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Astronomical Occurrences for June 1829.

with slavery are frequently too appalling | to admit of any apology, and a monthly tract that places them before the public must severely gall those who uphold them. Such is the Anti-slavery Reporter, in the suppression of which the foes of humanity would rejoice, while over its grave the African and his friends would drop a tear.

7. Universal Education considered with regard to its Influence on the Happiness and Moral Character of the Middle and Lower Classes, &c. by One of the People, (Whittaker, London,) is viewed by the author as the principal source of the increase of crime, and the cause of that luxury, pride, and dissipation, which at once impoverish, and, seen through false optics, embellish society. He wishes the good old days of homespun, cider, bacon, cabbage, and ignorance, again to return, that master Tommy might not be compelled to learn the classics, to prevent the porter's son from treading on his heels. He admits that facts are rather against him, since by far the greater number of delinquents have been decidedly untaught in their duties either to God or man. But rather than education should escape, he insinuates, that these ignorant criminals may have been made the dupes of the more artful knaves that have been taught in the schools of our modern system. In the conclusion of his pamphlet, he sketches what he would recommend as the outline of an act of parliament, for the establishment of a school in each parish, the management of which should be vested in the minister, churchwardens, overseers, and a given number of parishioners, annually chosen. Besides these, with the exception of Sunday-schools for religious instruction, he would not allow any gratuitous school to exist, even though supported by voluntary contributions.

8. Passion Week, Part II., (Seeley, London,) treats of the sufferings of Christ for the sins of mankind; and from this tragic event, the author introduces to our notice many very affecting scenes. The history of the transaction is first given, and this is accompanied with appropriate remarks. The whole is calculated to impress upon the mind a deep sense of the obligations we are under to Almighty God, in providing the Saviour who died for our sins.

9. A Set of Psalm and Hymn Tunes for the Organ, Pianoforte, &c. &c. by H. Searle, (Hart, London,) seems well adapted for the end proposed. They contain variety and harmony; and there can be but little


doubt that many of them will find their way into our places of public worship, as well as into private circles, where instrumental music forms a considerable portion of domestic entertainment. In some few there is a degree of elevated pathos which renders them peculiarly striking, and none among them will be neglected from a want of merit.

10. He is Risen, an Easter Offering, (Sherwood, London,) is a neat little poem, dedicated to the governors and masters of Christ's hospital, and suited to the occasion that called it into existence. It contains many spirited lines; but the great event which it commemorates is too solemn, too magnificent, and too interesting to mankind, to receive any adornment from_poetical embellishment. The hills of Zion are always more elevated than those of Par


ASTRONOMICAL OCCURRENCES FOR JUNE, 1829. THE Sun enters the cardinal and tropical sign Cancer on the 21st at 8 minutes past six in the evening; this day being the longest in the northern hemisphere; his declination is 23 degrees 28 minutes north; he rises at 43 minutes past three, and sets at 17 minutes past eight: his semi-diameter is 15 minutes, 45 seconds, and 8 tenths; its passage of the meridian being completed in 1 minute, 8 seconds, and 6 tenths; his hourly motion in space is 2 minutes, 23 seconds, and 1 tenth.

The Moon is new on the 1st at 49 minutes past five in the afternoon, in the tenth degree of Gemini; she enters her first quarter on the 9th at 23 minutes past one in the afternoon, in the 18th degree of Virgo; on the 17th at 15 minutes past six in the morning, in the 25th degree of Sagittarius; she enters her last quarter on the 23d at 57 minutes past 12 at night, in the 2d degree of Aries. She passes Venus on the 1st at 15 minutes past 12 at night; Mercury and Mars on the 3d: the former at 15 minutes past three, and the latter at five in the afternoon; Saturn on the 5th at three in the afternoon; and Jupiter on the 15th at twelve at night. She is in apogee on the 8th, and in perigee on the 21st.

Mercury is an evening star, at his greatest elongation on the 8th; he sets on the 1st at 10 minutes past ten; is in conjunc tion with Mars on the 5th at five in the morning; crosses the ecliptic in his descending node on the 15th; and is stationary on the 22d; on the 25th he sets at 53 minutes past eight,


Anniversaries of Benevolent Institutions in the Metropolis.


