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person to retail or sell or give any cocaine hydrochlorate or other salt of or any compound of cocaine, or preparation containing cocaine, or any salts of or any compound thereof, excepting upon the written prescription of a licensed physician or licensed dentist, licensed under the laws of the state, which prescription shall only be filled once: Provided, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to sales in the usual quantities at wholesale by any manufacturer or wholesale dealer when such manufacturer or wholesale dealer shall have affixed to the box, bottle or package containing such cocaine hydrochlorate or other salt or compound of cocaine or preparation containing cocaine, a label specifically setting forth the proportion of cocaine contained in any preparation.

SEC. 2. Every person who shall be found guilty of violation of the provisions of this act, shall, for the first offense, be fined a sum not less than ten dollars or more than fifty dollars, and for each subsequent offense not less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding ninety days, or either or both, in the discretion of the court.

What Is An Acid (49) ?—The answer depends very much upon the source of information you seek for the definition. Perhaps for the purpose of a pharmacist we cannot do better than quote the following from Pharmaceutical and Chemical Problems, by Oldberg: "The term 'acid' was originally applied to liquids possessing the following general properties:

"They have a strongly acid or sour taste, are destructive in their effects upon most organic compounds, turn blue litmus red, and neutralize the properties of the basis with which they react to form salts and water.

"The most characteristic acids are the so-called 'strong acids,' which are water-soluble, dissolve certain metals and metallic oxides with which they form water-soluble salts, and also dissolve certain other

substances insoluble in water and other common solvents. This solution effected by acids is 'chemical solution,' the acid itself is decomposed as well as the substance dissolved, and new substances are formed. We say that acids attack many substances and that they must, therefore, be kept in containers made of acid-proof materials like glass. But it would be more correct to say that the acids are so unstable that other substances attack and decompose them.

"Insoluble acids are tasteless, non-destructive, and do not affect the color of litmus.

"All acids contain hydrogen which can be exchanged for a metal, with the result that a salt is formed, and all acids when ionized yield cations of hydrogen. But the insoluble acids can not be ionized, and many soluble substances which are not acids and which contain no hydrogen turn blue litmus red.

"From these facts it is evident that the acids must be identified, not by their taste nor by their action on litmus, nor by their cations, but by their composition and structure and by the salts derived from them.

"Acids have been described as compounds from which hydrogen can be liberated by some metal like Zn or Mg with the result that a salt is formed. But if potassium zincate is a salt, as it is commonly held to be, because it has the typical structure of a salt, the KOH would under that definition be an acid, for zinc liberates hydrogen from KOH and forms K2ZNO2.

[blocks in formation]

Dissolve the ingredients in 10 to 20 gallons of boiling water and add cold water to make the whole measure 120 gallons. The Department of Agriculture publishes the following precautions for using arsenical mixtures: (1) Yards into which newly dipped sheep are to be turned should first be cleaned of all green food, hay and even fresh litter; if perfectly empty they are still safer. (2) When the dipping is finished the yard should be cleaned, washed and swept; and any unused ooze should at once be poured down a drain, Which will not contaminate food or premises used by any animals. (3) Dipped sheep should remain in an open or exposed place, as on dry ground. (4) Overcrowding should be avoided, and every facility given for rapid drying, which is greatly facilitated by selecting fine, clear, dry weather for dipping. (5) On no account should sheep be returned to their grazings until they are dry and all risk of dripping is passed.

The same authority (Bulletin No. 21, 1898), states that, all things considered, the tobacco and sulphur is as good a dip as is known at the present time, and gives the following formula: Place one pound of good leaf or manufactured tobacco for every six gallons of dip desired in a covered boiler of cold or luke warm water, and allow to stand for about twenty-four hours; on the evening before dipping, bring the water to near the boiling point (212° F.) for an instant, then remove the fire and allow the infusion to stand over night.

Thoroughly mix the sulphur (1 pound to every 6 gallons of dip desired) with the hand in a bucket of water to the consistency of gruel.

When ready to dip, thoroughly strain the tobacco infusion from the leaves by pressure, mix the liquid with the sulphur gruel, and add enough water to make the required amount of dip and thoroughly stir the entire mixture.

Waste neither words nor time.


A Practical Consideration of Flavoring Extracts by practical men constituted the program at the March meeting of the Philadelphia Branch of the A. Ph. A. The subject was opened by reading a paper on Formulae for flavoring extracts, being the views from a practical standpoint of the American Extract Manufacturers Association, by Mr. A. E. Claus. Mr. Claus is the secretary of the American Extract Manufacturers Association, and is interested in the manufacture of flavoring extracts, on a large scale, in New York City. He contended that the formulae and standards of the U. S. P. were impracticable and that the results, following the official formulae, would mean disaster to the manufacturers of flavoring extracts.

