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The Architecture of the Dark Ages.

noted in the sacred volume, Zechariah xiv. 18, and by all historians and biographers, gave great facilities to the erection of splendid edifices in that country; because projecting terraces and platforms were sufficient shelters, without the load of a cumbrous roof. Light was thus introduced at the top, as well as through windows in the sides and ends of these fabrics, which set off to great advantage the sculptures and paintings, as well as all the interior ornaments, of their palaces and temples.

The tabernacle erected in the wilderness, on the exodus of Israel out of Egypt, was a master-piece amongst those moveable edifices which are denominated tents. No erection of that description ever equalled it, either ancient or modern. If a temporary palace could be erected worthy of "Him who inhabits eternity" to dwell in, this certainly was the edifice. The description of this unparalleled tent, contained in the book of Exodus, has attracted the attention of all the thinking portion of mankind in every age subsequent to its erection, and will continue to attract the attention of all these until the end of time. Here, first since the fall of man, was the kingdom of heaven set up upon earth, amidst the family of Abraham. The Shechinah or Divine Presence, here abode, and reigned over the chosen nation, and through them over all the earth; giving oracular responses to his ministers, and directing all the affairs of his people. Hence the narrations of his love, the inspirations of his Spirit, and the promuigations of his will, as from a living fountain, flowed to the hearts of prophets, priests, kings, nations, peoples, and tongues, from age to age. Many have been the imperial tents, which, spread amidst mighty armies, have dazzled the eyes of wondering spectators during the ages of time, and whose gorgeous streamers have defied the nations; but not even one ever yet arose superb enough to be, for a moment, compared to the riches, elegance, splendour, and glory, of this tent of tents-the tabernacle of the Most High, who then condescended to dwell with men: to whom, as due, be glory for ever; yea, for ever and for ever. Amen.

If the wilderness of Horeb possessed its itinerant fabric of excellence, the land of Canaan possessed, in after-ages, its permanent edifice of equal worth, both being designed by, and executed under the superintendence of, the great architect who built the universe-the Jehovah-Elohim of creation. The tabernacle, by the agency of Moses, "who was king iu Jeshurun," and the temple, by the agency of Solomon,


"who was king in Jerusalem," arose agreeably to the models exhibited to these his servants by the living God, who faithfully executed what he designed. From the proportions of its columns, the embellishments of its porticos, and the general description of its architecture, we have reason to suppose this superb temple became a model for succeeding ages; and that to its excellence may be fairly ascribed the vast improvements made in architecture by those nations, whose remains furnish studies in that art to the first architects in this enlightened age.

From Egypt and Canaan, architecture passed to Babylon, where it reigned its day in unclouded splendour; and from thence to Media-Persia; and finally, to Greece, where, finding a genial soil, it took root, and grew up a tree of wonder to all afterages. Whatever was excellent throughout the earth, the Grecian architect adopted; and in his hands, fraught with science, this art was wrought up to a perfection unknown to former ages, and never surpassed by any subsequent age to the present moment. As all nations have admired the Grecian orders of architecture, so every polished nation has imitated them; although few have arrived at that perfection which they attained upon their native soil; and the reason I conceive is obvious, viz. science was frequently lacking in those who imitated the Grecian art, and this lack rendered the edifices which they constructed, disproportionate in their parts, and of course imperfect.

Rome, during the proudest days of that mighty city, although its architects affected to erect edifices by an order intrinsically their own, never arrived at this pre-eminence; for no one ever hears of the Roman order of architecture. The remains of that city, although magnificent in the extreme, possessing edifices of extent and grandeur never surpassed, if equalled, by any city in the world, are evidently so strictly allied to the orders of other nations, and especially to the Grecian, that they rather bear the features of foreigners than those of aborigines of the soil upon which they were founded, and where they stand the proudest monuments of antiquity now extant.