Venus is an evening star, setting on the 1st at 24 minutes past eight, and on the ANNIVERSARIES OF BENEVOLENŢ INSTI25th at 2 minutes past nine: she is too near the Sun to be visible this month.

Mars is lost in the superior splendour of the solar beams; he sets on the 1st at 12 minutes past ten in the evening, and on the 25th at 30 minutes past nine.

TUTIONS IN THE METROPOLIS. INDEPENDENTLY of their numerous subordinate branches, these anniversaries, and the sermons connected with them, amount to about one hundred. This circumstance compels us rather to give their outlines, | than to enter into their details; and more especially so, as several papers have published ample accounts of their varied proceedings, and, in many instances, have recorded the speeches delivered by the advocates of the several institutions.

Of these public meetings, we have attended many; and from all the observations we were able to make, no diminution of zeal, no deficiency in ardour, no backwardness in contribution, was perceptible. On most occasions, the places were throng

Saturn and Jupiter are conspicuous ob. jects during the evenings of this month: the former in the western hemisphere embellishing the constellation Cancer, and the latter in the eastern, shedding his effulgence over the constellation Scorpio. Saturn is directing his course towards y and & Cancri; and Jupiter is seen above Antares directing his course slowly to ẞ Scorpionis; he is in opposition to the Sun on the 1st at 15 minutes past 5 in the morning. There are four eclipses of his first satellite visible this month: the first at 4 seconds pasted with respectable and attentive auditors; twelve at night on the 3d; the second at 54 minutes 38 seconds past one in the morning of the 11th; the third at 17 minutes 56 seconds past ten in the evening of the 19th; and the fourth at 12 minutes 44 seconds past twelve at night on the 26th.

At sunset on the evening of the 1st, the constellation Gemini is noticed in the western hemisphere; below it, and verging to the horizon, is observed the Little Dog with its bright star Procyon. From this constellation, and occupying the lower region of the heavens, are the mazy folds of the Hydra stretching nearly to the western horizon. The brightest star in this constellation is situated under Cor Leonis or Regulus; it is named Cor Hydræ. Above this Asterism is the constellation Leo, and between it and Gemini is seen Cancer, distinguished by the planet Saturn. Above Gemini, Cancer, and Leo, are situated Leo Minor and Lynx, and north of the two Lions the stupendous Bear presents itself to view, with its three stars forming a tail and four nearly an oblong, the two western pointing directly to the Polar star. The north-western portion of the heavens is distinguished by the constellation Auriga with its brilliant star Capella; Perseus is nearly north, and Cassiopeia is directly north. Cepheus and Cygnus occupy the north-eastern portion of the heavens, the bright star Lyra being situated E. N. E. Above it is observed the Dragon and Ursa Minor; Hercules is noticed to the west of Lyra, having Serpentarius to the south, and Serpens and Corona Borealis to the west, Libra and Virgo occupy the heaven from the s.E. to s.; and to the north of Virgo is seen Bootes with the brilliant star Arcturus,

and although the meetings were protracted in some cases to an unusual length, few among them manifested a disposition to retire until the whole was concluded.

Wesleyan Missionary Society.—At the anniversary of this society, which was held in the new chapel, City-road, on Monday, May 4th, the Right Honourable the Earl of Mountcashel presided. His opening speech took a luminous survey of the objects which the society had in view, gave. a brief account of the instruments and agents employed in the work, and transiently glanced at the varied success which had attended their exertions in different parts of the world. This was considered as a presage of future usefulness, and as a stimulative to perseverance in a line of duty which God had so signally owned and blessed. The opening speech was followed by a report of the last year's proceedings, in which the writer traversed the globe, and brought before the listening auditors the numerous stations in which the standard of the cross had been erected. Its language was full of animation and energy, and by whomsoever written, was highly creditable to the author's talents. From the numerous places and topics on which it touched, it was extended to a considerable length; but for this, its intrinsic excellencies made ample amends; and, perhaps, not one in the whole assembly thought it tedious, or even wished that it had been curtailed. While following the statement of the report into its ramified details, we learnt, that in various parts of the world this society had 190 missionaries, employed in 140 stations; that twelve additional missionaries were forthwith to be sent out; -that upwards of 2000


Anniversaries of Benevolent Institutions in the Metropolis.

