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Review. Jones on Divine Prescience.

Upon the second argument, the writer says

"It has, indeed, been frequently argued, that some things may be certain to an infinite, intelligence, which are contingent to us; an argument which is perfectly tenable, and is as perfectly irrelevant, That some things may be certain' to an infinite mind, which are not so to any finite intelligence, is intuitively evident; but that an infinite mind can anticipate with certainty, an issue which he himself has made to be contingent, is the very point in dispute; a point which has been roundly and repeatedly asserted, but which no person has hitherto even pretended to prove."-p. 52,



refuse to submit themselves to the authority of a rule, or the process of measurement;-they shrink from the touch, and vanish from the sight; they are ever changing in their forms; they are ever flitting on the wing; they ride on the fiery pegasus of a lawless will; they are created by every excitement of our passions, and are flung in my riads from every scintillation of the human fancy." -p. 53.


Without asserting that the mind of man is a spiritual machine," it must be admitted, that it is under the control of certain laws and influences. This government, like that which regulates the wind, which "bloweth where it listeth," escapes human cognizance; but the Almighty Maker of both, is doubtless intimately acquainted with it; and He who "stilleth the noise of the sea, and the tumult of the people," accurately knows every volition of the human mind, and anticipates with infinite precision every future movement of the apparently "lawless will." Man is an accountable being, therefore he is a free agent. That this will, however, is "lawless," Mr. Jones will not attempt to prove

and that that which determines the will, cannot be the object of the Deity's intimate and perfect knowledge, is more than he will take upon himself to affirm; if, there. fore, it cannot be proved, that the mode of the mind's operations, and the secret springs of action, and the nature and consequence of every volition, are not unknown to the Almighty, then the doctrine of a divine universal prescience cannot be disproved.

What has been roundly and repeatedly asserted we know not, but this we beg leave to say is the point in dispute, Is any thing contingent to the Deity? And this point Mr. Jones has by no means cleared up. We "argue" not only that " things," but that all things, which are contingent to us, may be certain to an infinite mind. It is granted in a former quotation, that some things, namely, those which God determines to bring to pass, are not contingent to the divine mind. It devolves, therefore, upon our author to shew that such events are not contingent in re, and that all other events are. For instance, it was divinely determined, because it was divinely predicted, that Cyrus should be the future liberator of the captive Jews; consequently, the circumstances connected with this conqueror's history could not be contingent in re, otherwise they could not have been objects of divine prescience. How will it be proved that all other events, in reference to which revelation contains no predictions, are in themselves contingent, In prosecuting his inquiries respecting and therefore are not foreknown by the the prescience of the Deity, Mr. Jones Deity? Mr. Jones may say, as he has seems to have been too much guided by done in reference to Old Testament pre-earthly analogies, the propriety of which dictions concerning the advent of the Messiah, that he has "no doubt whatever that the Deity revealed the sum total of his knowledge;" but his opponent may have doubts, and here the matter ends. All the metaphysical reasoning which the writer employs about "abstract possibilities," is perfectly futile. It proves too much, and therefore proves nothing. The Deity cannot determine, without laying himself open to disappointment, to bring any event to pass, because that event is itself contingent; it has connected with it abstract possibilities, that is, it may, or it may not be.

But eternal prescience, affirms our author, is incompatible with the free agency of man, and consequently with his moral probation.

"Contingencies are identified with all moral agency, whether created or uncreated; and every attempt to subject them to the rules of a rigid certainty, or reduce them to the regular proportions of physical causes and effects, would be nothing better than an outrage on human liberty, and a libel on the moral government of God. They

we more than doubt. The distance between finite and infinite being infinite, it is always hazardous to reason from the creature to the Creator, and more especially so, when we attempt to contemplate their respective modes of existence. With our own intellectual operations we are but very partially acquainted; and as to those which belong to Deity, we know just nothing. This scantiness of knowledge, should on all occasions teach us reverence whenever we approach this awful subject—a lesson, it is to be regretted, that Mr. Jones has not yet fully learned.

Such branches of the divine foreknowledge as suited his purpose, he has readily admitted, and incorporated in his theory; but with equal temerity he has rejected others, apparently for no other reason, than simply because they would not quadrate with his hypothesis. He, however, seems to have forgotten, that the modes of reasoning which he has adopted, if turned into a dif


Review. Wilson on the Priesthood of Christ.

ferent channel, might be brought to bear, with equal force, against nearly the whole system of revealed religion; and by the hand of infidelity his weapons have thus been wielded.

But notwithstanding the reprehensible flippancy, great want of modesty, sovereign contempt of what he opposes, and triumphant exultations in imaginary victories, to which allusions have already been made, we readily acknowledge that Mr. Jones has uniformly manifested a vigorous intellect, and an independent spirit of inquiry. Many of his arguments are constructed with considerable ingenuity, and directed with an equal proportion of masculine force. In all his reasonings, acuteness is everywhere prominent; his thoughts are never sluggish, and through the most formidable fences, by their instinctive energy, they frequently force a passage.

