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Frisky. No, thank you, sir. (If I sleep on his bed, I fear I shall never wake again.)

Spider. I wish you would come in. It's nearly dinner-time. I want you so much. I am waiting dinner for you. Come in and see what nice things I shall have for dinner.

Frisky. You are very kind, sir, but I do not know who you are. I cannot see you through that web. (I wonder if he is a spider!)

Spider. Step up close and you

will see me.

I'd like to see you



closer, too, with your bright eyes

and pretty wings.

Frisky. (He speaks very politely.) I will step up just a lit

tle closer.



Look at

Frisky, close to a spider's web. I'll go and call to him. Frisky! Keep away! Keep away!


Here I come with

my broom to sweep up the crumbs

[blocks in formation]

Spider. Ha! I have you now!

Frisky, you must die!

Frisky. Buzz! Help! Buzz! Help! Help! Buzz-z-z-z-z-z!

Housemaid. Is that a cobweb I see? I'll sweep it down.

Spider. The housemaid! The housemaid! Oh, let me hide! Buzzfuzz. Frisky! Speak! Are you still alive?

Frisky. I still live.

Buzzfuzz. Let us buzz for joy!

[blocks in formation]

Housemaid. What! Those flies

here again? Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!


PLACE: A nest in a tree with three little birds

in the nest


Flappy. Wee, wee!
Floppy. Wee, wee!

Mother Bird. I'm coming, children.

All the Little Birds. Wee, wee! Wee, wee! Wee, wee!

Mother Bird. Open your mouths. So. Here is something for you, and something for you, and something for you. Does it taste good? Now say, "Thank you."

All the Little Birds. Wee, wee!
Mother Bird. Now I'll fly away


Flappy. Wee, wee!

Floppy. Wee, wee!

Father Bird. I'm coming, children.

All the Little Birds.

Wee, wee!

Wee, wee! Wee, wee!

Father Bird. Open your mouths. So. Here is something for you, and something for you, and some

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