Rad Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Book 317Jugoslavenska akademija zanosti i umjetnosti., 1959 |
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Page 171
... RESISTA « , PLEMKA : » PYRIFORME « < Oblik i težina plodova pokusnih biljaka ( Sl . 1 , 4 i 10 ) U ovom je pokusu bila cijepljena plemka rajčice » pyriforme « t . j . kruškolikih malih plodova , na podlogu Resista okruglih , velikih ...
... RESISTA « , PLEMKA : » PYRIFORME « < Oblik i težina plodova pokusnih biljaka ( Sl . 1 , 4 i 10 ) U ovom je pokusu bila cijepljena plemka rajčice » pyriforme « t . j . kruškolikih malih plodova , na podlogu Resista okruglih , velikih ...
Page 198
... Resista : red , large and round fruits ( Fig . 1 ) . Scion : Tomato Cerasiforme : yellow and small fruits like cherries ( Fig . 2 ) . 11. Stock : Tomato Resista : red , large and round fruits ( Fig . 1 ) . Scion : Tomato San Marzano ...
... Resista : red , large and round fruits ( Fig . 1 ) . Scion : Tomato Cerasiforme : yellow and small fruits like cherries ( Fig . 2 ) . 11. Stock : Tomato Resista : red , large and round fruits ( Fig . 1 ) . Scion : Tomato San Marzano ...
Page 203
... Resista variety which was used as the stock . All the mentioned genetical segregations can be partly explained by the following working hypothesis : The homozygous Resista variety with round fruits , which was used as stock , may have ...
... Resista variety which was used as the stock . All the mentioned genetical segregations can be partly explained by the following working hypothesis : The homozygous Resista variety with round fruits , which was used as stock , may have ...
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adrenalin alga ambiguum ameba amebe amibes basena biljaka F biljke body temperature boja boje breit broj zrna character Cijepanje citoplazme colour crvena boja culm daljim generacijama dana dicoccum dlakave vlati dovodne cijevi drugi durum Elenkin F₁ F₂ Frémy Geitler generation genetical genom Genotip gladovanja glumes golice Gomont hairy neck Harina Zlaka hipotermije homozygous hours hromosoma hypothermia icon istraživanja između jajolikih plodova jezgrom Kamčatki kernels klasiću križanja manjem kupališnom basenu Miholić Number oblika offspring okruglih plodova oksidacija Oscillatoria parent Phormidium plants plemke pljeva podloge polen potomstva potomstvima progenies pšenice rajčice rats Resista San Marzano sati scion Segregation septembarskih pregleda shape smooth neck stanica Staništa svojstava širina štakora tempe termalnih voda težina thermalis Therme tipova tjelesne temperature Trichome Trihomi Triticum types univalenata varijanata vegetacije Vegetation vlat Vouk vrste vulgare weight wheat yellow Zellen zračenja zrna u klasu