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ABHOMINABLE, antiquated spelling of abominable, i. 83.

Abide, to pay the penalty, iii. 435.

Abide, sojourn, iii. 227.

Abjects, things thrown away as worthless, iii. 445.

Able, to qualify, iii. 103.

Aboding, foreboding, ii. 449.

Abridgment, pastime, i. 375, iii. 354.

Abroad, disbursed, expended, ii. 737.

Absey-book, A, B, C, book, catechism, i. 288.

Absolute, complete, iii. 530.

Abuse, delusion, deception, ii. 632.

Aby, to pay dear for, i. 364.

Accite, to summon, iii. 598.

Accordingly, conformably, proportionately, ii. 26.

Accost, approach, i. 705.

Account of, to value, to appreciate, i. 11.

Ache (a noun), pronounced ache, and forming a riddle with

the letter H, i. 721, iii. 570.

Ache (a verb), pronounced ake, iii. 14.

Acknown, known, iii. 680.

Acquaintance, amity, iii. 773.

Across, to break, a tilt-yard technical, i. 732, ii. 17.

Acture, action, iii. 786.

Adamant, loadstone, i. 353.

Adam Bel, the Archer, i. 741.

Adam, old, a sergeant, i. 136.

Additions, qualities, tilles, characteristics, ii. 22, iii. 266, 340.
Address, to prepare, to make ready, i. 60, 376, 412, 609, 671,
ii. 169, iii. 434, 754.

Admittance, vogue, fashion, i. 658, 688.

Advice, consideration, representation, i. 431, ii. 76.

Advised, assured, aware, persuaded, i. 299, 574, 648, 727.
Affect, to love, i. 58.

Affect the letter, to use alliteration, i. 72.

Affection, affectation, imagination, i. 82, ii. 249, iii. 201.
Affectioned, affected, ii. 249.

Affeer, to assess, or confirm, iii. 505.

Affined, bound, iii. 648, 669.

Affront, to confront, to encounter, iii. 358.

[blocks in formation]

Althea's dream, i. 586.

Amazing, confounding, appalling, i. 453, 685,
Ames-ace, both aces, ii. 22.
Amiss, a fault, iii. 765, 783.

Amort, dejected, i. 262.

Anchor, an anchorite, iii. 363.

Ancient, ensign, an ensign-bearer, i. 549, 590, iii. 648.

Andrew, a name for a ship, i. 394.

Angerly, angrily, i. 7.

Anthropophagi, Scythian savages, cannibals, iii. 709.

Ape-bearer, an instructor and exhibitor of apes, iii. 254.

Appaid, pleased, satisfied, iii, 747.

Apparent, nearest, iii. 202.

Apparent, manifest, iii. 426.

Apparitor, an officer of the spiritual court, i. 67.

Apperil, danger, peril, ii. 467.

Apple-John, i. 588.

Apply, to ply, i. 232.

Apprehension, conceit, sarcasm, ii. 301.

Approbation, proof, ii. 67, 716.

Approve, to justify, to confirm, i. 417, iil. 880.

Araise, to raise, to upraise, ii. 17.
Argosy, a large vessel, i. 247, 394.
Argument, conversation, i. 714.

Aroint begone! avaunt! iii. 474.

A-row, one after another, successively, i. 143.

Arras, chamber-hangings, iii. 402.
Arrive, to arrive at, iii. 415.

Arthur's Show, Sir Dagonet in, i. 628.
Articulate, to enter into articles, iii. 140.
Artificial, ingenious, i. 364.

Artist, a scholar, iii. 270.

Aspersion, sprinkling, iii. 35.

Assinego, an ass, iii. 278.

Assured, affianced, i. 131, 298.
Astonished, thunderstruck, iii, 755, 773.
Astringer, a falconer, ii. 56.

At friend, on terms of friendship, iii. 244.
Atone, to reconcile, i. 450, ii. 715.

Attasked, taxed, charged, iii. 71.

Attorney, advocate, pleader, iii. 725.

Aunts, wenches, iii. 227.

Awful, authorised, lawful, i. 604.

Awful men, men of worth and authority, i. 28.

Awkward, distorted, contrary, ii. 80, 367.

BACCARE, stand back, i. 242.

Baffled, treated with ignominy, i. 450.

Bale, injury, iii. 129.

