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Dec. 1858.

II. G. Drawing from Memory.*

[One hour allowed for this Paper.

N.B. The Candidates may add any amount of shadow that they consider necessary to the completion of their work. Only one subject is required to be executed; the second is added to permit of choice by the Candidate.]

THE Candidate is required to make a careful drawing, from memory, of a portion of the stem of the white lily bearing a flower, flower-buds and leaves; or

A portion of the wild convolvulus plant bearing a flower, flower-buds, and leaves.

Dec. 1858.

II. G. Brawing from Memory.

[One hour allowed for this Paper.

N.B. The Candidates may add, &c. see last paper.]

THE Candidate is required to make a careful drawing, from memory, of a portion of a branch of the woody nightshade, to comprise leaves and berries; or

A portion of the flowering spike of the foxglove, introducing a leaf behind the spike of flowers.

Linear Perspective.

Dec. 1858.

II. G. Drawing of Plans, Elevations, and Sections. [N. B. The Candidate to be allowed an hour for each drawing; three hours for the set of three.]

DRAW a plan, elevation, and section, scale half an inch to a foot, of a park lodge, consisting of one room; the interior dimensions of the room are to be 12 feet long by 10 wide, and 9 feet high to the ceiling. It is to have a door opening to the south,

* The Examiners were furnished with two papers in this department of drawing in case they should find it impossible to examine all the Candidates at the same time.

and a small porch 6 feet by 4 feet. Opposite the door there is to be a fire-place, and windows in the east and west fronts. The elevation is to be taken looking from the east towards the west; the section is to be through the centre of the room, porch, and roof, from north to south. Any treatment of the roof, or any style of building is permitted.

Dec. 1858.

II. G. Design.

[One hour and a half allowed for this Paper.

N. B. The Candidate will make as complete a sketch as possible, in pen and ink, of one of the following subjects:]

A FIGURE (the body and legs nude) in the act of throwing a stone, to be about 8 inches high.

Or a group of two figures (the body and legs nude) in the act of wrestling; figures about 8 inches high.

Or an ornamental design: being a bold treatment of a thiștle plant, leaves and flowers, to fill up the spandril of a semicircular arch whose radius is 9 inches. The design may be treated either as a relief ornament or for completion in colour.

[blocks in formation]

THE object to be imitated was a card with a feather affixed, the card being so placed that the feather threw a shadow upon it.

TUESDAY, Dec. 21, 1858. 6 to 8 P.M.
II. G. Arts of Design.


[N.B. Candidates are required to affix the number of the quesAfter answering the first four questions on

tion to their answers.

this paper, the Candidate may, at his pleasure, select those of the

painting series, or the series relating to Sculpture and Architecture. Answers to both series are not expected.]

1. NAME the elementary colours.


Colours are classed as primary, secondary, and tertiary; name the combinations from which those of the two latter classes are produced.


Describe the apparent effect produced on one another by the juxta-position of two surfaces coloured with different primary colours, and the cause.

4. What is the meaning of the term local colour?





What is the meaning of the term breadth in painting?
Also of the term keeping?

Also of the term clair-obscure or chiar-oscuro?

8. Explain any necessary differences and distinct means of execution in oil painting and in water-colour painting.

9. What is meant by tempera painting?

10. Also by fresco painting, and what are its peculiar advantages?

11. Name four principal Italian, two Venetian, and two Flemish painters of the 16th century.


12. Explain the nature of the relief adopted in the sculptured frieze round the interior of the Parthenon.

13. Also that of the Metopes of the same building.

14. Wherein does the relief adopted by Ghiberti in the panels of the bronze gates of the Baptistry at Florence differ from that of either of the above?

15. Describe any peculiarity of the reliefs of Della Robbia. 16. Name the characteristic differences between a Doric, an Ionic, and a Corinthian Capital.

[blocks in formation]

18. What great works in Sculpture and Architecture are attributed to Michael Angelo?

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 15, 1858. 6 to 8.
II. H. Music.

1. Put a Major 3rd and perfect 5th to each note of the Chromatic Scale.

2. A young beginner complains of the introduction of double sharps and double flats, and wishes to know why (for example), F double sharp cannot be represented by G natural

Explain that the use of double sharps and double

flats tends rather to diminish than to increase the difficulties in notation.

3. Put the time-signature to the following specimens:



[A. Scarlatti.]



4. Write the Soprano, Alto, and Tenor parts to the following Bass-in triads, or common chords :





[W. S. B.]

5. Write out the inversions of the Triad, or common chord.

6. Write out the inversions of the dominant 7th in the key of

A Major.

7. Explain the following harmony, and resolve it :—

8. Give an example of the double discord of the dominant.

on the

8a. Prepare and resolve the following discords of suspension:

9. Give the derivation of the diminished 7th and show its inversions.

10. Figure the Bass of the following Chorale according to the harmonies employed; indicate the root of each chord and mark the passing notes.

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