| William Shakespeare - 1598 - 80 pages
...and fets it light. "Bui. Oh who can hold a fire in his hand. By thinking on the frofty Caucafui? | Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a teal I ? Or wallow naked in December (now, By thinking on fanrnftick fumrnerj heat I OJuioahcapprehcnfionof... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1709 - 590 pages
...cloy the hungry edge of Appetite, By bare imagination of a Feaft ? Or wallow naked in December Snow By thinking on fantaftick Summer's Heat? Oh no, the apprehenfion of the good Gives but the greater feeling to the worfej Fell Sorrow's Tooth doth never rankle more Than when it... | |
| Charles Gildon - Criticism - 1718 - 394 pages
...not to be cured by Maxims. Oh who can hold a Fire in his Hand By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge of Appetite. By bare Imagination of a Feaft ? Or wallow naked in Decemher Snow By thinking on fantaflick Summer's Heat '. Oli no, the Apprehenfion of the good , Give?... | |
| Sir Thomas Hayward - English poetry - 1738 - 324 pages
...Shakefpiar's Romeo and Julia. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Cauca/ut ? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare Imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in Dectmker's fnow, By thinking on fantaftick fummer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good, Gives... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1740 - 492 pages
...and fets it light. 'Baling. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in December fnow, (») Boling. Nay, rather, n'ry ttdiiui Stridi 1 ;«,<./;,;,] Thl5; and die fix Verfes which follow,... | |
| William Oldys - English drama - 1740 - 328 pages
...Shakefptar's Romeo and 'Juliet. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofly Caueafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in Deeemher's fnow, By thinking on fantaftick fummer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good, Gives... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 540 pages
...and fets it light. Baling. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination...Summer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good Gives but the greater feeling to the worfe ; Fell forrow's tooth doth never rankle more Than when it... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 544 pages
...and fets it light. Baling. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ? ,Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in December (how, By thinking on fantaftick Summer's heat ? Oh, no ! the apprehenfion of the good .Gives but the... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1747 - 340 pages
...fire in his hand By thinking on the frofty Caacafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge' of appetite By bate imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in December fnow By thinking on fantaftick fummer's heat ? Oh no, the apprehenfion df the good .Gives but the greater feeling to the worfe ; Fell... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1752 - 584 pages
...and fets it light. Boling. Oh, who can hold a fire in his hand, By thinking on the frofty Caucafus ? Or cloy the hungry edge of appetite, By bare imagination of a feaft ? Or wallow naked in Decemher fnow, (3) Boling. Nay, rather, tv'ry tediuu Stridt I make] Thil, and the fix Verfes which... | |
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