| John Locke - Philosophy - 1722 - 636 pages
...the Capacity they are put into by the Underftanding, of fignifying or reprefcnting many particulars, For the Signification they have, is nothing but a...Relation, that by the Mind of Man is added to them. §. ii. The next thing therefore to be confider'd, is, What kind of Signification ^kftraQUcK it is,... | |
| John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1796 - 562 pages
...the capacity they are put into by the understanding, of lignifyingor reprefenting many particulars. For the Signification they have is nothing but a relation, that by the mind of man is added to them (i ). §. 12. (i) Againft this the bifhop of Worcefter objefts, and our author* anfwcrs as followetli... | |
| John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1796 - 556 pages
...put into by the underftanding, of iignifying or reprcfenting many particulars. For the fignification they have is nothing but a relation, that by the mind of man is.added to them (0. §. 12. (i) Againft this the bilhop of Worcefter objefts, and our author * anfwers... | |
| John Locke - 1801 - 398 pages
...the capacity they are put into by the understanding, of signifying or representing many particulars. For the signification they have is nothing but a relation, that by the mind of man is added to them (1). §. 12. (i) Against this the bishop of Worcester objects, and our author* answers as followeth:... | |
| John Locke - 1801 - 952 pages
...put into by the underdanding, of fignifying or reprefenting many particulars ; for the fignification they have, is nothing but a relation that by the mind of man is added to them. § 12. Abjlraft Ideas are tie EJ/ences vfthe Genera and Species. THE next thing therefore to be conGdered,... | |
| John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1801 - 988 pages
...into by the underftanding, of fignifyinn; or repreftnting many particulars ; for the figniiication they have, is nothing but a relation that by the mind of man is added to them. da-Randyg. ,. ., .,.;, a { 12. Abjlraft Ideas are tie Ejfinces cf tie Genera and THE next thing therefore... | |
| George Campbell - English language - 1801 - 404 pages
...capacity they are put " into by the understanding of signifying or represent*' ing many particulars. For the signification they "'have, is nothing but a relation that, by the mind of Sect . I. The nature and power of signs in speaking and thinking. " man, is added to them *." Nothing,... | |
| George Campbell - English language - 1801 - 404 pages
...capacity; they are put " into by the understanding of signifying or represent" ing many particulars. For the signification they *' have,' is nothing but a relation that, by the mjnd of Sect I. The nature and power of signs in speaking and thinking. " man, is added to them *."... | |
| John Locke - Knowledge, Theory of - 1805 - 554 pages
...the capacity they are put into by the understanding, of signifying or representing many particulars. For the signification they have is nothing but a relation, that by the mind of man is added to them (i). §. 12. (i) Against this the bishop of Worcester objects, and our a'uthor * answers as followeth... | |
| John Locke - Books and reading - 1806 - 394 pages
...into by the underftanding, t>f fignifying or reprefenting many 'particulars."' For the ^fignification they have, is nothing 'but a relation/ that ,by the mind- of man is added to them, (ij „ • '* (i) Againft this the birtiop of Worcefter objefls, and Our author * anfwers as followeth... | |
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