Balked, ridged, heaped up, i. 510.

Balk logic, to dispute, to wrangle, i. 233.
Ballow, a pole or staff, iii. 104.

Ban, to curse, iii. 725.

Banbury cheese, a thin cheese, i. 641.

Band, a bond, i. 136, iii. 553.

Bankes's horse, i. 100.

Banquet, a dessert, i. 270.

Barbason, a fiend, i. 658, ii. 74.

Allowing, allowed, lawful, iii. 202.

All-thing, every way, iii. 490.

Alms-drink, a portion of liquor drunk to relieve a companion,

iii. 549.

Barbed, caparisoned, iii. 514.

Barbers' forfeits, ii. 638.

Bare the beard, to shave the beard, li. 623.
Barm, yeast, i. 849.

Barnacle, a shell-fish, iii. 50.

Barns, bairns, i. 720.

Base, a rustic game, i. 42.

Base-court, lower court, i. 474.

Bases, an embroidered mantle, hanging from the waist to the
knee, worn by knights on horseback, also the housings of

a horse, also the hose, iii. 11, 193.

Basilisco, 1. 329.

Basilisks, huge pieces of ordnance, i. 525.

Basta, enough, i. 235.

Bastard, a sweet wine, i. 529.

Bat, staff or club, iii. 785.

Bate, to flap the wings like a hawk, i. 218.

Batlet, a bat to beat linen with, ii. 141.

Batten, to feed, iii. 370.

Battle, an army, ii. 92, 574, iii. 648.

Bavin, a faggot of brushwood, i. 540.

Bawcock, beau coq, fine fellow, ii. 261, iii. 200.
Bay-window, bow-window, ii. 268.

Bead's-man, one whose duty is to offer up prayers for another,
i. 3, ii. 342.

Bear a brain, to remember well, i. 166.

Bear-garden, Parish, ii. 703.

Bear hard, to rein in from mistrust or fear, i. 418, 426, 435.
Bearing-cloth, an infant's mantle in which is carried to

the font, iii. 222.

Bear in hand, to encourage, to buoy up, i. 258, 575, 727, iii.


Beaver, the lower part of a helmet, sometimes used for the
helmet itself, i. 548.

Beck, a bour, ii. 470.

Become, to adapt, to render fit, to adorn, i. 31, ii. 151, 321,
783, 785.

Becoming, self-restrained, iii. 220.

Bed-fellow, intimate friend, ii. 76.

Bedlam-beggars, mad beggars, iii. 118.

Beetles, overhangs, iii. 342.

Beg a fool, to ask in wardship, i. 104, 120.
Begetter, one who gets or procures, iii. 758.
Beggar and the King, a ballad, i. 101.
Beguiled, masked, disguised, iii. 754.
Behave, to control, ii. 482.

Belike, to favour, to approve, iii. 506.

Be-mete, to beat with a yard measure, i. 264.
Bemoiled, bedraggled, i. 255.

Be naught a while, a mischief on you! ii. 128.

Bench-hole, forica, iii. 570.

Benefit, a beneficiary, ii. 330.

Benumbed, stiff, inflexible, iii. 281.

Bergomask, a dance, i. 378.

Bermoothes, the Bermudas, iii. 11, 48.

Beshrew, to curse, to imprecate sorrow or evil on a person, i.
85, 409.

Besmirch, to soil, to befoul, ii. 101, iii. 338.

Bessy, o'er the bourn, iii. 90.

Best, best one, an epithet of endearment, ii. 535.

Bestowed, secreted, stowed, i. 118.

Bestraught, distracted, i. 230.

Beteem, to allow, to suffer, i. 343, iii. 336.

Better part, the spiritual part, iii. 521, 771.
Better penny, a proverbial phrase, i. 640.
Bevel, crooked, iii. 778.

Bevis, Sir, ii. 699.

Bewray, to betray, to discover, ii. 315, 404.
Bezonian, a term of contempt, i. 621.

Bias, a swelling out, iii 303.

Bid, to invite, i. 406, ii. 165, 166, iii. 603.

Bid forth, invited out, i. 406.

Bid the base, to challenge in the game of "base,” i. 42, iii.


Biggin, a coif, i. 612.

Bilberry, the whortleberry, i. 682.

Bilbo, i. 642, 671.

Bilboes, instruments of torture, fetters, iii. 391.

