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3. In any case in which a doubt may arise as to the eligibility of a candidate in respect of age, health, or character, such inquiries as may be necessary will be instituted by the Civil Service Commissioners.

4. The Examination will take place only in the following branches of knowledge:

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Natural Science; that is, (1) Chemistry, (2) Electricity
and Magnetism, (3) Natural History, (4) Geology,
and (5) Mineralogy

**No candidate will be allowed to be examined
in more than three of the branches of know-
ledge included under this head, and the
total (500 marks) may be obtained by ade-
quate proficiency in any three.

Moral Sciences; that is, Logic, Mental and Moral Phi

Sanskrit Language and Literature


Arabic Language and Literature






5. The merit of the persons examined will be estimated by marks, and the number set opposite to each branch in the preceding regulation denotes the greatest number of marks that can be obtained in respect of it.

6. No candidate will be allowed any marks in respect of any subject of Examination unless he shall be considered to possess a competent knowledge of that subject.

7. The Examination will be conducted by means of printed questions and written answers, and by vivâ voce examination, as may be deemed necessary.

8. The marks obtained by each candidate, in respect of each of the subjects in which he shall have been examined, will be added up, and the names of the candidates who shall have obtained a greater aggregate number of marks than any of the remaining candidates will be set forth in order of merit; and such candidates, if found duly qualified, shall be deemed to be selected candidates for the Civil Service of India. They shall be permitted to choose, according to the order in which they

stand, as long as a choice remains, the Presidency to which they shall be appointed.

9. In July, 1861, a further examination of the selected candidates will take place in the following subjects ::



Vernacular Languages of India (each)

**Each candidate may name one or two languages. If
he names one .only, he must name either Sanskrit
or a vernacular language current in the Presidency
which he has selected.

2. The History and Geography of India

3. The General Principles of Jurisprudence and the Elements of Hindu and Mohammedan Law

4. Political Economy







In this, as in the preceding examination, the merit of the candidates examined will be estimated by marks, and the number set opposite to each subject denotes the greatest number of marks that can be obtained in respect of it. The examination will be conducted by means of printed questions and written answers, and by vivâ voce examination, as may be deemed necessary.

10. No candidate will be permitted to proceed to India until he shall have passed the Further Examination, or after he shall have attained the age of twenty-four years.

11. The selected candidates, who at the Further Examination shall be found to have a competent knowledge of the subjects specified in Regulation 9, shall be adjudged to have passed, and to be entitled to be appointed to the Civil Service of India.

12. The seniority in the Civil Service of India of the selected candidates shall be determined according to the order in which they stand on the list resulting from the Further Examination.

13. No person will, even after passing the Further Examination, be allowed to proceed to India unless he shall comply with the regulations in force at the time for the Civil Service of India, and shall be of sound bodily health and good moral character.- The Civil Service Commissioners will require such further evidence on these points as they may deem necessary before granting their Certificate of Qualification.

14. Applications from persons desirous to be admitted as candidates are to be addressed to the Secretary to the Civil Service Commissioners, Dean's Yard, London, S.W.

Note to Candidate. The Secretary of State for India in Council has authorised the Civil Service Commissioners to state that, with the view of meeting the expenses to be incurred by selected candidates during the interval which must elapse before they can proceed to India, it is his intention to allow the sum of 1007. to each selected candidate who shall have passed the Further Examination in July 1861 to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, and shall have complied with such rules as may be laid down for the guidance of selected candidates.

No. 1.
Governor Sir
to Right
Hon. H.
M.P. 28 Jan.

No. 2.
W. T. Mercer,
Esq. to J.

Ball, Esq. 27 April,




Copies or Extracts of any Correspondence with Sir JOHN BOWRING on the subject of his Application for a vote from Parliament to defray the Expense of Measures of Precaution and Defence at Hong Kong, required by the state of Affairs in China.

(No. 18.)

No. 1.

Copy of Despatch from Governor Sir JOHN BOWRING to the Right Hon.

Government Offices, Victoria, Hong Kong,

28 January, 1857.
(Received 20 March, 1857.)

(Answered, No. 63, 9 May, 1857, page 125).

SIR, I have the honour to inform you that, in consequence of the expense to which the colony has been and will be put by the measures of defence necessary in the present state of affairs between Her Majesty's forces and the neighbouring province of Kwangtung, I have laid before the Executive Council the question of an application to Her Majesty's Government for a grant of 10,000l., to be duly accounted for.

The Members of the Council, considering that the colony is in no respect responsible for the heavy expenses entailed by our present position, unanimously agreed that a Parliamentary Grant should be applied for; and I have now to make the formal application, with a full sense of its propriety and urgency.

The sum may be regarded as a loan to be hereafter claimed from the Chinese Government, as a necessary indemnity for wrongs suffered by the violation of treaty engagements.

No. 2.

I have, &c. (Signed) JOHN BOWRING.

Copy of Letter from W. T. MERCER, Esq. to J. BALL, Esq.

