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J. Give a list of auxiliary verbs.

What are the rules for the use of the infinitive mood?.

Parse the following:

Do tell me if you can.

I would if I could.

Do not do what he asks you.

6. Explain the following terms:

la apposition, used absolutely, active, passive, transitive," "intransitive, thepy, orthography, euphony, derivative, compound, inflection, declension,


7. Explain the metre of the following verses :—

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"How sleep the brave who sink to rest

By all their country's wishes blest?”
"As near Porto-Bello lying

On the gently swelling flood,-"

Warriors and chiefs! should the shaft or the sword
Pierce me in leading the host of the Lord,—”

"What beauties does Flora disclose,

How sweet are her smiles on the Tweed!" High and embosomed in congregated laurels,—” "Befell it in that season, on a day,

In Southwark, at the Tabard, as I lay,-" "The song began from Jove,

Who left his shining seats above."

"Deserted at his utmost need,

By those his former bounty fed."

What is necessary to make a perfect rhyme? Apply your rule to the

two last lines.

8. Write out the following names in a column according to chronological order; add two other columns, and in them, on a line with each name in the first column, write (a) the reign under which the author lived, (b) his principal

work or works:


mith, Gray, Hume, Johnson, Pope, Robertson, Spencer, Swift.

Addison, Bacon, Burke, Chaucer, Cowley, Cowper, Defoe, Dryden, Gold


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

1. Explain the process of multiplying 1234 by 506.

2. Find the ratio between the ounce Troy and the ounce Avoirdupois. 3. Multiply 5377. 17s. 10d. by 365, and divide the product by 73.

4. Find a fourth proportional to 10, 15, and 40. In what other order will the four numbers form a proportion?

5. Extract the square root of 6789265609.

6. How many times will a wheel 16 feet in circumference turn round in a

distance of 24 miles 3 furlongs 25 poles?

7. How many yards may be bought for 127. 12s., if 7 yards costs

19s. 44d.?

8. Find the time in which the interest on 7501. 10s. will amount to

7121. 19s. 6d. at 4 per cent.

9. Find the cost of 2864 articles at 47. 13s. 10 d. each.

10. Add together 24, 5 and 8; divide the sum by the product of

and 25%

11. Multiply 0082 by 7·05 and divide the product by 0000705. Reduce each of these decimals to fractions in their lowest terms, and perform the same operations upon them.

12. In which stock is it more advantageous to invest, in the 34 per cents. at 913, or in the 3 per cents. at 933? How much stock may be purchased by investing 10001. in cach?

13. What must be the selling price of an article which cost 207. 17s. 6d. to gain 12 per cent?


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

1. Draw a map of the southern coast of England from Dover to the Land's End, laying down the principal headlands and seaports. Place in your map the lines of longitude.

2. Draw an outline map of the county in which your school is situated; placing in it the names of six of the principal towns; the rivers; and the places of historical interest.

3. Enumerate the principal British colonies and dependencies. What are the chief productions of Ceylon?

4. Mention in order the different countries lying to the right and left of the route of the overland mail to India.

5. Draw a map of the Crimea; give a brief account of its successive occupiers or conquerors.

6. In what countries are the camel, lion, elephant, alligator, and reindeer respectively found? Describe the natural history of one of them.

7. Give the date of the accession of Edward the First. Mention the principal events of his reign.

8. State the circumstances attending the capture of Jamaica by the English.

9. At what periods did the following persons flourish, and for what are they respectively celebrated :


Francis Bacon-Bede-Newton-Milton-James Watt-Coke-NelsonShakspear?

10. On what grounds did James I. succeed to the English throne? What were the principal events of his reign?

11. Give a brief summary of the main causes which led to the dethronement of James the Second.

12. What portions of England were chiefly settled by the Danes? How do you distinguish these parts, by means of the names of places, from those settled by the Angles or Saxons?


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

[Write the first line of your first answer as a specimen of copy-setting in large-hand, and the first line of your second answer as a specimen of copysetting in small-hand.]

1. What do you understand by the organization of a school? Describe that of your own school; and state what part you have taken in the instruction of the children during the last two years of your apprenticeship.

2. At what times, and in what manner, has your teacher given you special instruction out of school hours during your engagement as an apprentice? 3. Describe the apparatus in your school. How do you suppose teachers long ago managed to do without such apparatus? From your answer, show the benefits derived from its introduction, 1st, by the teacher, and 2nd, by the scholars.

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4. What is the best arrangement of desks in a school? Give your


5. Mention some of the uses of school registers. Which of them should be kept by the principal teacher; and which by the pupil-teachers or other


6. Mention the successive steps by which young children should be taught to read.

7. What do you understand by the individual and simultaneous methods of teaching? Should either be followed exclusively? How may they be combined?

