(No. III.) 13 SUMMARY OF GRANTS awarded in aid of purchase of BooK MAPS, at reduced prices, in Year ended 31 December 1854 Note.-There are 171 schools not included in the above summary (viz., 78 Church of land, 36 Protestant Dissenting, 2 Roman Catholic, 28 Established Church of Scotland, 2 Church, and 1 Colonial School), which have obtained orders to purchase books and without the assistance of any Grant. The total value of the works procured th the Committee of Council on Education is 9,2377. 1s. 8d.; which amount is thus up:2.61 TABLE showing number of Male and Female CERTIFICATED TEACHERS act employed in teaching; number of ASSISTANT TEACHERS appointed un Minute of 23 July 1852; and total number of PUPIL-TEACHERS under prenticeship, with number in each year of apprenticeship;-corrected 6 456 115 21 12 7 18 8 6 2 275 89 66 5 5 5 8 46 i 21 265 58 181 49 132 28 104 26 957 1,859 977 139 33 1,184 977 1,168 787 863 540 649 428 636 364 4,500 3,09 (No. VIII.) STATEMENT of GRANTS awarded to TRAINING SCHOOLS on account of STUDENTS holding Certificates of Merit, and trained during Years 1847 to 1854; and also on account of QUEEN'S SCHOLARS admitted after Examinations at Christmas 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, and 1854. (Female) 2,540 0 0 756 13 4 1,170 0 0 2,410 0 0 1,740 0 0 1,670 0 0 665 0 0 70 0 0 850 0 0 490 0 0 326 13 4 500 0 0 694 0 0 170 0 0 1,325 0 0 513 6 8 960 0 0 1,380 0 0 1,023 6 8 103 1,500 0 0 43 #845 0 0 995 0 0 503 6 8 133 6 8 475 0 0 408 0 0 173 0 0 483 0 0 183 6 8 822 0 0 316 13 4 420 0 0 374 0 0 110 13 4 530 0.0 76 13 4 561 0 0 402 13 4 353 6 8 576 0 0 120 0 0 492 0 0 270 4 4 526 0 0 170 0 0 562 13 4 58 0 0 422 0 0 395 0 0 scholars. grant. 800 0 0 440 0 0 405 0 0 76 13 4 18,181 13 4 BRITISH AND FOREIGN SCHOOL SOCIETY's in the Borough Road (Male) HOME AND COLONIAL SCHOOL SOCIETY's, in Gray's Inn Road, Holborn Payments_on_account of scholars holding exhibitions. (No. IX.) STATEMENT of RETIRING PENSIONS granted to Teachers of Schools under Inspection who have been rendered incapable by Age or Infirmity of continuing to teach a School efficiently; up to 31 December 1854.* See Minutes of 1846, vol. i., p. 11, and of 1851-2, vol. i., p. 25. † Special Gratuities, not to be repeated. |