children were under christian instruction, and that the funds of the society amounted to about £50,000. Among the speakers were sir George Rose, the Rev. James Parsons, a Missionary from Madras, W. Wilberforce, Esq. James Eagle, Esq. Rev. Robert Newton, Rev. Jabez Bunting, Dr. Townley, Rev. Mr. Morley, Rev. Mr. Squance, Rev. Mr. Reece, Launcelot Haslope, Esq., T. Allen, Esq., and several others. From these speeches we were enabled to gather, that during the year the preaching of the Gospel in foreign stations had been made a blessing to many; that several had been induced to renounce idolatry, and to embrace Christianity; and that its sacred influence, instead of being merely embraced in theory, had been realized in the experience, and embodied in the practice, of numerous individuals. To assist the funds of the society, a bazar had been opened a few days prior to the anniversary, the produce of which amounted to £259. This, added to the collections made in the chapels of the metropolis on the preceding days, and the sum contributed at this annual meeting, gave an aggregate of £1425. The contributions throughout the connexion, during the year, amounted on the whole to about £7000 more than was stated at the preceding anniversary.

Church Missionary Society.-The anniversary of this institution, held in FreeMason's Hall, May 5th, Lord Gambier in the chair, was numerously and most respectably attended. Its interests were warmly and ably advocated by gentlemen of exalted rank and talent, both in church and state, and many pleasing instances were adduced of its great utility in promoting the common cause of Christianity.

London Hibernian Society. Of this society, the anniversary was held also at Freemasons' Hall, Lord Bexley in the chair, supported by several noblemen of distinguished rank and influence. The object of this society is, to establish schools of various descriptions throughout Ireland, in aid of the Protestant cause. These, during the year, had increased from 1046, to 1352. The scholars now standing on the books amount to 76,444, being an increase of 306 schools, and 9108 scholars. Of these pupils, 19,793 were Roman Catholics, and the remainder Protestants. The receipts, however, amounting to nearly £8000, have been found inadequate to the expenditure, as a balance of £1108 lies against the Society.

Royal Humane Society. At the anniversary of this society, held May 4th, at


the City of London Tavern, Admiral Sir E. Codrington took the chair, supported by the Marquis of Ormond, the Vicechancellor, Sir Sydney Smith, the Ameri can minister, and about 200 gentlemen. During the proceedings, thirty men and women, who had been saved from drowning, made their appearance, and excited very powerful emotions, Medals were then delivered by the heroic admiral to several who had been instrumental in saving the lives of others. Among these was Jean Baptiste Gele, a young Frenchman, who had, at the risk of his own life, saved an English lady and child at Bou logne. He had already received a medal from the French government, for his humane exertions..

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British and Foreign Bible Society, The anniversary of this society was held, as usual, at Freemasons' Hall, Lord Teignmouth in the chair, from which, during the twenty-five years that the society has been established, his lordship has never but once been absent. The report, al though but a few words were devoted to each topic, was, from the vast and increasing number of places, very long; but this received an ample compensation, from the interesting matter which it contained. It appeared from the statement with which it concluded, that 440,000 Bibles and Testaments had been issued during the year, and that the receipts amounted to £86,250, being an increase since the preceding an niversary. The meeting was addressed by the Lord Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, Lord Bishop of Chester, Lord Bishop of Winchester, the Bishop of Calcutta, the Rev. James Hands, of Madras, Dr. Singer, secretary of the Hibernian society, Wm. Wilberforce, Esq., Rev. Mr. Jowett, from Malta, Rev. Mr. Rickard, missionary to the Jews, Rev. Dr. Townley, T. F. Buxton, Esq. Rev. John Burnett, of Cork, and several others. Many of the speeches delivered by the above gentlemen, were distinguished by intelligence and animation, of which the auditory seemed deeply sensible. The prelates, in particular, with a degree of gravity becoming their exalted stations, advocated the cause with cool and dispassionate energy, and communicated to the crowded assembly an impulse that will not speedily be forgotten.

Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews.The anniversary of this society was held, May 8th, at Freemasons' Hall, Sir Thomas Baring, Bart. in the chair. About forty boys and forty girls, of Jewish extraction, were in the gallery, to whom a suitable address was


Anniversaries of Benevolent Institutions in the Metropolis.

delivered, we believe, by the Rev. Basil Wood. Their appearance was remarkably neat, their behaviour highly becoming, and the interest they excited was considerable. On this occasion, the assembly was addressed by the Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, the Rev. Mr. Jowett, the Hon. Gerard Noel, Rev. Mr. Rickard, Rev. Mr. Simeon, Rev. Mr. Cunningham, Sir George Rose, Rev. Daniel Wilson, H. Drummond, Esq., and the Rev. Mr. Marsh. During the whole time the Hall was much crowded, by persons who manifested a lively interest in the proceedings of the day, and the welfare of the society.

Sunday School Union. The anniver. sary of this union took place as usual, at the City of London Tavern, on the 12th of May, commencing at six in the morning, when breakfast was prepared for all those who wished to attend, at one shilling and sixpence each. But, notwithstanding the hour was early, several hundreds assembled to enjoy the repast, and the social intercourse with which it was accompanied. At half past six, the chair was taken by -Gurney, Esq., and the room filled with persons of both sexes, whose countenances beamed with cheerfulness and smiles; all apparently congratulating themselves on the courage they had displayed in conquering their morning slumbers. The report was both luminous and comprehensive, casting its glances into every quarter of the globe, and noticing, both in proximate and distant regions, the influence and effect of christian education. Throughout the union there are about 90,000 teachers, and 1,000,000 scholars, which, since the last anniversary, is an increase in the latter of 6214. The meeting was addressed by the Rev. Dr. Philip, missionary from South Africa, the Rev. Samuel Hilliard, W. R. Wilson, Sunday-school missionary, Rev. Dr. Bennett, Rev. Mr. Hands from India, Rev. H. Foster Burder, Rev. H. Townley, Rev. Mr. Mundy, Rev. Mr. Davies, Rev. Mr. Sherman, and the Rev. John Edwards. Several of these addresses had an immediate bearing on the great system of general education, and particularly so as to the influence of Sunday schools on the morals of the rising generation. From a calculation by Mr. Wilson, founded on the extent of the British population, and the proportion which children, under a given age, bear to the adults, among those classes which require the aid of Sunday schools, it would appear, that 1,600,000 still remain uninstructed, notwithstanding the great and persevering exertions that have been made.


His data, however, seemed, in several respects, rather questionable. By others it was argued with considerable force, that Sunday schools, having passed their infancy, ought now to become seminaries of Christian instruction, rather than places in which children might simply learn to read. In many Sunday schools, among the higher classes, this is almost exclusively the case; but while illiterate children are continually entering, the plan recommended can never be rendered universally practicable.



Irish Evangelical Society.-This society held its anniversary in the evening of May 12th, in Finsbury Chapel, Finsbury Circus, Thomas Walker, Esq., in the chair. Several of the speakers were those whose names appear in the preceding meetings, and who, by the energy of their addresses, imparted considerable animation to the concourse of persons now assembled. To these, the name of the Rev. Joseph Fletcher must be added; his speech being not more distinguished for its pathos and eloquence, than for the unfavourable circumstances under which it was partially delivered. While this gentleman speaking, a momentary commotion observable on the platform, occasioned by the intrusion of a stranger, who refused to withdraw. It was presently whispered through the congregation that this was an individual, who, having derived notoriety from the infamy attached to his name, was come hither to obstruct the proceedings of the meeting. Instantly all was uproar, noise, and confusion, and nothing could be heard but the discordant sounds of "Hear him, hear him," and "No, no, Turn him out, Turn him out." Several times the stranger attempted to speak, but he could not be heard, and many efforts were made by the chairman, and others, to explain the real cause of this interruption, but all their efforts were rendered ineffectual. Every voice was drowned in "Great is Diana of the Ephesians." The intruder having at length withdrawn, and order being somewhat restored, Mr. Fletcher resumed his speech, and proceeded to its conclusion with less embarrassment than might have been expected. Before the meeting concluded, it was stated, that the preceding commotion had originated in a false alarm;

that the gentleman, instead of being hostile, was friendly to the cause which they were assembled to promote ;-that he was well known to many present, as a person of high respectability, although he had in this instance violated the rules of local arrangement, and had come hither to assist the funds of the society;-that he only


Anniversaries of Benevolent Institutions in the Metropolis.

wished to speak to explain his motives;that he regretted the assembly should have been thrown into tumult on his account, and had sent the subscription which he intended personally to have given. This meeting was numerously and respectably attended. The accounts from Ireland were very interesting, and would probably have been more ample in detail, had it not been for the preceding accidental interruption.

