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Meyer Brothers Druggist




Entered at the Post Office at St. Louis, Mo., as second-class matter in January, 1895.

Meyer Brothers Druggist



H. M. WHELPLEY, Ph. G., M. D.,

"Repetition is the mother of study."

No. 4.

Dan Liddy, President of the Missouri Pharmaceutical Travelers' Association and representative of the William A. Stickney Cigar Co., with headquarters at Kansas City, is represented on the frontispiece of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for April. He invites the salesmen calling upon the Missouri trade and the pharmacists of the state to report at Pertle Springs Editor. (Warrensburg), Tuesday, June 9, 1908.

[blocks in formation]



One-fourth page, 3 months (2 5-6x4 1-4 inches).
One-fourth page, 6 months (2 5-6x4 1-4 inches).
One-fourth page, 9 months (2 5-6x4 1-4 inches).
One-fourth page, 1 year (2 5-6x4 1-4 inches).
One-half page, 3 months (41-4x6
One-half page, 6 months (41-4x6
One-half page, 9 months (4 1-4x6 inches).
One-half page, 1 year (41-4x6 inches).

One page,
One page,


6 months (6 18 1-2 inches).
1 year
(6 x8 1-2 inches).


$ 27 00

45 00

65 00

82 50

51 00

87 00


125 00

157 50

160 00

300 00

[blocks in formation]

In the Pharmaceutical eye is Julius G. Bone, of


Dunmore, Pa., who is devot-
ing his best energies and
constant work to the Sunday
closing and Sabbath rest
movement. In the pharma-
ceutical press and at the
N. A. R. D., as well as state
and local organization meet-
ings, Mr. Bone puts forth
convincing arguments in
favor of this worthy cause.
His retail drug business at
Dunmore, was established
in 1870, and is conducted
along the lines which he so
earnestly advocates.

Dr. Harvey Washington Wiley, Chief of the Division of Chemistry, Washington, D. C., was represented on the cover of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST for March.

If Your Store is For Sale, advertise in the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST.

A Complete Price List of about ninety pages will be found by consulting the March and April issues of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST. Keep these two numbers convenient for consultation,


Bulletin for Buyers, Page 11.
Want Advertisements, Page 7.
Index to Advertisements, Page 8.

Price List, Drugs, Page 28; Patent Medicines, Page 45.


Dispensing Physicians and Counter Prescribing Pharmacists constitute the real bone of contention which causes strife and ill feeling between these two great branches of persons engaged in the highly responsible occupation of serving mankind afflicted with disease. While the laws of most of the states and territories distinctly prohibit or closely limit the rights of the pharmacist in prescribing, they leave the physician great latitude in dispensing his own remedies. From the practice of filling his own prescriptions to that of selling medicines to whoever comes his way is but a step which many physicians in small places and a certain class of physicians in large cities seem inclined to take. During the period of reform which is now taking place in every occupation of human life, we find the boards of pharmacy endeavoring to curtail the operations of the dispensing physician who oversteps the bounds of what has in the past been considered his inherent right to fill his own prescriptions. The secretary of the Missouri Board of Pharmacy has recently given notice that the board will prosecute physicians who do a general retail drug business without being registered as pharmacists. In St. Louis alone may be found a number of physicians amenable to the law on this point. Nor is the Missouri board the only one moving in this manner, for we have similar reports from other sections of the country.

This effort on the part of boards of pharmacy to prevent a physician, unregistered as a pharmacist, from coming in direct competition with the retail druggist, brings to our mind a subject which has been agitated for some time by George P. Engelhard, of Chicago. We believe that it was at a meeting of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association, some years ago, that he first pointed out the fact that in this country a registered physician is legally entitled to diagnose the disease, dispense the medicine and sign the death certificate in case subsequent conditions require such a document. He argued that the physician should not be permitted to dispense even his own prescriptions or, if given this right, he should not be allowed to sign the death certificate, in case the patient fails to recover. We remember. that a resolution to this effect caused heated discussion in the N. A. R. D. at the Boston meeting and was finally voted down for fear that such action on the part of the N. A. R. D. might not be judicious in view of the efforts under way to bring about a better feeling between pharmacists and physicians. Mr. Engelhard delivered a lengthy address on the subject at the Chicago meeting of the N. A. R. D. where it was received with applause and a motion made recommending that the address be published for distribution.

