Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty. WITH AN APPENDIX. QUI LONDON: PRINTED BY GEORGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. 1 (3) MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL 1. SUPPLEMENTARY MINUTE, dated 20 August 1853, relating to Queen's Scholars, Apprentices, Certificated and Registered Teachers, and Lecturers in Training Schools, (as revised pursuant to a subse- 3. Circular Letters to Principals of Training Schools, and selections 4. Examination Papers set to Male Students (in first, and second 5. Circular Letter to Principals of Female Training Schools; with Letter from Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools, Rev. F. C. Cook, relating to Examinations of Female Students 6. Examination Papers set to Female Students in Training Schools, 8. Extract from Circular Letter of Instructions addressed to Her - 9. Extract from Circular Letter addressed to Her Majesty's Inspectors 11. Examination Papers used in Scotland, in Examinations for Certifi 12. "BROAD SHEETS," specifying conditions of apprenticeship of Pupil- teachers, and of augmentation of salaries of Certificated Teachers - MINUTE, dated 1 March 1855, approving draft circular to Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, explanatory of Minutes affecting Night Schools, and setting forth conditions on which further annual aid |