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We went with a few Christian friends to hear the Rev. Mr. Brock, a Baptist celebrity, on Sabbath evening. His church is not far from "The Seven Dials," one of the many rookeries of this city; and at the close of the service it was proposed to take a walk through this far-famed den of infamy. were six in number, and we took with us two policemen for our protection; and for two hours we wandered through the narrow and filthy streets of this Sodom of London. The sights that we witnessed-the whisky

being, and when he is fully backed by Lords | render the presence of those who would comand Commons, leaving France out of the mit them intolerable in good society. And question, he is stronger than all the crowned influence, like water, runs downward. heads of Europe besides. When you look in upon the Lords, and hear them quietly talk, and then upon the Commons, and hear them more earnestly debate, and witness the effect of a few curt sentences from the lips of a minister upon his friends or opponents, then it is that you can imagine the power of an English Prime Minister! And the world should rejoice that the power of England-now the great power of the earth is ably and mainly wielded in favour of civil and religious liberty. May it have the grace of firmness now, during the com-shops everywhere open,-the roaring of proplications as to Italy, and until the safety of the Christians of Syria is firmly secured.

And if we superadd to all this the moral and religious influence going forth from London into all the earth, our idea of its greatness and vastness will be yet more extended. I have before me the schedule of the "Anniversaries of Religious and Benevolent Institutions for 1860," and from the 18th of April to the 24th of May, there were one hundred anniversary meetings held here! As seven of these anniversaries were held in one day, six on another, and on many days five, and four, it was impossible to attend them all; but if we might infer from those that we did attend, the influence of those we did not, they must have been powerful for good. Through the Bible, Tract, Missionary, Educational, and Reformatory Institutions located here, there is an influence going forth from London which reaches from shore to shore, and from the river to the ends of the earth.

But there is another side to London. It is great in its depravity and wickedness. None can question this who walk through its streets by gaslight. Its gin-palaces brilliantly lighted at every corner, crowded with customers; - its innumerable beershops filled with bloated men and women, and sending forth confused noises;- the many persons you meet, the very glance of whose eye makes you tremble at the thought of meeting them in the dark;-the countless number of abandoned women everywhere to be met in the pursuit of their illicit traffic, reveal the truth, that London is a greatly depraved city. Nor is its depravity confined to the lowest classes of society. The leaders in all that is sinful, carnal, and devilish, are, but too often, the scions of noble families, who wear upon the breast which conceals a festering heart the emblems and evidences of their noble descent. Princes, dukes, earls, lords, often live in the practice of the most gross immoralities without losing their social position; immoralities which, with us, would


fane revelry coming out from them all,— the crowds of dirty men and women,—the intensely cunning look of the debased Jews, standing at the doors of their shops,--the filthy alleys running from narrow streets crowded with filthy women and children,the haggard forms looking down upon us from broken windows, or coming up from cellars where they never breathe a breath of pure air, to see what is rarely to be seen there-well-dressed strangers, -the groups of thieves standing at every corner, ready to cut your throat for half-a-crown,-and the swarming of prostitutes, bloated. ragged, shameless, it is impossible to describe. Such evidences of intense wickedness and degradation we never before witnessed. At every corner our police guides warned us to see to our pockets; and they told us as we bid them "good-night," on the outer circle of this fermenting vat of wickedness and villany, that it was as much as our lives were worth to pass through "The Seven Dials" unguarded; and one of them held up the stump of a finger which had been bitten off by a ferocious woman a few days before, in a fight. And "The Seven Dials," or St. Giles's, as it is more familiarly known, is within a few minutes' walk of some of the most aristocratic churches and most crowded thoroughfares of this great city. And as we passed into Oxford Street, where we again met clean people and bright faces, and could breathe a pure air, it seemed like going up from the valley and shadow of death to the light of life.

There was one thing of Christian beauty with which we net in this walk. As we turned into one of the most filthy alleys of the locality, our attention was arrested by a strong, earnest voice, coming from beside a small archway. It was the voice of a young man, about twenty years of age, from Ireland, and a recent convert in the great Revival there in progress, inviting publicans and harlots from the highways and hedges into the kingdom of God. And we thanked God for the living religion that animated him, and for that glorious Gospel whose

provisions of mercy are abundant to save world, their lively concurrence in the dethe most abandoned of our race. velopment of his designs and purposes, and to look for their full and final consummation in the sure and speedy fulfilment of all his promises.


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"To all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours: grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ."