The Gothic, Saxon, and Norman architecture, in succession, prevailed, on the decline of Rome. All these were partial imitations of preceding orders, rather than originals, and generally inferior to the originals which they affected to imitate. Having not the science of the Grecian architect, they had recourse to the massive, and thus lost the elegant. The leading features of


Osseous System-Essay VIII.

the Gothic, Saxon, and Norman, architecture were, massive walls, nearly devoid of buttresses, massive columns, and massive semicircular arches. In some of the most ancient cathedrals of Europe, these orders exist apart, in sundry portions of the same fabric; which portions have evidently been severally erected at different, and probably distant times. In other edifices, these orders may be seen playfully running into each other in the same compartment, if playfulness can exist in such massive members. It seldom happens that one of these orders pervades the whole of any extensive fabric, without an alloy in some of its parts, at least, of foreign extraction.

From the period when Greece attained its lofty pre-eminence, and eclipsed the nations around, to the time of the Normans, all Europe followed in its train, bowed to its exalted genius, and humbly imitated its gigantic art. Indeed, architecture, during these ages, was studied in the models of Greece, rather than in the science of that noble art. But we have now arrived at a period when the science, as well as the art, became the study of men, whose genius burst the cerements of this architectural tomb; and no sooner did they arise, than their works proclaimed the resurrection of mental energy, in the production of a new order of things, although this event occurred in the darkest ages of the world.

Instead of the clumsy wall, the yet more clumsy column, and the massive extended arch, arose walls of just proportions, with buttresses at intervals, ornamental as well as useful, light, airy, clustered columns, crowned with interesting segments, or pointed arches, mullions in unison, on which rested segments, interlaced and intersected, each succeeding each, up to altitudes which amazed the beholder; while, yet more exalted, groin joined to groin, with splendid key-stones, formed an overshadowing roof, which gave to the whole fabric a celestial harmony within, at once superb and uniform; the floor, the walls, and the roof, seeming one material. The external portions of these fabrics were equally novel and grand. Buttressed square towers, crowned at great elevations with tall, decorated pinnacles, or surmounted with lofty spires, overtopped the elevated battlements of these edifices, which being seen far and wide, conveyed to the most cursory observer ideas of grandeur before unknown. Nor did his wonder cease, but rather increase, on a closer inspection.

Varieties of this order of architecture have borne the names of the Modern Gothic, the Florid Gothic, and the Sara


cenic. But we have no evidence that either the Goths or Saracens invented, or even generally used, this species of architecture; but, on the contrary, that it was in general use among the Christians only. It was, indeed, in use during the Saracen domination, when that fierce people had overrun the East, and established themselves in Spain; and continued in use, after the Moors had driven the Saracens out of Spain, and swayed there in their stead. The name, therefore, which has been ascribed to this last variety, is rather relative than real. Who was the inventor, or even the principal architect, that introduced it into general use, is involved in darkness, even more impenetrable than the ages which gave it birth. Some have fancifully supposed it originated in the East, particularly in Arabia; but where are the proofs ? Whatever originates in any country, is generally in use in that country; and the time is not yet come, when every trace of buildings like these would have been totally obliterated in the country which gave them birth. But who has seen and described to us fabrics of this peculiar class, which existed prior to its general use in Europe, whose remains appear in that country? The fact seems to be, that during the empire of the Saracens, this mode of architecture prevailed in the countries which they overran; and as this fierce people, who were the awful scourges of the Infinite, sent to execute his wrath upon depraved men, who called themselves by his name, (Christians,) came from the East, it has been gratuitously ascribed to them, that they brought this mode of architecture along with them, and established it in the countries which they subdued; from whence it spread to surrounding nations. "The abomination which maketh desolate,” was rather the attribute of this eastern enemy to the Christian name, than that of inventors or improvers of any useful art; and the countries which the retributive justice of the Infinite gave into their hands, have cause to mourn their presence; yea, their posterity will mourn their desolating ravages, even for years to come.

(To be continued.)


(Continued from col. 239.)