Bills, to set up, to post bills, to advertise, i. 741.
Bills, halberds, battle-axcs, i. 720, iii. 102.

Bird-bolt, a description of archery, i. 741.

Bisson, blind, iii. 355.

Biting the thumb, a contemptuous action, i. 160.
Blacks, mourning habiliments, iii. 200.

Blank, a mark in gunnery, iii. 211.

Blench, to flinch, to start off, ii. 628, iii. 204, 265.
Blend, blended, iii. 786.

Bless the bridal-bed, i. 386.

Bless the mark, i. 33, 401, iii. 648.

Block, a hat mould, i. 696.

Blood in, with the blood up, i. 71.

Blood-boltered, clotted with blood, iii. 502.

Blow, to swell, iii. 570.

Blue caps, the Scotch, i. 533.
Blunt, dull, insensible, ii. 443.
Board, to accost, i. 705, ii. 239.

Bob, to rap, to hit, i. 349, ii. 143, 574.
Bobbed, tricked, iii. 699.

Bodged, bungled, ii. 407.

Bodkin, a stiletto, a dagger, iii. 359.
Bodykins, God's, an oath, iii. 355.
Bolds, emboldens, iii. 109.
Bolted, sifted, iii. 235.
Boltered, clotted, iii. 502.
Bolters, sieves, i. 543.

Bolting-hutch, the bin into which meal is bolted, i. 534.
Bombard, or bumbard, a barrel, a capacious vessel, some-
times of leather, for holding drink, i. 534, ii. 696.
Bombast, a sort of wadding used to fill out dresses, i. 97.
Bona-robas, women of pleasure, i. 597.
Bone-ache, the Neapolitan, iii. 283, 308.
Boot, help, advantage, i. 449, ii. 319.
Boots, to give, to sell a bargain, i. 41.

[blocks in formation]

Buckle, to bend, i. 574.

Buff, the dress of a sergeant, i. 136.

Bug, a bugbear, a goblin, ii. 444, 755, iii. 392.

Bulk, the breast, iii. 347.

Bully-rook, a jolly dog, i. 644.

Bung, a cutpurse, i. 590.

Burden, the base, foot, or under-song, i. 42.

Burgonet, a helmet, iii. 537.

Burst, broken, i. 255, 601.

Busky, bosky, woody, i. 553.

But, unless, except, i. 175, 300, 621, iii. 561, 572, 795.

But, only, iii. 353, 421.

Butcher of a silk button, i. 216.

Buttery bar, ii 277.

Buxom, lusty, sprightly, buoyant, ii. 88.

Buz, buz! an interjection of impatience, iii. 354.

Buzzard, a beetle, i. 244.

By and by, immediately, i. 672, ii. 355, iii. 32.

By day and night, at all times, ii. 272, 342.

By these ten bones, a common adjuration, ii. 348.

By'rlakin, by our ladykin, or little lady, i. 357, iii. 32.

CADDIS, worsted galloon, i. 528, iii. 232.
Cade, a barrel, ii. 376.

Cadent, falling, iii. 70.

Cain-coloured, yellowish red, i. 686.

Cake is dough, hopes are frustrated, i. 234, 270.

Caliver, a hand-gun, i. 601.

Call, a bird-call, i. 308.

Callet, a strumpet, ii. 347, iii. 213, 693.

Callino, castore me, ii. 101.

Calm, a mispronunciation of qualm, i. 589.
Camelot, iii. 118.

Can, knows, iii. 795.

Canary, a dance with castanets, i. 64, ii. 17.

Candle-wasters, Bacchanals, revellers, i. 730.
Canker, the dog-rose, i. 701, iii. 768.
Canstick, a candlestick, i. 538.

Cantle, a slice, a corner, i. 537, iii. 559.
Cantons, cantos, ii. 243.

Canvas, to toss, ii. 292.

Can you hit it? a song, or dance, i. 70.

Capable, impressible, susceptible, i. 297, 300, 574, ii. 156, iii.

14, 72.

Capitulate, to confederate, i. 541.

Capocchio, a simpleton, iii. 299.

Capricious, goatish, ii. 153.

Captain-jewels, superior jewels, iii. 768.

Captious, capatious, ii. 13.

Carbonado, a collop cooked on the coals, i. 558.

