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exiled ministers after the restoration of Charles II.-the cha-
racter and manners of the good old Whigs of the Covenant-
distinguished from the canting hypocrites who unhappily crept
in among them, and injured the holy cause-the profligate
court of Charles II.-its influence sent out from it, as from a
common centre, over all ranks-tyrannical measures against
the christian patriots, the Whigs-broken and dispersed, they
retire,into lurking places among the peasantry-they foster
civil and religious liberty in their retreats among the people-
the issue of the twenty-eight years sufferings-justice has not
been done to the memory of these patriots and martyrs-the
infidel historian-the poet-the novelist--throw out their un-
holy gibes-and give most erroneous delineations of charac-
ter-even modern Presbyterian writers not just in this matter
--Dr. Cook's late work noticed.

Sect. 13. It was during this excitement, and among such

people, that the Quaker missionaries in Scotland made their

first appearance-hence their failure-George Fox, in Glasgow,

could not prevail on even one to come to hear him.”

Sect. 14. Scotland assailed from another quarter, and by a
character very different from that of the first Quaker mission-
aries-the best writer of the society was given to them by
Scotland-Robert Barclay-his character as a writer-his
Latin Apology-note-Mosheim's remarkable accuracy in his
view of this writer, and of this sect-the antagonist of Barclay
-John Brown of Wamphry-Scotland has not yet done him
justice--his character as a polemic-the victory gained by him
and other writers over this sect in Scotland, complete-
proof from facts.

Sect. 15. The progress of the sect of Friends on the conti-
nent of Europe-causes of this.


Sect. 16. Their introduction into America by the celebrated
William Penn-the two points in which the American Friends
differ widely from those of Europe.


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impiety and of martyrdom in this singular character-the

third period is the Barclayian-he has moulded the system of

mysticism into a new form-has concealed the offensive dog-

mata of Penn-and the wild mysticism of Fox in some man-

ner-has impressed on the whole system the prominent fea-

tures of the more popular Arminian and Pelagian errors.

Sect. 18. A gradual combination and mixture of the different

sentiments of these three periods-view of the gradual change

of Penn's sentiments-the difference in his sentiments and

manner, from the year 1668 to 1692 and 1698-Barclay per-

fects the new model, and makes Saccas a respectable Armi-

nian or Pelagian-in Ireland the authors of the "Brief Apol-

ogy," and Fuller have gone, perhaps, still farther than Barclay

in new modelling the system according to the reigning taste.

Sect. 19. Each of these periods produced its respective writ-

ers-each has had its partizans-hence the diversity of doc-

trinal opinions among the Quakers-sketch of a comparison of

Fox-of Penn with others-Job Scott-Clarkson-Bristed.

Sect. 20. The quaking that characterized the first period-

and gradually died away in the second, and the third-account

of these bodily phenomena-Penn's defence of them-Bar-

clay's mysticism on this affair-these phenomena purely Pla-

tonic-contrast of the ancient and modern Platonics on this

matter Synesius-Hilton, whose writings edified the mother

of king Henry VII. of England-these Platonic sentiments,

two sects agreeing in main, in doctrinal opinions, have suc-

cessfully reduced to practice, and have produced results

strangely different-1. the dancing Quakers, 2. the trembling

Quakers ancient precedents of these among the pagans and

the modern Jews-anecdotes-gradual departure of the spirit

of trembling.

of their peculiar dress, manners, and the new tongue which

they spake as the spirit gave them utterance-the positive influ-

ence of their dress in helping to fix their public character-

those founders of new sects who made a distinctive dress enter

into a part of their creed were shrewd observers of human na-

ture-illustration of this.

Sect. 23. On oaths-review of the argument for civil oaths

-and against them-Penn's opposition to civil oaths not found-

ed, in reality, on any passage of holy writ supposed to bear

against them, as on a peculiar sentiment of Plato-the Plato-

nic life beyond an oath-the German divine's opinion of those

who will not take an oath.