Ar the conclusion of our last essay, we introduced the skull to the attention of our readers; we now proceed in continuation of our subject, to observe-that the skull


Osseous System-Essay VIII.

consists of several bones, forming in their natural arrangement the walls of a capacious chamber, in which the brain is securely deposited. Two of the bones which assist in enclosing the brain, contain each a curious and elaborate cavity, within which are deposited the organs of hearing. The face also consists of many bones, compacted firmly together, and forming several recesses or cavities, for the reception of the various organs of sight, smell, and taste; but although the face is occupied by three organs, still the greatest portion of it is devoted to two, namely, those of smell and taste; and we may observe, that the more the organs of these two senses are developed, the more volume the face acquires, and the greater is its proportion to the skull. On the contrary, a skull, large in proportion to the face, indicates a predominance of the intellectual powers; for experience would lead us to infer, that by the relative magnitude of the brain, and consequent capacity of the skull, is determined the ratio of intelligence or mental endowments of the animal. Hence, in man, the proportion which the volume of the brain, or the skull, bears to the face, is greater than in any other creature, and this proportion decreases as we descend the scale below him. But, on the contrary, a cranium small, and a face proportionally large, are indications of the predominance of the organs of sense over the powers of intellect.

The nature of every animal depends in a great measure on the relative energy of each of its functions; it is, if we may so express ourselves, carried along, and governed by, whichsoever of the senses nature has created the strongest; and although the varieties arising from this cause are less observable in man than in any other species of animals, yet we may continually see examples of it, even in the human race.

It may be observed that the brain, the common centre of all the nerves, is the place also where the perceptions of all the senses meet, and the instrument by means of which the mind combines with these perceptions, compares them, draws from them the various results, and, in a word, thinks and reflects. And it may be also farther observed, that those animals approach the nearest in their intellectual powers to man, which have the mass of medullary substance constituting the brain, bearing an increased proportion to the rest of the nervous system; that is to say, those in which the central organ of the senses outweighs or predominates over their exterior organs of sensation.

The respective proportions of the cra


nium and face, indicate immediately the proportion of the brain to two of the chief external organs, viz. those of taste and smell; and also in a greater or less degree the perfection of the internal faculties, compared with all those which may be denominated external. When we consider these circumstances, it will not appear strange that the form of the head, and the proportions of the two parts which compose it, should afford indications of the faculties of animals-of their instinct-of their docility-in a word, of all their sensible being; and it is hence that the study of these facts becomes so important and interesting to the naturalist. As we have already observed, man, of all animals, has the largest cranium, and in proportion the smallest face; and it may be stated as a general rule, with certain modifications, that the more animals depart from this, the greater their debasement and intellectual inferiority.

Among the different methods which have been used, to determine with some degree of accuracy the relative proportion of these parts, the most simple (but which, however, is not always sufficient or satisfactory) is that which consists in drawing what is termed the facial line, and noting the angle which it makes with the base of the cranium. The facial line is supposed to pass by the upper front teeth, and by the most projecting part of the forehead; and the line from the base of the skull, which determines its angle, is drawn from the external opening into the ear, and by the lower edge of the aperture for the nostrils, so as to intersect it. It must be evident that the more the volume of the cranium is augmented, the greater the anterior projection of the forehead, and the greater the angle the facial line would form with that intersecting it, from the base; and, on the contrary, in proportion to the diminished volume of the cranium, will this angle be more acute from the inclination of the facial line. The facial line in man, beyond all other animals, forms the greatest angle, and, receding from him, it becomes more and more acute in the various races of quadrupedes, birds, reptiles, and fishes.

