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tremor, -ōris, m. trembling. trepido (1), intr. hurry.

trepidus, -a, -um, trembling, restless, confused, troubled. trēs, tria, three.

tricorpor, -oris, adj. three-bodied. tridens, -ntis, adj. three-toothed, trident.

trietēricus, -a, -um, triennial.

Trinacria, -ae, f. (having three headlands), Sicily.

Trinacrius, -a, -um, Trinacrian, Sicilian.

triplex, -icis, adj. threefold.

tripūs, -podis, m. three-footed seat, tripod.

tristis, -e, sad, gloomy, baleful. triumpho (1), intr.


triumphātus, triumphed over. triumphus, -i, m. triumph. Trivia, -ae, ƒ. a name of Hecate, as worshipped at the cross-roads. trivium, -i, n. a place where three roads meet, cross-roads. Troas, -adis, f. a Trojan woman. Troia, -ae, f. Troy, the Phrygian city called after Tros.

Troiānus, -a, -um, Trojan.

Trōius, -a, -um, Trojan.

Trōs, Trōis, adj. Trojan.

truncus, -i, m. trunk.

tu, tui, thou, you.

tuba, -ae, f. bugle, trumpet.

tueor (2), dep. look at, eye, behold.

Tullus, -i, m. Tullus Hostilius, the

third king of Rome. tum, adv. then, next.

tumeo, -ui, - (2), intr. swell, tumidus, -a, -um, swelling. tumultus, -ūs, m. uproar, tumult, noise of war.

tumulus, -i, m. mound, tomb. tundo, tutudi, tunsum (3), tr. buffet. turba, -ae, f. crowd, throng. turbidus, -a, -um, confused, turbid, murky, troubled, restless.

turbo (1), tr. throw into disorder, trouble.

turma, -ae, f. squadron.

turpis, -e, befouled, sordid, loathly. turris, -is, f. tower.

turritus, -a, -um, turret-crowned. tutor (1), dep. support, tell in favour of. tūtus, -a, -um, safe.

tuus, -a, -um, thy, your.

tyrannus, -i, m. sovereign, chieftain. Tyrius, -a, -um, Tyrian, Phoenician. Tyrrhēnus, -a, -um, Etrurian, Tuscan.

über, -eris, n. breast. ubi, where, when.

ūdus, -a, -um, wet, damp.

ulciscor, ultus sum (3), dep. avenge. ullus, -a, -um, any.

ulmus, -i, f. elm.

ulterior, -us, further.

ultimus, -a, -um, furthest, last. ultor, -ōris, m. avenger.

ultră, adv. and prep. c. acc. beyond. ultrix, -īcis, avenging. ultro, adv. beyond what is expected,

first, more than this, actually. ululo (1), intr. cry, wail, howl; tr. hail with loud cries.

umbra, -ae, f. shade, ghost, vision. umbrifer, -fera, -ferum, shady. ūmeo,—,— - (2), intr. am wet, moist, dank.

ūmidus, -a, -um, wet, dewy. ūnanimus, -a, -um, of one mind, one in heart.

unda, -ae, f. wave, water.

unde, adv. whence, from whom.

undique, adv. on all sides. undo (1), intr. wave.

undōsus, -a, -um, billowy. unguis, -is, m. talon.

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vāgīna, -ae, ƒ. scabbard. vāgītus, -ūs, m. wailing. vagor (1), dep. wander, move this way and that.

valeo (2), intr. am strong, am able. validus, -a, -um, strong, sturdy. vallis, -is, f. valley.

vānus, -a, -um, empty, idle.

vapor, -ōris, m. heat.

varius, -a, -um, different, varied.

vastus, -a, -um, huge, mighty, desolate.

vātes, -is, c. seer, prophet.

