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b. Describe briefly the nature and results of these efforts. (Reply on a separate sheet with number reference, I−1, b.) 2. Have specific efforts been directed in your State toward setting up qualifications necessary for administrative personnel?

Check: Yes____ No____

a. If the answer to number 2 above is "Yes," please describe such efforts and their results briefly, with particular reference to the following:

1. Extent and nature of the cooperations involved. (See I-1, a, above.)

2. Extent to which such standards are made available to, and applied by, employing boards as a guide in the selection of administrative personnel.

3. Extent to which such standards are reflected in certification requirements for administrators. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, I−2, a.)

3. To what extent do employing boards concern themselves in practice with essential professional qualifications in selecting administrative personnel for the schools in your State? (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, I−3.)

4. Does your department undertake in any way to encourage objective self-evaluation of effectiveness on the job on the part of administrative personnel in the schools of the State?

Check: Yes____ No____ a. If the answer to number 4 above is "Yes," please describe such activities and indicate any outcomes which you consider valuable. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, I−4, a.) 5. Describe briefly any activities carried on in your State in this whole area (I) which in your judgment have been valuable and effective from the point of view of developing standards for administration. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, I-5.)

6. Please list descriptive and research materials and publications dealing with problems in this area (I) prepared in your department and available for distribution or examination. Please furnish copies whenever possible. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, I-6.)


1. Does your department undertake to provide any leadership consciously directed to stimulate and/or provide opportunities for inservice education for administrative personnel in the schools of the State?

Check: Yes__ No_.__

2. Are any activities carried on under State department leadership or stimulation which provide opportunities for practicing administrators to participate in creative educational activities with any of the following groups OUTSIDE of their own organizations?

Check for "Yes":




Other lay groups....

State Dept. of Education staff..

Other State department groups-..

(Such as State Department of Health)

a. Describe any such activities as you may have checked under 1 and 2 above. (Reply on a separate sheet with number reference, II-2, a.)

3. Describe briefly any activities carried on in your State in this whole area (II) which in your judgment have been valuable and effective in relation to the in-service education of administrative personnel. 4. Please list descriptive and research materials and publications dealing with problems in this area (II) prepared in your department and available for distribution or examination. Please furnish copies whenever possible. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference II-4.)

III. INTER-RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN STATE SUPPORTED TEACHER-EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS CONTRIBUTORY TO PROFESSIONAL GROWTH on the Part of SchooL ADMINISTRATORS 1. Are supervisory services of teacher-education institution staff members available to the public school systems in your State?

Check: Yes... No..........

a. If the answer to number 1 above is "Yes," please describe briefly the arrangements in effect. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, III-1, a.)

2. Are the services of administrative personnel in the public schools utilized in the education of teachers in the State supported teachereducation institutions of your State?

Check: Yes... No....

a. If the answer to number 2 above is "Yes," please describe the nature and extent of such arrangements. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, III-2, a.)

3. Describe briefly any other activities carried on in your State in this whole area (III) which in your judgment have been valuable and effective in developing closer working relationships between State supported teacher-education institutions and the public schools of the State. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, III-3.) 4. Please list descriptive and research materials and publications dealing with problems in this area (III) prepared in your department and available for distribution or examination. Please furnish copies whenever possible. (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, III-4.)


1. What is the present status with respect to State-wide educational study and planning activities in your State?

Check for "Yes":

Undertaken and completed.
In process-

Projected for the future..

A continuing process-

2. Are recommendations for legislative action on educational matters in your State based upon findings resulting from cooperations and researches involving participation by professional groups within the State?

Check: Yes.... No....

3. Describe briefly any activities carried on in your State in this whole area (IV) which in your judgment have been valuable and effective in developing a broader understanding of educational problems and wider participation by all parties concerned in their study and implementation. (Reply on a separate sheet with number reference, IV-3.)

4. How would you characterize and describe the role and the function of the State department of education in your State under existing statutes and authorizations with respect to the study and implementation of educational problems? (Reply on separate sheet with number reference, IV-4.)

5. Please list descriptive and research materials and publications dealing with problems in this area (IV) prepared in your department and available for distribution or examination. Please furnish copies whenever possible. (Reply on separate sheet with number refer

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