Mr. Claus gave it as his opinion that many varieties of so called Bourbon vanilla were more desirable, more delicate and altogether more satisfactory than the average of the Mexican bean. He also objected to the high percentage of alcohol that is directed in the U. S. P. and asserted that a much lower percentage would, as a rule, give more satifactory results though it should be remembered that each particular lot of vanilla must be treated differently.

The official tincture of lemon peel, or the equivalent spirit made from oil of lemon, he considered to be objectionable because of the high percentage of alcohol and the unnecessarily great amount of oil contained therein.

Tincture of orange peel being practically identical with that of lemon, was of course open to the same objections.

Mr. Clause deplored the fact that the Pharmacopoeia had not taken cognizance of the terpeneless oils and asserted that these oils, as they appear on the market are quite unfit for the extract manufacturer who, to obtain the most satisfactory results, is required to make these preparations for himself.

Prof. I. V. S. Stanislaus read a paper entitled "The U. S. P. as a Standard for Flavoring Extracts" in the course of which he asserted that preparations made in accordance with this standard would be found to be uniformly satisfactory. He quoted liberally from the reports of several state boards of health to substantiate his contention that much of the material that is usually sold as flavoring extracts, in small shops and in grocery stores, were frequently adulterated and in some instances had been found to be absolutely spurious.

Prof. Chas. H. LaWall presented a communication on "Some Flavoring Extracts I Have Seen" and exhibited a number of specimens that had come into his possession during the past few years. Prof. LaWall pointed out that the manufacture of flavoring extracts for culinary purposes, and the making of flavors for bottlers or soda syrups were distinct and that the resulting products had little in common. He also called attention to the fact that the proper labeling of a sub

stance did not always detract from its sale and, as an illustration, told of several shops where a thriving soda business was done, probably, because of the prominence that was given to a sign asserting that "Our syrups are guaranteed to be artificial.”

Mr. C. S. Brinton, who is in charge of the Philadelphia Food Laboratory called attention to several of the decisions that have been made in connection with the food and drugs act and called particular attention to the circular entitled, "Food Inspection Decisions No. 47," dealing specifically with flavoring extracts.

Dr. Stearns, in opening the general discussion expressed the appreciation of the American Extract Manufacturing Association for this opportunity to discuss what is, to them, a vitally interesting problem. He asserted that the American Extract Manufacturers Association is on record as being in favor of standards for flavoring extracts but also called attention to the fact that satisfactory standards were not readily established, as vanilla, for instance, requires a special menstruum for each lot of beans.

Dr. Stearns also called attention to the fact that extract manufacturers were being unnecessarily harassed, at the present time, by the Bureau of Chemistry on the one hand and the Internal Revenue Department on the other, and pointed out that the decisions of these two departments did not always agree.

Mr. Collins in elaborating on some of the thoughts suggested by Dr. Stearns, expressed the belief that a lower percentage of alcohol would be preferable, particularly for vanilla. His experiments with this preparation led him to believe that an extract containing not more than twenty-five per cent of alcohol is preferable in every way to preparations containing a higher percentage of alcohol.

Mr. Collins also called attention to the fact that the term "Extractive" is but a relative one, and that it is practically impossible to determine what is meant by "extractive from ten grams of vanilla."

The subject was further discussed by a number of those present and the consensus of the remarks appeared to indicate that flavoring extracts as marketed at the present time are of variable quality and not infrequently differ widely from the established standards of the Pharmacopoeia.


Australian Cajuput Oil.-Baker and Smith have discovered a new cajuput oil of substantial medicinal importance in one of the Australian tea-trees which fulfils the requirements of the British Pharmacopœia for oil of cajuput. The only difference between this oil and the ordinary cajuput oil is that the steareoptene or solid alcohol of the Australian variety is new. steareoptene does not agree with any known subtance previously obtained from plants. The authors are to continue their investigations, and are hoping to be able to show eventually some connection between the structure of the leaf and the oil constituents of these plants, because the oils from the tea-plants vary greatly in characteristics and value.-[British Medical Journal.



The following address was made by the president of Meyer Brothers Drug Co., at the entertainment of the employes of that firm at Lemp's Hall, March 3, 1908:

Before putting you to sleep with my long and tedious "address" I desire in behalf of my good mother, who was so generously and kindly remembered with such beautiful flowers, to convey to the employes of Meyer Brothers Drug Company, her high appreciation of and sincere gratitude for the kindly feeling for her thus expressed.