-ve, enclitic conj. or.

vecto (1), tr. carry.

veho, vexi, vectum (3), tr. carry, bring.

vel, conj. or; vel... vel, either...or. vēlo (1), tr. cover, veil, deck. vēlox, -ōcis, swift.

vēlum, -i, n. sail. velut, adv. as, just as. vēna, -ae, f. vein.

vendo, -didi, -ditum (3), tr. sell. venerabilis, -e, venerable, revered.

venio, vēni, ventum (4), intr. come, speed on.

vēnor (1), dep. hunt. ventus, -i, m. wind.

Venus, -eris, f. goddess of love, the mother of Aeneas.

verber, -eris, n. stroke, lash. verbum, -i, n. word; in verbo, as he spoke.

vereor (2), dep. fear.

vēro and vērum, adv. but, but in truth, indeed.

verro, —, versum (3), tr. sweep. verso (1), tr. turn, ponder, rout. vertex, -icis, m. top, crown, peak, head.

verto, -ti, -sum (3), tr. turn, upturn. vērus, -a, -um, true, truthful; adverbs, vere, vero, verum, truthfully, in truth.

vescor, (3), dep. feed.

vester, -tra, -trum (= voster, belonging to vos), your.

vestibulum, -i, n. entrance.

vestigium, -i, n. foot-print, step, footing, trace.

vestigo (1), tr. search, search for.
vestio (4), tr. clothe.
vestis, -is, f. robe.

veto, -ui, -itum (1), tr. forbid.
vetus, -eris, adj. old, former, of old.
vexo (1), tr. harass.

via, -ae, f. way, path, course, plan. vicissim, adv. in turn.

victor, -ōris, m. conqueror, winner. video, vidi, visum (2), tr. see; videor, seem.

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grow stronger.

(2), intr. am strong,

vigil, -is, adj. watchful.

vigilo (1), intr. awake, am roused.

vigor, -ōris, m. power, force.

villus, -i, m. shaggy hair.

vimen, -inis, n. twig.

vinclum, -i, n. chain, bond; plur. sandals.

vinco, vici, victum (3), tr. vanquish, overcome, master, move, prevail. vinculum, -i, n. fastening, cord. vindico (1), tr. claim, rescue. vinum, -i, n. wine.

violo (1), tr. outrage. vipereus, -a, -um, of serpents, snaky. vir, viri, m. man, husband, hero. virectum, -i, n. green glades.


vireo, (2), intr. am green. vīrēs, -ium, f. strength, power [probably not same word as vis]. virga, -ae, f. wand, twig. virgo, -inis, f. maiden. virgultum, -i, n. brushwood, copse. viridis, -e, green, hale.

virtus, -ūtis, f. valour, merit, prowess, worth.

vīs, acc. vim, abl. vi, f. violence, force, potency.

viscera, -um, n. inner parts, entrails, heart.

vīsus, -ūs, m. sight.

vita, -ae, f. life; plur. beings, wraiths. vitta, -ae, f. band, chaplet.

vivo, vixi, victum (3), intr. live, smoulder.

vīvus, -a, -um, alive, living. vix, adv scarcely.

voco (1), tr. call, call upon, summon. volatilis, -e, flying.

volito (1), intr. flit, float (in the air).

volo, volui, velle, tr. and intr. am willing, wish, ordain, mean. volo (1), intr. fly, speed; volantes, birds.

volucer, -cris, -cre, flying, winged. volucris, -is, f. bird.

voluntās, -ātis, f. will. voluto (1), tr. roll on, revolve, ponder. volvo, volvi, volūtum (3), tr. roll, turn; pass. roll down.

vomo, -ui, -itum (3), tr. vomit, pour forth.

vorāgo, -inis, f. whirlpool.

vōs, vestri and vestrum, ye, you. vōtum, -i, n. vow, prayer; in vota,

to witness vows, to make prayer. vox, vocis, f. voice,note, word, speech. Vulcanus (Volcanus), -i, m. Vulcan, the god of fire.

vulgo (volgo), adv. commonly. vulnus (volnus), -eris, n. wound. vultus (voltus), -ūs, m. features, face, appearance.

Xanthus, -i, m. a river of the Troad.

Zephyrus, -i, m. the west wind.

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