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2. What is the difference between the possessive and the objective case? In what different ways may the objective case be governed? Illustrate your answer from the same passage.

3. Give English words (with their meanings) derived from the Latinpendo-cado-tribuo-ago-pars-moveo.

4. "Minute actions," " partiality as to facts," "to determine matters." Explain the government of each of the words in italics in the last passage.


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

Write the first line of your first answer as a specimen of copy-setting in largehand; and the first line in your second answer as a specimen of copysetting in small-hand.

Section 1.

1. What are the advantages, and what the disadvantages, of the individual and the simultaneous methods, respectively, of teaching to read, and how may the disadvantages best be obviated? If you are acquainted with any union of the two methods which has been adopted with advantage, describe it. 2. After the mechanical difficulties of reading have been overcome, what are the difficulties which the elementary teacher has chiefly to contend with in the manner of reading; and how may they best be overcome?

3. What are the characteristics of a good manner in reading? What works may be used to teach accentuation and intonation?

Section 2.

1. What are the characteristics of good writing as adapted to the purposes of elementary instruction? In what respects does what is called "caligraphy" fall short of this object? Describe the steps to be taken successively to form the handwriting of a child.

2. Describe Mulhauser's method of teaching to write, and illustrate it by a series of models adapted to the teaching of it.

Section 3.

1. What is the best means of correcting dictation lessons?

2. When the mechanical difficulties of "writing from dictation " have been overcome, what other things may the same process be employed to teach. and how best?

3. What faculties of the mind are exercised in "composition lessons? Write down the subjects of a graduated series of composition lessons.

Section 4.

Describe fully the expedients best to be adopted in teaching one of the following rules of arithmetic, so that the reason of every step in the working may be understood, and illustrate them by examples.

1. Subtraction.

2. Long division.

3. Compound multiplication by more than one figure, in the decimal coinage.


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

Section 1.

1. State generally the relations (of one word to another) which are expressed by the cases of nouns in Latin.

2. Does the Latin language contain any article (part of speech)? What Latin word has been classed under this title, and for what purpose?

3. Decline through all cases, of both numbers,-— passus (gen. passûs).

mensis (gen. mensis). latus (gen. lateris). 4. Decline (case, gender, number) the following adjectives

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1. Decline the personal pronoun tu and the relative pronoun qui. 2. Give the possessive forms of—


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Point out the difference of concord in the following Latin and English versions

He cut off his own feet,

Ipse suos pedes sibi abscidit.

She cut off her own feet,

Ipsa suos pedes sibi abscidit.

They cut off their own feet.

Turn this last line into Latin in further illustration of your answer.

3. What is the difference between declension and conjugation as applied to Latin verbs? Illustrate each part of your answer by examples.

4. What are the concords between Noun and Verb? Pronoun and Verb? Noun and Adjective? Give an example of each.

1. Give the following tenses, at The present indicative.

The perfect indicative.

Section 3.

length, from the verb Possum―
The future indicative,
The pluperfect subjunctive.

2. Compare the Latin with the English language as regards the employment of auxiliary verbs. Give examples throughout your answer.

3. Render into Latin the following expressions-

I shall love.

I shall have heard.

I may have been advised.

By ruling.

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1. Name the undeclinable parts of speech in Latin. Which of these words, though undeclined themselves, may affect the declension of other words? Give instances in each case.

2. Examine the correctness, or otherwise, of the following expressions— ante domino.

cum fratre.

apud urbem.

post sororem.

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Is the government of one case rather than another by prepositions entirely conventional, or is it capable of being accounted for by any general difference of meaning?

3. To what extent will the meaning of Latin words guide you to the gender of them? Why is not this rule sufficient? What other rules have you got to supply its failure?

4. Give the gender and genitive case singular of the following nounsMars. October. Britannia. Argentum. sedes. virtus. sanguis.

opus. rus.

Section 5.

1. Give the

2nd person, present indicative; 1st person, perfect indicative; infi-
nitive mood; gerunds; participles active; participles passive;

of each of the following verbs

specto. scribo. traho. peto. capio. trado. deleo. frango.

2. Translate the following sentence into English literally—

Vera autem et sapiens animi magnitudo principem se esse mavult quàm

videri. Etenim, qui ex errore imperitæ multitudinis pendet, hic in magnis viris non est habendus.

Parse every word as far as the first full stop. Prove, from this passage, the rule for concord between relative and antecedent.


(Three Hours allowed for this Paper.)

1.-The supplementary questions are not to be attempted by any candidate of the first year who has not answered one question in each of the preceding sections. No such candidate may answer more than two of the supplementary questions.

2.-Candidates of the second year, and teachers in charge of schools, may not answer more than six questions, but may choose them from any part of the


Section 1.

1. If Music were more generally cultivated in our public schools, what effect would it have on the general progress of our pupils?

Section 2.

1. What do we employ in order to represent to the eye the different pitch of the musical notes?

2. What is an interval, and what is the distinguishing interval between the major and minor modes?

3. Which major key has 4 sharps, and which minor key 4 flats? What is the relative major key to D minor?

Section 3.

1. Write the common chords of C, G, and F, major and minor, with their inversions.

2. Why and how are consecutive fifths and octaves to be avoided?

3. What is meant by modulation? What rule or rules would you lay down as a guide in modulation? (1) Starting from a major key, and in a short piece" a song or a tune "what is the usual course observed in composition? Give an example. (2) Starting from a minor key, and in a piece of small dimensions, what is the usual course? Give an example.


1. Classify the various voices, male and female.

2. Draw a diagram showing the lines taken from the full stave of eleven lines to form the particular staves for separate voices.

3. Write any two of the following exercises

1. Write the middle note C in the four clefs.

2. Write the lower treble D for the three other parts.

3. Write the lower treble E for the three other parts.

4. Write the lower treble F for the three other parts.

5. Write the lower treble G for the alto and the tenor.

6. Write the treble notes A and B as they should appear in the alto part.

7. Write the lower alto A with the signature of the bass clef.

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5. Show on the following stave the alterations between the dominant 7th in its four positions, and the tonic.

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6. Give the chords of No. 1, compressed harmony in extended harmony in

No. 2, and show the practical advantage resulting from a simple extension of the chords.

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7. Transpose the bass and melody of the following chant into the major keys of F natural and D; and form in each the two inner parts from the figured bass.

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