But, unfortunately, amidst these bright displays of mental prowess, and unremitting dexterity, Mr. Jones has sometimes connected legitimate reasonings with unfounded data; and at other seasons conducted his process of argumentation to conclusions that cannot be contemplated without astonishment. We know not that any able opponent will accept his challenge to the field of controversy, which he so freely offers; but should such an antagonist arise, our author will probably find to his cost, that many of his positions are not altogether so invulnerable as he seems to imagine.

To drive Mr. Jones, however, from the ground on which he has pitched his tent, will not be the work of any common assailant; and should one of this description, urged on by the fever of long established orthodoxy, dare him to the combat, he may learn, when this knowledge will be too late to be serviceable, that it is not so difficult to seize a Tartar, as to escape from his iron grasp.

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is not improbable, that what we would censure as intolerant, the author imagines to be a pious contention for the faith once delivered to the saints.

Of the Priesthood of Christ, Mr. Wilson takes a very comprehensive and luminous survey, examining with acuteness this important subject in various lights, and pursuing with unremitting ardour its interesting ramifications, in their numerous branches, bearings, and appendages. In accomplishing this task, a considerable mass of materials was already prepared to the author's hand, both by preceding and contemporary writers, on which account his claims to originality can be but partially urged. Of this valuable ingregredient, it, however, has a respectable portion, and when the views of others are adopted, they are so interwoven with the result of his own inquiries, that the texture throughout appears unbroken and entire. Surveyed under either of these aspects, it is a work which evinces much labour, associated with an extensiveness of research, and a perseverance of effort, which are alike creditable to his industry and his talents.

With the varied import and different relations in which the terms sacrifice, atonement, expiation, and shedding of blood, are used in the sacred volume, Mr. Wilson seems intimately acquainted, and their doctrinal as well as moral results, he follows out with ingenious perspicuity. To all who seriously inquire into the nature and scriptural import of propitiatory sacrifices, vicarious sufferings, and expiatory atonement, this volume will furnish much valuable information. The reader will learn, that under every previous dispensation, all the sacrificial rites had an allusion to him, without the shedding of whose blood there could be no remission of sin. Towards this object the author invariably steers his course, yet always keeping within the soundings ultimate application of his laborious invesof his creed, to which he has an eye in the tigations.

In the commencement of his preface, Mr. W. observes, "The following work is professedly didactic. The object of it is to give a merely doctrinal view of our Lord's Priesthood, and to exhibit the subject in such a light, as, without the aid of formal application, may disclose to thoughtful readers its various practical bearings." In its general character the volume is in perfect accordance with this avowal, though not without some manifest exceptions. Among these, one not the

365 Review. Rankin's Translation of Bull on the Deity of Christ. 366

least remarkable, is his unwillingness to permit his reasonings "to disclose to the thoughtful reader the practical bearing" of the extent of the atonement, "without the aid of a formal application." Hence, to supply this apparent deficiency, and to place the dogmas of his creed fully in the reader's face, though with regard to sufficiency he allows that "Christ died for the whole world," yet he contends that "in decretive intention, he died only for those who are actually saved," p. 211. To state these sentiments, Mr. Wilson has at once deviated from his professed intention as quoted from his preface, and rather stepped aside from his obvious track. The arguments employed in favour of the doctrine advanced, have long since been worn thread-bare in the common service of the sect, and we are again insulted with the common juggle, that "Christ died for the whole world," simply because his merit for this purpose was all-sufficient, while the immutable design and irrevocable decree of God was, to withhold all efficacious influence, without which it could have no application. Such delusive expressions can only be intended to conceal, in a part of his creed, those deformities

"Which to be hated, need but to be seen." But, for all those peculiarities to which we have adverted, the excellences which this volume contain make an ample compensation. To the sacred writings the author frequently appeals, and his pages abound with strong and masculine arguments. He has set the priestly character of Christ in a strong and commanding light, and his work may be perused with a high degree of interest and profit by orthodox Christians of all denominations.

REVIEW. The Opinion of the Catholic Church for the first Three Centuries, on the Necessity of Believing that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly God. Translated from the Latin of Bishop Bull, to which is prefixed a Memoir of his Life. By the Rev. Thomas Rankin. 8vo. pp. 310. Rivington. London. 1825.

ALTHOUGH this volume has been for some time before the world, it is only of late that it has fallen into our hands. Its contents are briefly expressed in the title, but its pages must be examined by all who wish to make themselves acquainted with its intrinsic worth.