Beloved Brethren,-A suggestion from a distant land has reached this Conference, which, for the last thirty years, has "endeavoured to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" among all evangelical labourers in this part of India,-to the effect that we should venture (in imitation of our dear and faithful fellow-workers at Ludiana last year) to invite the churches of our Lord and Saviour to join in a special service of prayer and supplication with thanksgiving at the commencement of 1861.

We should have welcomed such an invitation from others; but as it has been requested by some whom we love and honour in the Lord, that it should be issued by us, we desire, in humility, to make the proposal, leaving the result with Him, "of whom, through whom, and to whom are all things."

But, "for these things he will be inquired of" by his believing people; and especially he will honour and answer fervent, united, Peniel-like prayer. Yet that prayer must be accompanied with lowly prostration and deep humility of soul, for we are "not worthy of the least of his mercies;" with heartfelt confession of sin-all sin, private and public, special and general, secret as well as presumptuous-our personal or individual sins-our sins as families-our sins as nations-our sins as churches; and with ardent thanksgivings for past long-suffering patience, faithfulness and love, amid all our ness and ingratitude, our provocations and negligence and indifference, our forgetful.


Besides special subjects of prayer which may be suggested by local events or peculiar passing emergencies, there are certain great outstanding topics which will readily present themselves to all who are waiting for the full answer to the petition, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven"--the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all teachers and ministers of the Gospel in nominally Christian lands, on all evangelical missions and missionaries among the heathen, and on the circulation of the Bible, the indestructible word of the living God, with all books and tracts that are fraught with its spirit and its truth-on all means and agencies that have been instituted for the saving instruction of the young, for the revival of true religion in individuals, families, and "professing godliness," and for the evangecommunities lisation of the sunken masses that live The "signs of the times" in which our "without God and without Christ," amid a lot is cast; the wonderful openings for the multiplied exhibition of the ordinances of Gospel in China, Japan, and Central Africa; Gospel grace and salvation-and, finally, on the restoration of peace to India; the re- the varied instrumentalities that are emmarkable movements in Italy and Turkey-ployed for the destruction and downfall of the seats, respectively, of the Western and the gigantic systems of Pagan idolatry and the Eastern Anti-Christian tyrannies; the superstition, of anti-Christian error and destirrings in many places among the scattered remnants of Israel," beloved for the fathers' sake;" the blessed and glorious revivals of religion in the United States of America, in Great Britain and Ireland, in Sweden, and other parts of the continent of Europe;-have all combined in creating, in many hearts, the joyful hope of the gracious Lord's speedily accomplishing mighty works for the glory of his own great


At "such a time as this," it becomes his people devoutly to remember that "his ways are higher than their ways, and his thoughts than their thoughts;" to stir up themselves in faith to manifest, before the

lusion, and for the contemporaneous conversion of Israel and the Gentile nationsall of which, in the vast aggregate of their transcendent issues and outgoings shall cause "the glory of the Lord to be revealed, that all flesh may see it together, as the mouth of the Lord hath spoken."

In these and such like exercises of devotion, we humbly yet fervently desire to join with all that "fear the Lord and speak often one to another" in every land; and, in order that the union may be general, we send forth this timely notice, earnestly beseeching that no unworthiness on our part may prevent any of his people from agreeing with us in this proposed season of

prayer and supplication on each day from Such practice is not without Scripthe 1st January, 1861, to the 7th inclusive.tural suggestion and countenance, if And God be merciful unto us, and not warrant and authority. bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us that thy way may be known upon earth, Let thy saving health among all nations. the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. O let the nations be

glad, and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the na tions upon earth. Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him."

"Even so, come, Lord Jesus; quickly; Amen."

A lamb was offered morning and evening daily, in public sanctuary service. (Exod. xxix. 38-42.)

Daily devout praise to Christ is predicted as a feature of his future triumphs-"Prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised." (Ps. lxxii. 15.)

To watch daily at Wisdom's gates is affirmed to be an element of spiritual life- "Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waitcome ing at the posts of my doors." (Prov. viii. 34)

Signed by authority and on behalf of the
Calcutta Missionary Conference,

ALEX. DUFF, Chairman.
D. EWART, Secretary.

Calcutta, July, 1860.


On behalf of Daily United Prayer

among all true Christians.

THE improved spiritual condition of the Church of God is evident, among other things, in her readily adopting new modes of action to meet discerned necessities; in serious inquiry into scriptural teachings on the much-neglected subject of Christian stewardship; and in the generally increased spirit of prayer, and its wide prevalence for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The happy effects of frequent gatherings for prayer have suggested the thought of the necessity for, if not the solemn obligation of, daily united prayer among Christians of the same locality, as a permanent and regular means of grace.