The Press Committee of the Proprietary Manufacturers' Association of America has taken an interest in

the matter and is distributing printed copies of the address accompanied by some very interesting information regarding the conditions of affairs in other countries than the United States. It seems that England and this country, the only two great civilized nations which have been backward in adopting the metric system, are also the only ones where a legally qualified physician is absolutely free to diagnose the case, prescribe the medicine, sign the death certificate and close the important incident which ends a human life. The sentiment of the more ethical and professional part of the medical men in England is shown by a rule of the Royal College of Physicians of London, which requires its members and fellows to forego the dispensing of even their own prescriptions. The number of members and fellows of this college is, however, so small that it plays but a minor part in the actual condition of affairs in England. When we cross the channel to the continent, we find that the ethics of the Royal College of London becomes the law of France where dispensing by physicians is permitted only under certain exceptional and specified conditions. The German government prohibits by law dispensing by a physician except in cases of emergency. That government also throws great safeguards around the issuing of a death certificate. Holland, like Germany, permits the practitioner of medicine to dispense remedies only under extenuating circumstances. In Austria the medical ethics as well as the law of the land prevent physicians from dispensing, the exception being places where pharmacists are not accessible, this exception corresponding to the clauses we find in many state pharmacy laws in this country which permit general dealers to sell certain medicines in localities remote from drug stores. The conditions we find in Austria also prevail in Hungary. In Italy, the health officer must pass upon the death before the patient is buried and dispensing is confined to the pharmacist. In Spain the physician must desist from general dispensing and the law strictly specifies that the physician and pharmacist in small towns must not be near relatives. In Belgium only those physicians in small towns have the right to dispense their medicines and, in Russia, the physician confines his duties to that of prescribing. In such countries as Bulgaria, Roumania, Servia and Turkey, the dispensing physician is found only under exceptional conditions. We might extend the list to show that the United States is behind the continental countries of Europe in its provisions to safeguard the public from criminals who, under the guise of a medical license, can cover up their crimes.

We believe that the present time, when the physician is as anxious as the pharmacist to bring about a better understanding between the two callings, is the proper moment to at least show the medical profession that in other countries the physician, as well as the pharmacist, is by law required to "stick to his last.” It is a subject which might with propriety be discussed at the joint meetings of pharmacists and physicians, arranged by local branches of the A. Ph. A. The U.

S. P. and N. F. propaganda has brought local physicians and pharmacists together on a subject of mutual interest and demonstrated that both doctor and druggist must give and forgive if more kindly relations are to be established and the welfare of the patient enhanced.

An International Congress of Great Importance Pharmacists.-For a quarter of a century or more, there has been a general feeling throughout the civilized world that something of practical value could be accomplished by an international congress. devoting its entire time and the energies of its delegates to the consideration of the prevention of adulteration of foods and medicines. This has been evidenced by various international congresses and the sentiment has grown until the prospects are good for such an international gathering. The Fourteenth Congress of Hygiene and Demography, held at Berlin last summer, was the occasion for definite action looking towards an initial congress. It was the Universal Society of the Geneva White Gross which conIceived the idea and took the initiative action at the congress in Berlin in 1907. As a consequence, a call has been issued for the First International Congress for the Repression of the Adulteration of Alimentary and Pharmaceutical Products, this gathering to occur in Geneva in September, 1908.

Of course, an exhibition of unadulterated products and also demonstrations of adulterated goods will be a prominent feature of the meeting. The prime object, however, will be the definition of unadulterated food.

The importance of these definitions is such that the issuing of the codex alimentarius will have great influence upon the pure food and drug legislation the world over. The call makes especial reference to manufacturers, chemists and lawyers. Pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturers will, no doubt, see to it that their interests are well represented. Retail pharmacists should be equally active. We feel that the A. Ph. A., the N. W. D. A., the N. A. R. D., and the various state pharmaceutical associations, and the more prominent local retail drug organizations, should at once take out nominal membership.

Membership is divided into three classes, doners, nominal members and associate members. Only individuals can become donors, the expense being $20.00 per year. Nominal members may be either persons or organizations, "bodies." Such membership costs $4.00 per year and entitles the person or the body to all of the publications, as well as to direct representation in the deliberations. Associate members pay but $2.50 per year and have but limited privileges. They do not receive the publications.

Membership can be secured by applying directly to the general secretary of the First International Congress for the Repression of the Adulteration of Alimentary and Pharmaceutical Products, Rue du Rhone, 42 Geneva, or, if more convenient, applications may be sent to Dr. H. W. Wiley, Chief of the Bureau of Chemistry, Washington, D. C., who has kindly consented to look after the interests of those in this

country who desire to join.