The name of Bishop Bull is well known throughout Europe. It stood high in

public estimation during the period in which he flourished; and though the lapse of time, by introducing new publications, may have caused his writings to be less generally read than formerly, it has neither detracted from their excellence, nor diminished their author's fame.

In the memoir which is prefixed, the leading events of the bishop's life are recorded with much fidelity, and arranged in such a manner, as to give to the narrative and incidents, of which it is composed, a degree of prominence proportionate to their intrinsic and relative importance. To this is appended numerous testimonials in favour of the bishop's writings and character, from many celebrated individuals belonging to the church of England, to the dissenting congregations, and to the Romish communion. All these testimonials we think might have been well spared, his character being too exalted either to require or derive any assistance from such adventitious


The work itself, which Mr. Rankin has translated, is both historical and argumentative. It records the testimonies of the primitive fathers for the first three centuries, in favour of the Divinity of Christ, and meets on fair didactic ground the objections of those by whom this essential truth of Christianity was opposed during the preceding period. To say that bishop Bull was intimately acquainted with the subject which he thus undertook to illustrate and defend, is only to repeat what every one knows, who is acquainted with his writings and his name. He has placed this doctrine in a perspicuous and commanding light, and indisputably proved, from the most unequivocal testimony of the fathers, that in all the primitive churches it was uniformly received and cordially believed. Throughout the whole work he displays much argumentative acuteness, and great diligence of research.

Of the creeds of the primitive church, of the most ancient that is known to be extant, of that called the Apostles', and of the ancient oriental creed, he has traced the history, and furnished an analysis. This branch is replete with useful information, not only to young students in divinity, but to numerous members of the church, who repeat their creeds weekly, without knowing either their origin, their antiquity, or the occasions that called them into existence. On the bearing of these formularies, and on the various topics which they embrace, the author has manifested much learning, and evinced


Review.-Taylor's Translation of Herodotus.

considerable research, illustrating and explaining such expressions as appear obscure, and paraphrasing others that seem to be involved in perplexity.

In the translation, the author's ideas are communicated in plain and perspicuous language, and his references to authorities are preserved with scrupulous accuracy. The sentences are neither tedious nor involved. The diction throughout is distinguished by an energetic simplicity, which aims more at the communication of thought, than at the parade of brilliant expressions. This treatise of bishop Bull was deserving of such a translator as it has found in the Rev. Thomas Rankin.

REVIEW. Herodotus, translated from the Greek for the use of general Readers, with short Explanatory Notes. By Isaac Taylor. 8vo. PP. 792. Holdsworth. London. 1829.

AMONG the poetical emanations of genius which adorn the world, the Iliad of Homer, sanctioned by prescription, occupies the foremost rank. To this honour few will presume to dispute its title; and he who should have the temerity to attempt it, would be unable to withstand the brilliancy of its inherent excellence, and the frown of hoary grandeur which it has derived from antiquity. The exalted character which Homer has acquired among the bards, Herodotus claims among the prose writers of the world. Each of these is pre-eminent in his station, and both are encircled with literary glories that can never fade.

The writings of Herodotus, having stood the test of more than two thousand years, can derive no advantage from any observations that may be made on them in the nineteenth century of the Christian era; and neither the justice nor the malignity of criticism can detract any thing from their sterling merit and intrinsic worth. Under these impressions we readily concur with Mr. Taylor in the following prefatory ob


"The fruits of his industry we have before us; and it may confidently be affirmed, that, after every exception has been admitted, which the most sceptical criticism can substantiate, there will remain, in the nine books of Herodotus,

a mass of information, more extensive, impor

tant, and instructive, than is to be found in any other writer of antiquity. Unaffected, unambitious, mellifluous, perspicuous, in his style; bland, candid, and gay in his temper; laborious in his researches; judicious for the most part in his decisions; and apparently free from sinister intentions and national prejudices, he holds up a mirror, in which is seen, without obscurity or distortion, the face of nature, the wonder of art, the revolutions of empire, and the character of

statesmen. This great writer brings down the


history of Greece to the end of the year 479. before the christian era, when the Persians were

compelled forever to abandon their long-cherished hopes of crushing liberty in its birth-place."— preface, p. v.

Herodotus has, prior to the present translation, appeared twice in an English dress; first by Littlebury, about a century since; and more recently by Beloe, whose translation has passed through several editions. Not altogether satisfied with either of the preceding, Mr. Taylor has repaired to the fountain-head, and drawn his present volume from the Greek original. By adopting this method, he has avoided most of the errors into which his predecessors had fallen, though he candidly acknowledges that he has diligently availed himself of every kind of aid that has come within his reach.