That we are pleased to have her with us here to-night, goes without saying, and it is a source of much delight to us to see her able to enjoy with us the pleasures of this entertainment. She feels a keen interest in the welfare of all connected with the house, in the development of which she has been a considerable factor, not only in the actual part she has taken in its growth, but also, and this is her greatest service rendered the house, in the physical and moral assistance she was to the founder and builder of the house in the hours of his greatest trials and tribulations. But for her, the battles could not have been fought victoriously, and the name of one, whose memory we all revere, would not be so prominent in the drug world.

I say, in behalf of my good mother, I thank you most cordially for the flowers presented to her this evening.

By invitation of the entertainment committee I am placed on this program for an address to employes and friends. At first I was a bit "swelled up" by what I was anxious to consider a compliment, but when the chairman of the entertainment committee afterwards imparted the information to me that the committee was anxious to dispose of the entertainment part of the program as speedily as possible, to enable the committee to go "on with the dance" before 10 o'clock, the conceit was all taken out of me, and I began to realize that I was simply chosen for a speech because the committee could count on it that I would have but little to say, and that little could not be much.

Under such circumstances yon cannot blame me for having abandoned a speech which was to take several hours to deliver, and which has required gallons of mid-night oil to prepare, containing the wisdom of the thousand wise men of Japan, and which would have given to the world knowledge which it will take ages for mankind to acquire.

To get even with this inconsiderate committee I have consigned this speech to the flames of Uncle Henry, and should the committee now want it ever so much it could not get the speech. But to return to my subject, and to make good my promise to "cut it short" I will address a few remarks

To the employes, our friends,

To the employes and their friends,
And to the employes and our friends.

In the conduct of the business of Meyer Brothers, first as a firm. and afterwards as a corporation, the management has always been peculiarly fortunate in having in its organization a feeling of friendship between employer and employe. The relations have always been those of a family, and to this feeling of family relation the house in a very large measure owes its success. The family pride of those associated with us in our daily work, has helped to build up the business, the individual doing his part to so perform his work that it not only might be well done, but that it would bring more business. Thus by all pulling together, every one to his ability, we have by combined strength built what no other organization in the drug world has been able to accomplish. This because we are friends.

But the influence of this friendly relation between employer and employe extends further than simply to the limits of the organization. If it were confined to that how could we have such a large and varied assemblage here to-night, from the various walks of life, gathered together in the interest of one commercial, organization. Surely there is a common interest somewhere which brings us all together here to-night, there is a tie some

where that binds us together, there is a common ground somewhere which makes all of us friends, all of us one happy family! It is that house to which all of us owe so much, which each and every one of us is so much interested in; the house we want to see grow up to greater proportious, and which to build up we all will lend our earnest and enthusiastic support.

In continuing and fostering this feeling of one big happy family, the Meyer Brothers Employes Mutual Aid Association has been a most active and successful agency, and the management of the house is indeed to be congratulated that the spirit of this Aid Association has been in such close harmony with it.

This Mutual Aid Association was organized in June 1890, and is therefore in its eighteenth year, during which time it has distributed among its members, and the families of deceased members, the considerable sum of $9,000.00, affording relief to those in distress in probably more cases than we have any idea of. I commend to the earnest consideration of every employe the good offices of this Aid Association as worthy of his or her active support, that through its agency, relief may be afforded to fellow employes when in distress, and I commend to every person actively connected with the house, who is not already a member, that he or she become a member, not so much that he or she may enjoy the benefits of the Association, but that he or she may aid in affording systematic relief in cases of sickness and distress. Surely commendable charity.

It not only seems to me appropriate, but I believe it to be my duty that I should at this time give a moment to a serious consideration of the present.

As you know during the months of November and December we experienced a financial panic which came at a time of most active commercial prosperity, and therefore was the more of a surprise. The effects of that panic have by no means worn away but are evidenced by a large number of unemployed people and numerous plants wholly or partly shut down.

Though we may hope that conditions will improve, and that the prosperous times of the preceding years may speedily return to us, it behooves us to adjust ourselves to the present conditions, and that by economy and thrift, while our earning capacity is unimpaired, we prepare for the rainy day that may come, though we hope it will not appear. I recommend that every employe have a savings account, be it but ever so small to begin with, and that it be added to from month to month. Thus a competency may be established which sooner or later will become available for the benefit of its owner as an investment or relief.

In conclusion then, now that we are gathered here together for amusement and personal intercourse, let us give ourselves up to the pleasures of the evening, enjoying to our heart's content the delightful program prepared for us by our entertainment committee, and joining in light fantastic, young and old, all one happy family, better for the enjoyment of each other's company.