Dr. Wiley, whose picture appeared on the cover of MEYERS BROTHERS DRUGGIST for March, has been requested to undertake the organization of the American committee. He will, no doubt, associate with himself persons in various states who hold official positions bringing them into intimate relations with the food and drugs laws. We suggest that pharmicists take action at once in order that their interests be protected to the fullest extent. Our readers now understand how the federal pure food and drugs law works hardships which would not be felt if pharmicists had been more active in the initial period when the law was being framed. A word to the wise should be sufficient and the pharmacists should see to it that the codex alimentarius becomes a standard to which they can readily subscribe.

Lowering the Pharmaceutical Standard in Cuba. -The pharmacy Law of Cuba is based on the old Spanish law which recognizes the pharmacist as a professional person and imposes requirements for qualifications in keeping with such a standing. The University of Havana has a pharmaceutical faculty which is also authorized by the law to act as a board of pharmacy. This is a government university, created and sustained by the state. It seems that following the occupation of Cuba by American troops, the nonregistered pharmacists of Cuba became wise as to methods pursued in various parts of the United States by incompetent persons anxious to register as pharmacists. The result was more satisfactory to the incompetent element in Cuba than to the pharmacists in general for, according to reports, registration was obtained on diplomas from institutions in the United States which are not recognized in this country or by securing registration in a nearby state where it is easier to register than in Cuba. These laxities might have been remedied if matters had worked in the right direction, but it looks as if things went from bad to worse, for the governor of Cuba has created a board of pharmacy independent of the faculty of the university and authorized registration on a lower standard than that represented by previous requirements in Cuba. This condition of affairs in Cuba is extremely interesting to the pharmaceutical educators of the United States who, at the present time, are working for higher requirements for entrance to colleges of pharmacy, more severe examinations before graduation and advanced requirements by boards of pharmacy in their examinations for registration. The general sentiment among pharmacists of the United States is that graduation from a college of pharmacy is the ideal requirement before registration and that such an end should eventually be accomplished. The action of the governor af Cuba practically suppresses the graduate in pharmacy and widens the door for registration without any college education whatever.

We are not surprised by the vigorous protest which is being made by the registered graduates and we trust that the governor will reconsider the anti-pharmaceutical decree.

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The New Anti-Cocaine Law of New York City is being vigorously enforced in New York City.

The Boston Chapter of the W. O. N. A. R. D. held a very satisfactory meeting in February. A pleasant entertainment was followed by a very enjoyable reception. Mrs. Adelaide M. Godding is president.

Early Closing in Cleveland is making a headway. One section of the city has found closing at 10 p. m., so satisfactory that it is now trying 9:30. Another section is changing the closing hour from 10:30 to 9:45.

The Philadelphia A. Ph. A. Branch officers for the ensuing year are:

William McIntyre, president; Wm. L. Cliffe, first vice-president; Chas. H. La Wall, second vice-president; M. I. Wilbert, secretary and treasurer.

The California Anti-Narcotic Law goes into effect, July 1, 1908, but practically prohibits the sale of narcotics without a physician's prescription and states that no poison shall be sold to any person less than eighteen years of age.

The A. Ph. A. Report for 1907 has been delivered to those members who paid their dues for that year. General Secretary Caspari is to be congratulated upon the early publication of the volume as well as on the general appearance of the report.

The Chicago Branch of the A. Ph. A. follows one successful meeting with another. Practical subjects are discussed and much attention paid to the formulas for N. F. and U. S. P. preparations. A joint meeting with physicians is contemplated in the near future.

ceutical Faculties and Associations of Boards of Pharmacy will meet the preceding Saturday.

The President Will Appoint the Pharmacists of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service of the United States if House Bill No. 16091 becomes a law. The bill has the support of the leading pharmacists who have taken an interest in the country, and we hope the readers of the MEYER BROTHERS DRUGGIST will write their representatives to support the measure.

Are You a Pharmacist or a Druggist?-New York City has two classes of legalized dealers in medicines. One consists of "pharmacists" and the other of "druggists." We wonder whether the general public will ever learn to distinguish between a pharmacist and a druggist.

Frequent Board Examinations are held by the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy which meets every Tuesday, at Boston. This is certainly a convenience for candidates compared to the customs of those boards which meet only two, three or four times a year. However, some candidates may object to a long trip from their homes to Boston. The majority of boards meet in different sections of the state.

The Northwestern Branch of the A. Ph. A. is holding very successful meetings. In May, a meeting will be held in the southern part of the state. The physicians as well as pharmacists attend. It is suggested that other branches may also profit by adopting a migratory character.