It cannot be denied, while we admire the easy and flowing style of this venerable father of history, that it excels chiefly in narration, being somewhat deficient in conciseness and force, as to sentiment and remark. In many parts of his history, he deals much in the marvellous; but this relates almost exclusively to such events as occurred prior to the age in which he lived; and on several occasions he has more than intimated his doubts as to the authenticity of the incidents which he records. Of these materials he was nothing more than the collector; and from his scanty means of obtaining more probable information, he was compelled to use those which had been transmitted to him through the medium of tradition, and other similar channels of communication. Against such narrations and incidents as fell within the range of nitude has ever been brought. his own inquiry, no charge of any magIn addition to this, it is a remarkable fact, that his chronology, according to the canons of Newton, requires less correction than that of any subsequent Greek historian. These circumstances offer a powerful apology for those distant branches of his history, which wear the garb of fable.

In the arrangement of his matter, Herodotus is exceedingly irregular and discursive. Of method he seems to have had no accurate conception, having sometimes been drawn off from his primary purpose histories, he has introduced by way of to follow other subjects, which, as entire parenthesis, before he resumes the original narrative. These are blemishes which must be attributed to the darkness of the period in which he flourished; and it is to be regretted, that they are such as no translator can ever fully obviate. But, notwithstanding these undeniable imper


Review.-Scripture Natural History for Youth.

fections, his work is still considered as one of the most precious relics of antiquity, and the loss of some other productions of his pen may be justly ranked among the misfortunes of literature.

When Herodotus first recited his history to the people assembled at the Olympic games, it was received with such marks of distinguished approbation, that his fame instantly spread throughout the Grecian states, and thus laid the foundation of that celebrity which has ever since been associated with his name. So highly, indeed, was his work esteemed, that the nine books, of which it is composed, received at Olympus, by unanimous consent, the names of the Nine Muses, which have been transmitted to us through every translation.

In this version of Herodotus, Mr. Taylor has shewn much fidelity in his adherence to the text of the original, and displayed an (equal degree of talent in supporting that fidelity, without suffering a greater portion of the spirit of the venerable Greek to evaporate. His language is clear and dignified, generally full of life, and expressive of ideas that are rarely obscured by any involution of the sentences through which they are conveyed to the reader's mind. In former translations, notwithstanding their numerous imperfections, Herodotus has been perused with pleasure, and no one who has admired him in the habiliments provided by Littlebury and Beloe, will think that he appears less majestic and attractive in the elegant attire in which he is now arrayed by Mr. Isaac Taylor.


| just described; and it cannot be denied, that they stand on an elevated ground as candidates for fame. So far as mere embellishment can claim any title to respect, they have nothing to apprehend from the most rigorous investigation. The binding is neat and elegant, without any needless decorations. The paper is of a superior quality. The type is clear, and the page on which it is impressed exhibits an inviting aspect. In the graphic department, the two volumes contain eighty-two copperplate engravings, the whole of which are executed with a more than ordinary degree of neatness, and at times display a portion of elegance, which, from their vast number, we were not prepared to expect. These plates exhibit the various beasts, birds, reptiles, insects, trees, plants, and shrubs, that are mentioned in scripture, and occasionally introduce to our notice representations of the same species, taken from discoveries in more modern days. In some of the copies, we apprehend, these plates are coloured, but not having seen any of this description, we can say nothing of their superior excellence.

In connexion with these plates, the places of scripture in which the subjects they represent occur, are either pointed out or quoted at large, and these are followed by the natural history of the creature or its species. The history thus given is derived from various sources, and frequently enlivened with anecdotes and incidents which the occasion furnishes; but the description is never lengthened into tedious detail. Hewlett seems to have acquired the art of terminating her historical delineations before the interest which it excited has forREVIEW.-Scripture Natural History for she transfers the source of attraction from saken her page. By following this plan, Youth. By Esther Hewlett (now one subject to another, and thus, by imperCopley.) With numerous Engravings.ceptible degrees, holds the youthful reader 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 280-388. Fisher & Co. London.

THE blooming annuals, which of late years have made their appearance about Christmas, seem to have given a new impulse of elegance to numerous publications that now adorn the shelves of the booksellers, and the libraries of the purchasers. A spirit of imitation thus excited, has called forth a spirit of rivalry, both among publishers and artists; and many may at present be found contending for the prize of beauty-not with the Nereides, but with each other, without dreading the fate which awaited Andromeda in her perilous attempt.

The volumes now before us may be considered as belonging to the class we have

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in pleasing captivity, until she has conducted him through her volumes.

In the history of each animal or species, the manner and reason of its being mentioned in scripture is constantly kept in view, and not unfrequently we discover, that all allusions to the creatures are rendered strikingly appropriate, by the peculiarities of their varied character. With these branches of natural history, Mrs. Hewlett seizes every opportunity to interweave some moral or religious truth, which, instead of elevating the flag of local distinction, has a direct application to the heart and life. They also, at times, afford room for important inferences and reflections, which the fair authoress well knows how to introduce. In all these respects,

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