Most Christian Churches have their own weekly service, or prayer-meeting; but a united daily service of prayer would act as a distinctly reiterated profession of religion before the world -would give Christians of different communions frequent occasions of holy sympathy in Christ-and would furnish seasonable opportunities for jointly pleading with God, on behalf of the ever-varying political and moral events of daily life, and interests of the kingdom of Christ.

Social and family prayer prompted by the Divine Teacher himself, runs, Give us this day our daily bread." (Matt. vi. 11.)


The Saviour himself attended daily temple worship-"I was daily with you in the temple." (Mark xiv. 49.) And he taught daily in the temple.' (Luke xix. 47.) Pentecostal Christians practised, and made daily progress by means of, public worship" And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple." (Acts ii. 46.) The apostolic advice, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another" (Heb. x. 25), and "Exhort one another daily, while it is called today; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin (Heb. iii. 13), surely implies daily public prayer.

The voluntary adoption and vigorous maintenance of such an exercise of worship would be a public homage to Christ, a constant channel of spiritual life, and bond and vital medium of sacred fellowship among Christians, and an irresistible charm and power in the world.

The ever-thickening conflict of politico-ecclesiastical principles calls for some such frequent occasions of reading each other's hearts in order that we may eschew rancorous controversy and cold reserve.

The new phases and mighty forces of error and wickedness, combining as for one final and overwhelming assault on a pure scriptural Christianity, demand such training of her forces and tempering of her weapons for the deadly onslaught. The grand and novel triumphs of grace, ever and anon being

realised alike in all sections of the
Church, both at home and abroad,
invite to such an attestation of her
union in Christ, and to such a proof of
her love and devotion to him and his
glory. "I have set watchmen upon
thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall
never hold their peace day nor night
ye that make mention of the Lord,
keep not silence, and give him no rest,
till he establish, and till he make
Jerusalem a praise in the earth."
(Isaiah lxii. 6, 7.)

J. R.

THE TRUE BURDEN BEARER. Cast thy burden on the Lord and he shall sustain thee.-PSALM lv. 22.

We do not need to bear our own burdens any more than we need to bear our own sins. God has provided for the bearing of both. He takes them upon himself. The work of burden-bearing is as completely his as is the work of sin-bearing. His love has removed all necessity for our attempting to

bear either the one or the other.

Even if we could, then, why should we bear them? It is not wise; nay, it is foolish beyond measure; and it is as useless as it is foolish.

But more than this, it is sinful. To try to be our own sin-bearers is to make void the work of Christ as such; so to try to be our own burden-bearers is to make void his work as such. We see the sin of trying to bear our own guilt, let us learn to see as clearly the sin of seeking to bear our own burdens. Let us understand the sin of not casting our burden on the Lord.

Long had I despised it; long had I deemed it a class book for the credulous and ignorant; until, having investigated the Gospel of Christ, with an ardent desire to ascertain its truth or falsity, its pages proffered to my inquiries the sublimest knowledge of man and nature, and the simplest, and at moral ethics. Faith, hope, and charity the same time the most exalted system of were enkindled in my bosom; and every advancing step strengthened me in the conviction, that the morals of this book are as superior to human morals as its oracles are superior to human opinions.-M. L. Pantain, Professor of Philosophy, Strasbourg.

He that runs against time has an antagonist not subject to casualties.Johnson.

GRATITUDE AND INGRATITUDE.-Gratitude is a virtue disposing the mind to an inward sense and an outward acknowledgment of a benefit received, together with a readiness to return the same, or the like, as occasions of the doer of it shall require, and the abilities of the receiver shall Ingratitude is an insensi

extend to.

bility of kindnesses received, without any endeavour either to acknowledge or repay them. Ingratitude sits on its throne, with pride at its right hand and cruelty at its You may rest upon this as an unfailing left-worthy supporters of such a state. truth, That there neither is, nor ever was, any person remarkably ungrateful, who was not also insufferably proud; nor any one proud, who was not equally ungrateful.

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and this is because pride makes it carry Ingratitude overlooks all kindnesses its head so high. Ingratitude is too base to return a kindness, and too proud to regard it; much like the tops of mountains, barren, indeed, but yet lofty, they produce nothing, they feed nobody, they clothe nobody, yet are high and stately, them. It was ingratitude which put the and look down upon all the world about poignard into Brutus's hand, but it was want of compassion which thrust it into

Cæsar's heart.

