Page images

14. The reason why a stick plunged in water appears bent is, that the rays of light from the different points in the stick are refracted, for all luminous rays are refracted or bent when they pass obliquely from one medium into another.

15. Let AB be the object, and ab its image, and C the centre of the mirror. Then, since the mirror is convex, the image is vertical, erect and smaller than the object.

The triangles ABC and abC are similar,

.. Length of the image: Length of object centre distance of object from centre.

Now since 1


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distance of image from

This gives the distance of the image from the surface of the mirror.

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16. In order to determine the focal length of a lens when parallel rays are not available, place the lens between a scale and a screen, and by altering the positions of the lens and screen, a position can be found experimentally, such that an image of the object is formed on the screen exactly of the same size. Now divide the distance between the object and the screen by 4, and we get the focal length of the lens.

Let p be the distance of the object from the lens, and p' the distance of its image from the lens. Then, if f be the focal length of the lens

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The next Guide (No. 3) will be published on Tuesday, June 26th.


As several requests have been made to us to bring out a complete Guide to Self-Preparation for this Examination, we intend publishing a little work, under the above title, in the course of the current year.

The Book will contain a General Introduction, Hints to Students, a Detailed Arrangement of Work, Hours of Study, &c., and a graduated series of Test Papers on each subject. Advice will also be given as to the best books to be read for the purpose.

N.B.-The price will be 3s. It will greatly facilitate the publication of the work if we can get to know the probable number of intending purchasers. Communications should be addressed to Bromley, Kent.

To London Matriculation Students and Others.

A LADY, residing in a most beautiful and healthy locality, 12 miles from London, wishes to receive one or two Boarders. Her house is only two minutes' walk from the S.E. Railway, whence express trains to town perform the journey in 20 minutes. References given and required. Address-J. M., 24, Tweedy Road, Bromley, Kent.

JUST PUBLISHED. Price 12s., post free (P.0.0.) 10s. 6d. nett cash.

[blocks in formation]

In this Guide the Student is taken carefully and systematically through the Commentaries, the work for each week being allotted, an epitome of each Chapter being afforded, the Student's attention being called to all points of importance, the Leading Statutes in each Volume set out, and a set of Test Questions to be answered at the end of each week given. In the Appendix is afforded a Translation of every Latin Maxim in the Commentaries. The work is so divided that the course can be followed by the Student whether he gives twelve, six or three months to the work.

The effect of the Conveyancing Act, 1881, and of other Recent Statutes, has been inserted where necessary.

we doubt whether he (the Student) can do better than make this book his companion, make himself acquainted with its contents, and take the advice offered in it by the Author, which is sound, whilst his instruction is clear."-Law Journal.

"Mr. Gibson's Guide to Stephen's Commentaries has reached a third edition. In recent years the Examinations by the Incorporated Law Society on these well-known and universally appreciated Commentaries has been of a far more searching character than used to be the case in days gone by. There is now, says Mr. Gibson, 'no royal road to passing,' and, as the work must be done systematically and well, it is only to those Students who are ready to do their work in this sensible way that the Guide will be of service. The work is planned so as to allow the whole of the Commentaries to be prepared for Examination in about nineteen weeks. The Treatise has already acquired a position which renders commendation needless."-Law Times, May 6th, 1882.

"This appears to us to be one of the most sensible of the numerous Examination books which have come under our notice. The Author does not aim at any system of cramming. His object appears to be to direct the course of study and to afford practice in what is always the great difficulty of the Law Student, the art of answering questions fully and tersely. This system is in fact a careful development of that which a systematic and intelligent Student would devise for himself."-Solicitors' Journal, March 25th, 1882.

Published by REEVES & TURNER, 100, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.

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By JOHN GIBSON, M.A., of Bromley, Kent.

Price 3s. 6d. each.

History Made Easy," and "Geography Made Easy." Manuals of History and Geography, prepared on an entirely new principle, and intended specially for the Public Examinations.

A Candidate writes:-"I learn more from the 'History Made Easy' in a day than from all the other histories put together in a week.'

Another Candidate writes: "I should think it is the best History ever published for Examination purposes.'

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Price 5s.; cash, post free, 4s. 4d.

"Preliminary Law Examination Made Easy." 2nd Edit.



CONTENTS:-Introductory. Chap. I. What Books to Read. II. The various subjects, and how to deal with them. III. Course of Reading. Appendix-I. Test Papers. II. Useful Hints. Index.

Price 6d., post free 7d.

"Guide to the Preliminary Law Examination:

Published immediately after each Examination.

CONTENTS:-Part I. Articles on the subject of the Preliminary, useful Hints, &c. II. Test Questions on History and Arithmetic. III. Answers to Correspondents. IV. Answers in full to the Questions set at the Preliminary Examination, with Explanations.

Back Numbers can be had.

"Latin Grammar Made Easy," and "French Grammar Made Easy." Graduated Epitomes of Latin and French, prepared specially for the Use of Candidates for the Preliminary Examination.

With regard to these Grammars a Candidate writes:-"I enclose 2s., which purports to be the price of the Grammars, which are, in fact, invaluable."

Another Candidate writes:-"I attribute my success in the Examination in a great measure to your valuable Guides, and that excellent little work 'Latin Grammar Made Easy,' where everything is put in such a clear and concise form that it is invaluable for Examination purposes."

A correspondent writes:-"I have to thank you for your valuable books, especially the French Grammar Made Easy.' It is indeed made easy; and dull must any candidate be who cannot by means of it satisfy the Examiners as to his proficiency in this subject."

A Second Edition of these Grammars is now in the Press.

1s. 6d. a Copy, post free, 1s. 8d..

Price 2s., post free 2s. 2d.


The price will be



Comprising Hints on "How to write an English Composition," and Twelve Essays on various subjects of interest.

These are published for the benefit of Candidates who are weak in their Englisha most important branch of the Public Examinations.

The above are published by REEVES & TURNER, 100, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.

By JOHN GIBSON, M.A., of Bromley, Kent.

Price 2s. 6d., post free 2s. 9d.


Prepared on a similar plan to the PRELIMINARY LAW EXAMINATION MADE EASY.

Price 1s., post free 1s. 1d.


Published immediately after each Preliminary Army Examination.


PART I.—Articles on Subjects connected with the Preliminary Examination. II.-Test Papers on the Preliminary and further Army Subjects. III.-Answers to Correspondents, Queries, &c.

IV.-Answers in full to the Questions set at the most recent Preliminary Examination.

The above are published by EDWARD STANFORD, 55, Charing Cross, London, S.W.

Preparing for Publication,

"CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION MADE EASY," Being a Complete Guide to Self-Preparation for the Lower Division Clerkship Examinations,



Being a Complete Guide to the London Matriculation Examination.

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