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April 3.

... For raising £.3,000,000, by loans or exchequer bills 3,000,000 0 0

May 8.
For raising £2,000,000 (Irish currency) by annuities

Irish Currency. or debentures, for the service of Ireland....

2,000,000 0 0 For raising 2.500,000 (Irish currency) by treasury bills, for the service of Ireland....

500,000 0 0

June 30.
For applying £.4,500,000, part of the sum remaining

to be reccived on the 30th of May 1806, to complete
the sum of £.14,500,000 granted out of the pro.
duce of the war taxes for 1805...

4,500,000 0.0

July 3.
For raising a certain sum by lotteries, to be applied

to the service of Great Britain and Ireland, in the
proportion of two-thirds for Great Britain, and
one-third for Ireland.

July 8.
For applying the sum of £.3,500,000 out of the mo.

pies that shall arise of the surplus of the consoli-
dated fund of Great Britain...

3,500,000 0 0 For applying £.18,000,000 arisen or to arise from the

duties and revenues charged by acts 43, 44, 45, and 46 Geo. III. for granting certain duties during the

18,000,000 0 0


January 1, 1807.
For continuing the duties on malt.
For raising four shillings in the pound upon pensions,

offices, and personal estates.
For continuing certain duties on sugar, malt, tobacco,

and snuif.

January 6. For raising L.10,500,000 by loans or exchcqucr bills, for the service of Great Britain....

10,500,000 0 0 January 27.

Irish Currency. For raising £.1,000,000 Irish currency, for the ser. vice of Ireland..

1,000,000 0 0

March 5.
For raising :£.14,200,000 by annuities, whereof the

charges of £.12,200,000 are to be defrayed on the
part of Great Britain, and of £.2,000,000 on the
part of Ireland, and for defraying the charges
created by the said €.12,200,000....

14,200,000 0 0


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March 26.
For raising €.1,500,000 by annuities, for the service

of Ireland..

[ocr errors]

1,500,000 0 0

April 23.
That the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia

of Great Britain be defrayed out of the land tax. That the charge of the allowances to adjutants and ser.

jeant-majors of the militia of England disembodied,

be defrayed out of the land tax. That the allowances to certain subaltern officers of

the militia in Great Britain be defrayed out of the

land tax,

That the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia

of Ireland, and allowances to subaltern officers, be defrayed out of the consolidated fund of Ireland,






2 8


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on do.


INDIA ACCOUNTS. Papers presented to the House of Commons, April 24, 1807, per Act 33

Geo. III. cap. 52, sec. 156.) relating to the Commerce and Revenues of

the East-India Company. Amount of Proceeds of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of the East-India Company in Great-Britain, fc. for the Current Fear. £. s, d.


d. Cash in treasury, 1st


161,736 14 0 March, 1806, including

Freight and demorage . 1,689,040 9 duty on tea

669,794 6 Goods and stores Company's goods sold": 5,294,384 13 ported

2,270,793 7 Board of Ordnance for

India debt

50,223 19 5 saltpetre

160,000 Bills of exchange from Private-trade goods sold 2,114,269 8 10


342,885 1 & Charges and profit on do. 193,462 19% Ditto China 641,994 16 Customs

73,380 19 5
Bullion exported

514,432 16 Freight

on do. 119,784 18 10 Charges on merchandize, One year's interest re

including supra cargoes, ceived of the Bank of

commission, and inteEngland, Company's

rest on loans, &c. 623,652 14 16 share of annuities trans

Dívidends on stock and ferred to Bank, by 33d

interest on bonds 770,429 19 Geo. III. cap. 47

36,226 15 10 Bonds paid off and paid in Government, on account

on sales

216,600 of what due to the Com.

Proprietors of private pany 1,000,000

2,169,021 15 Almshouses at Poplar 2,416 18 2 Pay to marine and military Persons returned from

officers on furlongh, and India


141,319 15 Bonds issued

517,000 Duty on tea paid 3,184,417 6 7 Duty on tea received. 3,120,290 12 3

Balance in favour, 1st

12,776,548 16 March, 1807

511,978 16 £.13,288,527 12 4


trade .

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£.13,388,527 1%

Vol. XLIX.

*3 A


Statement of their Bund Debts and Simple Contract Debts, with the Rates of

Interest and the amount; and the state of Cash remaining in their Trea. sury, und other Effects, appertaining to the Company in Great Britain, and oftoal, Ist March, 1807.

Bonds bearing interest . £.2,382,775 | Due from gorernment to the
Bonds not bearin interest . 16,517 Company

£.1,207,560 Bill, of excbange unpaid from

Cash, balance 1st March, 1807 511,979 China 788.700 Goods sold vot paid for

207,500 Ditto India

182,073 Board of Orduance for salt. Ditto on account of petre delivered

106,398 Indian debt

1,440 Goods in England unsold 6,875,158 Customs and excise on goods

Cargoes from England oot arsold, and customs on goods

rived in India and C. ina at unsold .

809,756 the dates of the several quick Bank, for a loan on mortgage


4,689,794 of annuities that may be sold

Exports paid for, exclusive of per act of 788, at 4l. per

bullion, season 1306-7 .. 1,366,917 cent. per an:sum.

700,000 Impress and war allowances Do. for a loan on bond, at Hl.

paid owners of ships not arper cent. 100,000 rived in England

610,472 Do. for interest ou above loans 42,666 Value of ships, sloops, and vesFreight and demorage

184,000 sels, exclusive of those staSupracar20es commission on

tioned abroad

100,400 all goorls sold and unsold 80,000 Value of the Fast-lodia house Proprielo's of private irade on

and warehouses

1,024,960 goods sold

235,836 Due from government for Almshouses at Poplar

69,723 stores and supplies to his ma. Interest on piilitary and con

jesty's troops, &c.

