DAPHNI S. All nature laughs, the groves are fresh and fair, The Sun's mild luftre warms the vital air; If Sylvia smiles, new glories gild the shore, STREP HON. In fpring the fields, in autumn hills I love, At morn the plains, at noon the fhady grove, But Delia always; absent from her fight, 75 Nor plains at morn, nor groves at noon delight. 80 DAPHNI S.. Sylvia's like autumn ripe, yet mild as May, More bright than noon, yet fresh as early day; Ev'n fpring displeases, when she shines not here; But bleft with her, 'tis fpring throughout the year. STREPHON. Say, Daphnis, fay, in what glad foil appears, A wond'rous Tree that facred Monarchs bears: Tell me but this, and I'll difclaim the prize, And give the conqueft to thy Sylvia's eyes. DAPHNI S. Nay tell me first, in what more happy fields The Thistle fprings, to which the Lilly yields: 88 And VER. 86. A wondrous Tree that facred Monarchs bears.] An allufion to the Royal Oak, in which Charles II. had been hid from the purfuit after the battle of Worcester. P. IMITATIONS. VER. GO. The Thistle fprings to which the Lilly yields,] Alludes to the device of the Scots Monarchs, the Thistle, worn by Queen Anne; and to the arms of France, the 1 Fleur And then a nobler prize I will refign; For Sylvia, charming Sylvia shall be thine. DAMON. 91 Cease to contend, for, Daphnis, I decree, Bleft Nymphs, whofe Swains thofe graces fing fo well! Now rise, and hafte to yonder woodbine bow'rs, VARIATIONS. VER. 99. was originally, 96 ΙΟΙ The turf with country dainties fhall be spread, IMITATIONS. Fleur de lys. The two riddles are in imitation of those in Virg. Ecl. iii. Die quibus in terris infcripti nomina Regum P. VOL. I C SUM. SUMMER. THE SECOND PASTORAL, A O R ALEX I S. To Dr. GARTH. Shepherd's Boy (he feeks no better name) Led forth his flocks along the filver Thame, Where dancing fun-beams on the waters play'd, And verdant alders form'd a quiv'ring fhade. Soft as he mourn'd, the ftreams forgot to flow, The flocks around a dumb compaffion show, 5 The VER. 3. The Scene of this Faftoral by the river's fide; fuitable to the heat of the season; the time noon. P. VER: 1, 2, 3, 4. were thus printed in the first edition: Where gentle Thames his winding waters leads VER. 3. Originally thus in the MS. There to the winds he plain'd his hapless love, The Naiads wept in ev'ry watry bow'r, 10 15 Ye fhady beeches, and ye cooling ftreams, Defence from Phoebus', not from Cupid's beams, Το you I mourn, nor to the deaf I fing, The woods fhall anfwer, and their echo ring. The hills and rocks attend my doleful lay, Why art thou prouder and more hard than they? The bleating fheep with my complaints agree, They parch'd with heat, and I inflam'd by thee. 20 The fultry Sirius burns the thirsty plains, While in thy heart eternal winter reigns. Where ftray ye Mufes, in what lawn or grove, While your Alexis pines in hopeless love? In those fair fields where facred Ifis glides, Or else where Cam his winding vales divides? C 2 25 As VER. 9] Dr. Samuel Garth, Author of the Difpenfary, was one of the first friends of the Author, whose acquaintance with him began at fourteen or fifteen. Their friendship continued from the year 1703 to 718, which was that of his death. P. VER. 16. The woods fall onfwer, and their echo ring,] Is a line out of Spenfer's Epithalamion. P. IMITATIONS. VER. 8. And Jove confented] Jupiter et lato defcendet plurimus imbri. Virg. P. VER. 15. nor to the deaf Ifing,] Non canimus fardis, refpondent omnia fylvæ. Virg. P. VER. 23. Where fray ye Mufes, etc.] Que nemora, aut qui vos faltus habuere, puellæ Naïdes, 30 As in the cryftal fpring I view my face, 35 40 He VER. 39. Colin] The name taken by Spenfer in his Eclogues, where his mistress is celebrated under that of Rofalinda. P. VER. 27. VARIATIONS. Oft in the crystal spring I caft a view, IMITATIONS. Naïdes, indigno cum Gallus amore periret? P. Pindi Virg. out of Theocr. P. VER. 27. Virgil again from the Cyclops of Theocritus, nuper me in littore vidi Cum placidum ventis ftaret mare, non ego Daphnim, Judice te, metuam, fi nunquam fallat imago. VER. 40. bequeath'd in death; etc.] Virg. Ecl, ii. Eft mihi difparibus feptem compacta cicutis Fifula, Damætas dono mihi quam dedit olim, Et dixit moriens, Te nunc habet ifta fecundum. P. P. |