Carbuncle, a gem supposed to emit native light, iii. 639.
Carcanet, a necklace, i. 126, iii. 768.

Card, by the, according to the book of manners, iii. 388.
Carded, i. 540.

Carduus Benedictus, the blessed thistle, i. 743.

Career, a term of the menage.

Careful, painful, anxious, i. 145.

Carkanet, a necklace, i. 126, iii. 768.

Carlot, a churl, ii. 157.

Caroused, a bumper, a drinking bout, iii. 398.

Carpet knights, ii. 280.

Carpets, coverings for the table, i. 255.

Carping, taunting, i. 540.

Carrack, a ship of great burden, iii 651.

Carry coals, to submit to indignities, i. 159, ii. 84.
Carry out a side, a card-table phrase, iii. 109.
Carrying dead bodies off the stage, iii. 402.
Cart, a car, or chariot, iii. 363.

Carve, to give an amorous sign, i. 104, 645.

Case, a brace, a pair, ii. 83.

Case, a skin, ii. 273.

Caskets, in Merchant of Venice, story of the, i. 438.

Casque, a helmet, ii. 63.

Cassock, a horseman's coat, ii. 41.

Cast, dismissed, iii. 667.

Castiliano vulgo, ii. 238.

Castle, a helmet, iii. 616,

Cates, cakes, dainties, i. 127, 244.

Catling, a lute string, i. 205.

Cautel, crafty circumspection, iii. 338.

Cautelous, treacherous, insidious, iii. 166.

Caviare, a delicacy prepared from sturgeon's roe, iii. 400.

Censer, a fire-pan for perfumes, i. 264.

Censure, to pass judgment, i. 6, ii. 598, 647, iii. 339, 782.
Ceremony, pronounced as a trisyllable, ii. 23.

Certes, iii. 33, 647.

Cess, measure, i. 520.

Chamber wall furnishings in old castles, 495.

Chambers, small pieces of ordnance, ii. 655.

Chances, crosses, casualties, iii. 648.

Changeling, a child changed by fairies or gipsies, i. 349, 351

iii. 222.

Channel, kennel, ii. 417.

Character, handwriting, ciphers, iii. 73, 221, 246, 428, 769, 784
Chares, drudgery, iii. 577.

Charge, of Watchmen, i. 743.

Charles's-wain, the constellation called the bear, i. 520.

Charm for tooth-ache, i. 743.

Charm, to conjure, iii. 427.

Charm the tongue, to restrain or put a spell upon the tongue,

ii. 446, iii. 704.

Charmer, an enchantress, one who works by spells, iii. 684.
Charming, magical, fascinating, ii. 714, iii. 606.

Charneco, a sort of wine, ii. 358.

Charters, blank, i. 497.

Chases, a term of tennis, ii. 69.

Chaudron, entrails, iii. 501.

'Cheater, an Escheater, i. 646, iii. 783.

Cheater, a gamester, a cozener, i. 590.

Check, to fly from, or shy at, iii. 384.

Cheer, fare, iii. 363.

Cheer, visage, aspect, i. 363, 420, iii. 740.
Cherry-pit, a game, ii. 261.

Cheveril, a soft leather, i. 180, ii. 255, 664,

Chewet, a noisy chattering bird, i. 554.

Chide, to rebuke, to re-sound, ii. 80.

Chide with, to quarrel with, ii. 757, iii. 695, 777.

Child, a female infant, iii. 221.

Childing, teeming, i. 351.

Children that have no names, illegitimate children, iii. 531.

Chopines, clogs having very thick soles, iii. 400.

Chop-logic, a nickname, also, to exchange logic, i. 197, 489.
Chrisom, a white cloth used in the baptism of infants, ii. 117.
Chuck, chicken, term of endearment, i. 84, ii. 261, iii. 684.
'Cide, to decide, iii. 767.

Cinque-pace, a dance, i. 104, 704.

Circle, diadem, iii. 562.

Circumstance, conduct, circumstantial deduction, i. 4, iii. 294
Circumstance, circumlocution, i. 395.

'Cital, recital, i. 556.

'Cite, to incite, i. 14, ii. 411.
Cittern, a musical instrument, i. 94.
Civil, sour, bitter, i. 707, ii. 259.
Clack-dish, a beggar's dish, ii, 616.

Clamour, to refrain or silence, iii. 233.

Claw, to flatter, i. 701.