An Ebert Scholarship.-The Pharmaceutical Era says that Henry S. Wellcome's suggestion of an Ebert scholarship should not be side tracked. "There cannot be too many memorials to the worth and services of the distinguished pharmacist, nor can there be too many reminders of the example set by his life both private and professional, for the elevation of those who follow him in the paths of pharmacy and of citizenship."

The Chicago Chapter of the W. O. N. A. R. D. met March 10, and elected a number of new members. A committee was appointed to draft suitable resolutions expressing sympathy for Mrs. Sybil Baker in her bereavement. Her husband, George R. Baker, having recently died. The next meeting occurs on the second Tuesday in April.

The A. Ph. A. Meets at Hot Springs, Ark., the week beginning Monday, September 7. There seems to be some confusion about this date. It is the time decided upon by the council and approved by the association. It is probable that a conference of Pharma

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Printed Board of Pharmacy Reports are a wonderful convenience for the pharmaceutical journals. They insure correct interpretation of the names by the printer and otherwise facilitate the publishing of the proceedings of each meeting. The Kansas Board of Pharmacy in this respect sets a good example for other boards. We suggest that the secretary of each board communicate with W. E. Sherriff, of Ellsworth, and learn just how it is done.

Charles McBride, of Kingston, N. Y., is busy in his dual capacity as president of

the New York State Pharmaceutical Association and first vice-president of the N. A. R. D. Mr. McBride is a thorough business man, a competent worker, and an up-to-date pharmacist.

New York City Pharmacists gave the N. A. R. D. $1,000.00 back dues. The money was raised by an entertainment bizarre and dance which netted the local organization over $2,000.00. Jacob Diner, chairman of the program committee, is to be congratulated.


Pharm. Bac.-We thought that the United States had pretty well covered the field of possibilities in pharmaceutical degrees, but this appendage is a new one and hails from Scotland, where the University of Edinburg confers the degree of bachelor of pharmacy and custom designates the title as "Pharm Bac." It seems that the universities of Scotland do not have separate pharmaceutical faculties, but confer the degrees from the medical department.

Employes Not to be Presented With Adulterated or Misbranded Goods.-The Board of Food and Drug Inspection announce that it has been requested to permit the importation of misbranded or adulterated food or drugs intended for consumption by the importers or for free distribution among the friends or employes of the importers. The board announces that such permission cannot be given. This must be pleasing news to the friends and employes of such importers.

Sudden Death From Unknown Causes is usually associated with heart disease in the opinion of the public at large. Statistics collected by Dr. Wescott, for many years coroner of London, indicate mathematical justification for such conclusons. He found that sixty per cent of sudden deaths were due to heart disease. Of the remainder, thirty per cent were caused by brain trouble, and ten per cent from diseases of the lungs. These statistics are particularly interesting at this time to our readers in St. Louis and this section of the country, on account of the sudden death from brain hemorrhage of Prof. Louis Soldan, superintendent of the St. Louis public schools and one of the prominent educators of this country.

Crude Drugs Not to be Thrown Upon the New York Market. It was imagined by many that the failure of the Stallman & Fulton Co. would throw upon the market a large quantity of crude drugs to be disposed of at a forced sale. Through the influence of other dealers who feared a demoralization of the market, the creditors have been induced to abide by the decision of a committee having charge of the business and the drugs will be disposed of in divided lots, at regular market prices. This is disappointing to bargain hunters but shows the value of cooperation and the necessity of maintaining market prices. The retail druggists who are inclined to break away from the N. A. R. D. and favor cut rates should keep the above lesson in mind.

Illegible Prescriptions are perhaps admissible at a board of pharmacy examination, but we must protest against the illegible sets of examination questions submitted by the boards of pharmacy to candidates for registration. Some of these sets are written in an illegible hand and then hectographed or mimeographed. Others are legibly written in the original copy but poorly reproduced or carelessly blurred before the sheets are dry. Still other sets of examinations have the questions brutally abbreviated, even uncommon terms being mutilated by abbreviation until they look worse than a canine with tail, ears, etc., removed. In some examples brought to our attention, the only member of the board who could interpret the examination was the one who made out the set of questions. The technique of a board of pharmacy examination is a good subject for consideration by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. We hope that President Hubbard will recognize his opportunity.

To Calculate the Percentage of Ingredients in a Prescription. This is becoming a problem where prescriptions come under the Pure Food and Drugs Law. W. A. Ford, with Chas. Leich & Co., Evansville, Ind., has devised the following rule which H. E. Barnard, Indiana State Food and Drug Commissioner, says is sufficiently correct to answer the purpose:

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