8. Describe the manner in which you have been instructed in the art of teaching.

9. Mention by name the text-books which you have used in pursuing your own studies. Did you buy them at the full price, or how otherwise did you procure the use of them?

What were the general regulations for the supply of books in your school?

10. What lessons should children be required to learn out of school? What are the difficulties in the way of their doing so? How may they be overcome?

11. What are notes of a lesson? In what manner have you been instructed to prepare, and use, them?

12. Write two sets of notes of a lesson, on one of the following subjects: The first for a junior, and the second for a senior class in a school :


The Horse.

Obedience to Parents.



(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

N.B. At the end of each answer let each candidate name the text-book (if any) which she has used.

1. What do you understand by Domestic Economy? What instruction have you received in it?

2. Why is great care necessary with respect to the ventilation of a room? Write out a few practical rules on the subject.

3. What is the cause of bread becoming heavy? How may it be prevented from doing so?

4. What are the effects of roasting, boiling, and stewing upon meat? Which process is the most economical? Why?

5. How do you boil potatoes? Give reasons for the time you allow.

6. Which is best, an earthenware teapot, or a metal one? Why?

7. What makes water hard or soft? Which is the best for washing clothes

in? Why? Which is the most wholesome to drink?

8. How would you treat a bruise, a burn, or a cut?
9. Give directions for making a bed.

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Candidates are not permitted to answer questions in more than one of the three sections into which this paper is divided. No marks will be given for papers in which this direction is not observed.

(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)


1. If two angles of a triangle be equal to each other, the sides also which subtend, or are opposite to the equal angles, shall be equal to one another. 2. Draw a straight line perpendicular to a given straight line of an unlimited length, from a given point without it.

3. If a side of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles; and the three interior angles of every triangle are together equal to two right angles.

4. Equal triangles upon the same base and upon the same side of it, are between the same parallels.

A line drawn through the middle points of two sides of a triangle, will be parallel to the third side.

5. If a straight line be divided into any two parts, the square of the whole line is equal to the squares of the two parts, together with twice the rectangle contained by the parts.

6. In every triangle, the square of the side subtending either of the acute angles, is less than the squares of the sides containing that angle, by twice the rectangle contained by either of these sides, and the straight line intercepted between the acute angle, and the perpendicular let fall upon it from the opposite angle.

7. If a point be taken within a circle, from which there fall more than two equal straight lines to the circumference, that point is the centre of the circle.

8. Draw a straight line from a given point, either without or in the circumference, which shall touch a given circle.

9. The angles in the same segment of a circle are equal to one another. 10. If two straight lines cut one another within a circle, the rectangle contained by the segments of one of them is equal to the rectangle contained by the segments of the other.


1. Simplify a -[b + c − {d + b − (c + 2b − a + d)} ]·

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show that (a + a) (x + b) + (c − x) (a + x) = ac. 3. If 2a = x + y + z, 2b = − x + y + z, 2cxy+2, and 2d= = x + y − z ;

show that a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 = x2 + y2 + z2.

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6. A is twice as old as B, and in eleven years their ages will be in the ratio of 5 to 3; find their ages at present.

7. If 3 ounces and 160 grains cost 121. 9s. 7d., and 1 ounce and 80 grains cost 41. 10s. 104d.: how many grains are there in an ounce?


1 Find the area of a room 14 ft. 6 ins. wide and 20 ft. 9 ins. long?
(1.) By cross multiplication.

2. By reducing the sides either to inches, or to feet and fractions of
a foot.

2. Give the rule for finding the area of a triangle when the sides are known. 3. If the sides of a triangle be 6 and 8 inches long, what must be the length of the third side that the triangle may be the greatest possible?

4. A uniform heavy rod 12 ft. long, and 6 lbs. in weight, rests horizontally upon two props, which are respectively 3 and 4 feet from the ends of the rod; find the pressure upon each prop.

5. What force acting parallel to the plane would be required to support a weight of 2 tons upon a smooth inclined plane, the height of which is 15 feet and the length 25 feet? And what amount of work will raise the weight from the bottom to the top of the plane?

6. What is meant by friction and the coefficient of friction? If the friction be just sufficient to support the weight in the last question, what must be its coefficient?

(No. 8.)


Extract from Circular Letter addressed to Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools,
containing Instructions as to Examination of Candidates for Registration.

Committee of Council on Education, Council Office,
Downing Street, 8 March 1854.

THE Lord President desires me to state that it is his intention to advise Registered
the Committee of Council, from and after the 31st of December 1854, to give
effect to the proviso, in the Supplementary Minute of 20 August 1853, which
mits the admissibility of teachers to the Registration Examination to those
who have completed their thirty-fifth year.

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