales' and 'Caisses
Locales Affiliées,' 328-condition of
the peasantry, 329.

[ocr errors]

France, result of the proclamation

of the Regency of Tunisia, 372-
relations with Italy, 375-work of
the navy, 470-473-relations of the
Church with Pope Pius X, 484.

Franco-German War, The Origins
of the, 389-works on, 390-392-
Commission appointed, 391-diplo-
macy of the Second Empire, 392—
influence of a secret diplomacy, ib.
--question of the Danish Duchies,
393-396, 399-date of the events,
395-plan of the work, 396-399-
sources of information, 398-result
of the partition of Poland, 399.

Fullerton, W. M., The American
Crisis and the War,' 288.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

George, Rt Hon. D. Lloyd, forms an
Administration, 239 interview
with an American journalist, 279
-policy in the East, 520.

German Steel and Iron, 542
growth of the industry, 543
annexation of the Lorraine ore-
field, ib.-character of scientific
experts, 544-criticism of British
methods, 545-enterprising iron-
masters, ib.result of tariff
measures, 546-output of pig-iron,
547, 550-Westphalian Coal Syndi-
cate, 548-formation of 'Cartels,'
548, 550-combination, the outcome
of unlimited competition, 549—
result of the Enquiry in 1903..550
-decline and rise in the production,
551-the Stahlwerksverband,' 552
-work of the combine, ib.-series
of bounties system, 554.

German War Literature on the
Near and Middle East, 144-two
main trends of thought, ib.—rela-
tions with Turkey, 146-expulsion
of the British from Egypt, ib.-
proposals in regard to Turkey's
future, 147-149 - Constantinople
the Gate of the East,' 149-the
Main-Danube Canal, 151-views of
Prof. Hettner, 152-154-Prof. Dür-
ing, 154 Prof. Roloff, ib.-the
Bagdad Railway, 155-157-Com-
mercial plans in the Arabian
Peninsula, 157-number of foreign
schools in Turkey, 158-views of
Prof. Jäckh, ib.

Germany, Agricultural Coopera-
tion in, 424-result of the law
regulating maximum prices of
necessities, 424-426-average total
production, 426-the Chambers of
Agriculture, 427-429-voluntary
cooperative societies, 429-432-dis-
tribution of feeding-stuffs, 432-
potato supply, 433-435-war loans,
435-price and distribution of food-
supplies, 436-relations between
industrial and agricultural coopera-
tors, 437-meeting of the Central
Union of German Consumers'
Societies, 438.

Germany, character of the naval
policy, 461-bombardment of Libau,
463 submarine attacks, 466
attacks on the Gulf of Riga, 467-
469-the Gulf of Finland, 469—
defeated at Tsing-tao, 475-rela-
tions with Pope Pius X, 488-War
Library, 499-character of the

archives, 503-retreat from the
Ancre valley, 571-573, 575-air-
service, 576-reasons for the retreat,
577-580-projected operations in
Italy, 580-result of the submarine
war, 583.

Germany, The United States and
Peace, 263-views of Herr von Beth-
mann-Hollweg, 264-266 - Prince
von Bülow, 267-other leaders of
thought, 268-270-the press, 270-
272-propaganda in the United
States, 273, 285-correspondence of
J. Schiff with Dr Eliot, 274-276-
communication to Pres. Wilson of
the terms of peace, 278-character
of the peace note, 295.

Germany, views on the effect of war
on humanity, 19-rise of the navy,
96-inactivity of the fleet, 97-
blockade, 99, 105-107-operations
of cruisers, 103-success of the sub-
marines, 104-method of drawing
supplies, 107-policy of food pro-
duction, 185-use of self-contained
ploughs, 199-military operations
on the Western front, 246-249,
570-575, 590-Italian, 250-Mace-
donian, 250-253-Russian, 253, 581
-in Rumania, 253-261 negotia-


tions for peace, 261-relations with
Italy, 374.

Gray, Thomas, interest in botany,


[ocr errors]

Great Britain, number of acres under
workers, 318, 322-population, 321,
328-adoption of Free Trade, 322—
position in commerce, 329-rela-
tions with Italy, 375, 387-iron and
steel industry, 542-competition
with Germany, 543-creative inven-
tions, 544-criticism of methods,
545-output of iron, 547, 551-re-
construction of Associations, 553-
policy of international agreement,

Greece, relations with Italy, 380, 386.
Grey, C. G., Editor of 'The Aero-
plane,' 203, 210 note, 212 note.



Hamelius, Paul, The Travels of Sir
John Mandeville,' 331.

Headlam, J. W., 'The Issue,' 264, 269
-preface to 'Imperial Germany,'

Hertzog, General, views on Imperial
Unity, 138.

Hettner, Prof. A., 'Die Ziele unsere
Weltpolitik,' extract from, 148,

Hort, Prof., study of botany, 448.

Hughes, Rt Hon. W. M., on Imperial
Unity, 113.

Hurd, Archibald, 'The Fleets of Our
Allies,' 461.

Hutton, J. A., Chairman of the
Council of the British Cotton-grow-
ing Association, 536 note.


Immortality and Christian Belief,
1-views on the future life, 1-5-
threatened extinction of the belief,
6, 10-eternity of future punish-
ment, 6-8-justice of retribution,
8-interpretation of the Old Testa-
ment, ib.-the New, 9-scientific
proof, 11-belief in a better life,
12-the Hebrew belief, 13-desire
for the preservation of personal
identity, 14-firm confidence in the
ultimate solution of problems, 15.
Imperial Conference, 119.

Imperial Defence, Committee of, 120.
Imperial Unity, Dominion Views
on, 113-(1) Australia, ib.-
economic development, 114-estab-
lishment of federation, 115-
foundation of a system of defence,
ib. — advantages and disadvan-
tages of self-government, 116-118-
liability involved by membership
of the Empire, 118-result of the
Imperial Conference, 119-the Com-
mittee of Imperial Defence, 120-
proposed scheme of union, 121-125
-disadvantages of the confederate
system, 122-(2) New Zealand,
125-views on a closer union, ib.-
result of an Imperial Parliament,
126-declines to enter the Common-
wealth, 127-number of representa-
tives, 128-disadvantages of a

Haller, Prof., Deutschland und der
Osten,' extract from, 151.
Hamber, Capt. Thomas, editor of the
Standard,' 356.

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