Clean, utterly, completely, i. 468.

Clean kam, rigmarole, iii. 159.

Clear-stories, upper rows of windows in a church, ii. 281.

Cleave the pin, to split the wooden pin in a target, i. 39, 71,
Clement's Inn, i. 627.

Clepe, to call, to designate, iii. 340, 492, 732.

Clerkly, scholarly, i. 11, 678.

Cling, to shrivel, to shrink, iii. 513.

Clip, to embrace, iii. 246.

Close, by stealth, secretly, i. 229, 311.

Close, to wheedle, to fawn, to flatter, ii. 633,

Close, wanton, ii. 490.

Cloth-of-gold of tissue, cloth of gold on a ground of tissue,

iii. 543.

Cloud in the face, a dark spot in the forehead of a horse, iii.


[blocks in formation]

Clowns or Jesters, the practice of retaining, ii. 54.
Coast, to advance, iii. 730.

Coat, coat of arms, iii. 787.

Coats in heraldry, i. 384.

Cock-a-hoop, i. 170.

Cock and pye, a popular adjuration, i. 631.

Cockatrice, a fabulous monster, i. 189, ii. 262, iii. 743.
Cockle-hat, a pilgrim's hat, iii. 379.
Cockney, a spooney, a cook, iii. 79.
Cock-shut, twilight, ii. 569.

Coffin, the crust of a raised pie, i. 264, iii. 635.
Cog, to load dice, to cheat, to defraud, i. 89.

Cognizance, a badge, ii. 301.

Coil, trouble, turmoil, i. 7, 82, 366, iii. 359.
Colbrand the giant, i. 289.

Cold to bed, to thy cold bed, i. 227.

Collied, smutted, blackened, obscured, i. 343, iii. 669.
Collop, iii. 200.

Colme-kill, iii. 518.

Coloquintida, a plant bearing a bitter fruit, iii. 710.
Colours, artifices, ii. 299.

Colours on sculpture, iii. 257.

Colt, to gull, i. 523.

Combinate, contracted, ii. 614.

Combination, contract, ii. 276.

Come away, come away, a song, iii. 519.

Come off, to pay, i. 676.

Comforting, encouraging, abetting, iii. 213.

Commend, to commit, to submit, to resign, ii 48, iii. 214, 571.

Commission, warrant, authority, iii. 201.

Commit, to fornicate, iii. 88.

Commodity, advantage, self-interest, i. 298.
Common, public, i. 63.

Common liar, rumour, iii. 530.

Common players, strolling players, iii. 353.

Compact, made up, compounded, i. 129, iii. 723.

Companion, a low fellow, i. 138, ii. 722, iii. 179, 694.
Company, companion, ii. 40, 65.

Comparative, ready in comparisons, or similes, i. 513, 540.
Compassed, arched, iii. 724.

Competitor, coadjutor, confederate, auxiliary, i. 17, ii. 267.
Complements, point-de-vice manners, i. 53, 178, ii. 77.
Comply, to fraternise, to play the courtier, iii. 354, 394.
Compose, accord, agree, iii. 540.

Composure, composture, composition, ii. 494, iii. 284, 536.
Compt, in, in trust, to be accounted for, iii. 480.
Comptible, susceptible, sensitive, ii. 242.

Con, to know, to allow, to award, ii. 41, iii. 795.

Conceit, imagination, i. 184, 463.

Conceited, conceptive, apprehensive, iii. 752.

Concent, agreement in music, ii. 116.

Conclusions, experiments, ii. 717, iii. 373.

[blocks in formation]

Concupy, concupiscence, iii. 312.

Condition, profession or art, ii. 462.

Condition, nature, disposition, i. 397, ii. 41, 135, iii. 426,
542, 665.

Conduct, a conductor, a guide, i. 187, 210, ii. 263, 360, iii. 741.
Coney-catch, to cheat, i. 269.

Coney-catcher, a sharper, a trickster, i. 641.

Confess and be hanged, a cant phrase, iii. 687.

Conger and fennel, i. 593.

Conjurations, entreaties, i. 210.

Consent, agreement, unison, i. 617, ii. 116.

Consigned, sealed, iii. 301.

Consort, fellowship, fraternity, i. 29, 116, 186.

Consort, a band of musicians, i. 26.