These circumstances were not unnoticed by the ancients-indeed, they appear to have studied them. Not only have they remarked, that a perpendicular facial line was an indication of a nature more refined and exalted, and one of the characters of beauty in the human countenance, but, acting on ideas brilliant, if not correct, they have advanced beyond the rule of nature;


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thus, in all those figures to which they would give an air more than human-in the statues of their gods, and in those of heroes, or men whom they would make to participate in divinity-the facial line may be observed to incline considerably forward; from this it would seem, that, according to their ideas, man occupied a station between these more perfect, but imaginary beings, and the brute creation, and that their gods and heroes receded still more than he from the form and nature of brutes.

This angle being determined in the manner just described, (and which was first proposed, we believe, by the celebrated Dr. Camper,) it is found that the heads of European adults ordinarily give it ranging from 80 to 85; in the Negro it is 70, with variations according to age. In infancy, owing to the incomplete development of the face, its facial line always inclines more forward; the application of the facial angle, as a test, is therefore inadmissible. The ancients gave to their figures of men, when they would impress them with a character of majesty, a facial angle of even 90°, and in the figures of their deities, they have even advanced it to 100; it is this which renders the eyes more sunk, and the lower jaw apparently shorter or more contracted, than in nature. It was, however, to the figures only of deities or heroes, in whom the intellectual powers were supposed to have been so developed as to have raised them almost above humanity, that they gave this voluminous brain; for their close observations of nature had led them to understand, that in proportion to the extraordinary development of the muscular powers, are the nervous or sensorial contracted, and that in such, consequently, the brain and skull bear a disproportionate smallness to the magnitude of the frame; hence, in the statues of the athletic, gifted with prodigious bodily strength, the head is small, and deficient in those characteristics of high intellect, which stamp the sage or deity; this observance of nature we see especially exemplified in the statues of the Gladiator and of Hercules.


able; in technical phraseology, they are termed the frontal sinuses. In the human subject they affect the facial angle in a very trifling degree, but in many other animals the case is different; in the sheep, for example, they are very extensive, and in the elephant they spread over nearly the whole of the skull, subdividing it into cells of various sizes, and producing, when a section of the bone is made, an appearance somewhat like that of the honeycomb; and hence, from the space which intervenes between the two lamine, and the consequent projection of the external table, the skull assumes a magnitude which in reality it does not possess, and the facial line an angle more obtuse than is properly warranted. Another circumstance, which militates against the test of the facial angle, is, that in many species of animals, and especially those of the order rodentia, (embracing the hare, squirrel, &c.) the bones of the nose occupy so large a space, that the cranium is thrown, as it were, behind them, and without the slightest elevation of its walls, so as to render it impossible to define the points through which the facial line should pass.


Among the individuals of the brute creation, however, to which the facial line is at all applicable, the widest variations, as might be expected, are found to exist. the ape tribe the angle ranges from 67° to 30; in the horse it is 23; in the sheep about 30; and in some quadrupeds only 20.

But a more correct, as well as a more universally applicable rule, for ascertaining the proportion which the cranium bears to the face, is by making a longitudinal vertical section of the whole head, and measuring the respective areas which the skull and face occupy in such a section. In the European, the area of a section of the skull is almost four times larger than that of the face, the lower jaw being excluded. In the Negro, the area of the face increases by nearly a fifth, and in the Calmuc Tartar rather less, perhaps about a sixth. In the ape tribe, the area of the skull is little more than double that of the face; in most carBut the facial line, as a test, for ascer- nivorous animals, as the dog, bear, tiger, taining the relative proportions of the face &c. the areas are nearly equal. In the and cranium, is not equally applicable to order rodentia, to which we have just before every species of animal, and for the follow- alluded, that termed bellua, including the ing reasons: There are situated in the bone rhinoceros, elephant, &c. all ruminating of the forehead, between the two tables of animals, and those with an undivided hoof, its structure, two large cavities, which in have invariably the area of the face greater many animals are very extensive; in man than that of the cranium; in the hare and they are small, and placed just above the marmot, for example, of the order of roorbits of the eyes, where a slight projection, dentia, it is a third larger; and in the which they occasion, is generally observ-porcupine more than double; in the cow,


Osseous System-Essay VIII.

and other ruminating animals, it is nearly double; in the hog it is a little more than double; nearly triple in the hippopotamus; and in the horse almost four times larger. We might here extend our observations and inquiries through the whole family of redblooded animals, but the plan of our essays renders this inadmissible, nor would it, perhaps, afford gratification to our readers; we shall, therefore, pass on, to offer a few remarks on the skull and face, with respect to their general contour and aspect.

