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662 GARDEN (DR. JAS.) Comparative Theology, or true and solid

grounds of pure and peaceable Theology, 12mo. neat, 3s. 6d.
Glasgow, Foulis, 1752
"The above Treatise, written by Dr. James Garden, of Aberdeen, is said
to be the most concise and valuable system of Christian Divinity ever composed
by the hand of man.'

Originally written in Latin under the title of Discursus Academicus de Theo-
logia Comparativa," and subsequently, (from its popularity) translated into
. French, German, and English.



This Treatise was

Garden. It was

by 2: James originally

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Latin under this with,

extant in Sin Coll. Lib. "Discursus Academicas de Theologia Comparativa. Arpmento at paripimo, vie quot Omnibus qui vera Theologin instrui cupiunt punimpairs. Lond. Depensis Ban. Brown d.. 1679" 4:

Su Mylii Biblioth. Anonymer.
Dr. I will. S. Hamb. 1740. W-th.
Walebig Mithith. Thet. D. #p.

Reimmanni Catas. Miblürth

Thet. 7.3. p..p.549.

It has been transl. into Dumb &
Gorman, as well as Enstit. Peter
Porest defended it at added it to
the wich hey be tradit. ortida 1702.
Idea brevior Thot Pacif. 1702-


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