14 Moray Place, Edinburgh, 27 April, 1857. SIR,-I have the honour to acknowledge receipt yesterday evening, on my return home, of yours of 24th instant, covering despatch from Sir John Bowring, No. 18 of 28th January last, in which application is made for a Parliamentary Grant of ten thousand pounds (10,000l.) to meet the increased expenditure to which the colony of Hong Kong has been and

will be put by the extraordinary measures of defence necessary under the present position of affairs in the south of China.

On this subject Mr. Labouchere desires any information I can give.

I beg, therefore, to reply that, in consequence of Sir Michael Seymour's inability to detach a suitable vessel from the small force at his disposal, it was unanimously judged expedient by the Governor and Members of the Executive Council to hire and arm a merchant steamer for the purpose of cruizing, particularly by night, through the harbour of Hong Kong and among the neighbouring waters. This step was accordingly taken, and the "Eaglet" steamer was chartered at the rate of four thou sand dollars ($1,000) a-month. Some minor expenses were also incurred in fitting, manning, and arming her.

It was arranged before my departure that at the conclusion of the month, on the 23d February, this steamer would not be re-engaged, as, if circumstances required a renewal of the precaution, a faster steamer might be procured at the same rate.

I am not sure but that it may have been found advisable to adopt this measure again, as I learnt from Captain Sir William Hoste, at Singapore, that an accident had happened at Rio to the gun-boats going out to China under convoy of Her Majesty's ship "Cruizer," and it is probable that, even were the gun-boats sent with Her Majesty's ship "Highflyer," to arrive in the end of February, Admiral Seymour would require these to strengthen his somewhat critical position in the Canton river.

It will be seen, then, that a considerable expense was incurred on this one head alone.

But in addition, it was necessary to hire guard-boats for each entrance to the harbour, and the men to work these were about forty (40) in number, enlisted for the purpose among the natives of the Hong Kong villages, who, unlike the general body of Chinese residents, were found willing and even eager to serve on this occasion.

On shore, also, the expenses were heavy; one hundred men (of whom fifty were Europeans), were added to the police force: a sum was set aside for payment of a gaol reserve force, which was composed of seamen imprisoned for refusing duty on board merchant ships, and other misdemeanants of the lighter class.

These numbered between fifty and sixty, and being kept under stricter control, proved more serviceable than even the regular police force.

Then, again, accommodation for the extra men had to be provided, and a house on Hollywood Road was hired by the Civil Government to furnish quarters for a picket of the 59th Regiment.

As the police was augmented, means for its better supervision were called for, and Mr. Cluff was appointed second assistant superintendent, as has been duly reported to Her Majesty's Government. His salary is 3001. a-year.

Among other items fall the extra clothing and arms, the amount of which must be considerable, though I am not prepared to state it with accuracy.

Nor can I undertake to give in full detail all the sources of expenditure for which the colony had been or was likely to be immediately liable; but money was necessary for compensation to spies, the procural of secret intelligence, and reward for capture of criminals.

It was further reasonable to suppose that the cost of labour and provisions and prices generally would rise, when contracts under the surveyorgeneral's department and under the sheriff's for gaol supplies might be thrown up, or an advance insisted on, and the actual efficiency of the Government might depend on a well-timed expenditure of the public money.

It will also be remembered that the apprehension and deportation of suspicious characters involved serious expense, and, if I recollect rightly, the first step on this account, the extradition of some one hundred and seventy (170) by the "Phoebe Dunbar," has cost upwards of four thousand dollars ($4,000) in all.

It is true that the police rate was increased to 10 per cent to meet the police augmentation; but in the first place the sum thus raised would not suffice even for the police expenditure, and in the second it was forcibly felt by the Council, that as the colony had no concern with the cause of disturbance, it was not just that on the colony should fall the heavy weight of the unlooked-for expenditure, and that it was perfectly reasonable to make application to Her Majesty's Treasury for pecuniary aid, more especially as it was in the power of Her Majesty's Government to enforce repayment of the sum thus advanced by the real authors of the calamities and losses, the turbulent inhabitants of the Quangtung province.

The general question of the propriety of supporting the colony of Hong Kong by Parliamentary grant it will probably be considered presumptuous in me here to discuss; but I trust I shall be pardoned if I recall to remembrance the following paragraph in the Report of the House of Commons' Committee of 1847:

"Nor do we think it right that the burden of maintaining that which is rather a post for the general influence and the protection of the general trade in the China Seas, than a colony in the ordinary sense, should be thrown in any great degree on the merchants or other persons who may be resident on it." If this opinion be correct under ordinary circumstances, how much more weight must it have at the present time! I have, &c.


Colonial Secretary, &c. of Hong Kong.

No. 3.

No 2.

[blocks in formation]

(No. 50.)

Copy of Despatch from Governor Sir J. BOWRING to the Right Honourable


Government Offices, Hong Kong, 12 March, 1857.

(Received 2 May, 1857.)

(Answered No. 63, 9 May, 1857, page 125)

SIR, I have the honour to inform you that, with the unanimous concurrence of the Executive Council, I have to solicit a further grant of 10,000l., to be duly accounted for, in addition to a similar sum applied for in my letter of the 28th January, 1857, Financial, No. 18.* My reasons for this application are, that in consequence of the plans set on foot by the Chinese of the Kwangtung province with infinite diligence and perti

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