ODE for MUSIC O N ST. CECILIA'S DAY. I. Defcend, ye Nine! defcend and fing; The breathing instruments inspire, In a fadly-pleasing strain Let the warbling lute complain : 'Till the roofs all around The fhrill echos rebound:. F-4 5 While Ode for Mufic.] 'This is one of the most artful as well as fublime of our Poet's fmaller compofitions. The firft ftanza is a defcription of the various tones and meafres in mufic. The fecond relates their power over the feveral paffions in general. The third, their ufe in infpiring the Heroic paffions in particular. The fourth, fifth, and fixth, their power over all nature in the fable of Orpheus's expedition to hell; which fubject of illuftration arofe naturally out of the preceding mention of the Argonautic expedition, where Orpheus gives an example of the ufe of Mufic to inspire the heroic paffions. The feventh and 1aft concludes in praife of Mufic, and the advantages of the facred above the prophane. While in more lengthen'd notes and flow, Now louder, and yet louder rife And fill with spreading founds the skies; And melt away, In a dying, dying fall, II. By Music, minds an equal temper know, Pours balm into the bleeding lover's wounds: Warriors fhe fires with animated founds ; Melancholy lifts her head, Morpheus rouzes from his bed, Lift'ning Envy drops her fnakes; III. But when our Country's cause provokes to Arms, 30 35 So So when the first bold veffel dar'd the feas, High on the ftern the Thracian rais'd his strain, IV. But when thro' all th' infernal bounds, Love, ftrong as Death, the Poet led What founds were heard, O'er all the dreary coafts! Dreadful gleams, Shrieks of woe, Sullen moans, Hollow groans, And cries of tortur'd ghosts! But hark! he ftrikes the golden lyre; And fee! the tortur'd ghosts refpire, See, fhady forms advance ! Thy ftone, O Syfiphus, ftands ftill, And the pale spectres-dance! 45 50 55 ба 65 The |