The head consists of many distinct bones, firmly united by that species of articulation termed suture, and the bones thus compacted, form a solid whole. As a dry relation of the anatomical peculiarities of each bone composing it would, to say the least, be very tiresome, it is not our intention to put the patience of our readers to the test, by a description interesting only to those to whom such a knowledge is of practical utility, but to consider the subject in a general light, as at once more appropriate and attractive.

To the eye of one who has thrown off those feelings of abhorrence-those early prejudices with which too many minds are more or less encumbered, the human skull presents an expression of stern and imposing dignity. Contemplate it for a moment! how boldly the forehead rises from its juncture with the face-how capacious and developed that vaulted chamber of the brain! there reason fixed her throne, and wit and fancy held their magic court! but these fled with the spirit that once gave it animation, and although nothing but the naked bone remains, yet, proud in its decay, the ruined fabric bears uneffaced the im

press of dominion stamped by the Almighty on the noblest of the workmanship of his hands!

Let us turn from this picture to the brute; but, oh, how poor is the comparison! in vain do we look for the towering forehead, so conspicuous in man, or the bold arching of that lordly dome-" the dome of thought, the palace of the soul!" all is low, narrow, and contracted, and the whole is deficient in that stern loftiness of expression, which still proclaims manthough "man in his decay."

But let us endeavour to discover in what this difference essentially consists. We may observe, then, that in man, the face is placed below the skull, and overhung by the forehead; whereas in the brute, the face invariably projects, and the forehead falls back, or is not even to be distinguished; now this difference is not caused by the position only of the face, the respective


form and situation of the parts composing it, especially the orbits and jaws, contribute materially. The orbits are formed by several bones, or portions of several bones conjointly; and in man they consist of two funnel-shaped cavities, with edges irregularly rounded, and situated in the anterior part of the cranium; the extremities rather converge, so that the edges, which may be said to form the bases of the cones, are turned obliquely outwards. In the human subject the axis of the edge of the orbit is horizontal, or perhaps even rather directed upwards. In the ape tribe, as in man, the orbits are placed in front, "the figure too of the cavities is nearly the same, but the shape of the edges or external openings varies in most, in some being completely oval, with the axis perpendicular.

In all other animals the orbits turn more obliquely outwards, so that the eyes cease to be directed forwards, but have an aspect more or less lateral. In some classes this is much more remarkable than in others. In the feathered race, for example, the orbits are completely lateral; in the hare and rabbit, and most of the rodentia, nearly as much so. The figure of the orbit, and its formation, differ also. In most ruminating animals its edge is nearly circular, and in these, and indeed throughout the whole of the class mammalia, except in man and the ape, although the external ridge of the orbit be complete, the walls of the recess, in its inferior part, are for a considerable space deficient. But in carnivorous animals, besides this, which is the case to a great extent, a portion of the edge or external osseous ridge is wanting also, which in the living animal is supplied by a ligament, so that the outer ring or circle of the orbit is not complete.

It need not be observed, that the position of the eye depends upon the form and construction of the orbit,-and every one must have noticed the varieties of expression in the physiognomies of different animals, arising from this circumstance.—The oblique position of the eye in the wolf and tiger, give to the countenance a peculiar expression of malignity and cunning; nor is this expression lost in the skeleton of the head; but, as connected with the formation of the orbit, it presents a marked characteristic.

We have before mentioned, that in birds, the orbits are situated completely laterally;-but besides this, they differ in many other respects from those of quadrupeds; they are larger in proportion to the size of the cranium, and instead of

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