Sect. 24. On war-the society has never stated this question

fairly nor correctly-they confound offensive and defensive

war-what has been advanced by their most rational defend-

ers participates more of the nature of declamation than argu-

ment-specimen of it-arguments for defensive war-precept

-examples sanctioned by God-defensive war began in hea-

ven-the principle of non-resistance shown to be of a danger

ous tendency in a political view-not reducible to practice by

the society, nor by any sect-the principle shown to be of a

dangerous moral tendency, if carried into effect by any portion

of men it would hold out encouragement and facilities to the

robber and the murderer-it would encrease crime and moral

pollution to an incalculable extent-the practice of the society

seems to do violence to their theory, note-the leaders of the

society before the year 1660 do not appear to have held this

principle as now professed to be held by the Quakers-colli-

sion between the principle and the practice of their ancient el-

ders-their re-capture, vi et armis, of a sloop taken away by

pirates from the port of Philadelphia-re-capture of Friend

captain Pattison's ship, note-Penn's views and practice-

Paxton boys-only one thing has saved the existence of the

society, and this principle in their system-that is, their fel-

low citizens have neither believed nor practised upon it.

Sect. 25. The society has been a divided people-their in-

ternal state-natural tendency of their grand doctrinal tenet
-their Liberales-their discipline-dissention on that head-
the opposition charged the society with having abandoned the
original principle of the sect-instead of the light within each
individual, they made the light of the body, collectively taken, the
guide of the conscience-hence the schism in the society-their
dissentions about the orthodox use of the hat-hence a schism
-a new sect springs up out of these two contending parties
-Shackleton revived this sect lately the Keithian controver-
sy on a fundamental doctrine-anecdote of Penn and Keith-
mutual denunciation-dissention about the revision and cor-
rection of Friends' books-the majority in the society advo-
cate every expression and item uttered and written by the an-

cient elders-they reasoned a priori on the matter-the free
Quakers-the jumping Quakers or Shakers-uncle John's
opinion of this sect, established under Case their first leader.

Sect. 26. The pages of the Friends contain violent and illib-

eral charges against other sects for their persecuting spirit

-the society shown to have manifested in the course of their

short career, instances of the same disposition-illustrated by

historical facts-by cases of discipline-consequences of ex-

pulsion from the society in our large cities-Evan's case-

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Sect. 27. The society has always stood aloof from every
communion-it has been against every sect-every sect has
been against it-the tide of the public opinion set in strongly
against them in the close of the seventeenth century-proofs
their antagonists-sketch of their writings against the Qua-
kers-Hicks-Dr. Owen-Sir Matthew Hale-Faldo-Stalham
-Scandrett-twenty-one divines-three rectors-Leslie-the
bishop of Cork-Keith-Bennet-act of toleration-Francis
Bugg-Dr. Stillingfleet-cause of the public suspicions that
Jesuits were among the earliest Friends-George Fox's Latin
works-his polyglot!

Sect. 28. The result of these able exposures-the feeble ef-

forts of the society to reply their explanations covered with

ambiguities, and full of contradictions against their primitive


Sect. 29. After some repose under Queen Anne and the first
Georges, the society is alarmed by the able and very tempe-
rate expositions of the bishop of Litchfield and Coventry-
they throw themselves before the king and implore his protec-
tion, as if the good bishop had been going to devour them-
they pledge to the public a full reply-it contained nothing
new-it produced no favourable effect on the public mind.

Sect. 30. Incidents in the history of the later years of the
society uninteresting-their publications are confined to the
insipid journals of a few travelling prophets or prophetesses-
and attacks and defences from disowned members-these prin-
ciples have been about 180 years in operation-their numbers
decrease in Great Britain-their present numbers contrasted
with their number stated in the close of the seventeenth cen-
tury, note-they are supposed, on the whole, to be encreasing
in the U. States-they continue to stand aloof from all chris-
tian intercourse-as a body they decline aiding the Bible so-
cieties, and missionary efforts-the extent of their influence in
aiding to put down the most execrable trade in human flesh-
and in meliorating the condition of some Indian tribes, and of
the African population, note.

Sect. 31. Conclusion: their prophets, though professionally

inspired, found to be ineffective polemics-the society seems

to have looked out for advocates from other quarters-the mo-

Containing dissertations on their doctrines, worship, ministry, &c.

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