Conspectuity, vision, perception, iii. 143.
Constancy, consistency, i, 375, iii. 434.

Contain, to hold, to retain, i. 435.

Contemptible, mocking, contemptuous, i. 712.

Content, acquiescence, iii. 722.

Content, continent, self-restrained, iii. 445.

[blocks in formation]

Convent, to agree, to be convenient, ii. 276.

Convent, to summon, to cite, ii. 631, 689.
Convert, to turn, ii. 486.

Convertite, a penitent, a convert, iii. 745.

Convey, to filch, to manage by stealth, i. 482, 706, ii. 291, 710

iii. 506, 561.

Convicted, vanquished, i. 306.

Convince, to conquer, i. 96, ii. 716, iii. 481, 506.
Convive, to feast together, iii. 307.
Cooling-card, ii. 326.

Copatain-hat, a high-crowned hat, i. 269.

Cope, to encounter, i. 430.

Copy, theme, i. 142.

Coranto, a dance, ii. 20, 117.

Corinth, a cant name for a bordello, ii. 473.
Corinthian, a wencher, i. 527.

Cornuto, a cuckold, i. 671.
Corollary, an overplus, iii. 36.

Corporal of the field, an aide-de-camp, i. 67.
Costard, the head, i. 65.

Coted, came alongside, iii. 353.
Cot-quean, a molly-coddle, i. 202.
Cotsale, or Cotswold Hills, i. 686.

Couching, crouching, iii. 434.

Counsel, in counsel, secret, in secret, i. 17, 640, ii. 35, iii. 132.
Countenance, to receive, to entertain, i. 255, ii. 127, iii. 184.

Counter, to run, to track the scent backward, i. 150.

Counter-caster, a disparaging term for merchant, iii. 648.
Counterfeit, a portrait, i. 418, iii. 768.

Counterfeit, a false piece of money, iii. 283.

Counterpoints, counterpanes, i. 246.

Countervail, to make equal or equivalent, i. 183.

County, an earl, a peer, i. 196, 321.

Couplement, i. 93, iii. 763.

Courage, mettle, spirit, ii. 415.

Course, carrière of a horse, i. 306.

Courser's-hair, a vulgar superstition concerning, iii. 534
Court-cupboard, a cabinet, i. 169.

Court holy-water, glozing speeches, iii. 84.
Court of wards, i. 150.

Courts, a term in tennis, ii. 69.

Cousin, a kinsman, i. 169.

Covent, a convent, ii. 626.

Cover, to prepare the table, ii. 142.

Cower, to bend or sink, ii. 212.

Cowl-staff, a pole used to carry a bucket, i. 666.

Coystril, a mean groom, or peasant, ii. 217, 238.

Cozenage, sorcery, witchcraft, i. 149.

Cozier, a botcher of clothes or shoes, ii. 247.

Crack, a manikin, iii. 134.

Cracked coin, iii. 400.

Crants, crowns, garlands, iii. 390.

Crare, a small vessel of burden, ii. 748.

Credent, credible, plausible, ii. 627, iii. 201.

Credit, information, ii. 269.

Crescive, increasing, growing, ii. 65.

Crewel, worsted, iii. 77.
Crispian, feast of, ii. 119.

Critic, a cynic, iii. 311, 777.

Critical, cynical, censorious, iii. 663.

Crooked, bowed or crouched, iii. 434.

Cross, a coin stamped with a cross, i. 56, ii. 141, 469.

Cross, to pass across the path of a spectre, iii. 332.

Crow-keeper, a scarecrow, or a rustic employed to frighten

crows, iii. 120.

Crush a cup of wine, an invitation to a carouse, i. 164.
Cruzado, crusado, a gold coin so called, iii. 712.

Cry, a pack, a troop or company, iii. 164, 366.

Cry aim, to encourage, i. 39, 293, 662.

Cry Havoc a signal for indiscriminate slaughter, i. 295, iii.
158, 437.

Cry in the top of question, to crow over or challenge, iii. 353.
Cry on, to announce, to assert, ii. 272, 573, iii. 700.

Cue, a stage term for the last words of a speech, i. 358.

Cuisses, armour for the thighs, i. 548.

Cullion, a paltry fellow, i. 258, ii. 83.

Cunning, knowing, skilful, i. 233, ii. 204, 503, 623.

Curb, to bow or truckle, iii. 372.

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