London Missionary Society.-The anniversary of this society, Thomas Alers Hankey, Esq. in the chair, was held on the 14th of May, in the Wesleyan chapel, City-road, which, at an early hour, was completely filled; and from the wellknown character of the meeting, great expectations were entertained by all present. Nor were they disappointed. The interest was intense, but not more so than the gratification which followed. The report took a comprehensive survey of the numerous missionary stations established by this society in various parts of the world, detailing, with pleasing discrimination, the successes and disappointments which had attended the exertions of their missionaries, The principal speakers on this occasion were, the Rev. George Clayton, Dr. Philip, missionary from Africa, Mr. Buxton, Rev. Mr. Dixon, W. Wilberforce, Esq. Rev. Mark Wilks from Paris, J. Thomas, Esq. of Madras, and the Rev. Mr. Burnett. In the speech of this latter gentlemen, we could not but admire his happy talent in blending chastened humour with the solemnity of his subject. It was calculated to keep attention on the alert, and amply to compensate all who listened to his eloquent harangue. The chapel was much crowded, and the collection was considerable.

Religious Tract Society. It appears from statements made at the anniversary of this society, which was held at the City of London Tavern on the 15th of May, Thomas Pellatt, Esq. in the chair, that since its commencement in 1799, about one hundred and thirty millions of tracts, in forty-eight languages, have been distributed, through its instrumentality and exertions. Of the beneficial effects resulting from this distribution, many pleasing instances were brought before the meeting; and little doubt can be entertained, that others equally striking exist, of which no account was given, and of which perhaps no record has been preserved. A sufficiency was, however, known, to assure its friends that they had not laboured in vain, nor spent their time and property for nought.


Protestant Society for the Protection of Religious LibertyTo the anniversary of this society a large room in the City of London Tavern was devoted, on the 16th of May; Lord Viscount Ebrington in the chair. The report was dignified in i its language, and comprehensive in its views, without being rendered tedious by an immoderate length. It was read by John Wilks, Esq., who occasionally interspersed elucidative remarks. The principal speakers were the Rev. Dr. Bennet, Colonel Addison, Rev. Dr. Dickson, of Edinburgh, Rev. Mr. Bodon, of Sheffield, Rev. Dr. Philip, Rev. Dr. Styles, Daniel O'Connell, Esq., Rev. Mr Morison, J. B. Browne, of Wareham, Rev. Mr. Murch, Mr. Haynes, Esq. Rev. Mr. Hunt, Rev. T. Jackson, Rev. Mark Wilks, and Rev. Mr. Reynolds, of Romsey. On the preceding anniversary, the repeal of the Corporation and Test Act was celebrated; and in this, the passing of the Catholic Relief Bill was eulogized with triumphant gratulation, from which, among the speakers, there did not appear to be one dissenting voice. While Dr. Philip was speaking, Mr. O'Connell unexpectedly entered the room. His name was no sooner announced, than a burst of applause simultaneously arose from the whole concourse, and some time elapsed before the sensation which his presence had occasioned subsided. When Dr. Styles, who followed, had finished his impassioned address, Mr. O'Connell arose, amidst the renewed cheerings of the whole assembly. This gentleman, in a fine strain of dignified and commanding eloquence, congratulated the audience on the late acquisition to the cause of religious liberty. All present hung in mute attention on the accents which flowed from his tongue, interrupted only by bursts of applause, when a climax was attained, or some momentous sentiment was elicited. He hailed those present as his Protestant brethren, declaring himself also a freeman, from whose limbs, intellect, and conscience, the shackles had lately fallen. His speech continued about half an hour, at the conclusion of which the room resounded with the cheers of the electrified multitude. On retiring, the plaudits were again renewed, with voices, clapping, waving of handkerchiefs, and other demonstrations of approbation. The subsequent speakers caught the contagion, and a new spirit of liberality seemed to have been called into existence among them, which they were unable to find words sufficiently energetic to express. Although the laws had recognized the religious rights of the people,

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