Life without love is lonely,
Life without hope is sad,
Life is worth living only
When the whole heart is glad,
Life without faith is cheerless,
Life without friendship drear,
Life can never be tearless
When the sun holds a fear.
Life without toil and trouble,
Life without pleasure and pain,
Would be an empty bubble
And Heaven but Earth again.


Best Bets for Business. Better be a climber than a knocker. Give your brain a chance to think. Don't waste time hatching out a bad egg. Don't ever mistake live steam for hot air. Be a gentleman, even though it takes more time. A great man is a target for sarcasm and criticism.




Pharmacopoeia Londinensis, MDCCXVI.

(Continued from page 84.)

18. Aqua and Oleum Sanguinis Humani, Water and Oil of Mans Blood.

R the Blood of a young Man in the Spring time, digest 40 days, then distil in Ashes or Sand, by an Alembick, so will you have Water and Oil. Rectify the Water in B. M. the Oil in a Retort, drawing them off nine or ten times, till it be of a red Colour. In the first Distillation beware you burn not the Faeces.

The Water cures Consumptions and Hecticks, taken 3i. at a time, and outwardly cures Burns, Scalds, and Fistula's. The Oil perfectly cures the Falling-sickness, gut x. being given thirty Days together, beginning at the New Moon, and so continuing, and afterwards gut. xx. once every New Moon for a year: It also cures, as Beguinus saith, Palsies, Apoplexies and ulcerated Lungs, and is a great Cordial.

19. Balsämum Arthriticum, Balsam against the Gout.

R Mans Blood, and purify it ten Days, then distil from Sand by degrees, first with a small Fire, after with a stronger in a Glass Retort, so have you a red foetid Oil with a volatile Salt sticking in the Neck; rectifying the Oil with Colcothar in Sand, repeat it often with fresh Colcothar, in which dissolves the volatile Salt. After this manner you may make a Balsam of the Blood of all other Animals.

It is of a strange force in the Gout, (from whence it has its Name) anointing with it thrice a day for 7 or 8 Days together, it takes away the Pain and Redness, and makes the Tumor vanish.

20. Spiritus Antepilepticus Sanguinus Humani, Antepileptick Spirit of Mans Blood.

R of the deflegmated and double rectified Sp. of Mans Blood, Essence of Lavender Flowers, ana lb. i. distil in B. M. to the half; do it twice, to which add Spirit of Wine zi. mix them.

Given in Angelica Water, or with Tincture of Poeny Flowers, it cures Asthma's, Apoplexies, Palsies, and the Falling-sickness. Beguinus has a Philtron made of Mans Blood, a Quintessence, and two other secrets; which you may find in him.

(To be continued.)

Talent is of great value to the student, but talent without work is as money that lies idle, it brings no interest and fails to be a means of support. Put your talents out on interest and endeavor to get the best per cent for them you can.

Egotism and conceit are two of the meanest rags hanging about the framework of the human character.

Joseph Winters England, of Philadelphia, is a busy man who bas the energy and ability necessary to do well all of the work which devolves upon him in the following official positions:



Chairman of Section on Education and Legislation, A. Ph. A. Curator of Museum, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.

Secretary of Alumni Association, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.

Chairman of Publication Committee, Alumni Report.

Secretary of Publication Committee, American Journal of Pharmacy.

Member of Board of Trustees, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Director of Research Laboratory, Smith, Kline & French Co.

Should the High School or an Examination be the Standard for admission to colleges of pharmacy? The Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post for March 7, 1908, has the following editorial:

Are City High Schools Making Good?-There are 590,000 pupils in the public schools of New York City. In the fifth grade there are 75,000, or one-eighth of the whole. From that poin the number declines rapidly, and less than four per cent of the whole are in the high schools.

Last year there were 21,000 graduates from the grammar schools, of whom under 13,000 entered the high schools, while nearly 7,000 left the high schools during the first year's course. The number in the fourth year of the high schools was under 2,000, or about one-third of one per cent of the total public school register. There were 1,787 graduates from the high schools, of whom 335 entered college. The high schools, with under four per cent of the total pupils, take eleven per cent of the total cost of instruction. The cost per pupil is $95.73 (which compares with $49.31 in Chicago, by the way), against $31.61 in the elementary schools.

Not that cost, in itself, is any argument; but is the city high school, organized mosty as a preparatory school to fit pupils for college, really justifying itself?

Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Princeton and a number of other

strong institutions admit students upon examination only. The

high-school graduate, in order to enter one of those universities, must have a great mass of what he has learned in high school in such command that he can use it under the trying conditions of a test examination. As a matter of fact, the average high school graduate requires many weeks of hard review work before he can pass the entrance examinations, and often a year.

The city high school, organized as a preparatory school for colleges, needs, we think, examination and consideration.

Those pharmacists who read the controversy in the Pharmaceutical Era between Dr. O. A. Wall and Dr. H. L. Taylor, on the subject of the conditions in regard to high school education in New York, cannot fail to notice how these statements in the paper established by Benjamin Franklin seem to bear out the correctness of Dr. Wall's statements made about a year ago. They will also note that some universities are discarding the high school prerequisite and substituting an entrance examination, as advocated by Dr. Wall at the New York meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association.


Danger From Raw Vegetables and Fruits.-The Public Health Society, of which the Annales is the organ, adopted resolutions appealing to the authorities to absolutely prohibit on sewage farms the raising of vegetables and fruits which are eaten without cooking.

I do not believe that the cocain is of any value. If the parts are dry, they should be abraded before applying the paste."

Olive Oil and Linseed Oil Compared as Medicines. -The Journal of the American Medical Association answers an inquiry on this subject by saying: "No particular difference can be made between the physiologic action of linseed oil and olive oil. Both act as fats available for nutrition, but, on account of its dis

For Sore Nipples.—(American Text-Book of Ob- agreeable smell and taste, linseed oil is little used. It stetrics).

[blocks in formation]

is regarded as a laxative, and is said to be especially serviceable for this purpose in hemorrhoids. Linseed oil contains a compound of glycerin with a certain fatty acid, which is more readily oxidized than oleic acid, and it may be that this difference in the acid radicals would cause a corresponding difference in the therapeutic properties. Nothing appears to be known, however, to justify attributing to it any special therapeutic value other than its laxative action already noticed. The dose is from one to two ounces. sometimes added to laxative enemata, and may be substituted for olive oil on account of cheapness in cases in which regular injections of oil are given for spastic constipation. If linseed oil is used at all in medicine, it should be borne in mind that the raw linseed oil is the only form suitable for internal use, even though lead is no longer used in preparing the boiled oil as was formerly the custom."

It is

For Soft Corns.-The Medical Summary for January says: The bane of many a life is soft, tender, and perspiring feet. This is a condition that results very often in what are termed "soft corns." The epidermic cells, unlike in the case of "hard corns," instead of becoming hardened as successive layers accumulate, are softened by the moisture constantly present in the spaces between the toes, and with the constant pressure and constriction of the shoe the hy

Ointments for Burns.-The following ointments give excellent results as a dressing:-Liniment of lime, 40 Gm.; wool fat, 20 Gm.; soft paraffin, 10 Gm.; gomenol oil, 10 Gm.; ichthyol, 10 Gm.; orthoform, 2 Gm.; oil of verbena, 30 drops; oil of lavender, 30 drops; magnesium carbonate or French chalk sufficient to make a creamy paste. When the scabs fall off the following healing ointment should be applied: Peruvian balsam, 30 drops; storax ointment, 1 Gm.; oil of eucalyptus, 20 drops; oil of cinnamon, 5 drops; liquid paraffin, 25 Gm.; precipitated chalk, 12 Gm.-pertrophied integument becomes exceedingly painful

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"Mix in mortar and add five ounces of hot water, half an ounce of chlorid of zinc and five grains of hydrochlorate of cocain. Spread on a cloth or adhesive plaster about one-eighth inch thick. Apply it to the part affected and leave it in place for about twenty-four hours. Considerable pain and swelling ensue and a slough comes away in about four days. Sometimes a second application is necessary. After the slough separates, any mild dressing will do. I generally use boric-acid ointment. The chlorid of zinc is probably the ingredient which does the good.

to those thus afflicted whose occupation requires them to remain on their feet for a long period of time.

Many remedies are advised to rectify this condition, but there is none that equals ichthyol (said to be ammonium suphoichthyolate) to meet every condition that presents itself, under the circumstances the treatment requires.

A twenty-five percent. aqueous solution is about the proper strength to use. When used in full strength it may prove an irritant to a highly sensitive surface, and the definite strength to use must be left to the nature of the case.

Under the use of ichthyol the "soft corn" will become of firmer consistence, the pain and inflammation of the contiguous parts will be relieved, and with the removal of the elevated and hardened material normal tonicity will return and a permanent cure will result.

That Which People Sow they shall also reap does not always apply to the pictures on the seed packages. [POOR RICHARD, JUNIOR.

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