What is there about these burdens that we should be so unwilling to part with them? Or what is there about God that should make us unwilling to cast them on him? His love, and power, and faithfulness, all invite us to do this. Not to do it is to suspect and distrust him. He delights to bear the whole undivided weight; shall we not, then, give up every burden to him who wants us to be "without carefulness," because he careth for us! What kindness to an ungrateful person, sets his acts of kindness. But he who does a sweet and holy lightness of spirit would seal to a flint, and sows his seed upon the then be ours! The burden is not lessened sand:-upon the former he makes no in itself, but it is borne by the mighty impression, and from the latter he finds no God!-Horatius Bonar, D.D. production.-Dr. South.

WORDS OF THE WISE. THE BIBLE.-A single book has saved me; but that book is not of human origin.

offices, and a generous strife in ultimate Friendship consists properly in mutual


It is the Sabbath bell, which calls to pray'r,
Ev'n to the house of God, the hallow'd dome,
Where He who claims it bids his people come
To bow before his throne, and serve him there
With pray'rs, and thanks, and praises. Some
there are

Who hold it meet to linger now at home,
And some o'er fields and the wide hills to roam,
And worship in the temple of the air!
For me, not heedless of the lone address,

Nor slack to meet my Maker on the height,
By wood, or living stream; yet not the less
Seek his presence in each social rite
Of his own temple: that he deigns to bless,
There still he dwells, and there is his delight.

D. C.


THE union of the "United Presbyterian
Church" and the "Presbyterian Church in
Canada" is about to be consummated, as
will be seen from the following, which we
take from the "Ecclesiastical and Mis-
sionary Record." The "Basis of Union "
will be perused with interest by some of
our readers:-

A meeting of the Joint Committee on Union took place at Toronto, on the 31st July and 1st August, the result of which, we presume, will be already known to most of our readers. After full and frank conference, all remaining difficulties, which, in truth, related rather to the mode of expression than to any real difference, were removed, and the committees of both Churches unanimously accepted the subjoined Basis of Union, which, it will be seen, does not materially differ from the Resolutions agreed to by last Synod, the six articles being entirely the same. It was agreed that meetings of both Synods should be called, to take place in the beginning of October, for the purpose of finally accepting the Basis, and making necessary arrangements for the consummation of the Union so long-contemplated. We rejoice at the prospect of such a happy termination of these long-continued negotiations, and we congratulate the brethren in both Churches, who have carried on the negotiations for several years with so great ability and prudence, on the successful termination of their labours. May the blessing of God crown their efforts. Many and great will be the benefits of Union. Breaches and divisions will be healed, weak congregations will be strengthened, and an impulse given to all the educational and missionary efforts of the Church. We trust, too, that it may be the commencement of the work of Union, and that the process will go on, until all sound Presbyterians shall be brought together in an honourable and scriptural Union.


Whereas, for the glory of God and the welfare of the Church, it is desirable that a

Union should be effected between the "United Presbyterian Church" and the "Presbyterian Church of Canada,' on such terms as may be agreeable to the Word of God, and the standards accepted by both Churches: Whereas also it is expedient that a Basis of Union, in terms of the six articles which follow, be adopted, as a statement of principles in regard to which the Churches are mutually agreed: Whereas, besides, it is desirable to prevent any possible misapprehensions in reference to the fourth of said articles, it is therefore hereby declared that no inference from that article is legitimate which asserts that the civil magistrate has the right to prescribe the faith of the Church or to interfere with her ecclesiastical action: And it is further declared, that in regard to the practical application of said fourth article, unanimity of sentiment is not required in the united body, and that if any particular case should emerge, it may, and can only, be considered and determined by the Church courts, in accordance with the general principles and procedure of Presbyterian Churches :


Be it therefore resolved :

1. Of Holy Scripture.-That the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, being the inspired Word of God, are the supreme and infallible rule of faith and life.

II. Of the Subordinate Standards.That the Westminster Confession of Faith, with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, are received by this Church as her subordinate standards.

But whereas certain sections of the said Confession of Faith, which treat of the power or duty of the civil magistrate, have been objected to, as teaching principles adverse both to the right of private judg ment in religious matters, and to the prerogatives which Christ has vested in his Church, it is to be understood:

1. That no interpretation or reception of these sections is held by this Church which would interfere with the fullest forbearance as to any difference of opinion which may prevail on the question of the endowment of the Church by the State.

2. That no interpretation or reception of these sections is required by this Church which would accord to the State any authority to violate that liberty of conscience and right of judgment which are asserted in Chap. xx. sec. 2 of the Confession, and in accordance with the statements of which this Church holds that every person ought to be at full liberty to search the Scriptures, without let or hindrance; provided that no one is to be allowed, under the pretext of following the dictates of conscience, to interfere with the peace and good order of society.

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