2,460,000 tingent funds, more than ap

Owing from sundry persons re. plied


turned from India, and in Warrants passed the court un.

India, to be repaid in Enpaid 80,400 gland

51,588 Owing for teas returned by buyers, and resold 971

£.19,259,466 Interest on bonds

71,097 Dividends on stock

63,174 East-India House, Owing in department of comi

March 24, 1807. mittee of shipping, exclusive ot' exports.

120,560 New or increased salaries, establishDo. für exports of former sea

ments, or pensions, payable in Greatsons

32,930 Britain, chiefly for Past-India College, Do. to warehouse contingent

4,504.. 10s. fund



Accomptant-general. Balance in favour





The The following public Bills received An act to declare ihat certain

the Royal Assent in the First and provisions of an act of the last ses. only Session of the Third Parlia- sion of the last parliament, intitled, ment of the United Kingdom of An act to permit the free interGreat Britain and Ireland, cum. change of every species of grain mencing on the 19th day of De between Great Britain and Ireland, cember 1806, and ending April shall extend to grain, the produce 29, 1807.

of those countries only.

An act to continue for the term January 6, 1807.

of 7 years certain acts of the parAd act to revive and make per. liament of Ireland, for preventing petual and to amend an act, made the importation of arms, ginpow. in the 42d year of his present ma. der, and ammunition, and the majesty, for the further regulation of king, removing, selling, and keepthe trials of controverteil elections ing of gunpowder, arms, and amor returns of members to serve in munition, without licence. parliament, and for expediting the - An act for allowing the expor. proceedings relating thereto,

tation annually of a limited quan. Junuary 16.

tity of worsted yarn to Canada. An act for raising the sum of An act for raising the sum of 10,500,0001. by loans or exchequer 1,000,000l. by treasury bills for bills, for the service of Great Bri. the service of Ireland for the year tain for the year 1807.

1807. January 22.

Ap act to authorize his majesty, An act for continuing and grant. until the 25th day of March 1808, ing to his majesty certain duties to make regulations respecting the upon malt in Great Britain, for the trade and coinmerce to and from service of the year 1807.

the Cape of Good Hope. An act for continuing and grant. An act to abolish certain offices ing to his majesty a duty, on pene in the customs of Ireland ; and to sions, offices, and personal estates, abolish or regulate, certain other in England ; and certain duties on offices therein. sugar, malt, tobacco and souff, in An act for investing certain com. Great Britain, for the service of missioners appointed for the exa. the year 1807.

mination of accounts and expendi. February 19.

ture relating to the office of bar. An act to continue during the rack-master-general, with certain present war and until one year after powers and authorities necessary for the termination thereof by the rati. the examination of such account: fication of a definitive treaty of and expenditure. peace, an act maile in the 44th year An act to amend several acts, for of his present majesty, for empow. regulating the trial of controverted ering his majesty to accept the sor- elections or returns of members to vices of such parts of his militia serve in parliament, so far as the forces in Ireland, as might volun- same relate to Ireland. tarily offer themselves to be em- An act to continue for the term ployed in Great Britain.

of 7 years, certain acts for the bet. *3A 2



ter prevention and punishment of An act for raising the sum of attempts to seduce persons serving. 14,200,0Col. by way of annuities. in his majesty's forces by sea or land

March 23. from their duty and allegiance to An act for punishing mutiay and his majesty, or to incite them to dese: tion; and for the better paymating or disobedience.

ment of the army and their quarMarch 16.

ters. An act to grant to his majesty An act for the regulation of his certain inland duties of excise and majesty's royal marine forees while taxes in Ireland, and to allow cer- op shore. tain drawbacks in respect thereof;. An act for continuing, until the in lieu of former du:ies of excise, Ist day of August 1808, an act of taxes, and drawbacks.

the 45th year of his present majesty, An act to provide more effec. for allowing, under certain restrice tually for regulating the drawbacks tions, the bringing a limited quan. and bounties on the exportation of tity of coals, culm, or cinders, to sugar from Ireland ; and for al. London and Westminster, by inlowing British plantation sugar to land navigation. be warehonsed in Ireland, until the

March 25. 25th day of March 1808.

An act to secure the payment of Aa act to provide for regulating the duties op licences granted to and securing the collection of cer. persons in freland dealing in éx. tain rates and taxes in Ireland, in ciseable commodities. respect of dwelling houses, fire AN ACT FOR THE ABOLITION OF hearths, windows, male servants, THE SLAVE TRADE. horses, dogs, and carriages.

April 9. An act to allow for two years, An act to amend several acts for from and after the passing of this regulating and securing the collecact, an additional bounty on double- tion of the duties on paper, made refined sugar, and to extend former in Ireland; and to make perpetual bounties on other refined sugar to so much of an act made in the 45th such as shall be pounded, crashed, year of his present majesty, as reor broken ; and to allow for one lates to paper hangings printed or year certain bounties on British stained in Ireland. plantation raw sugar exported. An act to rectify a mistake in an

An act for repealing so much of act made in the last session of par. an act, made in the 9th year of her liament, for enabling his majesty to late majesty queen Anne, as vests setile annuities on certain branches in the South Sea company or cor. of the royal family. poration, by the said act erected,

April 25. the sole and exclusive privilege of An act to grant to his majesty, carrying on trade and traffic to and until the 29th day of September from any part whatsoever of South 1808, a duty upon malt made in America, or in the South Seas, Ireland, and upon spirits made or which now are, or may at any time distilled in Ireland, and to allow hereafter be, in the possession of his certain drawbacks on the exporta. majesty, his heirs or successors. tion thereof.


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